• Published 23rd Jan 2015
  • 4,298 Views, 140 Comments

What Happens in Las Pegasus - Inkquill

We've all heard that famous saying, "What happens in Las Vegas..." Well what happens when our group of friends learns the same lesson?

  • ...

When the Curtain Falls

The next four days went by in a blur for Fluttershy. Unfortunately she and Discord had been unable to have a moment alone again since he had briefly kissed her. They had been traveling around the city with the group.

Her friends, minus Applejack, had been sure to stick to them so there was never a moment for them to talk about what had happened.

Not that it mattered…

She thought with a sigh. Since that night, even though they hadn't been alone Discord had made no other move towards her.

Even if he happened to brush against her, he would instantly stiffen and move away.

It wanted to make her scream in frustration! Here she had been thinking that the kiss had been him expressing his own feelings.

But maybe it had only been another of his jokes, it was always so hard to tell with Discord.

She sighed again and looked at her friends as they each got worked on.

Fluttershy was currently sitting in a salon chair as a stylist worked on her long locks. She and the girls had been surprised by the gift from Discord. He had booked them all a day of pampering before the big show tonight.

She wondered if it was another excuse to avoid her. Since both the draconequus and the young dragon were suspiciously absent.

Trying to keep her hopes up was starting to get tiresome. The lack of alone time between the two had also limited her decision to tell him before the show.

Now she had no choice and would have to tell him tonight.

Fluttershy looked over and caught Applejack's eye. She made a silent motion and the mare instantly understood.

After whispering something to the stylist, both mares moved so that Applejack could sit beside Fluttershy.

"What's wrong sugar?" AJ asked, making sure to still keep her voice lowered. Even if the others weren't listening in.

"Oh Applejack. I wish I had come to you sooner, but I thought I could figure this out myself. I thought that I knew what was happening, but now…"

"Whoa, whoa…hey now. Take a deep breath Flutters, then tell me exactly what's wrong." Applejack cooed and it helped to calm Fluttershy a bit.

She took a deep breath as instructed and then launched into telling Applejack about the kiss and everything after.

"What does it mean AJ? Do you think he was just teasing me as payback for my joke? Or was it as real for him as it was for me?" She asked when she had finished her story.

Applejack hummed in thought. It wouldn't be so crazy for the chimera to do as Fluttershy suggested and play a joke like that.

But Applejack was pretty sure that kiss hadn't been a joke. Not if the looks over the past week meant anything.

AJ looked at Fluttershy, who was waiting for her opinion. She wasn't sure if she should tell her friend how she had caught Discord watching the pegasus.

Anytime he thought no pony was paying attention, his eyes would drift to the buttercream mare and a heated look of longing would pass through his gaze.

However, there was a chance that she was reading too much into it because she desperately wanted Fluttershy to find happiness.

"Well hon…I wouldn't just give up that easily. I know that the two of you haven't exactly had a moment of peace and I'm sorry for that. I tried to get the others to let you two alone, but they wouldn't budge."

This brought a small smile to Fluttershy's face, as she knew the mare was trying to help her out anyway she could. But she was one against four.

"It's okay Applejack. It's just a bit unnerving not knowing if I'm imagining this spark between us. If it's all one-sided."

"I don't think that's the case sugar cube. Truth be, I've been watching the two of you this past week and there is definitely something. He's…well Discord…he's been watching you a lot." She finally admitted, hoping she wasn't giving her friend false hope.

"Really? H-He has?" Fluttershy asked, her eyes lighting up for the first time.

"Yeah. Whenever he thinks no one notices. He watches you like a hawk. Fluttershy that is not the behavior of somepony that is not at least a little interested. I think it's time to tell him the truth. The others too, it's getting hard to play decoy."

Fluttershy nodded to this and smiled brightly.

"I will Applejack, tonight is the last night I need you to run interference with them. Afterwards, when I have my answer, I'll tell them." She said and felt excited for tonight.

"What are you two whispering over there?" Rainbow called, making the two jump slightly. They laughed as they both answered 'nothing' together.

To avoid further questions Applejack diverted the conversation towards the performance.

As they were leaving the salon, each feeling relaxed and excited for the show, Rarity giggled,

"I wonder what those two boys are up to this whole time we've been out."

"Knowing Spike, they are either reading through that mountain of comics or playing Magic." Twilight laughed and Fluttershy looked over confused.

"Magic? As in-"

"No not like pony magic. It's this strange card game that Spike has become addicted to. Honestly it makes no sense to me as I actually understand how magic works and clearly that game does not. But he enjoys it and no doubt he will drive Discord crazy with it as well." She explained and Rainbow snorted,

"I think that would be hard to do considering he's already out of his mind half the time."

The group laughed, except for Fluttershy who blushed and Applejack who looked over in sympathy.

Telling her friends was becoming a harder task by the second.

Discord grumbled in frustration as he looked at the young drake.

"Will you hurry up?" He growled and Spike glared over at him.

"You didn't have to come." He snapped back.

The two were walking through a gift shop as Spike tried to find something to bring home for a certain special mare.

"You know, you can't keep your feeling about 'her' from Rarity forever." Discord pointed out as he examined a set of snow globes. He snapped his fingers to improve them.

He grinned as he picked one up and shook it. Now the little figures yelled as cotton candy clouds chased them around the globe.

He chuckled until he felt a slap on his claw and dropped the orb. It was caught in magic and the store keep put it back.

The older unicorn glared at him and silently ordered him to change them back. He snapped his fingers and grumbled how ponies didn't appreciate his creative spirit.

"Look, I already told you. This wasn't my idea. I'm not the one that wants to keep it a secret." Spike explained for what he felt was the hundredth time.

"Yeah, yeah…It was her decision, because she wants to find the right time to tell her sister blah, blah blah…" Discord yawned as he mimicked what Spike had said earlier. Spike only glared as he continued to browse the store.

"Oh what about this?" He held up a stuffed bear and Discord looked at the dragon.

"Cute…I guess." Discord said, tugging on his ear in boredom and making the stuffed animals start dancing.

He felt something smack him in the back of the head and growled,

"Alright! I get it! Don't touch anything! Geez…cranky bat…" He snapped his fingers and they stopped. He then noticed Spike looking up at him with a frown on his face.

"What do you mean 'I guess'?" He asked and Discord sighed as he took the bear from the dragon.

He caught the store owner lifting another bounce ball and he shouted,

"I'm not even doing anything!"

She slowly lowered the ball, but he noted that she kept it close as she looked back at the book in front of her. He growled, but turned back to the waiting dragon.

"Well, this toy is nice and all…but is it really something you would give to a mare you like? If you want her to understand how you feel, you need to do something grand! Why not go big and get her something that will sweep her off her hooves?" He thought out loud and silently realized he wasn't just talking to the dragon, but also himself.

It had been so irritating this week, seeing her and not being able to pull her to him as he desired.

After that brief kiss, Discord's greed had swelled out of control. He wanted to know what it felt like to really kiss her. To have her pressed against him fully and to finally tell her he loved her.

But that had not been possible since that night. The two were never left alone for a second. He had been tempted to just kidnap the mare, but decided that wouldn't earn him any points with the others.

So instead he told himself to be patient that the opportunity would be there. But with each touch and soft smile, his control wavered.

So he had to take a break and sent the girls to be pampered while he thought up a plan for tonight. Until that second, nothing had come to him and it had put him in a foul mood.

Now he brightened as he tossed the bear over his shoulder, barely missing the owner's head. And only because she ducked.

"Come on friend! I have the perfect idea!" He shouted and grabbed the dragon before teleporting them to a different shop.

Fluttershy stared at herself in the mirror and Rarity smiled at her over her shoulder.

"Oh darling! You look beautiful! This dress was the perfect choice and I'm so glad I talked you into it!"

Fluttershy blushed but smiled at her friend.

"Yes, it's lovely. Thank you Rarity, I'm glad you did push me to buy it."

The dress was a deep red and made of the softest silk. It was backless so her wings could move freely without restraint.

The sleeves were long and flowed at her hooves; the skirt hugged her flank and back hooves, swishing lightly as she walked.

Along the chest and the hems were tiny black onyx stones that shined in the light and added a darker allure to the dress.

This dress wasn't just perfect for the show, but also to pour her heart out to Discord tonight.

"It's perfect Rarity." She whispered and Rarity got a certain sparkle in her eyes and moved to Fluttershy's side.

"And I dare say, just the thing to catch the eye of a certain stallion." She winked and Fluttershy managed not to grimace, but she did sigh.

"Rarity, I told you. I don't want to catch Charmin-"

"I'm not talking about him darling. No the stallion I mean is…how did Pinkie put it? About seven feet tall, made up of different creature parts and a tiny bit on the jealous side." Rarity laughed at Fluttershy's stunned look.

"Oh sweetie, don't look so stunned. I began to understand what was going on when you told me about Mr. Charmin. Now he may be a brute and unruly at times…but Discord has a good heart somewhere under all that childish nature.

"And it's obvious to anyone who takes the time to look…that his heart is yours. Don't waste any more time darling. The others will slowly come to terms with what you two share. Some longer than others, but eventually we'll all be behind you."

Rarity gave her a small hug and went to help Rainbow, who was getting tangled in her own dress.

Fluttershy looked back at her reflection and felt even lighter than she did before. That was two of her friends! Two that had openly supported her feelings for Discord. She knew that Pinkie like Discord, so she could already count on her.

Twilight would be cautious but eventually come over. The hardest would be Rainbow Dash. She was not Discord's biggest fan and had made no secret of her feelings towards the marriage.

Still, she was Fluttershy's friend and would eventually have to accept things.

Fluttershy felt herself growing excited as she imagined how she would get Discord alone and tell him everything!

Discord had returned to the hotel with just enough time for them to get ready. He let the dragon run off to join the girls as Discord made his way to his own room.

He stared down at the black box in his claws. Once safely inside his room, he grinned and lifted the lid.

Nestled against the satin was the perfect gift. It was a silver linked chain bracelet. The metal twisted in a spiral design and within each loop was a turquoise gem.

Discord snapped the lid closed and thought of how she would light up when he gave it to her.

He was getting ready so he could go to her before they all left. That way she could wear it to the show.

A small knock at his door made him smile wider. Maybe he could give it to her sooner, and maybe steal another kiss as he so desperately wanted.

He opened the door,

"Hello my dear I-" But he stopped as it wasn't Fluttershy, but one of the front clerks.

"Good evening Mr. Chaos. This was delivered to the front end." She held out a large, yellow envelope.

Discord took it with a raised eyebrow and reached inside his ear to pull out a bit for the mare.

"Uh…." She said as she stared at the coin, not wanting to take it. Discord looked down.


"It's…it's not going to do anything strange is it?" She asked and he chuckled. He set it on her nose and grinned.

"So long as you don't insult it…I don't think so." He shut the door on the concerned mare.

He chuckled and tore open the envelope. His laughter died as he pulled out the papers nestled inside. His heart fell to the floor as he scanned the words.

It was the paperwork for his and Fluttershy's annulment.

"No…not tonight…not now…" He whispered as he flipped through the pages.

He felt himself sweating as he tried to decide what to do. He didn't want to lie to Fluttershy by hiding them, but he also didn't want to ruin tonight with this kind of reminder.

He sat on the edge of the bed and groaned. Then his eyes fell on his gift and a new idea formed. What if he just kept them hidden for now?

"That's it." He reached out and opened the lid again. As he stared down at the sparkling gems that reminded him of her eyes he smiled.

I'll take this to the show. Then I'll pull her to the side and tell her everything! After I tell her how much I love her I'll get down on one knee and ask her to marry me all over again.

"This time it will be real. There won't be any doubts left after tonight Fluttershy. You will be my wife from now until forever." He whispered as he snapped the lid closed again.

Discord joined the girls and the large group teleported to the theater that housed the grand show.

Fluttershy was pleased when he offered her his arm. He smiled down at her and leaned closer to her ear,

"You look stunning tonight my dear. More beautiful than words could ever describe." He breathed and she blushed brightly.

She was happy to note that Applejack, Rarity and Pinkie looked happy for her. Twilight was watching them oddly, but maintained a neutral …well Rainbow looked the same as every other time she had to wear a dress.

She mentally counted to ten to calm her nerves as she planned on what she would say to the male beside her.

Before she could ask to talk to him, they were ushered quickly through the lobby and seated at a table.

They were served drinks and some delicate appetizers. She sighed, frustrated that she had once more been unable to speak. But that quickly subsided as Discord grinned down at her and offered her a cucumber sandwich.

She let the atmosphere around her lift her spirits and began to talk with the others while waiting for the show to begin.

When the lights dimmed she excitedly clapped her hooves along with everyone else present.

She set her hooves on the table and watched with wide eyes as fog filled the stage and the large curtain began to rise.

She jumped when she felt something warm touch her hoof. She glanced down to see that Discord had lain his paw over her hoof.

She looked up and caught his eye as he gave her a small wink before turning back to the stage.

She turned back herself. A happy smile and a small blush lighting her face.

As intermission started they filed into the lobby all smiling and laughing.

"It's so amazing what those ponies can do that high in the air. Considering that most of them don't have wings!" Twilight said and the others agreed.

Fluttershy looked at Discord and wondered how to get him to the side. Fluttershy was still looking as Discord glanced over and a strange heat filled his eyes.

She felt her heart flutter and started to move towards him when she felt a hoof on her shoulder.

"Come on Flutters. It's time to go back in." Rainbow said, Fluttershy frowned and noticed that everyone was moving back towards the stage.

"Oh already? But…" She sighed and turned to follow Rainbow, trying not to get too frustrated with herself. She had let her nerves waste too much time and missed a perfect opening.

As they all sat down for the second part of the show, she found that she wasn't paying much attention. Instead she was thinking about the creature seated next to her and how his fingers were still brushing against her hoof. She couldn't stand this!

"Excuse me. I-I have to go to the restroom." She said to her friends, declining their offers to accompany her.

She went to the restroom and sighed as she let the cool water run over her hooves. She looked up and stared at herself in the mirror.

"You're such a coward sometimes Fluttershy. Why can't you just look at him and tell him the truth? Hmm, I need some air…" She mumbled out loud and left the restroom. She had noticed a balcony set off to the side during intermission and made her way to it now.

She took in a deep breath as she moved to the railing. The theater building was set up on a hill so she was able to still look down at the sparkling lights below.

She let the night's gentle breeze flow through her mane and stared up at Luna's beautiful, starry sky.

"What am I doing? I should have just dragged him out here and told him. I wish I was more assertive sometimes…" She whispered.

"Beautiful night, but the show is this way I believe."

Fluttershy jumped, startled by the voice and turned to see Charmin Devil standing at the edge of the balcony. He was facing to the side as if he had glanced over and just happened to notice her.

"Not enjoying the show Miss Fluttershy?" He asked with an easy smile and she shook her head.

"Oh…n-no…I just…well…needed some air for a second." She said with a small blush on her cheeks.

Charmin frowned then and stepped out onto the balcony, moving to her side.

"Oh, are you feeling alright? Should I go fetch someone?" He asked and again she shook her head.

"N-no…it's not because I'm not feeling well it's just…hard to explain…" She muttered and he smiled softly again.

"Would it have something to do with that 'soon to be ex-husband' your friend mentioned?"

Her head shot up as she looked at him, her expression giving him the answer.

"I thought so. I understand your anxiety my dear…" She didn't like hearing that endearment, when it usually rolled off another tongue that was much more alluring.

"Finding yourself married to such a creature would certainly shock any mare's sensibilities. Wouldn't you agree?" He looked over at her and she was stunned,


"I mean, I know that you are basically in charge of keeping the chaos lord in line, but that doesn't extend to tying yourself down with it." He continued as he turned to look at her again. He reached out and patted her shoulder.

"But it will all be over soon. You can go on your way, free once more. It's not like you could ever love a beast like that." He laughed and Fluttershy frowned. She turned to face him with her head lowered, hiding her expression.

"You know what you're right…" She whispered and Charmin looked down at her.

"Discord can act like a real jerk sometimes. He's loud, obnoxious, and frustrating beyond belief. He can act so selfish and childish that I'm pushed to the ends of my ropes trying to get him to see reason.

"He has done so many things in the past that hurt a lot of ponies…me included…he betrayed me…he broke my heart when he chose Tirek over me. He deserves to be called a beast…"

Charmin watched the little mare shaking and he realized something. She wasn't just talking to him, she was speaking to every pony that ever uttered the words he just had.

"Miss Fluttershy…"

Her head snapped up and she was glaring at him, tears lining her beautiful eyes. Then she shouted and he had to take a step back at the fury in her words.

"But you know what!? None of that matters! Not to me! Discord is many of the things ponies accuse him of, but he's also the sweetest, most sincere creature I've ever met!

"When he makes mistakes he does everything he can to make amends for them! He has the biggest heart of any pony out there and it's what I love about him! Everything I said about him is the truth, but I wouldn't change one tuft of fur on him!

"I love Discord with my whole heart and I'm tired of trying to justify it to stuck-up ponies like you!"

The silence that followed her outburst was eerie. Charmin swallowed and lowered his head.

"I'm sorry…" He whispered and those words struck a chord in Fluttershy, melting her anger.

"W-what?" She asked and he raised his eyes to hers once more, a small smile on his face.

"I had no idea that you actually cared for him, had I known…I never would have been so persistent." He whispered and her eyes widened in shock, making him laugh.

"Don't look so surprised. I admit that my name can be misleading, and I'm not perfect. I've done some things I'm not proud of to obtain my wealth, but I'm not some evil monster come to steal the princess." He laughed and it made her blush, because that's what she had assumed he was.

"So…why is your name…"

"My full name is Charmin Devil Cakes…I dropped the last part to help intimidate my competition. My family named me in hopes that I would follow in the bakery business.

"I took a different interest in business though and that was the accounting part. As a result I developed a love for opening different kinds of businesses all over Equestria and before I knew it I had an empire on my hooves."

He chuckled at her stunned expression before turning serious again.

"May I ask you something? Something personal if I may." He asked and at her nod continued.

"If you love this creature so deeply…Why are you getting divorced in the first place?" He asked and she sighed,

"It's what my friends thought we should do…"

"But it's not what you want." It wasn't a question as he knew the answer to that. Again she just shook her head.

When he chuckled she looked up to see him grinning at her.

"I never thought a mare capable of the passion I just saw would let other's opinions get in the way of her own happiness. It just doesn't seem to be your style Miss Fluttershy." He said as he left her alone on the balcony, starring after him openmouthed.

Then his words sank in and she brightened and ran from the balcony. She passed him in the lobby and shouted over her shoulder.

"I'm not!" Causing him to chuckle again.

She reached the table out of breath, worrying her friends, but she turned to where Discord was. Or where he had been?

"Where's Discord?" She asked and Rarity frowned.

"We thought he had gone out to check on you darling."

Fluttershy frowned and shook her head saying she hadn't seen him when an unsettling thought crossed her mind.

But what if he had seen me? Or worse…heard me!

"Oh no…" She whispered before racing out of the theater without explaining to her friends her rush and jumped into a taxi cart. She raced through town and quickly paid the stallion before running into the hotel and into the lobby.

"Oh miss!" Someone called out to her and she looked back at the desk to see the manager trying to get her attention.

"I have something for you! He said to give it to you when you got back." The manager explained as she neared the desk.

"He?" She asked, afraid of the answer. The manager nodded and handed her a yellow envelope with a sticky note attached.

She thanked the pony and looked down at the note. Tears filled her eyes as she recognized the scratchy writing.

Just as I promised, no mess and no fuss.

She swallowed the lump in her throat and reached inside the envelope. She pulled out a small stack of papers. As she came to the part for signatures she let the tears fall freely.

There at the bottom written neatly and clearly was one simple phrase. But it was one name that shattered her heart into a million pieces.

I hereby acknowledge the abolition of this marriage-Discord.

He had signed the divorce papers and left without as much as a goodbye to her. Fluttershy crumbled to the lobby floor and succumbed to the heartbreak flooding her.

Author's Note:

Please don't kill me! I know that I just angered so many of you, but it was always in the plan to do this! Just trust me to give you all what you want and to stick it out for one more chapter! Please, please don't hurt me!