• Published 23rd Jan 2015
  • 4,297 Views, 140 Comments

What Happens in Las Pegasus - Inkquill

We've all heard that famous saying, "What happens in Las Vegas..." Well what happens when our group of friends learns the same lesson?

  • ...

The Perfect Night...Kinda

Author's Note:

Hello everyone, I'm sorry that I've been gone for so long. There has been so much going on in my life lately. My laptop has been fixed finally, but I'm still going through a lot. I can only write when I get a chance at home and we are currently packing to move. So many obstacles, but I'm gonna try and work around all that and finish this story and start on my other one. Plus I want to write for my non-fanfic stories…Also I've been out of commission for a while so I'm sorry if this chapter is lackluster. Wow this is a long intro…Okay so let's jump back in and hope that I can get back the mojo and energy I had when I started this.

I'm pretty worried that I wont be able to pick up from where I was before all the drama started. But I hope you all liked it anyways. Please let me know what you thought by leaving a review. Hopefully I can get more time to write and get chapter eight out, but I can't promise as I don't know what the future holds. Thanks for being so patient with this story and for sticking around. Well let me know your thoughts by leaving a comment.

Fluttershy finished placing the clip in her hair. She had decided to curl it lightly and clip it to the side. It was a sparkling, pink rose to match the simple pink dress she had chosen.

She was standing in front of a full-length mirror examining her appearance and questioning her decisions.

She silently wished that Rarity was there to help her get ready. The mare would know exactly what to do in order to make her look perfect for tonight.

"Then again…" She whispered as she stared at herself in the mirror.

"I doubt my friends would be so eager to help…" She finished her thought out loud.

She shook her head and began to apply a very small amount of makeup to herself.

She wouldn't let thoughts of her friends' disapproval cloud her determination to make the most of tonight.

She was going to enjoy this evening alone with Discord and nothing else. She couldn't let her worrying nature get in the way of having the best time she could.

A small knock and Discord's smooth voice called through the door to her.

"Fluttershy my dear, may I come in?"

"Y-yes…" She squeaked, trying to calm her suddenly racing heart.

The door opened and in he stepped. As their eyes met he froze, his mouth fell open slightly and she suddenly wondered if she looked alright.

"Fluttershy…you…you look…" He stammered and it caused her to hide behind her mane. She was right, she should have chosen a different dress.

"If…if this dress isn't right I-I can change…" She whispered.

"Change? Why would you change? You look absolutely…ehem…I mean…You look fine my dear. Better than fine actually. You look beautiful." He finished and the shine to his gaze made her blush deeper, but she was also smiling.

She looked back to him and her smile widened at what he was wearing. His coat was black with the sleeve over his lion arm being orange and the sleeve over his eagle claw was red. He had on a white shirt underneath the coat and even with the strange color combination, he was still the handsomest creature she had ever seen.

"Thank you Discord. You look really good yourself." She whispered as she stepped closer to him and noticed him blush.

"Thank you my dear. I am quite the catch if I do say so myself. You are lucky to brag such a handsome ex-husband Flutterbuddy." He teased while wagging his eyebrows at her and it made her giggle despite the cut his title caused.

Tonight was for her to determine whether or not he felt the same about her and that was not a point in her favor.

"You're not my ex-husband yet…" She whispered, lowering her gaze and missing the nervous swallow Discord gave at that.

When she looked back up at him, he was grinning again so she had no idea what he was thinking.

"So my dear, are you ready? I have quite the surprise planned for you." He said and it cause a small thrill to run through her.

"Yes I'm ready. Where are we going?" She asked as she placed her hoof in the crook of his outstretched arm and he tsked her.

"Ah-ah-ah my darling. Then it wouldn't be a surprise now would it?" He teased and it made her giggle again as he snapped his fingers, sending them on their way.

Discord looked down at Fluttershy as they reached their destination. She was absolutely breathtaking tonight. He had almost blurted out his feelings when she had practically called him her husband.

"You're not my ex-husband yet."

He hated to admit that having to call himself her ex had been cutting, but her response had quickly healed the wound. It gave him some hope that she felt the same as he did.

He hoped that after tonight he would be able to figure that mystery out.

"Discord…What is this place?" Her voice brought him out of his own thoughts and he looked down at her and grinned.

"All I can tell you is that this is where we shall be dining my dear." He said cryptically, not wanting to give anything away.

The building looked rather unremarkable from the outside, and it wasn't much better inside. However it was the gem on the roof that he had rented in any case.

I can't wait to see those gorgeous eyes sparkle when she sees it.

He thought and grinned as he snapped his fingers once more. A set of floating stairs appeared before them, leading up to the roof.

"Discord?" She whispered and looked up at him as he transferred her hoof from his arm to his paw.

"Relax my dear. It's all a part of tonight, so…" He started to walk up the steps, leading her along behind him.

When he felt a resistant tug, he stopped and looked back at her. They hadn't gone up three steps and yet she had stopped and was trembling slightly.

"Fluttershy…it's okay. I've got you." He whispered and gave her hoof a reassuring squeeze. It made her look up and meet his eyes. He put as much reassurance as he could behind his gaze.

Slowly, but surely, faith leaked into her gaze and a small smile tugged at her lips.

"Okay…I trust you Discord…I always have…and I always will…" The last part she had whispered, but he had heard it anyways and it did something strange to his chest.

He covered the confusion her words caused him by reacting the only safe way he knew how.

"Well then…" He tugged on her hoof once more moving them up the stairs. Then he placed his claws over his chest and sang something to distract her.

"Come with me, and you'll be…in a world of pure imagination!"

It got the desired effect and she covered her mouth and giggled. The sound rang through his ears, sweeter than any music ever could hope to be.

"Discord, you're so silly sometimes." She said and gave him one of her most dazzling smiles. He chuckled and nodded,

"Anything to make my Flutters laugh."

She blushed again and hid slightly behind her mane. He raised a brow at this and then grimaced as he realized he had called her 'his'.

It had been a slip, one he tried not to make too often.

Luckily for him, they reached the top of the steps and he stepped down first. Then he turned to help her down. She smiled up at him before turning back to watch the stairs change into smoke and blow away in the breeze.

"Wow…we're up pretty high…" She whispered, her fear creeping in once more. Discord quickly stepped up behind her and placed his hands on her shoulders.

"But there's an advantage to that, watch."

He pulled back and took in a large amount of air, making his chest puff out like a balloon. Then he released the air blowing it at the clouds in the sky.

Once all the clouds were blown away, her eyes once more lit up.

Below them was the city in all its nightly glory. There were millions of sparkling lights that looked like stars trapped inside the buildings.

"It's beautiful." She breathed and Discord had to agree. He looked down at her and felt his ears fall back.

Yes, but not nearly as beautiful as you are my darling.

"And it's not even my surprise." He said, instead of what had flashed through his mind. He might have turned himself to stone if it had.

She turned back to stare up at him and he held out his arm once more. She smiled and placed her hoof against it.

It was when he moved away from the edge that she finally took in her surroundings. Her expression turned to one of adorable confusion and it made him chuckle.

"Discord, what is that?" She asked as she pointed to the large glass dome they were heading towards.

"That, my dear, is where we are dining." He repeated, just as with her last question. She frowned at him and he playfully poked her nose.

"You will see soon enough. I wont say anything else that would ruin the moment." He zipped his mouth and she rolled her eyes.

"Okay…but can we even be up here?" She asked instead and Discord mumbled an incoherent response with his mouth still zipped.

She giggled and reached up to unzip him.

"Mmmhmmmhmm-purple carrots with sprinkles!" He finished while waving his free hand.

"What?" Fluttershy asked, trying to figure out what could lead to a response like that. Discord laughed,

"In short my friend. We have permission to be up here by the owner. I took care of it, so no more worrying." He said. She sighed, but then giggled anyways.

He reached the door and opened it, allowing her to proceed him inside.

This is it…

He thought as he watched her slowly fly inside. He smiled as her eyes widened beyond their normal size and began to sparkle, just as he had hoped.

All around them were beautiful flowers. Every flower imaginable and a few rarer ones grew in every corner of the temperature controlled dome.

"Discord…this is…amazing!" She beamed as she turned to face him again. He took an elegant bow.

"I figured that it would garner your favor." He teased as he straightened and moved to take her hoof and lead her further inside the tropical paradise.

"It's perfect! Is this some sort of greenhouse? It seems rather cool inside for such vibrant plants. Normally they would need more heat?" She asked, her love of gardening shining through. He chuckled and explained what little he knew of the dome.

"The owner told me that it was specially built to house some rarer breeds of flowers that required milder climates. From how he described them…Ah! Here they are." He stopped them and pointed out a bright maroon flower that was shaped like a bell.

"I forgot its name I'm afraid. But he said it was so rare that the plant was practically extinct. I only remember parts as the rest got incredibly boring for me and I finished up so I could get ready for now." He finished explaining and looked down at Fluttershy.

She was looking at the flower in amazement and leaned in closer to smell the plant. Discord placed his claw on her nose and pushed her back.

"Better not darling. I do remember he warned me not to sniff the plant. It is extremely delicate and can disintegrate easily. Besides, I want to show you the rest."

She reluctantly pulled away from the flower, but her glowing smile was still firmly placed.

It made his heart race to see her so happy and he mentally patted himself on the back.

He led her around a corner and they stepped into a small clearing.

"Ta-dah!" He announced and stretched out his free arm towards the table set up in the center.

Fluttershy's cheeks turned a pretty shade of pink as she was led to the small table, set for two. It was simple, but private, exactly what he had asked for.

He helped her into her seat before taking his own across from her. He couldn't help but admire the way the candlelight made her features glow softly. She looked even more beautiful in the fire's light.

"If that's even possible." He mumbled before snapping his fingers. Two plates of food appeared in front of them and he smiled.

"Bon appetite my dear." He also raised his glass of fizzing apple juice and held it out towards her.

"Here's to a lovely evening with my dearest and best friend." He grinned. She smiled and raised her own glass.

"And to our first date as a married couple." She whispered as she clinked her glass with his and took a sip. Discord just stared at her with his mouth hanging slightly open, unsure of how to respond to that comment.

He chose to take a cooling drink as he gazed at her over the glass.

That's twice now she's made a cryptic comment about the two of us being together. What does that mean? I don't want to read too much into it, but it almost seems like she is happy that we're currently married.

Then why go through all this mess of separating? Well Discord, ol' boy. That's what you're supposed to be solving tonight. So stop questioning and start asking!

"That's the same thing." He argued back and looked at Fluttershy's confused face.

Whoops, out loud!

"Oh I mean…uh…How do you like your meal Flutters?" He asked and felt a sweat drop on the back of his head.

She raised an eyebrow, but thankfully didn't comment on his outburst.

"Everything is delicious Discord, thank you." Her smile returned and he visibly relaxed.

Dodged that bullet. Don't mess up again you idiot. Tonight is only a test, not launch day.

He reminded himself and settled back into the charming role he had placed himself in for the evening.

"So are you excited to see the show Fluttershy?" He asked to distract her and it worked. She relaxed as well and began to talk comfortably with him. He watched her and answered her questions, but his thoughts remained the same. The scheming side of his brain, the one that often got him into trouble kicked into gear as he looked at this beautiful mare.

By the end of this trip my dear…you will be mine. I can't go on any longer pretending that we don't belong together. Tonight is just the first stepping stone to making you love me back. The last will be at the show when I profess everything and sweep you away from here. To a faraway place if we have to, anything to be together. I can't wait Fluttershy. You are mine and I won't let anypony take you from me.

He watched her as she laughed at something he said and his gaze softened. Then he thought about what had just run through his mind and it made him frown.

No, that's not right…

He watched her take a small bite of her meal and listened to her speak of her animals, but his mind had turned inward. Making him think on the dark path his mind had just taken. He forced that part of himself and locked it away again, he couldn't go down that route. It wouldn't bring him any closer to what he wanted.

It can't be forced. I want this mare more than anything I've ever wanted in the past, but I can't force her to love me. I can't steal her away and lock her up, just to keep her next to me. It wouldn't be real…and she wouldn't be happy. In the end that's all I want to come from all this mess.

He looked at her, really looked at the amazing mare with him tonight as she looked out over the garden. If nothing else…if she didn't love him back…he would accept it. So long as it was what she wanted. So long as she was happy.

The little voice in his head, another scheming side, but this one much tamer than the first.

That doesn't mean we can't use slide of hand, or claw in our case…and tip the odds in our favor. After all we're in Las Pegasus! The house doesn't always have to win…

Fluttershy sighed in bliss as she finished the last of her meal and smiled over at Discord. He seemed so much calmer than when the evening had begun. He was joking with her like he always did, but at the same time things felt different.

Maybe because tonight is different from our normal tea parties. Tonight is a real date!

Her smile widened at that thought as she looked at the draconequus across from her.

Discord looked even more handsome in the glow of the candles. The rougish charm in his appearance became all the more alluring on her senses; and his voice swept over her skin like a caress in its own.

She wasn't sure what he was feeling tonight and she wished that she could garner more of his feelings towards her. He hadn't reacted much to her toast at the beginning of their meal as she had hoped he would.

In fact…with the exception of them being alone, sharing a candlelit meal…Discord hadn't acted out of the ordinary. It was just her that was treating this as more of a date than a friendly meal.

She deflated a little bit at that thought as she watched Discord while he told her of the remolding he wanted to do his new home.

What if I'm just fooling myself into thinking that Discord could possibly feel something more towards me than friendship? He's so confident all the time about everything. And then there's me…

Just a regular pony with nothing special to speak of. Sure he's my friend, but can I really ever be happy with just that?

Simple answer.

No. As crazy as it sounds…if I could Discord. I would steal you away right now to a place faraway. Where the two of us could always be together without fear of some other pony separating us. I love you so much that I would give up anything to be with you! Discord, please say you feel the same…

I can't torture myself any longer. Tonight is going so well that I think I can do it! I can tell him now!

"Um…D-Discord." She whispered and it brought his attention to her.

"Yes my dear?"

"There's something…something I need to tell you…"

His ears perked at that and he leaned closer to her.

"What's that Fluttershy?"

She swallowed the lump in her throat, and tried to get the words out. All the while Discord was thinking.

Say it! Please say it!

"Discord I…well that is…I wanted to know…um I mean…to let you know that…that I…"

"Yes… You what Fluttershy?" He prompted.

She looked up into his eyes and saw the shine to them and they held her spellbound. She opened her mouth with a strange confidence his amazing eyes filled her with. She didn't notice that Discord was clawing the table in a desperate attempt to keep himself grounded as hope rose inside him, threatening to carry him off in the wind.

"Discord. I want you to know that I-"

They both shouted as they were bombarded with ice cold water from the overhead sprinklers. They jumped up from the table and Fluttershy looked up at the water 'raining' on them. At the same time Discord pulled out a watch from inside his ear. He realized that he had gone over their time limit and that's why the water had turned on.

"Figures" They both mumbled before meeting each other's eyes. Then they both started laughing.

Discord leaned over and protected her from the falling water.

"I'm sorry Fluttershy. I forgot to watch the time. The owner told me that we should clear out before the garden's nightly watering. Here, I will act as your umbrella for now." He transformed himself into a grey umbrella with his head as the handle.

Fluttershy laughed as the discobella floated above her as the two of them headed for the exit. She looked around and noticed how the flowers seemed so much happier.

"Hold on Discord." She stopped walking and looked at the garden. The Discord handle turned to look at her.

"Why did you stop?" He asked trying to figure out what she was looking at.

She stepped out from under him and he was quick to follow so she wouldn't get wet, well wetter.

She went over to one of the nearby bushes and turned to smile at Discord.

"Look at this rose Discord! I've never seen a flower like this one!"

Discord chuckled,

"That's because most of these flowers are rare and hard to find." The handle stretched out so Discord could get her attention once more.

"And although you are as pretty as any flower in here, I must insist that we get you out of this shower." He chuckled at the blush that graced her cheeks once more.

She looked to the flower, it was grey and yellow in alternate patterns. It reminded her of something special, someone close to her hear. She looked up at that someone and whispered,

"Do you think the owner would mind if I took one of these roses?"

"They aren't roses, they're called JipperStars."

The two of them turned to see an older pony looking at them with a smirk on his face.

"I warned you to be outta here before seven." He walked over to a tree and pulled open a hidden panel. He pressed a button and the water turned off.

Discord transformed back into his normal self and rubbed the back of his head.

"Yeah sorry, I sort of lost track of time…" He looked pointedly at Fluttershy and the earth pony chuckled.

"Hmm." The pony walked closer to the pair and nodded his head at Fluttershy.

"You may take one of these flowers with you my dear. I'm sure it would be happy to go with somepony who appreciates its unique beauty." He pushed a pot towards her.

"Here you can put it in here."

Fluttershy lit up and turned to carefully transfer the flower. As she did so the pony moved closer to Discord.

"Hey uh, sorry again. I know that these plants all require delicate care. I just…" Discord stopped and looked at Fluttershy who was moving some dirt to help support the flower.

"Got distracted." He whispered, his ears falling back and a soft smile filled his face.

The older pony chuckled and patted Discord on the arm. The draconequus was surprised as not many ponies willingly came near him, let alone touch him.

"I understand young one. When you find a beautiful flower that is so rare it shines brighter than those around them…you can do nothing but fall into under its spell."

Discord's eyes widened as the pony nodded his head towards Fluttershy.

"And you youngster…you have picked quite a flower. But the thing about rare flowers. They require attention and a lot of love. Be sure to nurture that one and she will continue to shine bright." He started to walk away and Discord sighed as he watched Fluttershy trot back to him with the flower pot on her back.

Love and attention. I would love nothing more than to help her shine…

He snapped his head around and growled.

"Youngster!? I'm like a thousand years old!"

The pony stopped and grinned back at the pair.

"Yet you still have so much to learn."

Discord snorted as the pony left the dome.

"What was that supposed to mean?" He grumbled. There was a soft tug on his sleeve and his frown melted away as he looked down at the glowing mare next to him.

"I guess it's time to go back. Shall we?" He held out his arm again and she nodded as she took it.

They stood outside of Fluttershy's hotel room saying goodnight. Discord rubbed the back of his neck.

"Sorry tonight wasn't what I had planned Fluttershy. I was hoping to take your mind off of things, but I guess…"

She stopped him by giving him a small peck on a cheek. Discord froze and turned a bright shade of red.

Fluttershy giggled and blushed as she whispered,

"Tonight was great Discord. I would really like it…if you…if we could do it again. Maybe we can go out tomorrow too?"

Discord's mouth fell open, he looked incredibly stunned and Fluttershy worried that she had come on too strong.

"Um…that is…if you want to…" She added quietly.

Discord smiled brightly and nodded enthusiastically.

"I'd like that too Fluttershy. But tomorrow…"

She looked up at him and blushed when he placed his nose against hers. She still had a hard time staying calm when he was so close.

"Tomorrow, why don't you pick what we do?" He finished and she could only nod. Her mind started working again when he moved back.

"Well goodnight my dear, I shall see you tomorrow." He said and gave her a small hug. It set her heart racing and she hoped that he couldn't feel it pounding against her chest.

"Hmm, goodnight Discord." She smiled once more and went to enter her room when his voice made her stop.

"Oh Fluttershy. What was it you wanted to tell me before the sprinklers surprised us?"

She froze and began to sweat, she cleared her throat and looked back at him. He was standing there with his hands behind his back, leaning towards her. As if waiting for her to spill a juicy secret, and in a strange way he was.

"Um…well I…I wanted to tell you…that I um…" She looked up and realized that he was leaning closer, his eyes wide and sparkling in anticipation.

Not tonight. I lost my chance and my nerves…

"Oh it wasn't that important. Just that I'm really glad we were able to spend this time together."

"Oh…well um…yeah me too. Goodnight Flutterbuddy, dream of magic sheep." Discord said with a small grin on his face. She blushed and giggled, she waved as she closed the door.

As it closed completely Fluttershy let her face fall into it in despair.

"That was just pathetic…even for you Fluttershy…" She sighed and turned to get ready for bed.

Out in the hallway Discord snapped his fingers,

"Coconuts…This close…those interfering sprinklers. Determined to destroy my chances. If those things weren't inanimate I would seek my revenge upon them, but I will find a way to…" He looked over and saw a maid staring at him strangely.

He shrugged and waved,

"Lord of Chaos…it's what I do." He turned and teleported to his own room for the night.