• Published 23rd Jan 2015
  • 4,298 Views, 140 Comments

What Happens in Las Pegasus - Inkquill

We've all heard that famous saying, "What happens in Las Vegas..." Well what happens when our group of friends learns the same lesson?

  • ...

Final Bow

Fluttershy had finished packing her things and was in the lobby trying to get a ride to the train when her friends arrived back at the hotel. As soon as they saw her they rushed over shouting questions at her.

Fluttershy took a deep breath and began to explain everything to them, including her feelings towards Discord.

"I'm afraid he might have heard me speaking to Charmin and only heard the worse part and not my declaration. So I have to find him. I'm going home girls so that I can use the mirror he gave me to track him." She finished explaining.

Her friends had never known about the mirror because Discord wanted it kept between them.

It was laced with his magic and would allow her to see him no matter where he was, even his pocket dimension.

She waited for the outburst but all that happened was a gentle hoof on her shoulder. She opened her eyes and looked up, full surprise written on her face as she stared into the magenta eyes of her best friend.

"Then don't worry about your things. We got this. Just go after that idiot and give him a good clobbering for me." Rainbow said with a wide grin on her face. Fluttershy threw her hooves around her friend's neck, silently crying as she whispered a thank you and took off to hail a driver.

As she disappeared Applejack looked at Rainbow with a raised eyebrow.

"Never thought you would approve of this relationship considering your feelings about the two." She asked and Rainbow frowned.

"I don't approve it one hundred percent yet. That oaf still has a long way to go to gain this friend's blessing. But if he makes her cry again, you can bet I'll be the first in line to give him a black eye."

Fluttershy stared out the window of the train as she made her way home. She just hoped that wherever Discord was, he would listen to what she had to say.

She looked down at the saddle bag sitting next to her and thought about the papers nestled inside.

She refused to sign them until she had spoken to him one more time. She was hoping that he didn't really want to end the marriage, because she certainly didn't.

She wanted to work this out and to do everything she could to be with him. Because everything she had said to Charmin on the balcony was the absolute truth.

No matter how much of a pain Discord was and how childish he behaved, he was still the only creature she would ever love.

She looked up to see Celestia's sun peeking over the horizon and let out a tiny yawn. She hadn't slept, wanting to get home as soon as possible, but it was catching up with her.

She laid down on the seat and let her eyes drift shut to take a short nap before she reached her destination. Sighing in her sleep as a familiar face smiled down at her.

"Discord…" She whispered as she fell completely asleep.

"Miss…Miss…We've arrived in Ponyville. Miss?" She woke to someone gently nudging her shoulder and her eyes opened to see the steward looking down at her expectantly.

She yawned and then shook her head to rid the fog from her brain and grabbed her bag.

"Oh…T-thank you…" She muttered as she stepped off the train and let out one more yawn.

With another shake of her head she cleared the lethargic feeling her dream had left and remembered why she had been in such a hurry before.

She gasped and began to gallop towards her cottage. She ignored the strange looks she was receiving, only focused on getting to that mirror.

She managed to make it in record time for her and threw open her door, startling some of the animals that were inside.

She quickly apologized and raced up her stairs, dropping the bag on her way up to her room.

As she was going through her drawers trying to remember where she had put the mirror, she felt a small paw tap her back hoof.

"Oh hello Angel. I'm sorry mommy didn't say hi when she first got home, but I'm in a hurry." She said moving to another dresser and the rabbit followed.

He was frantically trying to get her attention, but she was too frazzled to understand his squeaks.

"Honey not no please. Mommy has to find-here it is!" She said as she pulled the mirror out of its resting place.

"Thank goodness. I was afraid I had lost it." She whispered as she stared at her reflection in its smooth surface.

Angel made an annoyed sound and it made her look down at the small bunny waving his paws at her.

"Angel please. I can't explain why, but I am in a real hurry. I promise that whatever you need I'll take care of it as soon as I'm done." She pleaded with the small animal who rolled his eyes and smacked his face in irritation. Then he glared up at his owner and shrugged, hopping away with an annoyed squeak that said,

'Oh well. Find out the hard way'

Fluttershy sighed in relief, silently promising the bunny to pay extra attention to him later.

She lifted the mirror up again about to ask it to show her Discord when her words turned into a sharp gasp.

Just like before, her reflection was staring back at her…but now there was an extra face standing behind her.

She lowered the mirror and slowly turned, looking up into the red eyes of her love.


Discord just continued to stare down at the pegasus, not knowing what to say. He felt too many emotions playing through him as he watched her eyes dance with confusion. Anger, hurt, jealousy…and yet, still deep down…love.

No matter how her words had cut him and left him bleeding from an open wound, he couldn't deny that he still loved her completely.

So he hadn't been able to just leave like he wanted to. No he had to see her one more time, speak with her just once more…to find out…

"Was all that true?" He whispered and she blinked, obviously surprised that he had spoken.

She swallowed and turned to face him fully,

"W-What?" She gulped and he clenched his fists and bared his teeth, hating that he could feel moisture blurring his vision.

"Was what you said…did you mean it? Do you truly see me as nothing more than a beast?" He hissed, the pain slicing through him once more as he recalled her hurtful words. He wanted it to be untrue, to be nothing but a mistake on his part. Just one more to add to the many he's made.

"Discord, you didn't-"

"Just answer me. I deserve to know the truth Fluttershy. How do you really feel about me? Am I nothing more than an obligation? An assignment from the princess." He growled, his anger and hurt rising.

She shook her head, tears filling her own eyes.

"Of course not. Discord what you heard…I never meant…you weren't supposed to…" She whispered and Discord felt as if he had been socked in the gut. He fisted his hands tighter, feeling his claws digging into his palms as he turned from her.

"I see. So that's how you secretly feel, but you never meant for me to know the truth. Well then…I guess I've gotten my answer…goodbye Fluttershy." He hissed, refusing to let her see the tears running down his cheeks.

He raised his fingers when a force hit him from behind and he grunted. Then he stopped breathing as he felt two soft arms wrap around his waist and turned his head to see Fluttershy clinging to him.

Her face was pressed into his fur and he could feel her tears wetting his back.

"W-Wait…please…don't leave me again…" She choked out and he froze, slowly lowering his claws as he looked down at her.

She raised her eyes up to meet his and even after she had hurt him, he didn't want to see tears in her eyes.

He had vowed to never be the cause of them again…looks like he just couldn't help but hurt her.

"Discord please…don't leave! I can explain everything you heard! Just give me a chance, please…just hear me out." She begged and he frowned, turning his head back away. He wasn't sure he wanted to listen.

She had so much sway over his emotions that if she told him none of it was true, he would foolishly believe her and set himself up for more hurt.

No…He wouldn't let her sweet lips entice him with more lies. He had fallen for that trap with her already, truly believing that…well now it didn't matter.

He moved out of her grip and glared down at her, trying not to let her tears sway him.

So he latched onto the anger inside him and threw it out as a shield.

"I don't want to hear what you have to say! It no longer matters!" He shouted, slashing his arm through the air and she flinched back as if he had struck her. He growled and put his head in his hands.

"Nothing you say will change things Fluttershy. I now know the truth and we can't go back." He lifted his gaze and looked down at her, feeling his heart shatter, knowing this would be the last time he ever saw her. She cried harder and lowered her head as her body began to shake. He steeled his heart against the sight and hissed,

"You finally let out the truth because you didn't know I was there. I'm just glad I found out before…I'll give you what you desire, I'll go…" He turned his back on her once more and snapped his fingers.

"You idiot, I love you!"

Fluttershy stared at the floor, tears spilling down her cheeks after she had shouted at him. She wasn't even sure he had heard her or if he had disappeared already.

She didn't want to look up, the silence in the room filling her with fear that she had been too late.

She sobbed as she continued to be met with silence. She kept her eyes tightly closed as she confessed everything to the empty room. Finally confessing everything, now that it was too late.

"I've loved you for so long now. I was too afraid to say anything because I wasn't sure if you felt the same. I love you more than words can describe Discord…I-I can't lose you. You are my other half. If I lose you I'd lose a part of me as well…please…please don't leave me. I love you….oh Discord I love you so much!" She cried out.

Hating herself for being too late, for not telling him sooner. For the words she had left unsaid as he stood before her. And for all the moments they would now never share.

She started to raise her head as he heart plummeted to the floor. She continued to cry, unable to stop as she whispered once more.

"Discord I love-mmph!"

Her eyes snapped open as she felt warmth crash against her lips and her words were cut off.

She would have gasped had her lips not been pressed against his. Discord wrapped his arms around her tighter, crushing her against him as he kissed her with all the built up passion raging inside him.

After her shock wore off, the sensation of Discord kissing her raced through her blood and instantly heated her. She moaned and closed her eyes, leaning into the kiss.

Discord growled in his throat and tangled his claws in her mane as he bent her back over his arm, deepening the kiss.

When he finally pulled back so they could both take in deep breaths his eyes gleamed as he looked at her.

Fluttershy panted and tried to speak,

"B-But I thought…you left…" She said incoherently, unable to form a full sentence.

He smiled and cupped her cheek with his paw as he gazed down at her.

"I almost did…but you shout stopped me. My magic stalled at your words. I wasn't sure if I had heard right so I was stuck, frozen in place. Until…until you said it again." He whispered and pulled her to him again in a tight hug. She sighed and leaned against his shoulder as he knelt before her and clung to her like a lifeline.

He stroked her mane and buried his snout against her neck, taking in deep breaths of her scent.

"Oh Fluttershy. You don't know how long I've dreamed of hearing you say that. I love you so much I can't contain it. It's more powerful than my chaos and even harder to control.

"I love you more than all the chocolate in the world…" She giggled at this and nuzzled his fur. He growled and leaned back so he could cup her face once more.

He gave her a quick peck on her lips and whispered,

"When I heard what you said on that balcony…it broke my heart. I couldn't believe you had basically called me a monster…I should have realized that I wasn't hearing the whole story was I"

She shook her head and stared up at him, reaching up and wiping the tears from his cheeks.

"No. Discord I could never see you as anything but the creature I love. What I said to Charmin was to prove that no matter what you've done it couldn't change how I feel. I love everything about you Discord, even all those things I said.

"You may be a beast…but you're my beast…" She leaned up and kissed him deeply, causing him to growl deep in his chest and hug her to him again.

She pulled back and nuzzled his nose, smiling up at him.

"And don't you ever forget that. I love you Discord." She whispered and his smile brightened even more. He pulled her against his chest and whispered,

"I love you too Fluttershy."

She hummed happily and curled into him,

"I could get used to hearing that."

He chuckled, setting her away from him and reached into a pocket he created on his side. He pulled out a black case and smiled at her as tears once more filler her eyes.

"And you'll hear it every day if you still have me. Fluttershy I love you so much and although this marriage was started the way it was…it was still real to me. I want you as my wife Fluttershy, now and forever.

"If you'll give me another chance, I'd like to do it right this time." He opened the case to reveal the bracelet he had bought for her. He pulled it out and taking her hoof in his paw he slipped it on.

"Marry me Fluttershy. Marry me again, so this time there won't be any doubts about our love and the binding of our souls. Say you'll be mine for all eternity, as I will forever be yours."

She smiled and threw her hooves around his neck, gently crying as she laughed.

"Yes! Yes of course! I married you once and I'd do it all over again!"

Then there were no words as he wrapped her in another embrace and pressed his lips to hers once more.

They stayed in the position while downstairs Angel watched in annoyance as a band of small discord danced around a bonfire where the divorce papers slowly burned.

After all. They wouldn't be needing those ever again. One Discord turned to the audience with a wink.

"At least not if I have anything to say about it."

The End.

Author's Note:

Well there it is everyone! Sorry for the long wait and for my sudden leaving, but these things have to come at some point and it is just my time. So thank you all for all the love and support that you've shown me over the years and I hope that you will continue to follow me on here and on writerscafe. Thank you all again and I hope that you enjoyed this story!

Comments ( 19 )

That was a wonderful ending! Thank you so much for your stories! I'm gonna miss you!

What a ride! Thank you for giving us a good story! :twilightsmile:

:rainbowhuh: Wut? He's doing it again?
:raritywink:Oh Spikey it's so romantic
:moustache: What did he say?
:duck: He said will you marry me...
:moustache: Sure I'll marry you...
:twilightoops: Spike?!
:raritycry: He's mine ! He only works for you !
:facehoof: I knew these ponies were nuts!
:flutterrage: I'm not nutz!
:pinkiehappy: I love nuts!
:raritystarry: Oh nutz!!!
:ajsmug: How ya like those apples?


I love this story:pinkiehappy: But what exactly happened with Rarity and Pinkie? Or did I already read that in a previous chapter and forget?:twilightblush:

:pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy: 1,000 views!!!! We did it!!!! hahahaha!!! thank you all so much oh and also I never mentioned who spike was seeing haha oopps.


Cool! you got your story featured!

6302185 WHAT!?!?!?! *RUNS TO CHECK!*

As she disappeared Applejack looked at Rainbow with a raised eyebrow.
"Never thought you would approve of this relationship considering your feelings about the two." She asked and Rainbow frowned.
"I don't approve it one hundred percent yet. That oaf still has a long way to go to gain this friend's blessing. But if he makes her cry again, you can bet I'll be the first in line to give him a black eye."

Honestly I expected her to say she didn't approve at all, but rather felt it was not her place to come between Fluttershy and Discord if that's truly what Shy wanted. Rather, she was giving Shy the approval she needed, so that Flutters could have the courage to do what she's really wanted to do for so long now. Loyalty after all, can lie to a friend when they really need it. Unlike honesty.

And THEN threaten to kick Dissy's tail if he didn't behave.

OMG! I LOVE IT! I gonna make another folder for stories like this! :heart:

Thank you for completing a wonderful story.:pinkiehappy:
Your work will be missed here.
I'm glad I found it before you left.
Hopefully no matter where you go, or what you do, it will bring you just as much happiness, as you have brought to others.

Is féidir leis an bóthar ardú suas chun bualadh leat.
Is féidir leis an ghaoth a bheith i gcónaí ag do chúl.
Is féidir leis an ghrian Shine te ar d'aghaidh,
agus bháisteach titim bog ar do ghoirt.
Agus go gcasfar le chéile sinn arís,
Bealtaine Dia a shealbhú tú ar an dtearmann a lámh.
:heart: Q.E.


It was so, so good. I'm sad MLP isn't as appealing to you anymore but I understand. This was a great way to finish it. I love how Pinkie revealed her sexuality only for Rarity to accept it without a second thought, assuring her they were still friends. I love how Discord and Fluttershy were actually HAPPY about the incident, even if they don't remember. (Though I wonder if they actually did the deed...?) I loved the friendship moments. I loved the dates (especially thd paintball one with Fluttershy whooping 'm all!) And the almost-kisses and the actual kisses. I loved how Cordy and Fluttershy teased and flirted, especially when Discord blocked the door and practically seduced her, only to go back on it. I loved how you lead us to think Spike liked Rarity, only for it to be Sweetie Belle. And I ADORED the scene with Charmin--how he ended up being a nice guy that knows to back off and treat a lady with respect. And his real name, lol, so cute!

I'm sorry I wasn't reading this as you published each chapter, I don't know how I missed it. Thank you so much for this squee-worthy fluffy fluttercord awesomeness, amongst everything else. Keep writing and enjoying your creativity. I'm rooting for you! I hope this review makes up for my absence, my friend.

Well, nice to see things get wrapped up.

To be honest, I think the later chapters were worse than the early ones and if it is true that MLP is getting boring to you, that makes sense. But the quality of this is still a lot higher than many stories and you did well by finishing this. So while I'm not as thrilled with this chapter as I hoped I would, it was nice to see the scenes and get the closure.

All in all though, well done on this story. Don't take this as harsh criticism, because, this was a pretty good fic. I wish you all the best in whatever future endeavors you embark on.

Bravo, for being anouther to set me to tears of happiness and sadness. That is my way of just saying that this was an amazing story, and I hope your words take you far in the future.:heart:

The Twin

I really liked this story, up until the misunderstanding, i know that can actually happen in real life, hell I had something like that happen in my own life, except unlike Fluttershy I couldn't fix it, guess that might be why I hate misunderstandings in stories.

But enough about me, let's talk about this story. This story was great very entertaining, funny, and with very believable drama. The characters voices in their heads never contradicted their actions and vice versa. It was fun to watch these two lovebirds who didn't know they were lovebirds find out they were lovebirds.

Also I loved the part half way in where Fluttershy said fairy tales aren't real. The magical talking flying horse that has shot rainbow lasers on more then one occasion and who is married to a god doesn't believe in fairy tales... fair enough.

Also Equestria is a pretty weird place if getting married while drunk out of your mind counts as a fairy tale ending... or maybe Fluttershy's just weird.

Why did it take me so long to see the beauty and the beast parody. Oh, because this story was incredibly well written with a great structure to build the nuance.
I was going to give a little editing tip, but since this isn't actually your story I'll just say thanks for bringing this to us

I love Atomic Puffin's stuff. I have some of her stories on favorites.

"You idiot, I love you!"

Best line by Fluttershy. 100%.

This was honestly a fun story to read. It was a good read.

I was wondering if this story was here. I actually found the Fanficion .net version years ago, but it got deleted for some reason. I say this cause it disappeared from my favorites list with a notification saying the author chose to delete it.

Still love it to this day, so in the favs it goes! :pinkiehappy:

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