• Published 23rd Jan 2015
  • 4,298 Views, 140 Comments

What Happens in Las Pegasus - Inkquill

We've all heard that famous saying, "What happens in Las Vegas..." Well what happens when our group of friends learns the same lesson?

  • ...

Just One More

Author's Note:

hello readers! I'm sorry for the long wait. I hope you all enjoy this chapter and I'm sorry if it's not as good as the last chapter.
Please be sure to hit that like button though if you have not yet and I want to say a BIG:pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy: thank you to the 300 views on chapter one:yay::yay:! My sister is sweating as it looks like she might lose this one after all :rainbowlaugh:
So please enjoy and let me know what you think! I'm working on ch 3 but I'm not sure when it will be finished.:pinkiesad2: my cold got worse again and I have to use my sick days to get better.

The girls and Discord stood in line, looking up at the flashing lights of the new club. Discord felt a shiver run down his back and turned his head to the side.

He caught the glares of several ponies before they turned away. He sighed and turned back to his friends. He shouldn’t be surprised that he was getting so many looks, but that didn’t make it hurt less.

He liked it better when he didn’t care what others thought of him, but that Discord was gone and wouldn’t be returning. He glanced down at Fluttershy.

Not now that I accept how I feel.

“I don’t know Rainbow…I’m starting to have some second thoughts again.” Twilight said as she looked around the crowd of ponies also waiting to be allowed in.

Rainbow rolled her eyes as she hovered above the group.

“Come on Twi, there’s nothing to be worried about. This is going to be awesome!” Rainbow shouted, getting the attention of several ponies nearby.

Discord felt something press against his leg and glanced down. Fluttershy was right against him and he could see she was shivering.
He leaned down to all fours and whispered into her ear,

“Hey Flutters, are you okay?”

She hid behind her mane and shook her head,

“There are so many ponies here. I-I didn’t realize…” She whimpered and he felt a tug in his chest.

He put his claws on her head to get her attention. She looked up and he took a moment to admire her teal eyes. Then he grinned at her and was happy when she smiled back.

“Don’t worry. If you want, I’ll be here for you. I won’t leave you for anything…I promise.”

A blush spread across her cheeks and he felt an answering heat rise in his own face. Then her smile widened and she gave him the cutest stare.

“Thank you Discord. I’d love that very much.”

His heart nearly stopped at the sheer beauty radiating off her at that moment. He was in so much trouble when it came to this mare.

The group finally made it inside and pushed their way through the crowd. They found a table set in the back corner that was large enough to fit all of them.

As soon as they took their seats a tall, stallion unicorn with a dazzling, red coat made his way over to them.

He smiled brightly as he greeted all the mares,

“Welcome! I am the club’s owner, Charmin Devil. It is such an honor to have the Elements of Harmony, especially the Princess of Magic-“

“Friendship…” Twilight muttered, but Charmin didn’t seem to hear as he continued.

“Please, if there is anything you need do not hesitate to ask. My staff will be more than happy to serve each of you.” He bowed and when he rose back up his eyes met Fluttershy’s and he stopped.

A blush crept into his cheeks and Discord felt his hackles rise.

“Why…you must be Miss Fluttershy. Rumors of your natural beauty had reached my ears but....” He lifted her hoof with his own and Fluttershy’s ears fell back as her face turned a deep red.

“I never imagined that they could be so wrong…Your beauty outshines any words that could hope to describe it. Please, would you honor me with a dance? I would love to get a chance to know more about you.”

By the end of his speech Fluttershy’s entire face was beat red, the girls were all smiling, and Discord was scratching grooves into the table with how hard his claws were digging into the wood.

His teeth were grinding down so hard he could feel them smoothing out of their points.

He has to the count of three to let her go or I will rip his horn off…without magic…

Fluttershy seemed to pull out of her embarrassment enough to speak.

“Oh…um…th-thank you…but…um…oh dear…that’s very kind of you, but…” She stopped and looked at her friends. They were all nodding excitedly, encouraging her to accept his offer.

She whimpered and looked back at Discord and only he read the plea in her gaze.

‘Help me!’

He felt a sudden rush of relief as he saw that Fluttershy was anything but interested in the handsome stallion. He grinned and wrapped his arm around her shoulders, getting Charmin’s attention.

He put his paw to his head and said in his most pitiful voice,

“Oh woe is me! But I’m afraid that dear, sweet Fluttershy will not be able to accompany you tonight!”

“What?” The other five shouted, glaring at him, none noticing Fluttershy’s sigh of relief. He nodded and leaned closer to the stallion, who was irritating him as he was holding Fluttershy’s hoof still.

“I’m afraid that my dearest friend has already agreed to stay by my side all night. You see, I still don’t do well in large crowds and we wouldn’t want…” He stared down at the stallion’s hoof and growled lightly so only the other male could hear.

“Any accidents to occur in your lovely new place…now would we?” He met the stallion’s eyes and the message was clear, at least between the two it was. Discord was stating his claim and the other male knew better than to challenge the Lord of Chaos. At least not at this time, he figured there may be a chance to meet the young mare again.

He quickly dropped Fluttershy’s hoof and bowed again.

“Ah what a shame my dear. Perhaps there will be a chance to talk another night. How long are you in town for?”

“Seven days. We’re all here to see Circus de Selle Francais at the end of the week.” Rarity answered for her friend, batting her own lashes at the stallion.

Charmin Devil nodded and grinned at the group.

“Of course, such a lovely show. I am sure that you will all enjoy it immensely. For tonight please enjoy my club. Everything is on the house tonight.”

“Oh no! We couldn’t possibly…” Twilight started, but Charmin held up his hoof and smiled at Fluttershy again.

“Nonsense. You honor me with your presence and it’s the least I can do. Remember, if there is anything…” He grabbed Fluttershy’s hoof again and placed a gentle kiss on it, causing Discord to growl again. Only this time Applejack heard it too.

“And I do mean anything…feel free to ask the staff or myself. Enjoy the night ladies.” He nodded and moved off, disappearing into the crowd.

Fluttershy sighed in relief again and turned to Discord as she whispered,

“Thank you…”

He smiled in response, only for it to fall as Rarity shrieked at him.

“What was that? Here was a perfect gentlecolt being nice to Fluttershy and you had to go and ruin things. Hopefully your rude behavior won’t cause him to change his mind.”

Discord had to bite his tongue to keep from responding and revealing more than he wanted to.

Luckily for him, and surprisingly, Rainbow came to his rescue.

“Calm down Rarity! Come on let’s focus back on the reason we came here.” She waved to a passing mare and the waitress brought them a tray with seven tall glasses.

Each had a similar green liquid in it.

“Uh…what is that?” Applejack asked and groaned as she realized that Pinkie had already downed her own glass and was licking her lips.

“It’s delicious! You’ll love it AJ! It tastes like apples!” Pinkie grinned and the waitress chuckled.

“Yes, it should as it is a green apple martini. It is the club’s specialty, but I should warn you…”

“Wow! This is surprisingly good!” Rainbow shouted as she drank her glass down. The others each reached for their glasses.

“Yes, but like I was saying you really should…” The mare tried again, but was once more interrupted.

“Hmm, this is quite impressive. Mighty close to what our cider taste like, except with green apples over red.” Applejack said as she sniffed her drink.

“The tartness of the green apples make for a sharper taste…but really I should…”

“Hey! Be sure to keep these coming! They’re great and just what we need to take away the stress of the last few months. Everypony ready for round two?” Rainbow said and the others nodded, completely ignoring the irritated look on the waitress’ face.

The mare sighed and moved off to bring them more drinks, muttering under her breath.

“Fine…find out the hard way.”

After about seven rounds of the drinks the group was starting to seriously feel the effects. Pinkie was out on the dance floor with a blushing Rarity by her side, both dancing crazily.

Twilight was giggling uncontrollably. Rainbow and AJ were arm wrestling and each time one of them lost they took a sip of their eighth glasses.

Fluttershy had a cute blush on her face as she leaned against Discord’s side and hiccupped every few moments. Even Discord was feeling very relaxed as he drank another of the apple martinis.

“D-hic-Discord?” Fluttershy whispered and he glanced down to stare into her amazing eyes. He felt his face warm even more as she smiled up at him.

“Yes my dear?”

“Thank you for-hic-excuse me…for suggesting this…we all…r-really needed it. It was so sweet…” She rubbed her head against his arm until she had somehow wiggled under it and was against his chest.

His heart began to dance the samba in his chest as his mind shut down, the fog of the drinks creeping in on him.

“Fl-Fluttershy…there’s something that I…”

“Okie dokie lokie! Who’s ready for more!?” Pinkie shouted as she ran to the group, Rarity trotting behind her, although a little off center.

Discord shook his head as he regained a hold of himself. Pinkie signaled a passing mare, who brought them another tray of drinks.

“A toast! To an unexpectedly wonderful night.” Pinkie raised her glass and the others raised their own glasses and smiled.

“Agreed! We would all still be stressing away the day if this had not fallen into our laps. So, to an amazing night and a fun week.”

“And to Discord, who arranged it all.” Fluttershy whispered and the others responded,

“To Discord! Cheers!” Before clinking glasses. Discord grinned and clinked his own glass with the others.

“Thanks girls…but it was nothing. I just couldn’t handle the boredom anymore.”

Pinkie drank down her glass and then her ear twitched.

“Oh! Rarity come on I love this song!”

“Oh, I don’t know Pinkie, I think…” She didn’t get to finish as Pinkie dragged her to the dance floor once more.

The others chuckled and drank their own glasses. Before they had even finished the whole drinks, Rainbow waved over another tray. Now Discord was starting to notice his friends’ behaviors and their red cheeks.

“Girls, I-and I can’t believe I’m the one saying this-think it’s time to slow down. You can’t handle nearly as much as I can and even I’m starting to feel the effects of this stuff.” He warned and Applejack narrowed her eyes and grinned at him.

“Was that a challenge? I believe that nopony can out drink me.”

“Ha! What about that cider contest that I totally wiped the floor with you?” Rainbow grinned and AJ lightly punched her in the arm.

“Care to put your boasting to the test? How ‘bout it guys? A friendly drinking contest between the five-“

“Seven! We’re back and want to join in!” Pinkie said as she bounced into her seat.

“Okay, seven of us?” The mares quickly accepted, he was shocked that even Fluttershy readily agreed.

He cleared his throat and shook his head.

“I think I’ll sit this out. I’m supposed to be keeping an eye on you girls and I can’t do that if I’m inebriated as well.”

“Chicken! Thought you said that you could handle more than us? Come on Discord, what are you scared of?” Rainbow teased and he narrowed his eyes.

“The Lord of Chaos is not afraid of anything!”

“Prove it!” Rainbow and AJ said in unison and pushed a drink towards him. He grinned and picked it up. He tipped it towards them and said,

“Hope you take defeat well.”

The girls laughed and grabbed their own drinks. Discord shrugged and began to gulp down his own drink.

Oh well…one more won’t hurt.