• Published 18th Dec 2014
  • 5,571 Views, 468 Comments

Rise of an Empire, Fall of Another - Kyuubi325

To the far east across the vast sea is the forgotten homeland of the diamond dogs. A land once full of poverty, sickness, and famine has become a new super power that threatens Equestrias economic dominance/standing.

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Camp (edited by Cakebomb)

Zebrican Plains
4 hours 42 minutes since landing
32 kilometers from Minyororo Kuvunjwa Headquarters

Lieutenant T. E. Lawrence had just finished his “meat” stew with stale crackers and odd tasting tea. He stared at his empty bowl, before turning his attention to his dogs and the ambassador. He saw that Bard was finishing his ham ration pack with jam and crackers, while Taylor was still eating chicken with a grain bar. The ambassador, Ivo, was giving his Vienna sausage and canned cheese a dirty look. It was no secret that Ivo was out of his comfort zone, and was not used to eating the rations. He was chosen because of his efforts, which led to the unification of Germania with the Britannian Empire, and not his ability to survive a military lifestyle. He had stayed silent during the long hike, although he wasn't carrying any of the crates during their march.

Lawrence turned his attention to the map and checked their progress. They were close to one of the marked areas, where reconnaissance has spotted the most Minyororo Kuvunjwa activity. From the intelligence the advanced recon units had gathered the Minyororo Kuvunjwa had been doing exercises in the plains, and from their movements they were likely based in the mountains nearby. He was wondering how this first contact mission would go. While the commanders had faith in their ability, he knew that in order for their mission to succeed they had to do something to gain the rebels trust.

“We're going to set up camp in the bushes nearby to hide our position. Finish your rations.”

He thought he saw something in the distance, but he shrugged it off, thinking it was his mind tricking him.

Zebrican Mountains
Minyororo Kuvunjwa Headquarters
West of the Britannian campsite

Shujaa sat on his haunches in his chambers, contemplating his options. He looked around the carved stone room, hoping for inspiration, but he found none. The nearly empty room held only a ragged sleeping pad, and a slightly raised piece of stone that acted as his table.
As he thought of the casualties that they would receive in a direct attack and the long-term casualties they would have if they allowed the next trade caravan to go through, his mind drifted to his studies. From what their spies had told them, the next Caravan would be the largest seen in months. This trade with the Equestrian Diarchy would mostly consist of weapons and Crystal armor. If Balsam got his hooves on not only enchanted Equestrian weapons but also Crystal Armor the rebellion would be over. He, like many other zebras, had heard of the Crystal Empire's return. Even the most isolated tribes and clans had heard of the ponies who stayed behind during the “Great Equestrian Migration”, who, instead of running from the wasteland they had created, formed a new nation in the frozen tundra. They harnessed their own emotion to protect their city and crops from the short sighted leaders who had chosen to run. It was the actions of the three leaders that led to many zebras and members of other species seeing Equestrians as a threat to the very harmony they preached. Their magical abilities attracted many spirits to them, which was why the windigo’s had stalked them in their homeland and followed them to what was now known as Equestria. It was well known that the three leaders who founded Equestria had nearly destroyed the new land they had claimed, despite the numerous species already living there.

From the few scrolls and books he had collected in order to better understand why the Equestrian government would support the bloodthirsty warlords, he had found the very reason they were supporting his enemies…

While rich in magic, gemstones, and food, Equestria had little in the way of mineral deposits. It also didn't help that the Equestrians wanted both natural beauty and impressive cities and towns, so they tended to trade with the surrounding countries for metals, minerals, and building materials. In return, they traded gemstones, food, and enchanted items.

The problem with this is that they made finished products, and with the griffins to the north imposing high export taxes on metals and building supplies, coupled with the falling quality of Equestrian goods and the decrease of customers in the Griffon Kingdoms, Equestria was in dire straits. They needed a new trading partner, and they weren't willing to fight the local warlords. They opened up trade with them for their country's vast mineral deposits and abundance of natural resources. So what if they killed each other? Equestrians only cared about what directly affected them, that’s why they only grew basic foodstuffs and made finished products from foreign materials. They would be directly affected if they lost their country's natural beauty.

He then heard shaman Nyasi trot in.

“Shujaa? Our scouts have reported Diamond Dogs in the plains east of our base. Based on the direction they are heading, they seem to be going to a destination at or near our base."

“Jou ou naai!!! Why didn't our outposts notify us? Is Balsam hiring Diamond Dog mercenaries?”, Shujaa answered in anger.
“From what our scouts have seen, they are dressed strangely and are carrying a number of crates. They also only have four members in their party, so it is unlikely they are coming to attack us. It is my suggestion that we meet them at their campsite at dawn to discern their intentions and act as we best see fit” the mare said in monotone.

“I will go with seven warriors from the Massai tribe. We will discover their intentions, and eliminate them if they are a threat to our mission” his response left no room for Nyasi to argue.

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