• Published 18th Dec 2014
  • 5,571 Views, 468 Comments

Rise of an Empire, Fall of Another - Kyuubi325

To the far east across the vast sea is the forgotten homeland of the diamond dogs. A land once full of poverty, sickness, and famine has become a new super power that threatens Equestrias economic dominance/standing.

  • ...

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Chapter 43

Sweet Apple Acres
10:47 AM

It had been only a week since they threw down the gauntlet to Celestia and Canterlot. So far it seemed she and the nobility were content to leave them be, but it was overly optimistic to believe they wouldn’t respond eventually. They had seen some royal guard scouts on the boarders but they seemed to be keeping well within Celestia’s shadow. Big Mac wasn’t a military strategist by any means, but after what they saw he guested they were taking a wait and see approach. Shaking the thoughts from his head he gazed over the plans on his desk, smiling faintly at the title. Sweet Apple Distillery, naturally it was still a way off, but it was nice to see what was to come. Applejack still was getting used to the idea of industrialization, but the promises it brought were impossible to ignore. It probably also helped that he promised they would continue to market traditionally made cider, at a higher price naturally. But keeping the tradition alive one way or another certainly made her more amicable to the whole concept. Just as he was about to pull out his ledger a knock on his door brought him out of his daydreaming.

“Big Mac?” A tired, if slightly confused voice asked.

Stepping up from his desk he trotted to the door and opened it revealing his grandmother. “Yes, granny?” He asked looking down.

The elderly mare wobbled on her hooves a bit gazing up at him. “You missed breakfast, so I brought you up a plate.” She pulled a plate of pancakes off her back and held it out.

Smiling he nodded his head. “Sorry, granny just got caught up with my book keeping.” He rubbed the back of his neck before taking the plate and setting it down on his desk. “I’ll be down in a few minutes once I finish crunching the numbers.”

“Ya see that you do! A stallion ain’t meant to sit in his room all day!” She smiled and slowly stumbled off leaving Mac to watch her go worriedly.

Closing the door he sighed eyeing the pancakes, the truth was he had been down for breakfast. But he couldn’t just say that to her face, mumbling he sat back down and started to pick them over while scratching the numbers onto the ledger. Humming a bit as he watched red slowly turn to black on the sheets. For the next hour, he steadily added up the numbers, occasionally reaching over to his abacus to do some larger calculations. Once he finished checking his work about half of the pancakes had been finished. Leaning back he rested a hoof on his stomach and exhaled regretting attempting to eat more. Even it was to spare his grandmother's feelings, it was quite a bit of food after all.

Slipping away from his desk he grabbed the plate and started to make his way down to the kitchen. Closing the door behind him with a flick of his tail, after precariously making his way down the steps he silently slipped into the kitchen. Cleaning off the now pasty pancakes into the trash he silently washed the dish in the sink. Just as he was about to place it on the drying rack a rapid knocking could be heard from the back door. Quickly setting it down he trotted to the door and opened it revealing Pip holding a telegram in his mouth.

“Telegram for Macintosh Apple!” The young colt beamed holding out a hoof.

Looking a bit confused his eyes then shined with recognition, the telegraph office had just been opened a few days before the Cloudsdale attack. With all the preparation it was easy to forget the new rail line through their town had just been completed. Digging out a bit from the change bowl he tossed it to the goal who then allowed him to grasp the letter before dashing off.

Eyeing the envelope his eyes widened seeing a purple wax seal with a familiar starred cutie mark. Hesitantly he cracked it open and started to read, a deeper frown forming on his lips. Part of him knew this would come, be he had hoped they would have been more prepared. Clutching the letter in his right hoof he trotted to a disused bookshelf and reached behind it. Tugging on a thin rope a few times to signal his sister that they had an emergency. Sitting down on the couch he set the letter on the table and crossed his hooves, a deep frown forming on his face.

After about 10 minutes his sister trotted into the living room, panting faintly as she attempted to catch her breath while her heart was in her throat. “B-Big Mac? What is it?” She gasped out having to take a seat to the opposites of him in a recliner. The mare fanned herself with her white sisal.

“A letter...” He motioned to the opened parchment on the coffee table.

At first, Applejack looked annoyed at something seemingly so trivial, then she saw the purple stamp. “I-I see...” The orange mare swallowed uncomfortably.

“The train is being held at the border station... but that’s a temporary solution... soon enough she’ll make her way here.” He leaned back into the couch to think.

“What are we gonna do?” Applejack asked biting her lip.

“We’ll have to let her visit... maybe she’ll understand... maybe she won’t. But ignoring her isn’t an option.” He said solemnly.

“Twilight... she’ll.... she’ll...” Applejack tried to say but the knowing look her brother gave made her stop. “I know...”

Reaching over he rested his hoof on his sister's shoulder. “Just think about what we did this all for AJ... it will bring you strength.”

She nodded her head. “I will...” The mare sniffed.

“I’ll go to the telegraph office and send the message to let the train through.” He worked up to his hooves. “Just... try to ready yourself, sis.”
She just nodded her head staring at the letter on the table as he left.
Equestrian Border Station
12:31 PM

Twilight tapped her hoof impatiently as she waited in the sweltering telegraph office. The stallion manning the key had his back turned to her, listening to the clicking while scrubbing it down. Eventually, he would push away from the table and slowly trotted over to the counter. Tilting his hat back up he smiled at her before he spoke.

“Good news princess, the damaged tracks have just been repaired, the train is clear to cross the border.” He said the purple mare who raised an eyebrow.

“That’s good I suppose, I best head back to the train, thank you for sending the message.” She said before turning to head back to the train.

“It’s an honor to serve you, princess, have a safe journey.” He said with a forced smile as she left.

Twilights frown grew as the stepped back onto the wooden platform and climbing back on board the train. Trying to ignore the few of the ponies watching her from the passenger cars. Once she closed the door to her private car she sat down on the plush seat resting her face in her hooves. After all that she now had another five hours before reaching Ponyville, while stuck in a cabin that felt like an oven.
Royal Dining Hall
2:11 PM

Celestia picked at her midday salad absentmindedly, she knew that Twilight would be arriving at Ponyville soon, so her appetite was spoiled. Pushing it away she looked up to see a guard who seemed to be attempting to silently get her attention. Nodding her head she motioned for him to speak.

“Your highness, General Stone Wall is here for your briefing.” He spoke but seemed to have more to say.

“And?...” She sounded so tired.

“Some of the.... nobles are with him as well....” he lowered his head

“Of course they are....” She mumbles under her breath. “Send them in...”

General Stone Wall trotted his a tired frown covering his face while a small herd of nobility followed him. She could already tell the poor stallion had spent the better part of an hour listening to their demands. They circled the table and sat down, even though they weren’t invited she knew throwing them out would cause more issues. “Good afternoon princess.” The General said tiredly. “I apologize for the entourage, but the nobility is concerned about their investments.”

Celestia fought the urge so sour her face. “I understand, please give us your report, then I will hear everyponies statements.” She eyed them signaling she would tolerate anyone speaking out of turn. Though they just pouted and grumbled, she could tell they had plenty to say.

“Alright...” Stone Wall inhaled attempting to clear his mind. “I’ve had scouts survey Ponyville from afar to avoid their patrols on the... border” He seemed uncomfortable with the word.

“What have you found?” Celestia leaned forward clasping her hooves together.

“They are well organized and armed, they also seem to have Zebrican mercenaries acting as experts to help them fortify.” He said while the rest of the table erupted.

“Zebra?!” One unicorn mare seemed ready to faint!

“Mercenaries my flank.” Another unicorn mumbled under his breath.

“This has those dirty Zebrican politicians striped hooves all over it.” Jet Set spat out the word politician like it was sour wine. “We should demand they stop these hostilities immediately!”

Stone Wall seemed to be having a migraine. “I don’t think that’s wise... These don’t seem like regular soldiers, as they lack standardized equipment. I have reasons to believe they are veterans of the civil war.”

“We must respond with a complete subjugation of Ponyville, all this trouble started there, I say we raise it to remind them of their place!” Upper Crust glared.

Celestia stamped her hoof against the marble cracking it against her hooves. “Enough! We will hear Stone Walls report, or I will personally escort you all out of the palace.” She managed to just get her anger under control, while the nobles acted as if they had just been reprimanded by their mother.

“Thank you, princess.” Stone Wall seemed to relax just a bit before he continued. “While some had hunting rifles, others had items that had been previously banned for export by the Zebrican Government, such as automatic weapons, and mortars.”

“Mortars?” Celestia raised an eyebrow.

“We have gotten some reports from Princess Sparkle about the military capabilities of our new neighbors.” Pulling out some paperwork he started to sort through it. “They are described as ranged weapons with an arced trajectory, allowing it to hit objects behind fortifications.”

“What are their range? What about the power of these weapons?” She asked sounding increasingly concerned.

“The version they seem to be using differs from Twilights reports, while the ones the Zebra have been reported as using explode on contact with the ground, the ones the rebels are using are... different.” Pausing for a moment he continued. “They seem to be designed to offer aerial support by... exploding in mid-air....”

“That doesn’t sound that dangerous.” One of the nobles seemed dismissive of the weapon.

“The mutilated corpses of Cloudsdale Pegasi beg to differ.” He frowned deeply.

“I take you were able to get a body for an autopsy?” Celestia avoided the urge to gag while the nobility looked disturbed.

“That was the easiest part of the operation princess. They dumped the dead into the crevice on the border, the hard part was avoiding the quarry eels...” He shook his head. “The bodies were riddled with bits of metal, some of the poor sods had ribbons of flesh holding them together.....” He said while pulling out a few grizzly photographs.

One of the nobles started to turn a rather dark shade of green. “M-my word....”

“What’s the range on these weapons?” Celestia asked swallowing.

“The reports Princess Sparkle set us were lacking on exact figures, but she witnessed ranges in excess of 1000 hoof lengths.” He looked more serious.

“Then we just use shields to protect our guards!” Jet Set said without much thought.

“I’m unsure that is wise.” Stone Wall looked at the stallion annoyed.

“And why not? Do you have such little faith in our magic?” Jet Set glared at him. “Magic has defended our country since time immemorial. I’m sure it can settle the peasantry.”

“We don’t know how well magic shields hold up against those weapons, your also forgetting they have the advantage in ranged combat.” He tried to ignore the returning migraine.

“Ranged Combat? Have you forgotten we have been using magic to rain judgment on those mud pounders since they lived in mud huts?!” A noble shouted looking incredulous.

“Things change, their weapons are very effective at ranges in which magic is... inaccurate.” He visibly avoided saying inferior. “They are also not limited by the caster's stamina or magical aptitude, thus allowing them to call on a much larger portion of their population to fight.”

“One of us is surely worth ten of them.” Upper Crust frowned.

“Even if your right, they greatly outnumber us, making up more then half of our population.” Pulling out some more sheets he started to look over them. “With the average age of the population being around 23 thanks to the population boom.... versus our 36 as of the most recent census....”

“Age is just a number surely...” The Nobles started to look increasingly troubled. “What of the Wonderbolts! Surely their skills could bring this conflict to a swift end!”

“Again not that simple, Princess I trust you heard?” He looked over at her while she exhaled.

“The recent fires that ravaged Cloudsdale, along with the lack of funding to the maintenance cloud support structure caused the Academy to collapse onto Shetland Hills.” Her frown deepened. “If not for the actions of Director Spitfire and her team the new generation of trainees would have been wiped out. However this has left them out of commission for at least a few months as they sustained heavy injury....”

“Surely the recruits are battle-ready.” One of the nobles spoke to which Celestia and Stone Wall shook their heads.

“Training was suspended while new procedures were implemented to handle the recent change in military tactics of our neighbors.” He pulled out some more papers. “Spitfire and her protégée Avrid managed to save their work... if we had lost those manuscripts we would be in a much worse place militarily.”

“What about the economy!” Jet Set grumbled. “Our assets have been stolen from underneath us, countless bits are being lost with interest rates going unpaid.”

“I’m sympathetic, but at the moment we have bigger issues to worry about. They have captured Equestria’s breadbasket, without it, rationing will have to take place to avoid famine.” Celestia explained. “Coins are worth little if you have no food to purchase.”

“Be it as it may, we must respond somehow to this! It makes the nobility look weak!” Upper Crust looked near hysterical. “We should demand the Zebra answer for this!”

“We will but we have to focus on keeping the support of those still on our side. I’m ordering an increase in patrols around Canterlot and the loyal townships. I’m also approving a propaganda campaign in order to discourage dissonance.” Celestia rested her hooves on the table. “We can weather this, but until we have the military resources we have to tread lightly.”

“Tread lightly?! Our country is being destroyed dissidents! We should rain magic down upon their homes!” One noble seemed ready to snap his cleft lip sputtering a bit.

“With what? We can hold the loyal territories, but the cuts to the Royal Guards budget have made them all but a peacetime force.” Stone Wall shook his head. “We also have issues with the equipment contracts.”

“Not this again.” Mumbled Duke Iron Bar. “My family has been supplying the Royal Guard for centuries.”

“Spears and gold plate armor are no longer sufficient, with the recent developments down south in Zebrica and the Crystal Empire to the north they are unsuitable for anything more than ceremony.” Stone Wall shook his head. “We need to begin upgrading our arsenal.”

“I have a contract!” Iron Bar protested.

“You’ll still be arming the guard.... for public events, funerals, and holidays.” Stone Wall shrugged.

“The contract stipulates your family will arm the royal guard, but not for what purpose.” Celestia smiled. “Your family will continue to receive a more humble payment for your services.”

“H-humble?!” Iron Bar looked horrified.
White Tail Station
5:33 PM

Twilight slowly peaked out of the train as it neared the town, it looked so different from how she remembered. A few stores were burned out and boarded up, others seemed to have ponies patrolling the roofs while holding weapons. But more importantly, there was a large group of armed Apples waiting at the station. The familiar smiling face of Braeburn leading the posse. She slinked under the window and bit her lip, more then a bit intimidated by the group of armed farmers. Part of her praying to Faust that they hadn’t noticed her.

After a moment she heard a gentle tap against the glass. “Princess, no need to be shy! The Apples have always been welcoming folk! We’re just here to take y’all to the farm all safe and sound!” The friendly voice of the Western pony spoke chuckling.

For a moment Twilight didn’t move, as if they would just go away. After a few moments, she steeled her resolve and slowly sat up, trotting off the train to greet them. “Thank you, it’s been a long time Braeburn. How are the orchards over in Appleloosa?” She asked trying to be friendly.

“Better now than ever.” He grinned wide. “Telling them banker bone heads to shove it really allowed me to prosper.” He chuckled motioning her to follow.

Twilight just seemed uncomfortable but followed at the herd of armed stallions slowly encircled her. Thankfully Sweet Apple Acres wasn’t far from the station. “It’s really changed since last time I was here....” She just stared at the spanning farm, a few sputtering trucks passing by them loaded with barrels of cider and crates of canned goods.

“Well having the train station so close certainly helped, Mac found a pretty big market for Apple wares down south.” He giggled gleefully. “He always was the brains of the family.”

Twilight nodded her head, she had never thought about it before. When she saw the large stallion it was usually while he was out in the fields doing labor. She hadn’t ever really got to know him as well as his sister. “I’ll take your word on it.”

Eventually, they passed the gates, approaching the only thing that hadn’t changed in all this time. The old house still sat in the center of it all, looking just as it did when she first arrived in town all those years ago. Many members of the Apple family were milling around nearby, watching her closely while they clutched their guns. Part of her was terrified of what waited for her inside. Just as they stepped onto the porch the door opened revealing the smiling face of Applebloom.

“Twilight!” Her little hooves scampered across the floorboards to hug the shocked Alicorn. “I haven’t seen you in forever!”

Twilight instinctively hugged the filly, her mind needing a moment to catch up. “Applebloom? Is that you?”

“Well ya! I must look quite different now.” She rubbed the back of her head after pulling away.

“You’ve grown up so much since last time I saw you.” She smiled faintly.

“I dunno about that, but why don’t y’all come in? Dinners almost ready!” Applebloom beamed motioning the princess to follow her.

“We’ll just wait outside, I’m sure Mac and Jackie are looking forward to seeing you.” Braeburn nodded his head resting his shotgun on his back.

Twilight slowly followed the grown filly into the house, a faint smile on her lips forming as she saw the familiar furniture and pictures on the walls. The smell of thick vegetable soup and freshly baked bread reached her nose, her stomach already rumbling in anticipation.

“Ah, just gotta set the table.” Applebloom pulled some of the nice china from the cupboard and started setting it while Twilight watched quietly. After a moment the filly would pull a chair back and motion for the mare to take a seat.

Twilight hesitantly took a seat while the other Apples started to approach from another room. Granny shakily set the food on the table, while Applejack started to pour the drinks. Taking a moment to brush her mane from her eyes smiling gently at Twilight as she took her seat, setting down the pitcher of apple juice. Granny soon followed, letting out a sigh as she was able to rest her bad hip.

“Where’s Big Mac? I was hoping to... Discuss some things with you and your brother.” Twilight asked while eyeing the rather nice spread of stew, cornbread, and other countryside staples.

“Oh he’ll be here in a bit he’s just finishing some things out in the fields. We can talk after the meal.” Applejack smiled to which Twilight nodded.

“What was that? Somethin about a walk?” Granny Smith seemed confused.

“Ah, no Granny she just wants to talk. It’s been a while since we’ve seen each other.” Applejack chuckled.

“Ya, granny Twilights been all the way in Zebrica!” Applebloom smiled.

“Ahhh, Zebrica... last time I heard that word me and your grandfather...” She mumbled a bit. “Ah, don’t remember, something involving apples and drums.”

Twilight seemed surprised but didn’t press the old mare further. Taking a sip of the juice and sighing as the familiar sweet flavor of freshly squeezed apple juice ran over her tongue. Just as she set it down Big Mac trotted in from the back door, before making his way to the table and sitting at the opposite end. “Evening Twilight, sorry for being late everypony, had some issues with the new cider press.”

“Don’t worry none, you didn’t keep us waiting long Lil Mac.” Granny smiled as she passed the food around so everyone could serve themselves.

Twilight filled her bowl with the thick stew and sighed at the wonderful aroma. Before passing it to Applebloom who then passed her the cornbread. It was a strange experience, compared to the formal dinners she had frequently attended this was more... relaxed. “The farm had changed so much... it’s good to see some things have stayed the same.” She said while looking around the simple dining room.

“I don’t care for them trucks much.” Granny Grumbled. “Replacing strong backed stallions with sputtering hunks of metal...”

“One average colt can move more than even the burliest stallion. I’d say that’s pretty nice, sure they are different, but I don’t mind em.” Applejack shrugged.

“I like learning about the engines!” Applebloom beamed.

“I’ll say, Bloom... you’ve read the service manual front to back.... what 10 times so far?....” Big Mac chuckled.

“Only seven... it’s just so.... crazy that something so complicated can work! I wanna learn all I can!” She blushed before returning to her friendly demeanor.

“She should be bucking apples.... not book learnin....” Granny looked more than a little miffed but held her tongue.

“We don’t really need the help anymore.” Mac shrugged. “Besides her learning a new trade can only help the family Granny. One family mechanic means one less bill we have to pay.” He chuckles.

“I suppose so...” She mumbled under her breath as sipped her thick soup. “What about that Lil drake of yours Twilight? Hows he handlin being down south?”

“Oh! He’s been attending a cooking academy! He’s really taken to it.” She could help but fill with pride. “He’s been acing the classes.”

“Well shucks, I always knew he had skill on the stove!” Applejack smiled. “Maybe sometime we could have some of his cooking, I can’t imagine all the things he’s learned now!”

“Sweetie Belle’s been asking about him, I think she’s got the hots for him.” She giggled.

Granny looked aghast. “Applebloom! Not at the table!”

The two other siblings smiled and shook their heads as they continued to enjoy the meal. “Well you can tell her all about it, he’s been getting excellent reports. Who knows he might cater diplomatic summits someday.”

“That would be nice, I’m sure we’ll have plenty.” Big Mac nodded to his baby sister and granny helping them as they cleaned their plates. “I think we are overdue for a chat?”

Granny and Applebloom quickly scampered out, setting the plates in the sink before heading out the front door. Both of them giving the young princess a sad look as the passed her. Once the door was heard slamming shut AJ pulled out a rather ordinate bottle of cider and started to pour drinks while her brother leaned forward.

“Yes... Celestia thinks this has gone far enough... she wants you to rejoin Canterlot...” She sighed frowning deeply.

“I see, what's in it for us?” Big Mac grasped the glass as his sister passed it to him. Looking at the purple mare curiously while he sipped his drink.

Twilight seemed to pause thinking for a moment. “We’re stronger together, I’m sure we can negotiate something to handle your grievances,” Twilight said attempting to sound diplomatic.

“Why? We have what we want Twilight.” AJ shrugged passing a glass to her.

“Applejack, I understand you feel wronged by Canterlot.” Twilight leaned forward taking the glass in her magic. “But there are better options then secession.”

“What better options? We tried voicing our problems, but it didn’t get us anywhere Twilight.” AJ shook her head sipping the drink. “Mac frequently traveled to Canterlot to try and negotiate better interest rates for our debts, nevermind file formal complaints about the taxes. You know where it got him?”

“About 100 bits in the hole from the tickets to get there and back.” He said shrugging. “More then a whole day of travel, they couldn’t be bothered to give me 5 minutes to plead my case.”

“Things have changed, surely they’ll be willing to change some of the terms.” Twilight sighed.

“Once again Twilight, why?” Applejack shrugged. “Why would we risk taking their word when we have everything we want already?”

“Applejack your one of Equestria’s greatest hero’s, how does it look when your solution involves leaving the rest of Equestria high and dry?” Twilight decided to change tactics, as pushing for negotiations about their debts wasn’t going to work. “You’ve helped me save Equestria countless times, can you really say that you never once had loyalty to it, or it’s ponies?”

“Twilight... whatever made you think I was trying to save Equestria?” AJ frowned deeply.

“Why else would you have helped me defeat Nightmare Moon all those years ago? Or the other countless magical threats that came to destroy our way of life?” Twilight leaned forward. “Celestia gifted your great grandparents this land, surely that has to mean something.”

“You thought all those times I was helping fight off those monsters was to save Equestria?...” Applejack said emotionlessly before a smile started to form on her lips struggling not to laugh but falling into a full chuckle.

“I fail to see what’s so funny... your a national hero!” Twilight looked flabbergasted by her reaction.

“Twilight... I care about Equestria about as much as I care about Rarity’s latest gossip!” She chuckled wiping a tear from her eye. “I could care less about being a national hero, do you really not know why I did all those things?” She seemed more serious... and saddened.

“Well... why else would you risk your life over and over?” She seemed uneasy.

“Look around you Twilight... what do you see?” Applejack sipped her drink.

“Sweet Apple Acres... land that was gifted to your family by Celestia...” She said without much thought.

“Your wrong... look again...” Aj slowly scooted away from the table making her way to a nearby door frame. Pressing her hoof against the marks made into the left side. “This right here is 3 generations of Apples measuring their height...” She then moved to a framed black and white magic photo of their great grandparents and Smith. “This is when they first broke ground for Ponyville...” Twilight didn’t speak, watching AJ slowly move around the room while Big Mac watched them both silently. “This photo was taken on our parent's wedding day....” She sniffed seeing her mother and father all dressed up, smiling wide at the camera.

“I don't...” Twilight was about to speak, only for Big Mac to shake his head motioning for her to listen.

“This is them after Big Mac was born...” She sighed continuing to other photos of the smiling mare and stallion holding each of the Apple siblings as foals. “Do you understand Twilight?...” she asked after catching her breath.

“... What about Celestia?” Twilight finally asked. “She gifted your family this land... Without it, you might not have ever settled Ponyville.”

“You think it was a gift?” AJ’s eyes closed. “Tell her Bit Mac... my voice is feeling scratchy....”

“Sweet Apple Acres wasn’t a gift... it was Celestia’s shame.” He said pouring himself another drink.

“What are you talking about?.... Celestia gifted you this land... didn’t she?” Twilight sounded unsure.

“It was to buy our great grandparent's silence, if not for it.. we might have settled far away from Canterlot... if she was lucky...” He chuckled.

“Silence...” Twilight rolled it around in her mouth. “For what?”

“Jonathan Apple... Granny Smith's older brother.” He frowned.

“But... Granny Smith doesn’t have a brother... you never mentioned anything about... Jonathan?...” A pit started to form in her stomach.

“No pony has, history has a funny way with that thanks to Celestia.” He stared into his glass.

“What’s that supposed to mean?...” Twilight seemed troubled by what he was saying.

“Celestia likes to make history the way she wished it happened.” He looked back up at her. “She wished she gave us this land as a royal gift... proof of her generosity... but in reality, it was payment for erasing one of our own from history.”

“That’s insane, why would she do that?!” Twilight couldn’t help but bristle at the accusation.

“One of her precious nobles ran over Jonathan... broke his neck under the wheels of her carriage... didn’t even stop to see if he was ok...” Big Mac shook his head.

“Surely the Royal Guard handled it.” Twilight frowned.

“Said they'd likely never knew who did it... a lot of carriages in Canterlot after all... just one problem... Canterlot ponies love making their carriages very unique... so while they twiddled their hooves great-grandpa Cortland found the damn carriage in less than an hour....” His frown grew in size. “You want to guess what she was in such a hurry for?....”

Twilights throat started to feel increasingly dry. “A matter of diplomatic importance?...”

“A mane appointment...” He looked into her eyes. “That’s what my grand uncle's life was worth...”

“But they arrested her right?... pony slaughter is a major offense.” She already knew the answer.

“They said that circumstantial evidence wasn’t enough to convict her... ignoring the blood on the damn wheel....” He growled. "They wouldn’t convict despite things getting a bit heated in Canterlot.”

“The Million Pony March.....” Twilight was the first to make the connection. “I’ve read countless books about it, it never mentioned any pony named Jonathan...”

“He was as much a part of it, as the land tax dispute and Canterhorn valley seizure scandal...” He sighed. “You of all ponies should know the nobility are held to different standards.”

“You're saying that Celestia... Airbrushed your grandfather from history?” Twilight knew it was possible, but it was still a shock. “Why?”

“Because with the protests already happening in Canterlot, adding a dead earth pony to the mix would have turned it into a riot.” He shook his head. “She in no small way... encouraged Granny’s parents to take the land as compensation.”

“That’s a very serious claim... but even if you don’t care for her..” just saying that makes her feel like her mouth was filling with bile. “Surely you have some loyalty to Equestria...”

“I told you, I didn’t do any of that for Equestria... Twilight we went to face Nightmare Moon in the Everfree all those years ago... do you know what I was going through my mind?...” She looked deep into her friend's eyes. “Not my country, not the nobility, and not Celestia.”

“Then what?...” Twilight sounded confused.

“My family... Granny... Big Mac... and my baby sister Applebloom....” She frowned deeply. “When we faced Nightmare Moon all I could think about was how my family would suffer under her reign...” The mare inhaled. “Everything I’ve ever done with you and girls was for them Twilight...”

“But what about the Map?...” Twilights throat was starting to dry.

“To be honest... I never understood the point of it... beyond stopping Starlights little cult nothing we really did was that threatening.” She shakes her head. “I ain’t got the time to be a ponies therapist Twilight.”

The young princess sighed. “Surely succession isn’t the answer... we can work it out.”

“Canterlot had centuries to work it out with us, we’re done waiting.” Big Mac shook his head dismissively. “But theirs another reason we’re leaving.” He leaned forward.

“With Earth Ponies family is everything.” Applejack sighed.

“Family important to Canterlot too!” Twilight protested.

“Really?” Mac raised an eyebrow. “When was the last time you saw your parents? Or even sent them a letter? Just to say you were ok, or ask about the weather?”

“We didn’t even know you had a brother until he sent you a wedding invitation.” AJ shook her head.

“I-I’m just one example! It’s not fair to base the whole of Canterlot on me!” Twilight shook her head.

“Oh? You wanna know something Twilight... did you ever talk to the local unicorns in town? Like beyond looking for a friendship problem?” Big Mac asked.

“I’ve talked to them plenty of times, I fail to se-“ She was cut off by AJ.

“They're all Canterlot transplants...” She said plainly.

“Well... Ponyville is close to Canterlot...” Twilight didn’t like where this was going.

“Do you know why they left Canterlot?” Big Mac asked.

Twilight shook her head looking curious despite the turn of events.

“Lyra said it best... she was tired of being an island in a sea of solitude.” He sighed. “The reasons are varied... but the end is the same... no family structure once you're of age.”

“She thought I was still a filly while I was having dinner with granny in town.” AJ chuckled at the memory. “When I told her otherwise she was stumped...”

“Other transplants were much the same... so tired of being alone. Up until 10 years ago, we were a purely earth pony village! But as time ticked on, other unicorns trickled in.” Mac sighed. “In many ways, they are now more earth ponys then unicorns in terms of culture.”

Twilight seemed to be in deep thought. “You’ve given me a lot to think about... thank you for the meal.” She slowly stood up from the table.

“I’ll make you a Togo box... from the way you wolfed down the food you haven’t had a home-cooked meal in a while...” AJ sighed getting up and heading to the kitchen. Coming back quickly with a large paper bag just as Twilight was starting to sit up.

“Thanks, Aj...” She levitated the bag to her back.

“Braeburn will take you back to the station.” She opened the door just in time for the posse to have gathered back outside.

Author's Note:

Sorry this took so long guys, with the recent outbreak I have to take all the hours I can to keep my job on top of dealing with frequent IT issues with distance college learning.

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