• Published 23rd Jan 2015
  • 4,298 Views, 140 Comments

What Happens in Las Pegasus - Inkquill

We've all heard that famous saying, "What happens in Las Vegas..." Well what happens when our group of friends learns the same lesson?

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Author's Note:

Hello everyone! I promised that I hadn't forgotten about this project, but I really wanted to finish Mending Series:pinkiehappy: So now that that's done we can get back to this. I'm sorry for the long wait, but work has also been hectic so it was difficult to make time to write.

I hope that you enjoy this chapter, I'm a bit afraid that I messed it up and you guys wont like it... So anyways please let me know what you think and I will try and get chapter five out faster than this one, but it's still crazy for me to try and make time to write anything.

Please enjoy and be sure to hit that like button if you haven't yet, because I still hope to win the bet with the evil one:trollestia:!

"WHAT!?" The five mares shouted, causing Spike to cover his ears. He glared at Twilight and snorted in frustration.

"That's why I've been trying to get your attention this whole time! The front desk said that they were moved to the honeymoon suite last night. Something about a gift from the hotel to congratulate the new couple?"

The mares looked around at one another, worried faces meeting some angry ones.

"Maybe it's just an elaborate joke by Discord." Rarity suggested and Applejack snorted.

"Wouldn't put it past him. He'd just love to shock us like this."

"Come on girls. Best we go and find out for ourselves just what's going on." Twilight said as she and the others ran out of the hotel room. Spike stayed behind, not wanting to get caught in the crossfire.

He was pretty sure this wasn't a joke. He looked around the hotel room, which was still torn apart from Twilight running into things the night before.

"How come I always have to clean things up…even when I'm on vacation?"

Fluttershy let out a small mewing sound as she stirred, causing Discord's ear to twitch. He bit his claws nervously as he sat in an armchair waiting.

For the last hour he had sat and watched her sleep. Trying to come up with something to say to her. Nothing…absolutely nothing was coming to his mind except,

They're going to kill me…they're going to kill me…they're going to kill me…

He was still wondering if the two of them had actually…I mean they were both in a romantic setting…had fallen asleep together.

He shook his head and growled in frustration. He didn't know what he'd do if it turned out he had tainted Fluttershy's innocence.

Especially since I won't even have the memory of it…

At the thought a mini-discord, dressed as a nun-pony appeared and slapped him across the face with a ruler, then disappeared. He rubbed his cheek and muttered,

"Bad Discord…no naughty thoughts at a time like this…"

He sighed again and looked down at the ring on his claw. He looked from it to the mare in the large bed and back.

He couldn't deny the little thrill that ran through him at the thought of her being his. After months of dreaming and fantasizing, he could finally have what he wants.

He shook his head viciously and groaned and he put his head in his hands. What was he going to do? The minute the other girls heard about this they were going to-

There was a loud knock at the door, making Discord jump as he looked to the noise. He swallowed and whispered,


"Discord!? You are in there? Let us in!" Twilight called through the door, knocking harder. He looked over to the bed and saw that Fluttershy was being woken by the noise.

Ah! I'm not ready yet! What do I…

"Discord! Open this door now!" Rainbow shouted and he saw all the different ways they were going to kill him. He figured the most likely was he'd end up as a rug on Applejack's floor.

"W-What's…oh my head…oh dear…" Fluttershy whispered as she came fully to. She looked up and met Discord's panicked expression.

"Discord? Where…where are we?"

Before he could answer there was a hard pounding on the door and he knew who was kicking at it. It was only a matter of time before…

He fell out of his chair when the door was kicked in with a loud crack. He swung his head over to the five mares staring from him to Fluttershy in the bed.

He could see the fury rising in Rainbow's and Applejack's eyes and his own shrunk in fear.

"Nope…" He whispered.

Fluttershy took several calm breaths as she took in everything going on around her. She had woken up to pure chaos.

After the girls had stormed into the room Discord had effectively locked himself inside a giant metal crate, refusing to come out.

It had taken her awhile to sort through everything being shouted at her. But the final line was this…She and Discord had somehow gotten themselves married. It was possibly the biggest shock in her life, but not for the reasons her friends thought.

She lifted the ring hanging around her neck and examined it once more. It was a simple gold band, but the weight of it carried so much more.

She tried to deny the secret thrill that ran through her. She could never admit to her friends that she had sometimes fantasized about getting married…and recently, all of those fantasies had involved Discord.

"How could you do this to Fluttershy!?"

Her head jerked up as her named was called and she reminded herself to focus on what was happening. Rainbow and Applejack were kicking the crate in an attempt to get Discord out.

"You can't hide in their forever!" Rainbow shouted.

"Watch me…this is far comfier than my stone prison. I'll take this crate over that again."

Fluttershy sighed and got up out of bed. She walked over to Twilight who looked at her in concern.

"Are you okay? If you want, Pinkie and Rarity can walk you back to my room."

Fluttershy shook her head and took a deep breath. She walked over to the crate and stood between it and her friends.

"Girls…I…I think that…you should leave…me and…D-Discord need a moment to talk."

Five mouths (six, but they didn't know that Discord's was on the floor too) fell open.

"Fluttershy, you can't be serious darling. We can't leave you here alone…we…"

"I appreciate you being concerned about me girls…" Fluttershy said, trying to hold onto the bravado she was displaying. It was shaky though, so she had to convince them to give her a minute with Discord.

"I promise that I'll be fine. Girls…this isn't Discord's fault. We don't know what happened last night so there is no reason to jump to any conclusions. Please…we'll…we'll meet you back at your room Twilight."

"You can't be serious? There's no way this isn't his fault." Twilight countered and Fluttershy looked back at the crate housing Discord.

"But how do we know? Also how do we know that this is…that we…it could be a misunderstanding." Fluttershy whispered, trying to hide her disappointment at the thought.

"Come on Flutters. You can't keep protecting him. First it was with Tir-"

"Rainbow!" Twilight interrupted her, but what was left unsaid was no mystery. Fluttershy sighed and shook her head.

"I know…but I need you girls to trust me. I'll be okay. The only way any of us are going to get answers is if we calm down and talk. Besides…I'd…I'd really like a moment alone with him…please."

Twilight looked from Fluttershy to the crate and then sighed and nodded.

"Alright…you're right."

"She's what?" Rainbow asked, clearly still upset at the situation.

"There's no way of knowing what happened. At least not this way. It's better if we all calm down and try to find the solution that way."

Fluttershy sighed in relief and gave them a small smile.

"Thank you girls. Just give me a little while and then we can straighten this out."

They all nodded and some more reluctant than others, left the hotel room. Closing the slightly damaged door behind them.

Fluttershy then turned to look at the crate.

"You can come out now. They've left." She whispered, but the crate remained and Discord's voice came from the inside.

"I think I'll stay in here thanks…"

She frowned and wondered how she was going to get him to come out and talk to her. She didn't really want to talk to a metal box and not to his face.

Then she looked up as she heard him whisper,

"You…you are okay…right? I…I'd hate to know…I-I hurt you…again…"

Those words touched her heart more than he would ever know. She smiled and rested her hoof against the cool metal.

"Yes…Yes I'm okay…but Discord…I'd really like to talk to you."

"I can hear you fine."

"Discord…" She whispered.

She heard him sigh and there was a flash. Her hoof was now resting against his back as he was facing away from her. He was sitting on his haunches with his head lowered and he wouldn't look back at her.

"Discord…" She whispered, but then had to stop as she wasn't sure how to continue. There was so much awkward tension in the air that one could reach out and touch it.

She swallowed and slowly removed her hoof. She looked away, trying to find something to say that would help.

"I'm sorry Fluttershy…" He whispered and she turned to look back and met his yellow eyes. He had turned his head to stare back at her.

"I'm sorry…I've raked my brain, but…but I can't remember anything after the club last night…I…I don't know if this is…is for real or not."

Would it be so bad if it was?

Fluttershy had to bite her tongue to keep herself from blurting that out. Now was not the time to bring up her secret feelings. Discord was obviously uncomfortable enough with this situation.

"Well…how can we know?" She whispered as she hid behind her mane, so she missed the flash of pain cross Discord's face. He cleared his throat and looked around the room.

"I'm not sure we can just accept that this isn't all my work. I'm a prankster as it is, so who knows what I would do as much as I had to drink."

"But…but why would you prank yourself? Could it be…could the girls have done this? Pinkie loves to prank too." She suggested and Discord rubbed his chin in thought.

"Actually…I hadn't even considered that this wasn't done by me. I suppose that one of the others could have…not remembering sure is a pain." He muttered and Fluttershy nodded.

"Maybe Twilight would have a better idea of how to find out?" She suggested and he nodded.

"Yeah…probably…you should go ask her."

"Aren't you going to come with me?"

He gave her a look. Then he snorted,

"Oh sure I can go too. Just give me a minute to get ready." He snapped his fingers and his whole body was painted with targets. Each had a number above the circle. The one on his forehead had a hundred points.

Fluttershy looked at him and couldn't help her reaction. She started laughing, a strong laugh that only Discord could make her have.

He grinned and snapped his fingers, getting rid of the targets.

"That's better. I like it more when you're happy and laughing. I don't know what to do when you're upset. It bring back unpleasant memories…" He whispered and once more touched her with his words.

Suddenly she wanted to make sure they were okay so she walked up to him and hugged him. Catching him completely by surprise, but he eventually wrapped his arms around her, returning the hug.

"Discord…I want you to promise that no matter what happened, you'll stay with me. I don't want to lose what we have. I love having you around…and can't imagine my life without you in it…I wouldn't like it if you went away." She whispered and he looked down at her in surprise, blushing slightly.

She wondered if he could read what she was really saying behind her vague words. She couldn't bring herself to openly admit that she was always happier when he was with her.

That having him hold her like this set her heart racing, or that she was secretly hoping they really were married…maybe then…maybe then…

Maybe then I can finally gain the courage and tell you…that I'm falling in love with you…

She felt him chuckle and he patted her head as he pulled away from their hug.

"Sure thing little one. I promise…" He did the motions of the Pinkie Promise.

"That no matter what stupid thing I did last night in my inebriation, I will remain your friend. I don't want to give up what we have either. It's perfect just the way it is. So if we really did tie the knot for some bizarre reason…I promise I'll give you a quick and painless divorce."

He laughed and patted her head some more, obviously expecting her to laugh at his joke too. She faked a small laugh to hide how his words had cut her.

She shouldn't be too upset because he was giving her what he thought she wanted…but he wasn't even close.

She had to keep her real feelings secret though, so she tried to play along. She laughed and said,

"So no arguments over who gets the good china?"

Discord laughed harder and hugged her to him. He grinned down at her,

"So long as I get that blue platter we'll be fine."

She smiled and was genuinely enjoying their teasing, despite the way she was still slightly hurt.

"I don't know…I really like that platter."

He chuckled again and carried her out of the room. He tapped his chin in thought and hummed.

"Okay…How about this. I get the blue platter and you get to keep that teapot I gave you for Hearth's Warming."

She laughed and gave him a funny look,

"You mean the one in the shape of your face?"

He nodded,

"Of course. Only the best tea is served from my mouth." As if to make his point he let her go to hover next to him and pulled his head off.

He manifested a tea cup and poured a cup full of steaming tea, handing it to her before placing his head back in place.

She giggled as he stuck his tongue out and fanned it.

"Whoo…maybe neth time I won make it tho hot…"

She took a sip of the tea and sighed. She smiled at him and he asked,

"So? How does it taste my dear?"

She giggled and whispered,

"The best tea I've ever drank."

He pumped his fist and a shower of confetti fell over them. She rolled her eyes and the cup flashed away as did the confetti.

When she looked back up at him, he was standing in front of her and she was reminded of the day they started their friendship.

He was pushing his two fingers together nervously and looking at the ground.

"Um…Fluttershy…we are okay now…right? You…you aren't just pretending to not be mad like your friends?"

She placed her hoof on his shoulder. He looked up and she smiled and shook her head.

"No…I'm not mad Discord. Just confused…I know that we'll straighten this out and that we'll be able to look back at this moment laughing."

He grinned once more,

"I do so love to hear you laugh Flutters…Alright…now it's time to face the others."

There was another bright flash and he was standing in a suite of armor with a giant shield. Fluttershy looked behind them and giggled again, getting a reminder of why she was falling in love with this strange creature.

There was an army of smaller Discords, all dressed in armor as well, ready for battle. Discord paced in front of them and spoke.

"Men, today we fight not just for glory…but for freedom!"

The tiny soldiers cheered and Fluttershy giggled more.

"Today we face an enemy so great it has sent many brave stallions running with tails tucked…An angry mare bent on revenge. The enemy's names?" Images of the girls appeared and the tiny soldier booed.

Discord turned to face away from the army again.

"Now men. I won't lie, some of you may die…but that is a sacrifice…I am willing to make…"

The soldiers looked between one another and frowned.

"It's true that the enemy is fierce and determined to skin me-I mean us…But I know that our hearts and pride will carry us to victory. We shall overcome this great threat and rise above the odds stacked against us! Let us now ride off into battle and face this foe with dignity and honor!"

Discord cheered. Then a lasso wrapped around his body. The tiny Discord's all jumped up on him and he fell as they tied him up tight.

By this point Fluttershy was rolling her eyes and flying ahead to the room, where she would wait for Discord to catch up.

The tiny Discords finished tying him up and lifted together to carry him towards his doom.

"Traitors! I shall see that you all get thrown into the sea! I shall make tiny handkerchiefs out of all of you! Release me at once!" He shouted.

One of the small soldiers looked back at the one behind him,

"What took you so long with the rope?"

"Hey it was a good speech…might as well let him finish."