• Published 18th Dec 2014
  • 5,571 Views, 468 Comments

Rise of an Empire, Fall of Another - Kyuubi325

To the far east across the vast sea is the forgotten homeland of the diamond dogs. A land once full of poverty, sickness, and famine has become a new super power that threatens Equestrias economic dominance/standing.

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Chapter 31

Town Hall
Mayors office

Mayor Mare reclined behind her old Apple wood desk while looking over some papers sent from Canterlot. The room was fairly ordinate compared to the rest of the town with a number of gold framed portraits of her predecessors. All bearing the Mare name, all the way back to her great grandmother who was chosen as a representative of the crown. The title of mayor passed down her family to her, sadly she never inherited the natural grey mane, her sister did however... She shook her head looking at the small family portrait on her desk, her mother smiling softly with her long grey mane covering one of her eyes and some of her light grey coat, her fathers distant expression with his black and grey streaked mane slicked back, his squared jaw with a slight frown with a muted muddy coat, and finally her sister. Inheriting the family grey mane, the grey coat with a few soft muted brown spots, and those eyes that seem so expressive even in the old family portrait.

"Mayor Mare! We have a situation!" Red Tape ran into the room tripping on the crimson gold stitched rug into a heap before her with a newpaper in his jaw. He shakily stood up and spat it out onto her desk.

"What?.... Are the Cutie Mark Crusaders printing gossip again?" She sighs picking it up before her face pales. "Is this a joke?...... Please tell me this is some kind of cruel joke...." She looked at the headline Beloved Flower Mare Beaten and Arrested. It was a simple headline but what stood out? A picture of Lily locked in a chair with Rondels in mid swing. It was obvious what was happening with the mares beaten face. "H-how?..... She was in a locked basement in our guard post! How did a picture like this get out?! And who authorized this?!" Her eye twitches.

"W-well I don't have a cutie mark in photography..." The stink eye he was getting from the mayor only made him shake more. "B-but judging from the odd a-angle I would say it was taken from one of the basement windows!" He says while the mayor just sits there quietly.

"Can we stop this from reaching the townsponies?...." She asked already knowing the answer. While she started read over the article that quickly became a slam piece.

"It's already been sold out in the market...." He says looking down at the rug getting ready to have it.

"And why was this allowed?... We have laws against defamatory speech against representatives of the crown!" She crumples up the paper and throws it down on the ground.

"T-the Foal Free Press set up in the market..... The minute the foal opened his lips he had a mob of ponies trying to get a paper! And the laws don't apply to school run papers only privately owned ones!" He says while the mayor just sits quietly.

"Get Hard Law in my office and.....Get out.......Now...." She says evenly while the stallion scrambles out slamming the door behind him.

Sweet Apple Acres
The Stills

Big Mac rested on is wooden stool while flipping through the paper with an uncharacteristic grin on his face. But sadly it wasn't to last when he heard the knocking from the trap door. He slowly stood up and grabbed his gun before pulling the rope near his stool that unlocked the door.

He continued to hold his gun till he saw his sisters hooves trotting down the steps. "Mac do y'all know anything bout this?" She asked as she showed him the latest Foal Free Press her voice a bit muffled from holding it. She dropped it on one of the crates looking at him while she rested on a wobbly legged chair.

He just nodded his head. "Eeyup..... Turns out Filthy had some dirt on Mayor Mare. The Foal Free press did the rest. Turns out our beloved Mayor has more then a few secrets. Ever wonder why she always needs your winnings to repair town hall?" He asks while leaning on the back wall on his stool.

Applejack seemed to rest her hoof on her chin in deep thought before nodding her head. "Ya... I always wondered we she needs my winins to repair dat place ain't that why we pay taxes?" She asks.

Big Mac just let out a snort. "Page 2, 1st paragraph...." He says while Applejack tilts her head and fills the paper to the second page and started reading.

"She's been stealen ta line her pockets!? Dats dishonest! Ain't that against the law?!" She seemed offended while Mac just continued to stifle snorts of laughter about how hypocritical it sounded letting his sister catch on and shake her head. "Y'all know what I mean..."

"Yep I always wonder how she afforded dat fancy office and house by the river. She ain't the first either all way back ta her Granny." He says while pulling out a jug of fresh hard cider to share. "Ain't the only thing neither keep readin." He takes a long sip before passing it over to his sister while she read.


Featherweight smiles as he leans to back of his desk after finishing lunch. He soaked up the attention he was getting from all the other fillies and colts around him. Countless questions were asked but he just continued to lean back resting before opening his eyes.

"You all really wanna know how I got the scoop of the century?" He asked proudly while the countless foals leaned forward. He was about to answer before the former Cutie Mark Crusaders pushed their way to the front of his desk.

"What the hay are y'all doin?!" Apple Bloom stood up on her back hoofs resting her forehooves on his desk. "Didn't we learn a lesson bout gossip already?!"

Featherweight just give them a slight tilt of the head and an amused expression. "Gossip is just spilling the beans of a few silly secrets, news is finding things that matter, you think anyone cares about Rarity's self created drama? Or Big Mac playing with a doll? Or-or Rainbow spending all of a few seconds at the spa? No gossip is just something that grabs attention and then is forgotten."

Sweetie Belle pushes Apple Bloom out of the way. "But your ruining someone's life! Isn't that what we did when we were printing stories about ponies secrets?" Sweetie says while she watched Featherweight snicker.

"Tell me..... Besides of embarrassment and a few hurt feelings what story lasted more then a week?" He asked while Sweetie seemed ready to answer before pausing and entering deep thought.

"But doesn't that make it worse then? Your story is ruining a ponies life... She's an official appointed by the crown.... Aren't we supposed to respect and trust her?..." Sweetie says looking confused and worried.

"I'm ruining the life of a corrupt crown appointed Mayor. Tell me have you even read the newspaper? Or did you just read the headline and summery at the top?" He asks while giving them a thoughtful look.

The three fillies just stood there before Scootaloo decided to make herself heard. "I did and I liked it... I mean sure Mayor Mare is under fire, but didn't she bring it into herself for stealing bits out of the Ponyville treasury and cooking the ledgers while the whole town is busy doing Winter Wrap Up? Or what about how she has been diverting funds from the schoolhouse to fund the expansion of her office? Or even how she has been ignoring requests to have town meetings and rejecting permits for protests?" As she spoke her other two friends looked at her like she was a changeling. "What? Just because I like doing tricks on my scooter and doing stunts means I don't read?" She looks at them like there crazy.

"Besides to answer Sweeties question the school paper is not recognized as a private paper since its technically an after school activity. So it's a government paper in all but name but has no oversight." He says while the three fillies seem to think.

"...what does Cheerilee think of all of this?..." Apple Bloom asked sighing seeing she was beat.

"She's one of our biggest supporters! She's going to be leading the marches through town! Shady is already planing out the photo ops as we speak!" Featherweight says proudly.

Barnyard Bargains

Filthy rested in the office while he waited for the Britanians and zebra to finish setting up the simple recording studio in the back of his store. After hearing about young Sweetie Belles talk with Anthony Moore, a representative of the "Tesla & Marconi Company" about recording some of her songs for the new radio stations south of the boarder. Seeing the opportunity he sprang into action offering the young filly a contract with his business, times were changing and the best way to stay ahead was to invest in new forms of business. Radio was steadily becoming more and more common in Equestria and what he saw was a new medium to advertise! Maybe even expand into at some point once the technology finally made its way into Equestria after changing from the Britannians, the zebra, and finally into the hooves of his fellow ponies. Even his associates were getting on board trying to come up with catchy jingles for their... Official businesses. After all it only made sense now they had to launder the money somehow to avoid too much suspicion. While he imagined the new found bits from his investment dancing in his head it was stopped after his eyes wondered to a family portrait of him, his little Diamond, and his... Soon to be Ex wife Spoiled.

As he gazed into the frame on his old dark cherry desk he couldn't help but taste the bile taste enter his throat. He couldn't even remember what he saw in her... His grandfather warned him countless times about her but he didn't listen. Now he was in the middle of a divorce and custody battle, luckily his little filly was out of the picture with her Aunt and uncle in Manehatten. Sadly Spoiled wasn't going to let go, she was a very disturbed mare, he stuttered to imagine what would happen if he wasn't around to protect Diamond from her if she got custody.

He was interrupted from his thoughts as somepony knocked in his door. "Come in..." He said while storing the small picture in his desk. The door opened revealing Hayseed Turnip.

"Boss?.... Their almost ready for the recording.... Also..... The papers came...." He says pulling the large stack of paper work.

"Thank you Hayseed... Is Sweetie Belle here yet?" He asked while looking over the paper work his mood and face souring as it was yet another ridiculous settlement agreement from his wife along with a notice to appear in court again.

"No boss..... I'm sure she will be here any minute though.... Should I get anything else ready? Or do you want me in the back stocking shelves again?" He asked while Filthy just shook his head.

"Pull out a few products from the the store stock room and set up a lunch table. I think our star deserves some special treatment after all. Nothing over 10 Bits though so... Maybe some peanut apple sandwiches, some of those sandwich cookies, hmmmmmmm nonalcoholic cider, and any other snacks that we by in bulk from Zebrica." He says while Hayseed salutes him comically before leaving.

Canterlot Castle
Great Balcony

Celestia was at her wits end, news had just come in that a massive airship was rapidly making its way to her capital and only a fool wouldn't realize who was coming. Even though it was still in the distance she would see the rapidly approaching behemoth, the silver hull shined almost like her sun.

"Your majesty? Shall I ready the royal tea set? Or would you rather a full course meal for the meeting?" Cinnamon Twirl asked while pushing a small tea cart for her princess.

"I suppose a meal would be most appropriate and appreciated. The ship seems to be slowing down as it approaches so I suppose it will arrive in about and hour or so..... can a meal be made in time?" Celestia asked while resting on the red velvet pillow.

"If we serve tea upon his arrival and maybe have a bit of entertainment we will be able if only by the skin of our teeth princess...." The mare responded while serving a small amount of purple velvet cake for her.

"Make sure to have it set for omnivores.... this isn't like the regular meals and meeting we have with the Saddle Arabians." She says while she eats the small piece of cake before sniffing the air. "Are the guards having another bonfire? I thought those were only on the weekends?" That's when something caught her attention in the corner of her eye. That's when she slowly looked over up at Luna's tower seeing a small amount of smoke slowly leaking out of the Lunar Balcony. "Is she using her fireplace?......" that's when the smoke started to bellow out. "N-no..... Guards!!! Guards!!! The Lunar tower is on fire!!!" She shouted before getting up and spreading her wings and flapping as hard as she could knocking Cinnamon down with her powerful gust.

The snow white alicorn while ignoring all grace or elegance that she she was known for flew up the the Lunar Balcony only to find herself flinching away from the hot flames burning within her sisters room. "Luna!!! I'm coming!!!" She took in a deep breath and flew into the room eyes burning from both the smoke and intense heat. "Luna where are you?!" She pushed her way through the flames using her magic to protect herself.

Everywhere she looked she saw priceless heirlooms burning to cinder, the crescent moon shaped bed her sister cherished turning to charcoal before her eyes, portraits of Bat Ponies long passed incinerating, and finally what caught her eye. The crown and regalia sat in the center of it all, damaged from all the heat and flame warping the soft metal. As she continued her fruitless search for her sister in the inferno the Solar Guard burst through the antique doors and started throwing buckets of sand onto the flames.

"Princess please! You must leave! This is a dangerous area for royalty!" One of the identical guards started to try and lead her out while she gathered up the ruined regalia before she was lead out while the Guards fought the raging fire.

Above Rambling Rock Ridge
HMS Progress
Lower Observation Deck

The young emperor rested in a rather comfortable wicker chair while he sipped a small cup of black tea with plenty of milk and sugar. While Equestria lacked radio communication it was likely they were already preparing for his arrival after all who could be blind enough to miss such a massive achievement of engineering in the sky? Already they had to use the Loudspeaker to scare away few pegisi who got a little too curious about the super dreadnaught in their sky's. He slowly stood up and walked over to the ordinate brass telescope and slowly adjusted it to look in the direction of the precariously placed capital. He slowly brought the castle into focus he saw a rising cloud of white putting it into focus he saw it was coming from one of the high towers in the castle.

"A fire?..... some sort of greeting?......" that theory was quickly extinguished as he saw a group of flying guards ponies flying up with buckets flying into the tower before coming back out coughing. "A catastrophe?... or just a careless maid?" He slowly moved to the intercom and pressed the call button.

"Your highness?" The voice on the other end of the line was respectful yet tired sounding like from the constant shifts that made the their rapid transit to Equestria possible.

"It seems that our hosts are dealing with a small fire, confirm?" He asked while he waited for a response it took a few moments before the voice answered. "Confirmed though it looks as if they have it handled. Should we reschedule? We could send a messenger using one of the autogyros, the Cierva C.30 is ready to be launched in your order sir."

"Send it but as a courtesy to announce our arrival this meeting is too important to stop just because of a little fire."

Author's Note:

Always willing to here some ideas and criticism so feel free to post.

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