• Published 23rd Jan 2015
  • 4,290 Views, 140 Comments

What Happens in Las Pegasus - Inkquill

We've all heard that famous saying, "What happens in Las Vegas..." Well what happens when our group of friends learns the same lesson?

  • ...

Just Ask

Discord used his magic to track down the others so that he and Fluttershy could show them what they found. He looked down at the pegasus next to him as they teleported outside a large building.

She had grown unusually quiet in the last few minutes and he couldn't read her expression.

As for what he was feeling…He couldn't even begin to describe the joy that was radiating through him! It was there, written in black and white for all to see.

Somehow, in some way…He had managed to get this beautiful mare down the aisle and say 'I do'. He grinned wider as he looked at the ring on his finger and imagined what life would be like with the two of them being together at last.

The image quickly shattered as his inner voice shouted at him.

Stop celebrating you idiot! This fantasy you've devised will all come to an end once you meet with the others. They will make sure this marriage is ended quickly. And besides, isn't that what you said you'd do as well?

His grin melted away and his ears flattened as the truth pierced through his euphoria. She wasn't really his, and soon he would be right back where he started. Alone…

"Discord, I think I see the girls!"

He jumped at the sound of her voice and looked in the direction she was pointing her hoof. Sure enough the others were walking out of the building in front of them.

"Girls! Discord and I found something." Fluttershy called as she trotted over to meet the others. Discord stifled a sigh and followed behind her.

"We found something too. I have a feeling that we now know for sure what happened last night." Twilight said and the others nodded solemnly.

Fluttershy held out her hoof to Discord who pulled his fur out like a pocket and retrieved the paper she wanted.

"It looks like…well…this is…" Fluttershy suddenly stuttered and instead handed the paper to Twilight to read over.

The alicorn took it and gave it a quick glance over. She looked at the pair and gave a quick nod before turning to the others.

"We figured this was real when we met here."

Rarity came up and encouraged Fluttershy to follow her.

"This building is home to several offices, but the one we need is on the second floor. We already talked with the judge and told him we'd be returning later. He'll be quite surprised to see us so soon." She said as she started for the door again.

Fluttershy stopped and tilted her head in confusion.

"Wait…Where are we exactly?" She whispered and looked at her other friends.

Applejack came over and placed a gentle hoof on her shoulder.

"This is the office of the judge that married you two. We already talked to him and explained the situation. He said that it would be a simple solution to have the marriage annulled."

"Annulled!?" Discord shouted without thinking first. The mares all looked back at him shocked and he turned his head away to hide his embarrassment.

He hadn't meant to shout indignantly, but he was growing annoyed at the fact that his friends were making all these decisions without asking him…or even Fluttershy for that matter.

He peeked at her from the corner of his eye and noticed her blushing as well. He cleared his throat and tried to hide the reason for his outburst.

"Can we even have it annulled? Isn't it that we have to go through the more complicated steps of getting a divorce? Your pony society and its rules are fuzzy to me." He asked and noted that the question actually left a sour taste in his mouth.

He missed the look that crossed Fluttershy's face at that moment. Unfortunately, another of their friends did not and the orange mare looked between the two.

Twilight shook her head and decided that he had simply been confused about the explanation.

"Not at all Discord. We found out that since this is still a new marriage it can easily be annulled, but the judge has to talk to the two of you to further explain."

"So I suggest that we stop standing out here and get in gear. The faster we talk to this judge the faster the two of you can undo this mistake." Rainbow said and Fluttershy gasped, but it was so small that it went unheard.

Discord smothered a growl.

This wasn't a mistake…not on my part. For me this is a dream come true…but I made a promise to Fluttershy and I will keep it. No matter how it hurts me in the end.

The group had filed into the building and made their way back up to the second floor. Two of the group's occupants were looking more downcast than before, but tried to hide it the best they could.

When they reached the door to the office they needed, Fluttershy felt her heart fall further.

She couldn't voice her objections now. She had been secretly happy to discover that she had in fact married Discord. She had hoped that maybe he was feeling the same, but his disinterest in the matter was apparent.

When he had cried out against the annulment plan, her heart had started to sing in joy. Only for his further explanation to crush her back to the present. She had assumed he was speaking out in anger, but it had simply been confusion.

Then Rainbow calling their marriage a mistake had cut her deeper than it should have. She had wanted to shout that, to her, it wasn't a mistake. To her it was the perfect ending to a fairytale, but fairytales weren't real.

"Ah welcome back…I thought you said you were…" The secretary started to speak when her sentence stopped short as Discord ducked into the office. His presence obviously upset her as she started to tremble and had a harder time speaking.

"His…Judge Stoneworth is waiting…f-for you through those d-doors. I'll…I'll call him n-now to let him…know…" She pressed a hoof to the speaker on her right and repeated what she had just said. The response that called over was a deep, gravelly voice.

"Yes Miss Daisy. Send the couple in and one witness should they choose. There's no need for the whole troop to be present."

The secretary nodded at them and Fluttershy and Discord looked to each other.

"Who should we bring in?" Fluttershy whispered and he looked at their friends and frowned. She waited as she watched him, wondering what he was thinking at the moment.

"Twilight. You have a better understanding of all this technical stuff. Do you think you could join us?" Discord asked and Twilight nodded while the others took seats in the waiting area.

The three of them went through the door and looked around the office. It was simple in design with wood furniture and only a few bookshelves that all housed legal volumes.

Sitting behind a large oak desk was a dark grey unicorn with a short, grey mane and glasses perched on his nose. He was looking down at some papers on his desk, a quill held in his magic.

Fluttershy looked around, trying to find something in the office that was more cheery. She didn't see one photo or decoration that wasn't practical in some way.

There wasn't much of a personal touch to anything and it slightly intimidated her. Without thinking she crept closer to Discord and actually bumped into his leg. He looked down and gave her a reassuring smile.

She felt her heart skip at that flash of a smile and returned a weaker one.

"Ah welcome. I am Judge Stoneworth. I take it that you are having second thoughts over this…um…rushed union?" He asked as they moved closer to his desk. The two of them gave short nods, but no further explanation.

It didn't matter as it seemed the judge needed no further information. He set his quill down and placed his hooves together on the desk as he spoke directly to Fluttershy and Discord.

"Your friends mentioned that you wanted the marriage dissolved and I explained that an annulment at this point would be the easiest and cheapest way for you. If both parties are in agreement that they wish to leave the marriage with no arguments over possession of property, then this is the most painless way to go about it."

Again all they did was nod, although Fluttershy glanced up and noticed Discord had crossed his arms and his jaw seemed to be clenched. She wanted to ask him what was wrong, but couldn't in their current environment.

"Now what I did not mention to your friends was the length in which it would take me to get the papers together. I will need at least four days to gather the required documents for the two of you to sign and then it will take another three days for the paperwork to be completely filed. After this time, the two of you will officially be separated and may go on as you had before. Is this agreeable with the two of you?"

Fluttershy looked up at Discord, who in turn glanced down at her at the same time. Discord opened his mouth and hesitated, then he sighed and closed his mouth, nodding once more. Fluttershy sighed as well and whispered,


"Good. Then I will start gathering the documents for you and shall send my secretary out with them for you to sign once that is complete. Miss Sparkle, I will need your signature as well. As the witness."

Twilight nodded and with that they were dismissed and left the office solemnly, at least Fluttershy did. When they met in the waiting room, the others surrounded them and demanded to know what happened.

Twilight explained what the judge had told them. Rarity sighed and looked to Fluttershy,

"Well, I suppose we can't help the wait darling. But since we are…"

Fluttershy wasn't listening. She looked past her friends to Discord, who was standing off to the side. Only Pinkie went up to him and tried cheering him up by holding up some magazine she had been looking at.

Discord took in with little interest, she knew that he was secretly listening to them, but trying not to make it obvious.

"And now that we have this all settled, well as much as we can at the moment…Now that we have set things in motion I want to tell you the good news."

Fluttershy looked at Rarity and tilted her head. What could Rarity possibly have to tell her right now?

"We were all invited to have lunch with that nice stallion Charmin Devil."

"Ah Rarity, I can't believe you are still stuck on that. Don't you think we should try to avoid getting into more trouble this week?" Applejack asked, while casting a nervous glance towards Discord.

"Nonsense. What harm or trouble could come from associating with such a charming gentlecolt. Oh Fluttershy dearest, I have to say that I'm so excited for you."

"Um…Excited…f-for m-me?" Fluttershy mumbled as they left the office and Rarity continued to talk enthusiastically.

"Oh yes. Why I just know that this Charmin Devil is quite taken with you and was most keen to see you again."

Fluttershy blushed and resisted the urge to look back at Discord. It was a good thing she didn't for she would have seen his eye twitch and his fur rise in irritation.

"Oh Rarity…I don't know…"

"Come now darling. It will be fun and will take your mind off of things." Rarity begged and Fluttershy sighed. She raised her head and took a deep breath, knowing she had to be firm.


"I beg your pardon?" Rarity said in a state of shock. Honestly all the others were looking at her in shock as well.

Fluttershy turned to face Rarity and tried to avoid looking at Discord, afraid that he'd be able to read her thoughts if she did.

"No Rarity. I don't want to appear rude, but I don't wish to see Charmin again. He was very nice to us at the club, but I have no intention of allowing him to believe there is anything between us." Her steady tone and assertiveness made all mouths drop, almost touching the floor.

She wasn't done though and continued,

"If you wish, you may go have lunch with him. But please, simply thank him on my behalf and explain my feelings to him. Now I'm feeling tired and as Applejack suggested, I think I shall return to the hotel and relax a bit after everything today…Discord…if you could…"

"It would be my pleasure my dear." Discord said as he appeared next to her. She couldn't help but smile at the large grin on his face. He was doing a horrible job of hiding his pleasure at the moment and it radiated through her as well.

She wondered if his sudden joy came from her refusal of Charmin Devil? She hoped it was just that, because that would mean he was jealous. Jealousy was only felt by those that cared deeply for another pony, so she selfishly wished that was what was going on.

"Will anyone join us?" She asked and Pinkie started to step forward, but Applejack stopped her and spoke for the group.

"No. I think that we'll go with Rarity to make our apologies to that fellow Charmin. Then I think we may scout the town out, we are still on vacation after all." Applejack smiled at the two of them and ignored the confused looks from the mares behind her.

"Actually…Uh…Can I go back to the hotel too? I have a stack of comics that I'd like to get through and shopping doesn't sound that fun to me." Spike said and Applejack laughed and patted him on the head.

"Okay. Well, we probably will go shopping and I'd hate to drag you along where you don't want to be little one." She laughed as Spike blushed and he joined Fluttershy and Discord.

Twilight cleared her throat,

"Uh…Discord. Do you think you can give us a way back to the hotel? I don't want to worry about a cab later."
He nodded and snapped his fingers. A pendant appeared on her neck and he explained.

"That's good for one use, so just push it when you want to return. It will take you and your purchases back with you."

They nodded and he snapped his fingers again, taking him, Spike, and Fluttershy back to the hotel.

Twilight waited until the flash was gone along with the pair before she turned to Applejack and raised her eyebrow in question.

"Care to explain why you wouldn't let any of us go back with them?" She asked and Applejack looked down without answering, not wanting to explain her hunch to the others just yet.

She had a feeling that the two of them needed some time alone to sort through their feelings. She could see what the others obviously could not. That neither Discord nor Fluttershy looked happy that the marriage was ending.

She could clearly see the anguish on both their faces as they left the office and she had a theory why. But she knew how the others felt about the pair and so kept her thoughts to herself for the moment.

She just hoped that she wasn't too far off and didn't inadvertently cause more problems between the pair.

"Well. In any case, I believe the next course of action is to meet Mr. Charmin at his restaurant and thank him for his help. Maybe we can balm his broken ego when he finds out that sweet Fluttershy isn't interested. Such a shame though, I'm sure they would have done well together." Rarity said as she went to hail them a cab.

Applejack perked up and looked to Rarity as she said,

"So, ya aint gonna try and push the two together anymore?"

Rarity looked back at AJ and nodded once.

"Of course. I would never try and push Fluttershy to be with some pony she has no feelings towards. I just thought that she had felt something towards him when they met, but I was mistaken and shall take it with the grace of a true lady. Our little Fluttershy will find love someday and when she does I want it to be with someone who truly values and cherishes her as the treasure she is." Rarity finished with a derisive nod and climbed into the cab that stopped for them.

Applejack sighed in relief and hoped that Rarity really meant what she said, because it was obvious to AJ who would do just that. He may not be what most would consider the handsome princely type, but it was clear that he deeply cared for Fluttershy.

She couldn't be sure of how deep his feelings ran, but she had to trust that the answers would find a way out on their own and the two would end up happy. Whether that meant together or apart.

They reached the restaurant in amazing time and all entered in awe. It was rather elegant and much more posh than they were used to. Only Rarity seemed to be at home in the high-end dining place.

However, even she muttered about wishing she was wearing something more appropriate. Rainbow rolled her eyes and said,

"We're not wearing anything."

Rarity only glared at the rainbow mare before moving towards the hostess.

"Good afternoon. We were invited here by a Mr. Charmin…"

"Ah ladies, you were able to come. I hope you were able to find what you were after?" Charmin said as he came down the stairs of a roped off section.

The security unicorn unhooked the rope and Charmin gestured for them to follow him.

"Please, if you will. I have a private dining box upstairs for important guests and would love to show it to you." He flashed a bright grin and nodded as each mare walked past him. Twilight could see him counting in his head before he turned to her, his smile slipping a bit.

"Forgive me for being bold your highness, but where is your lovely friend, Miss Fluttershy?"

Twilight stopped herself from groaning and stood tall as she walked beside him and explained.

"Fluttershy will not be joining us I'm afraid. She was feeling tired after everything we discovered today and respectfully declined the offer of lunch. She did wish us to send her thanks though and apologize on her behalf." She left it at that for the moment, not wanting to be rude and tell the stallion he was wasting time on a pursuit that wouldn't lead anywhere.

No matter how hard you tried.

She thought as she watched the 'charming' male next to her. She couldn't explain it, but something was off with this stallion. Even if Fluttershy had been interested, she would have warned the mare off.

Her instincts were telling her to stay away from him and she was only here to thank him for his help. Good manners kept her from speaking her mind that was all.

"Oh, I can't say I'm not disappointed. I do hope she feels better and we can have a chance to chat once more. She is such a lovely companion, that I would be honored to have the chance to be in her presence again." He said as he helped Twilight into her seat. Before she could respond he clapped his hooves and servers came in with their lunches.

"I hope it was not presumptuous on my part to have lunch prepared ahead of time without consulting you ladies." He said with such sureness that it was hard for most of the mares not to roll their eyes. Pinkie was fidgeting in her seat and being unusually quiet, Rarity was enthralled with everything Charmin said and the other three were hoping to escape as quickly as possible.

The lid were lifted and with them the delicious aromas filled the room. The plates held a generous amount of steaming vegetables, rice and soups.

Each mare was embarrassed to feel their stomachs growl loudly and Charmin chuckled.

"I'm pleased that my choices were winners, but if anything is not satisfactory, please speak up and I will have the staff prepare you something more to your liking."

Rarity batted her lashes and leaned closer to Charmin, who seemed to tolerate the adoration, but otherwise paid no further attention to her.

The meal was mostly eaten in silence, with only Rarity being completely engaged with Charmin in conversation. The others were uncomfortable at the fact that he kept casually dropping hints about Fluttershy.

It was too much for Rainbow after one last comment at the end of the meal.

"I am so sorry that Miss Fluttershy was unable to accompany you to lunch. Perhaps…if you would indulge me with a favor. Would you kindly extend an invitation to dinner tonight? I would love it if she could go to dinner with me. She is such a beautiful mare. I find myself captivated by her loveliness and can't help but be forward when it comes to her. So if you could, I would be most grateful." He finished smoothly with a charming smile.

Rainbow snorted and without thinking said,

"Fat chance of that pal. She's too busy with her soon to be ex-husband."

The table froze and Twilight glared at Rainbow who at least had the decency to look embarrassed about her outburst. Twilight sighed and looked to Charmin, who looked rather confused.

"I'm sorry…but I was unaware that your friend was even married?" He said with a small bite behind his words.

Twilight sighed and supposed now was a good time for the meal to end anyways.

"She wasn't…at least not when you met her. We had a little too much to drink last night and…well…What Rainbow said is really of no importance, because the truth is…"

Rarity interrupted and spared Twilight the awkward explanation and the let down to follow.

"The truth is…Is that our dear friend Fluttershy is not interested in any romantic relations at this moment. She is terribly sorry to have given you any wrong inclinations, but she would simply enjoy being acquaintances at the moment. I'm sure you understand."

Charmin gave them another smile, but this time it lacked its previous luster.

"Of course. I am sorry that I was so pushy for nothing. Well I wish her the best and hope that in the future she may reconsider my attentions. Well, I hate to cut things short ladies, but I must be getting back to work. It was lovely talking to you and feel free to order desert on the house before you go."

He bowed to them and walked away, where a mare with an earpiece in her ear met him and began to speak rapidly while reading off a clipboard.

"Hmm…it is a real shame that Fluttershy wasn't more interested. He looks like he could provide her with a comfortable life." Rarity mussed as she declined dessert along with the others and made her way to leave.

Pinkie looked over her shoulder, to where Charmin had disappeared to and shivered.

"He was scary…" She whispered and Twilight looked at her surprised, so did AJ.

"So, I'm not the only one who got a bad vibe from that there fellow?" AJ asked and both Twilight and Pinkie nodded.

"There is definitely something strange with that one." Twilight mussed and Rarity snorted,

"I think you are all letting your protective natures get the better of you. He is nothing more than a smitten kitten."

The others weren't so sure, but let the subject drop as they wouldn't have to see the stallion again anyways.

Discord brought Spike and Fluttershy back to the hotel and instantly Spike left them alone. He seemed unconcerned with the situation and Discord wondered what was on the young drake's mind.

"You should go to our-the new room Fluttershy. If you want, I'll leave you alone to nap and fetch you when the girls return." He said and she smiled up at him in gratitude. He was just thankful that she was still gracing him with her sweet smiles.

"Thank you Discord, but I don't need a nap…"

"Then at least run yourself a hot bath. You need to relax my dear, you are wound incredibly tight." He moved closer to her and wrapped his arm around her shoulders, not missing the shiver. He quickly removed his arm, afraid he had frightened her.

"Ah…yes…anyways, as I was saying…you should go relax for a bit. Help to clear your mind. And then I…I'll come see how you're doing." He said and waited to see how she'd react. Normally he'd have no trouble just popping in on her, but with their current situation he felt he had to be delicate with things. Something that he was never good at.

"Thank you Discord. A bath sounds wonderful actually. You always think of me…How do you stay so sweet all the time?" She asked and caught him off guard with a soft kiss on his cheek.

He froze and didn't respond as she walked away, presumably to their room. He swallowed and laid his claws over his cheek.

Then he snapped his fingers and flashed to the only place he could think of.

Spike yelled as Discord appeared out of the comic he had just opened.

"Sweet Celestia! How am I supposed to relax if you keep giving me heart attacks like this?" Spike demanded and Discord frowned up at the dragon.

"I am in need of advice. Your advice." Discord said and the dragon was taken aback for a moment, then he burst into laughter and closed the comic on Discord.

"That's a good one. Now if you'll excuse me." He picked up a different comic and opened it. He flipped to the first panel and groaned as Discord stepped from behind a building. He was dressed in a long trench coat and matching fedora.

"Sorry kid, but you're all I've got at the moment so you're it." He said as he pulled out a giant lollipop and ate it in one bite. Then he stuck the stick in his mouth to complete his costume.

Spike rolled his eyes and groaned,

"I'm not getting rid of you until we talk am I?"

The panel changed on its own and the word 'NOPE' was written in giant letters. Spike groaned again and flipped the page to see Discord in a detective office, sitting at a desk.

"Alright then…talk…" Spike said and Discord nodded.

"Much obliged. Now the information I'm going to disclose is private and top secret…"

Spike noted that as Discord spoke, the word bubble above his head also filled with words. It made for an interesting conversation, he had to admit.

"How top secret?" Spike asked and Discord held up a file with red print on it.

"Of the utmost secret. It has to do with me and a personal secret that I am going to entrust to you. If you so much as utter it to any pony else I'll turn you into a parasprite."

Spike laughed and snorted,

"Yeah right."

Dicord's head came out of the comic and he glared down at Spike.

"Try me…" He hissed and Spike gulped.

"Okay, okay already…Fine, I won't tell any pony your secret. So what's it about?"

Discord returned to the comic and Spike realized he was forced to turn the page again. He frowned as a shadowed figure partially blocked his view of Discord. But the word bubble helped him hear Discord's inner thoughts.

"Of all the lives she could have waltz into...it had to be mine."

Spike rolled his eyes and deadpanned,

"Is this about your crush on Fluttershy?"

The comic flashed and Discord was sitting on the floor in front of Spike with his mouth hanging open.

"How…When did you…I never…" Discord stuttered and Spike crossed his arms as he stared up at the draconequus.

"Oh please. It's as easy to see as the sun rising." He said and Discord crossed his own arms.

"It is not that obvious how I feel! If it's were so obvious, then the girls would have noticed. Fluttershy would have found out by now." Discord smirked, but was surprised to see Spike smirking back.

"Got ya…so you do have a crush on her. I thought so."

Discord realized the trap he had fallen into and slapped himself in the face and growled.

"I was just outsmarted by an eggling…" He muttered under his breath, but decided there was no point in arguing any longer.

"Okay…yes…I do like Fluttershy… a lot actually…but you can't tell the others. I meant that."

Spike nodded and raised his claw as a vow.

"I know what it's like to have a secret crush and not being able to express it." He said, which made Discord's eyebrow raise.

"Oh? And who would this mystery mare be?"

Spike blushed and muttered under his breath. Discord fell backwards laughing and Spike fumed.

"You can't say anything to the others either! Especially Rarity! Do you understand?"

Discord stopped laughing, but did chuckle a bit as he nodded. Spike snorted and crossed his arms again,

"Besides, weren't we discussing your situation with Fluttershy?"

Discord stopped chuckling then and looked downcast.

"I don't know what to do…I want to tell her how I feel, especially after what has just happened between us…but…but I don't want to scare her away either."

Spike nodded, but didn't interrupt or offer advice so Discord continued to use him as a soundboard, letting out all his frustrations.

"I can't even begin to express how much this has affected me. I had always dreamed of making Fluttershy my wife, but I knew it was nothing more than an unattainable fantasy. She would never want something like me, she deserves so much better anyways.

"I want to tell her that I…that I'm falling…that I've fallen in love with her…" That made Spike's eyes widen. He hadn't known how deep the draconequus' feelings ran, but now he did.

"But I can't chance losing her friendship…and even if she would still be my friend after rejecting me…I'm not sure that I could ever be satisfied with settling. I'd rather have her remain ignorant of my feelings and keep our relationship as it is.

"At least then I would still be able to enjoy the familiarity we share and the affection that is there. I would die if that became forced or tainted on her part. Then if she ever did find some pony else…" He flinched as if the thought caused him real pain.

"I would have to leave. I could never bear to see her look at another stallion as I long to have her look at me…I want to know…but I'm afraid of the answer…" He finished and his head drooped.

Spike looked at the Lord of Chaos with a mixture of surprise and pity. He hadn't expected to be shown this vulnerable side of the being and it was a shock. He couldn't explain what came over him at that moment, but he felt the sudden desire to help.

"Then test the waters."

Discord's head shot up and he looked at the drake in confusion. Spike continued to explain.

"If you want to know if Fluttershy could ever feel the same for you without asking her straight out, then give her a small test."

"And how do I do that?" Discord asked a pad and quill appearing in his hands. Spike leaned back and placed his claws behind his head.

"First things first…"

Discord leaned closer in anticipation and scribbled notes quickly as the dragon talked.

Fluttershy stepped out of the large tub set in the floor of the hotel bathroom. She quickly dried herself, put on one of the robes and wrapped a towel around her mane to help it dry further.

She was glad that Discord had suggested the bath, it really had helped her clear her thoughts. She walked out of the steaming bathroom and sighed in bliss.

She knew what she had to do now. The clarity had come during her soak in the hot, scented water. Sometime during this trip, she was going to tell Discord that she was in love with him.

That way, this internal torture would finally be put to rest. Either he would return her affections and their relationship would move forward towards eternal bliss. Or he would reject her and she may very well lose her best friend, but at least she would have a conclusive answer.

She nodded, satisfied that she had made that decision and tried to think of the best time to tell him. It wasn't exactly something you could just blurt out at any time. At least, she definitely couldn't.

It would have to be when the two of them were alone and she had gained some confidence to help her. But that still didn't…

"The show!" She suddenly exclaimed. They were still all going to go see the show together! Surely during that time she could get Discord alone and confess her feelings to him. And that way there wouldn't be any awkward days to follow if he didn't love her back.

They would return to Ponyville the next day and he could subtly pull away from her should he choose. She wondered if he would still want to be her friend after or if her feelings would make him feel uncomfortable?

"Only one way to find out…" She whispered and took the towel off her hair just as there was a knock at the door.

"Yes?" She called and the door opened. Her heart jumped when Discord cautiously walked in. She had just made a decision about her feelings towards him and as if it were a sign there he was.

"H-hi…" She stammered, suddenly self-conscious of her wet mane. Although Discord didn't seem to notice, he was looking rather distracted himself.

"Hi…how are you feeling? Are you feeling better?" He asked and looked at her briefly before looking back at his hands.

"Yes, thank you. That bath was exactly what I needed." She whispered, thinking of what she had decided while in the hot water. She looked up at the object of her thoughts and wished that she was brave enough to just say it now.

"Um…Fl-Fluttershy…I wanted to ask you something." He whispered and it made Fluttershy blink suddenly surprised. There was no way he was thinking the same thing she was, so it was foolish for her to let her thoughts stray.

"What is it Discord?"

Because I know it's not what I'm hoping for…

She thought somewhat miserably. He cleared his throat and put his two index fingers together nervously. She recognized the gesture and it only peaked her interest in what he had to ask.

"Well…it's just that…now that we know what happened last night. I thought…well I was wondering…um…Fluttershy…would you…would you like to go to…dinner with me?" He closed his eyes as he finished his question and held his fists close to his chest.

Fluttershy felt fireworks go off inside her, but did her best to contain her obvious joy. This was perfect for what she had planned! Spending time alone with Discord may help her test his own feelings for her.

"I'd love to Discord."

"I figured…it was just a-wait…Did you say yes?" He said and smiled brightly at her. She giggled and nodded again. His face lit up and he clasped his hands together.

"Perfect! I-I mean, great…I'll make the arrangements and pick you up at eight. I'll see you later FlutterBuddy!" He said as he closed the door behind him.

On either side of the door both Fluttershy and Discord held their hands/hooves in front of their faces and began to shake in excitement. Then they both simultaneously jumped into the air shouting,


Author's Note:

Okay everyone that's chapter six. I told you it would be longer and chapter seven will most likely be the same length, but I'm not completely sure. I hope that you enjoyed this and will leave a review for me. I will try and get chapter seven out quickly for all of you. We are so close to winning the bet against the evil one! Thank you all for the support on this project as I wasn't sure how it would go over when I was first issued this challenge.