• Published 2nd Nov 2014
  • 3,037 Views, 86 Comments

Secrets - Aqua_Breeze

When your daughter would be seen as an enemy of Equestria, what would you do to keep her true identity a secret?

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Turning tables

The day had started out as usual. As Aurora finished off her breakfast, she readied herself for the day. After that curse she placed last night, the changeling was confident that she'd get more than a few good laughs today. After saying good bye to Twilight, Aurora took off towards school.

Upon arriving at school, Aurora took notice of the fact that Diamond Tiara had yet to show up. She was told to take a seat in the front row today, but didn't bother to argue. Just before class started, Diamond Tiara finally walked in with her muzzle aimed slightly in the air. After the pink filly took her seat, Cheerilee began the lesson for the day. The time seemed to tick by ever so slowly, and Aurora was just waiting it out. Her revenge would soon play out, but not before recess.

As the class let out to the playground, Aurora finally joined in with her friends. She wasn't allowed to play with them for the next couple of days, so she tried to milk the opportunity dry now. The group settled for a simple game of catch that turned into a little more than simple as time went on.

"So, how much trouble did ya get in?" Applebloom asked.

"I'm just grounded for a couple of days, nothing too bad," Aurora said.

"So, we're down two crusaders now," Applebloom said before the ball smacked her in the face.

"You're supposed to catch it with your hooves, not your face" Scootaloo said.

"Ah'll get ya back fer that one," Applebloom said before tossing the ball to Aurora.

As the ball flew through the air, Aurora got the sudden urge to pull a stunt while catching it. As it quickly grew closer, not that it had much distance to travel anyway, Aurora lifted up onto her front hooves in a handstand. The others didn't have time to say anything as the ball soon got struck between Auroras back legs. As she leaned backwards, she used her front legs to jump slightly and managed to actually catch the ball a second time... in her front hooves this time, though. The whole maneuver left her friends at a loss for words.

"I didn't actually expect that to work," Aurora said to herself.

"Nice catch," Sweetie Belle said.

"Thanks," Aurora said sheepishly.

"Where'd ya learn ta do that anyway?" Applebloom asked.

"Isn't it obvious?" Scootaloo asked, "She's taking lessons from Rainbow".

"Nopony taught me, actually," Aurora said.

"Wait, really?" Scootaloo asked.

"Really, I just practice," Aurora said.

"Think you could teach me some time?" Scootaloo asked.

"Soon as we're both not grounded anymore, sure," Aurora said.

Soon, the bell rung, telling the students to get back to class. Having not heard anything related to roaring laughter yet, Aurora was starting to wonder if her spell was actually going to work or not. She didn't worry too much, she was patient today. As she took her seat, class started back up. Again, time seemed to move at a snails pace. Not having access to her magic at the current moment, Aurora couldn't even vaguely attempt to speed up the curse she had placed last night, and started to wonder if it would actually work. Before long, however, her thoughts were interrupted, as a faint sound came from behind her. It sounded kind of like water hitting the floor. Upon hearing this noise, a smile slowly crept across Auroras muzzle as she mentally counted down how long she thought it would take for the room to become filled with laughter.

5... 4... 3... 2...

"Is... is she really..." One colt asked before taking notice of the actual situation, "Sweet Celestia, she is! Diamond Tiara's wetting herself!".

"That'll teach you what it's like to picked on for once," Aurora said to herself as the room very quickly became filled with laughter.

"Stop laughing!" Diamond Tiara cried out, "It was just an accident, and it's not funny! Please, just stop laughing already!".

"That's more than enough, class!" Cheerilee called out as she walked over to the now crying pink filly.

As Cheerilee lead Diamond out of the room, the laughter continued. Aurora had to quickly stop laughing as it was causing her to lose too much focus on her disguise. Luckily for her, nopony seemed to take notice when part of her disguise was shed for a few seconds as the changeling fought the urge to continue laughing. Across the room, the crusaders were having the best laugh of their lives. Scootaloo was actually laughing so hard, she was almost crying. Diamond Tiara had bullied the trio for so long, it felt great to finally turn the tables for once.

"Ah had no idea Diamond Tiara was such a foal," Applebloom said.

"She's been picking on us for so long," Scootaloo said, "But now, we have something to use against her".

"I wonder how hard it is to put together diapers," Sweetie Belle thought out loud, "Seems like somepony'll need a few".

"Oh, that would just make this whole thing even better," Aurora said.

It made Aurora feel good to see her friends in such a good mood when bringing up Diamond Tiara. With this new curse in place, Aurora was confident that she and her friends wouldn't be a target anymore. For the first time in her life, she was able to use her Changeling magic to bring a little happiness to those around her, and it felt great.