• Published 18th Apr 2015
  • 16,772 Views, 1,360 Comments

Fear Me, for My Name is Twaith! - Michael Hudson

My name is Twilight Sparkle, and I am a wraith.

  • ...

Finishing Set Up

Sunset frowned as they made their way into the middle of town and the clouds were still hanging in the sky. She glanced over at Twilight and pulled out a picture of the pegasus they were looking for. “Think you can fly up there and find her? Maybe even give her a bit of a spook so she gets what she deserves.”


“Do you not see the sky? It’s supposed to be clear and the orders were sent out last week. This is just sloppy.”

Twilight glanced up and concurred; the sky was not clear. She floated upward, gliding in between clouds as she searched for her target. She rose above a particularly large one and saw the cyan mare spread out and snoring loudly. Twilight covered her ears and frowned. Such a snore could cause a pony problems down the road if nothing was done. Maybe if she were on her side…

Rainbow woke up to a loud, “Sorry,” while the wind rushed through her mane. For a moment, she thought about just turning back over, but the fact that her stomach felt like it was against her throat made her rethink it. Looking down, her eyes widened into shock as her wings instinctively put on the breaks. She crashed into one of the clouds beneath her, just barely not breaking it. It did however, release a lightning bolt directed at a certain yellow mare.


Rainbow poked her head out from behind the cloud and paled as small tendrils of smoke came from the recently burned mare, her mane now a mohawk all the war down her neck. A small chuckle escaped Rainbow. “Sorry.”

Sunset growled at her and stomped forward. “Are you Rainbow Dash?”

The pegasus’s eyes shined for a moment and she came down to the ground. “Why yes I am! I’m guessing you’ve heard of me.”

Sunset put a hoof to her jaw. “Why, I do believe I have. First on my list to take back to the Canterlot dungeons for not performing her royal duty.”

Rainbow’s eyes went wide and she stomped a hoof down in front of Sunset. A blast of hot steam escaped Rainbow and blew into Sunset’s face, but the unicorn was feeling cocky and playful, though that may have been the electrical current still running through her. “Kissing me isn’t going to help your case.”

That caught Rainbow off guard and she blushed before turning away, lightly smacking Sunset in the face with her tail. “I don’t swing that way, and I wasn’t gonna avoid my job. I was just waiting because I could get it done in ten seconds flat.”

Sunset yawned and made sure to be extra obnoxious with the noise from it. “Only that fast? I bet I could do better in my sleep.”

Rainbow rose a bit into the sky as she came back back around to fave her. “Oh yeah?”

Sunset smirked. “Yeah.”

She wasn’t caught off guard when Rainbow suddenly yelled, “Onetwothreego,” and had the first cloud Rainbow had gone for turned into water vapor just before she got there.

“Come on, I’m just putting the steam you were blowing off back in your face!”

Rainbow’s eye twitched and she took off like a rocket. Sunset tried to continue to play her little game, but soon realized she would be more likely to burn the pegasus instead of the clouds of she continued like that. Rainbow ducked and weaved through the cloud line, decimating them while Sunset blasted them with superheated magic, vaporizing them. When all was said and done, Rainbow flew down and let out a slight pant. “So, I won, right?”

Sunset opened her mouth, but Twilight appeared next to her. “Sorry Sunset, but you lost by one.”

For a moment she considered lying, but simply let it go with a sigh. “You got one more. Good job.”

Rainbow Dash bucked at the air and scowled. “Only by one? You’ve got to be kidding me!”

Sunset grinned, knowing the feeling. “It was fun though. Thanks.”

The blue pegasus glanced at the outstretched hoof and shook it. “Yeah, gotta admit that at least. See you around sometime…”

“Sunset Shimmer.”

She nodded for a moment and gave her a small salute before looking for a new place to relax in. Sunset scanned the skies and nodded to herself, happy with the results. Twilight poked her head over her shoulder. “So, why did you head go to her kissing you as a taunt? Is that normal nowadays?”

Sunset merely continued to trot, thanking a small illusion spell for covering her blush, and gave out a sigh of relief as the two quickly entered city hall before she absolutely had to answer. The sight within gave her a small smile as she looked upon dazzling red bows, blue and green streamers, and an elegant banner that wavered in the air. She came closer to the decorator, who was currently looking over two sets of bows, and gave a small cough to let her know she was there.

Rarity turned to face them, a smile on her face for a total of two seconds before the sight of Sunset’s mane-hawk and the smell of her still singed fur came to assault her sense. She let out a strangled gasp before a spray bottle and comb came over and took Sunset down in a cloud of aerosol, water spray, and ruthless combing.

Sunset set of a small explosion around her, thankful for a protection spell to protect her from the mist’s destruction. “Hey, careful with that stuff! I couldn’t breath.”

Rarity turned her head away. “I’m sorry, but perhaps you should have allowed me to breath. instead of bringing that horrid smell with you.”

Twilight let out a small giggle that received a moment’s glare from Sunset. “Well, if we can stop trying to kill each other, I am here from Canterlot to appraise the decorations.”

Rarity seemingly teleported to her side with stars in her eyes. “Canterlot you say?”

Sunset swallowed for a moment. “Um, yes. Even born and raised there.”

The stars only became brighter as Rarity trotted towards the back, dragging Sunset by her tail with her magic. “Well then, I simply must make up for any ill will that I have gained from our unfortunate introduction. Please, follow me.”

Sunset merely mouthed, ‘help me,’ to Twilight before she was taken to the back. Unfortunately, Twilight didn’t know how to read lips and wasn’t about to interrupt what she thought was female bonding time.

It would only be hours later that Sunset would escape the town hall. She had actually liked talking to the fashion mare, especially since she had been the star of attention during almost the whole time. I even got to make plans to help Twilight, which is always a plus. Being caught in what should be considered a death trap though, instead of a corset, had been the final straw for her, and so the time had to stop, before anything tighter like leather had come into play.

“How was your time with her?”

“Not now, need to run.” And run they did. She booked it, only now realizing how close it had come to nightfall. At least the notes had stated it would be easiest to find the orchestrator the closer it was to night.

Sunset and Twilight only slowed when both of their ears started to twitch. Something was… off about the clearing. Sunset stretched her neck out and took a deep breath in, feeling a calm wash over her. And yet, she still didn’t know why. “Who is there?”

All at once, the odd feeling was gone, and so was the calming effect that had accompanied it. Sunset scowled and her horn started to glow. A beautiful voice came from the trees in response. “Please keep the light low. You’ll hurt my performers otherwise.”

Sunset glanced back at Twilight, but the wraith was already floating forward. After a few moments of waiting, a dark yellow blur came whizzing past Sunset, Twilight following soon after. “Oh my Celestia! You’re a bat pony aren’t you?”

Sunset listened to her friend barrage the poor mare with questions for only a few more moments before summoning a wall of magic for Twilight to smash into. She then watched as the blur went into a tree. “Are you Fluttershy?

Two large eyes showed themselves before two fluffed ears and leathery wings joined them. The mare slowly descended to the ground and swallowed hard. “Ye-yes, I am.”

Sunset scowled for a moment. “Then please, let me apologize for my idiot of a friend. I haven’t met a bat pony either, but that still isn’t anyway to treat another pony. Besides, It shouldn’t even matter as I am here on royal duty to hear the orchestra. May I?”

Fluttershy frowned and scratched at the ground. “I-it’s fine. I don’t like it, but I’m growing used to it.” She cleared her throat and opened it for a moment, bringing the odd feeling back to Sunset. “Did you feel that when you came here?”

Sunset shook her head. “Yeah.”

Fluttershy’s eyes shone for a moment. “Did you also feel relaxed?”

She blinked a couple of times. “Yeah actually, or at least, I think I would have if I hadn’t thought that I was about to be attacked.”

“Oh.” Fluttershy put a hoof over her muzzle. “I-I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to, I promise. I was just causing my bats to synchronize for a nice, peaceful frequency to make ponies happy.”

Sunset bit into her lip. “Think I might be able to hear it again?”

Fluttershy nodded and zipped back to her trees. For a few minutes, Sunset stood there, now able to hear the gentle melody to their odd sonar, and it did calm her. “How interesting. It should do quite nicely, and I have to talk to you about it sometime. Until then, I hope you do well Fluttershy.”

The bat pony watched as the two left, watching the wraith that had scared her, those beautiful green eyes almost having caused her heart to stop when she had first seen them.

Once they were finally within the treehouse that the two would call their office and home in Ponyville for the next few days, they got quite a surprise. As tempting as a seance had been for her, Pinkie had decided an all out, bat pony crazy party was the route to go to welcome the new pony and her ghost friend.

To say the least, it caught them off guard.

It would be a couple hours of partying later when Sunset finally joined Twilight in the bedroom. She collapsed next to the ghost and groaned. Twilight smiled slightly. “Are you okay?”

“I don’t think I’ve been more exhausted in my life… but yeah, I think I am.”

“Your new friends seemed nice.”

Sunset didn’t catch the slight quiver in Twilight’s voice. “Yeah, but it isn’t like we’re staying long, and not all of them are gems.” She rubbed one of her ears, remembering Pinkie practically screaming in her ear.

Twilight nosed her book closer to being between them. “I have this book of filly’s fairy tales. Would you care to join me?”

Sunset shivered for a moment from Twilight’s cold, but then nodded. “Sounds nice. Which one are you on?”

“The Elements of Harmony and Nightmare Moon.”

Sunset let out a small chuckle. “You mean that rumor made by others to say Celestia isn't our proper ruler? Sorry, but pass.”

Twilight pouted. “Please, I’ve never read it before.”

A sigh passed the Sunset’s muzzle, but one glance at those eager green eyes and she knew she was doomed. “Fine, read on.”



Sunset yawned like most of the ponies there. She may have been excited about the Summer Sun Celebration like every pony else, but that didn’t remove the late night discussion on the validity of ‘Luna’ as she probably had been called, even if she had ever even existed. The moment the princess didn’t show though, adrenaline kicked in while Sunset’s heart sank. Kibitz would have never have allowed her to be late, let alone miss something like this. Where is sh–

“Hello citizens of Equestria. Your true ruler is here!”

Sunset and Twilight had the same thought as they gazed upon the black pony. She just stole one of the closest people to them, and she was going to pay. Sunset ran back to the library for Twilight’s book from before, while Twilight set off after Nightmare Moon, ready to show her why wraiths are feared like they are.

Author's Note:

The main comment that affected this.

This was the change that caused my schedule for the story to become end of next week instead of two more weeks, as they were each going to get their own chapters originally, or two per chapter.

Also, I'll give you three guesses, first two don't count, on the validity of Dash saying, "I don't swing that way."