• Published 18th Dec 2014
  • 5,571 Views, 468 Comments

Rise of an Empire, Fall of Another - Kyuubi325

To the far east across the vast sea is the forgotten homeland of the diamond dogs. A land once full of poverty, sickness, and famine has become a new super power that threatens Equestrias economic dominance/standing.

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Northwestern Trouble Brewing (edited by Cakebomb and DaLintyMan)

Northwestern Trouble Brewing
Crystal Empire Square
The former earth pony Captain of the Crystal Guard walked past the many shopping stalls and “new” Equestrian shops that had just opened in the Crystal Empire. He looked at one store to see young crystal ponies leaving their jobs at the Equestrian owned businesses, which were popping up all over the Empire. On closer inspection the crystal ponies that were leaving were the former owners of the “Amber Tavern”. He had fond memories of that place, even during Sombra’s short reign over the empire. He would enter the tavern with his stallions, where they would eat and drink quartz mead till they could barely trot in a straight line. That had changed when Cadence and Shining Armor had taken throne. In accordance with Equestrian law the tavern was closed, all because the Celestial Sisters felt that alcohol lead to strife and needless debauchery. He watched as the once loved and adored tavern owners left to their shoddy shack on the outskirts, just like the many other crystal ponies who were put out of work by Equestrians abusing the “Harmony Preservation” law to get rid of competition as they opened up their own businesses.

He soon found his way to the Library, which was currently being emptied by Equestrian Royal Gaurdsponies. They were loading the books into a cart, taking them away to be burned. Equestrians feared any type of conflict and controversial ideas; sure they had books arriving in the Crystal Empire from Equestria to replace the ones that were deemed too controversial or violent, but they lacked to charm and heroism of the older stories he loved as a colt, such as the Argonauts or the story of Spartacus, the great crystal gladiator who led more than 70000 ponies in battle against Roam. He remembered the Equestrian series known as ‘Daring Do’ that appeared to be the most common offering from their southern ‘neighbor’. Her so called ‘adventures’ appeared to consist of mainly one sided battles, needless filler, and incompetent villains. In short, all he saw was a poorly written story, with a disgustingly likable character who lacked any flaws or vices. Didn't the writer know that the best heroes are the ones with the most flaws? Without flaws both major and minor what made the character more relatable and believable?
He soon reached the end of his rounds at the fields, where he saw Shining Armor training the Crystal Guards to walk in formation and carry spears. He had always wondered why they insisted on using them. Ponies couldn't use spears effectively like the Griffins or Minotaurs. Sure, a unicorn with magic could throw a spear but pegasi and earth ponies could normally only point them menacingly, which he found laughable at best.
He focused on the young captain as he stood directing the Crystal Guard through marching drills. While he was thankful for the unicorn’s part in freeing their country, he found it infuriating that a colt half his age took his position from him, leaving him to walk repetitive rounds around the city. The new Crystal Prince lacked experience, and while he claimed he got his position in the Canterlot Guard on his own merit he had his doubts. After all, he had been dating the Celestial Sisters niece long before he became a guard, and one couldn't help but wonder if that contributed to his position. Then there was the fact he ordered that they cease with their training exercises. Apparently he and his wife thought they were too ‘barbaric’ and ‘dangerous’. Of course, without that difficult training the Crystal Guard wouldn't be able to survive in the tundra or the horrors that lay hidden within it.
“Pst, Sir Amethyst?” He turned to see a pony in full winter gear, which included an eye shield and a full face wrapping.
“Yes?” He asked warily, eyes traveling up and down the unknown pony.
He was hooved a piece of parchment from the disguised individual before the stranger took off onto a side street.
Amethyst watched the pony disappear into the city, before he turned his violet colored eyes to the rolled up piece of parchment. He slowly unrolled it, as if it could be some sort of trap.
“We are free of that cursed unicorn, but at what price?"
Everyday more and more Crystal ponies are put out of work as more and more Equestrians settle into our country, and abuse the so-called “Harmony Preservation” law to get rid of competition. How many of ‘our’ ponies will be put out of work, while the Equestrians grow fat from our taxes and labor? They even have the gall to call our practices and traditions inferior, and then try to force their traditions onto us. They denounce our Winter Solstice celebration, which marks the victory against the elk, and then try to make us celebrate the holiday known as Hearths Warming eve, which is done in memory of their country’s founding. They take away our mead and literature, saying it is in the name of harmony and peace, but then jail innocent Crystal ponies because they protess and refuse to let go of their heirlooms that ‘threaten’ harmony. I ask you, how may of our ponies have lost their businesses and lively hood to these trespassers? How many of us have gone to the alicorn known as Cadence to protest what is happening to our home, only to be told that she has ‘our best interests at heart and that she is only doing what she think is best’?. It is time we take back our independence. No tyrant or alicorn shall take away who we are and control our destiny!!!
Signed the true ruler of the Crystal Empire,
Virtuous Ward”
His eyes widened when he read the last part. He had assumed that Virtuous Ward was imprisoned and killed by King Sombra. The Equestrians also supported this, claiming that they had found his body in the Catacombs below the palace. That was why the Sisters put Cadence and Shining Armor on the throne in the first place, but if this was true then they had no right to the throne.
“Not like they had it anyway.” He thought, jaw tightening.
He looked at Shining Armor as his wife greeted him on the field. Could he really overthrow the stallion and mare who freed his country from Sombra?
He then looked at a unicorn Canterlot Guard who was escorting a young Equestrian to a home located nearby. He watched as the Guard barged into the home. A shout and scream could be heard, and then the guard came out with a painting depicting Spartacus bloodily killing another gladiator, and a few other tomes, no doubt containing ‘banned’ literature.
He made his decision as he looked at the crude map on the parchment.

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