• Published 2nd Nov 2014
  • 3,035 Views, 86 Comments

Secrets - Aqua_Breeze

When your daughter would be seen as an enemy of Equestria, what would you do to keep her true identity a secret?

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Making friends

"You ready to meet my other friends?" Twilight asked.

"I uh... I guess so," Aurora said.

"Don't worry, they won't be mean like Spike was earlier," Twilight said.

The morning had gone pretty bad. First, Spike found Aurora before Twilight could introduce her properly. Then he ended up letting his prejudice take over just before breakfast, and got himself grounded for the first time in his life. Having this as her first meeting with Ponyville residents, Aurora was obviously a little more hesitant to meet others. She'd have her disguise up, yes, but that did little to calm her unease. Instead of trying to talk some confidence into Aurora, Twilight instead decided to add shyness to the backstory she'd made up so the changeling could stand a chance at the good life Twilight promised her.

As they walked, Twilight and Aurora got some interested looks from other ponies in the streets. Nopony knew the pegasus filly, so the looks were to be expected. It didn't take the two long to reach their first destination: Sugarcube Corner. Twilight wanted to get the introduction with Ponyvilles very own living hyperactive pink mystery out of the way as soon as possible. As they entered the sweet shop, they were greeted by none other than the living mystery herself.

"Heya Twilight!" Pinkie Pie yelled, causing Aurora to shrink away, "Who's this? A new pony? I've never seen you before, so you must be new. My name's Pinkie Pie, what's yours?".

"Enough, Pinkie, you're scaring her," Twilight said.

"Oh, my bad," Pinkie Pie said, "I didn't mean to scare ya, I just love meeting new ponies. Oh, and since you're new, that means I get to throw you a 'Welcome to Ponyville' party!".

"Enough already!" Twilight yelled, causing Pinkie to plop down and sit motionless, "This is Aurora, my... uh, daughter".

"I didn't know you were a mother!" Pinkie Pie yelled, "Why didn't you tell me?".

"I found her on my way back from Zecoras last night," Twilight said, "She was in pretty bad shape, and all alone, so I took her to the castle and let her spend the night. When I found out she'd lost her parents to a Timberwolf attack, I decided to adopt and give her a new home".

"You lost your parents?" Pinkie Pie asked, her mane now deflated, "That's soooooo sad. But don't worry, you got Twilight to look after you now, and the bestest foalsitter in all of Ponyville as well".

"I appreciate the offer, but I don't think it'll be necessary," Twilight said, "Anyway, now that that's over, I think we'll be on our way. I want to introduce her to everypony else before night falls".

"Alrighty then!" Pinkie Pie said before digging a cookie out of her mane, "Oh, and take this".

"Um... thanks," Aurora said softly, taking the cookie.

The next stop was Carousel Boutique, where they'd meet Rarity. Aurora had long since devoured her cookie, thoroughly enjoying every bite. It didn't take much for Twilight to figure out where a good chunk of her bits would be going from now on, but she didn't seem to mind too much... yet.

Before Twilight could knock, Rarity opened the door to leave. It was spa day for her and Fluttershy, and she hated being late. Spa day would be an interesting way to mark off two introductions, Twilight thought.

"Oh, hello there, Twilight," Rarity said, "I was just heading over to the spa to meet with Fluttershy, wanna come?".

"I don't see why not, as long as you mind a tagalong," Twilight said.

"Well, why would I ask if it would bother me, darling?" Rarity said before taking notice of Aurora, "Or do you mean this cute little filly?".

"Rarity, I'd like you to meet Aurora," Twilight said, "As of last night, she is my daughter".

"Your... daughter?" Rarity asked, "I had no idea you were interested in being a mother, Twilight. But no matter, I'm always here should you need any help".

"I appreciate it," Twilight said.

"So, what got you interested in being a mother?" Rarity asked, "If you don't mind me asking, that is".

"I think I'll wait till we get to the spa for that part, I don't want to repeat myself so much," Twilight said.

"Then let us get going," Rarity said before starting off towards the spa.

Very little was said on the trip. It was a well known fact that when Twilight wanted something done a certain way, it would get done that way, or not at all. Rarity wanted so badly to know the story Twilight was holding on to, but she also knew she'd just have to wait. When they finally arrived at the spa, Rarity offered to pay for both Twilight and Aurora. When Twilight tried to politely turn down the offer, Rarity insisted and paid anyway. Twilight hated favors like that, she always felt like she'd have to repay the deed somehow. Either way, the trio were soon taken to where Fluttershy was waiting. As soon as she saw Aurora, Fluttershy couldn't help but fly over and push both Twilight and Rarity aside so she could meet the filly. Auroras shyness showed immediately as she cowered behind Twilight as quickly as she possibly could. She wasn't used to such a greeting, so it scared her a little.

"She's not going to hurt you, don't worry," Twilight said, "This is Fluttershy, she's a really good friend of mine. Fluttershy, this is Aurora, my daughter".

"Your daughter?" Fluttershy asked, "I didn't know you had a daughter. When did this happen?".

As the spa ponies set to work, Twilight explained the story just like she had with Pinkie Pie. Just like earlier, she brought up the fake Timberwolf attack that claimed the lives of the parents that never existed. Being the caring souls that they are, both Fluttershy and Rarity were deeply sympathetic when they heard that bit.

"You poor thing," Fluttershy said, lacking better words.

"Indeed, Out of all the things I've heard today, that is the worst possible thing," Rarity said, "But don't you worry, darling, we'll be more than happy to help you out. If you ever need somepony to talk to, and Twilight's not there, you can always come to me".

"Thanks... that, uh... that means a lot," Aurora said softly.

"Well whatever are friends for, darling?" Rarity asked redundantly.

After the spa visit, Twilight and Aurora were both feeling like brand new ponies, so full of life and energy in their now young feeling bodies. They both said their good byes to Rarity and Fluttershy before heading off the Sweet Apple Acres. Twilight admittedly wanted that to be her last stop, but they could seem to find neither hide nor hair of a certain rainbow maned pegasus. That didn't last long, however, as they were stopped dead in their tracks by something colorful crashing into the ground. Twilight knew both from experience, and sight, that the object could only be one thing.

"Rainbow, you ok?" Twilight asked, a tad worried.

"All expect my pride," Rainbow said, groaning.

"Well, get up already, I have somepony I'd like you to meet," Twilight said.

"And who... would that be?" Rainbow Dash asked, rolling over.

"This is Aurora," Twilight said, "Try not to act too surprised... but she's my daughter".

"Your daughter huh?" Rainbow Dash asked, "I never saw that coming".

"Yes, well I found her all alone on my way back from Zecoras last night. Apparently, she'd lost her parents to a Timberwolf attack in the Everfree Forest, so I decided to help her out and take her under my wing... no pun intended".

"What were a family of pegasi doing in the Everfree?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Well, my dad uh... kinda broke his wing, and we got a little lost," Aurora said, her changeling brain kicking into overdrive with a quick excuse.

"Well, that sucks..." Rainbow Dash said.

"She needs a good home, so I decided to give her one," Twilight said.

"I guess the title 'Princess of Friendship' really suits ya, egghead," Rainbow Dash said.

"Yes, well... just... be nice to her," Twilight said, "She's kinda shy".

"Heh, no worries there," Rainbow Dash said, "So uh... where ya headed?".

"I was just going to introduce her to Applejack and the crusaders," Twilight said, "Assuming we can find them, that is".

"Well, have fun with that, I guess," Rainbow Dash said, "I'm off to try out some more stunts".

"Don't go crashing too many times," Twilight said.

"That was just a fluke," Rainbow Dash said before turning and flying away.

"Hey Applejack," Twilight said.

"How ya doing today, Twi?" Applejack asked.

"It's just another day," Twilight said.

"I got some work ta do if your bored," Applejack said.

"Actually, I was wanting to introduce to my daughter, Aurora," Twilight said.

The sudden shock from hearing Twilight refer to another pony as her own daughter made Applejack miss the tree she was about to buck, and fall flat on her belly.

"Ah'm sorry, but did ya just say daughter?" Applejack asked, pushing herself off the ground.

"Yes, I did," Twilight said before stepping to the side, revealing the filly behind her.

"Well then, ain't that an interesting surprise," Applejack said, "Where'd ya find her?".

As Twilight began to tell her story for, hopefully, the last time today, Aurora tried to stay hidden... had to give some credit to her story. What surprised Twilight the most was how she was able to convince Applejack, Ponyvilles living lie detector, that she was telling the truth. Now, she was fully confident that Auroras secret could stay hidden.

"Ah can't even begin to imagine something like that," Applejack said, "Poor thing".

"She just needs some friends, so I've been introducing her to everypony else today," Twilight said.

"Applebloom and the other crusaders will be back in a little bit, it's about time fer them ta start heading home anyway," Applejack said, "Why not stick around till they get back? Ah think you'd like them".

"I don't see why not," Twilight said, "Besides, it'll be good for Aurora to have some friends her own age".

While Waiting, Twilight felt like trying to help out. She wasn't a real apple bucker, and tended to end up being pelt by apples on the head. Applejack and Aurora couldn't help but laugh when Twilight caught a apple right on her horn. After about half an hour, Applebloom finally showed up, looking quite exhausted. Aurora didn't even take notice of her until she said something. Aurora had opened up slightly around Applejack, but tried to shrink into hiding when she finally took notice of Applebloom.

"Hey sis, who's that?" Applebloom asked, pointing her left hoof at a now empty spot.

"Who's who?" Applejack asked.

"Ah may be tired, but ah know there was a filly right there," Applebloom said, looking around rather confused.

"Oh, ya must mean Aurora," Applejack said, "Ah think ya might have scared her".

"Ah didn't mean to," Applebloom said apologetically.

"It's nothing to worry about, she's just a little shy is all," Twilight said, walking over to the hiding filly, "Come on out. She won't hurt you, I promise".

As Aurora slowly came out from her little hiding spot, Applebloom walked over to say hi.

"My name's Applebloom," Applebloom said, "What's yours?".

"It's um... Aurora," Aurora said quietly.

"Nice ta meet ya, Aurora," Applebloom said.

"Um... nice to uh... to meet you to," Aurora said quietly.

"Ah ain't that terrifying am ah?" Applebloom asked.

"Well uh... not really, no," Aurora said, her voice fading slightly.

"Why don't you two go and have some fun?" Twilight asked.

"Come on, ah'll show ya the clubhouse," Applebloom said.

"Is that alright?" Aurora asked sheepishly.

"It's fine," Twilight said, "Just try to open up a little bit. Applebloom won't hurt you, I promise".

"Well... ok then, I guess," Aurora said quietly.

"Come on, then," Applebloom said, "And don't worry, ah don't bite".

"Cute kid," Applejack said, "Sucks what happened to her parents, though".

"I hate it for her, I really do," Twilight said, "But right now, I'm just happy to see her make some friends... shy as she is".

"That's ta be expected though when something that tragic happens so suddenly," Applejack said, "But, she's in good hooves with you, and ah know the crusaders will be good to her as well".

"Anyway, I have something to take care of back home," Twilight said, "You wouldn't mind watching her for a bit, would you?".

"Wouldn't bother me one bit," Applejack said, "And I'll bring her home before it gets dark, I promise".

"Thanks," Twilight said.

As Twilight started heading off, her thoughts were filled with bad possibilities. She pushed them away, knowing full well that she couldn't keep Aurora by her side every second of the day. Besides, right now, she needed to focus on Spike. Surely once he heard how the day went, he'd at least consider changing how he thought. That hope, however, died when Twilight saw the one thing she didn't want to see today sitting right outside her castle: princess Celestias royal chariot.