• Published 18th Apr 2015
  • 16,772 Views, 1,360 Comments

Fear Me, for My Name is Twaith! - Michael Hudson

My name is Twilight Sparkle, and I am a wraith.

  • ...

Twilight: The Harmony Wraith

Twilight hummed to herself, sitting in the catacombs of Canterlot Castle. The images of battle, corruption, anger, depression, all of them, now were things tucked away in the back of her mind. She had more important things to worry about, such as the soft thump in her chest, or the necronomicon in her magic.

The sound of hooves was all that broke her concentration as she continued to trace the outside of the pentagram onto the cobblestones. It would have been easier at other places, but as this ritual required it to be done near where the pony was killed, she had little choice in the matter. She did glance to the side, and froze in midair as she saw the white coat of a certain princess. “Oh… Um-”

“Sunset tells me you all had a rather exciting time in The Crystal Empire. Shame I had to hear about it in a letter.”

Twilight shrank a little as she tucked her hooves underneath herself and turned to Celestia. The princess looked exhausted as bags came around the rims of her eyes, and she seemed to almost sway as she stood. As it was the middle of the night though, it was not completely surprising. “I-I’m sorry, Celestia.”

Celestia slowly stepped forward, making each movement very deliberate as she came closer. The last few weeks had been Tarturus on her system, what with having to reconstruct almost ninety percent of the Equestrian Railroad, relocating all of Canterlot, and beginning restoration of her old castle in the Everfree. At least now her headquarters would be in the true center of Equestria again. “You’re lucky that this place is intact. Sombra…”

“He tried to kill you and Luna. Trust me, I… I know.” Twilight hung her head down, her cloak rippling with pitch black energy for a moment. She then looked up, her eyes completely black for a moment, before she blinked, and her normal green were back. “You don’t need to worry about Sombra though. I made sure to fix my mistake.”

Celestia was silent for a moment as her student got back to work, before reaching out, and touching the spirit’s side. “D-did you actually devour a spirit?”

Twilight paused for a moment, before landing on the ground. Her form rippled, some parts becoming more transparent, while others looked actually alive, rather than just corporeal. “It’s more complicated than that. You see, when they got there, I hated the mere fact that I was a wraith. I had been imprisoned, tortured, and ridiculed by that monster as he overpowered me. Apparently, while we were both roughly the same age, he still had my number on how to use the powers.”

She stomped her hoof into the ground, and Celestia watched as a final shudder ran through Twilight, and the side that she still touched felt… warm. “Everyone came to the battle, and while they could try, only Sunset stood any real chance. It was only because he wanted to have fun that I had time to listen to them. Listen to all of my friend tell me why they fought.” She shut her eyes as a tear rolled down them, and glowing symbols, her friend’s cutie marks, ranging from Sunset, to Marble, and even Celestia’s own mark appeared on her cloak. “They… they were willing to give their lives for me as a wraith, because they cared about me, and…”

Celestia tilted Twilight’s head up. “Wouldn’t use the elements on you, would they?”

Twilight smiled, and shut her eyes. Slowly, a glow began to emit out of her eyes, and a stream of black and green, and the other a mixture of gray and bone extended from her sides. Her shroud became vibrant, the colors mixing into each other to form a beautiful, rainbow colored dress, and the streams snapped, forming two wings, one made of dark and necrotic magic, the other made of bone and soul.

“If they couldn’t use it though, I would. Spike grew with me, and helped destroy the lich’s body, before he threatened to haunt Equestria for eternity, or fight me until we were both nothing. So, I did the only thing I could.”

Celestia blinked, staring at the alicorn wraith in front of her. In the silence of the room, and with her own heart still, trying to take the fact that this version of Twilight was undoubtedly, one hundred percent, alive, she could hear a thumping. The thumping of a heart, the very thing a wraith always desires, but is never supposed to have. “You ate him?”

Twilight opened her mouth, ready to start a long winded explanation, when something caught in her throat, and she hiccuped. In a single moment, the magic she had gathered to form her new form popped, and the magic shot to the sides of her, carving a long, wide tunnel through the catacombs. Her face turned a bright red, before she slowly nodded. “Yeah, but him and the heart I got are still not quite agreeing I think.”

A small chuckle escaped Celestia as she went to rub Twilight’s head, and found her hoof passing through. She immediately raised an eyebrow, but Twilight, whose robe was still intact and with a small, gray stitching to accent the hem on it now, just wove it away. “It may not take much for me to be alive now, but come on! This way I can fly, spook people, and go through walls. Why wouldn’t I want to stay like this most of the time?”

Celestia almost choked on the laughter that rose in her, but instead merely shook her head, too tired to fully take it in, especially with everything else. “So, everything else ignored, you’re safe?”

Twilight’s cheeks turned red again as she put a hoof on Celestia’s, and looked her straight in the eyes. “I’m better than safe. I… I feel alive for the first time in hundreds of years, and like I truly have a family again. Better than that though, I am enlightened, and able to see more than I ever had before.” She reached forward and touched Celestia’s chest, right over her heart. The princess gasped for a moment, before softly smiling at her little wraith as Twilight kept her tight lipped smirk.

She then floated away though, and picked up her chalk. “Unfortunately, before I can put that right, I need to put something else to right.”

Celestia opened up her mouth to question it, but after how wonderful the surprises had been tonight, she was willing to wait. Instead, she picked up her own piece of chalk, and began to help with the pentagram. The two worked in a quiet, calm silence, occasionally glancing at each other, before turning away and blushing.

Once done though, Twilight turned to Celestia while biting her lip. “I-I’m sorry, princess, but… but can you go? I need to do this by myself I think.”

Celestia stepped forward for a moment, her chest burning in frustration. She had been teased about this for too long to just be dismissed again. However, Twilight couldn’t meet her eye either, and each passing moment sank further into the ground. In the face of that, Celestia could do nothing but nod, and walk away.

Twilight slowly waved her away, waiting for her to turn the corner before turning to the pentagram, and whispering, “Ghastly Aura.”

A spirit began to shimmer into existence, with a coat as gray as ash, and hair white as snow. Twilight’s aura shivered in anticipation, and she swallowed hard as the mare opened her blue eyes. They almost immediately widened, and a hastily said, “Sorry,” escaped before Twilight grabbed her hoof.

“Please, don’t run, mom.”

The two looked into each other’s eyes for almost a minute, before Ghasty could no longer take it, and lowered her head, tears disappearing into the aether, as most spiritual ones did. Twilight gently stroked her mother’s head, remembering their last discussion. She had been trapped inside a bubble of darkness and pain, and Sombra could tell when Ghastly had come to the cave. One truth later, and Twilight had disowned her mother after knowing she was the cause for her current condition.

Now she had to amend that rant.

Twilight snuggled into Ghastly’s neck, whispering, “It’s okay,” as the other mare became quiet. “You made a mistake because you were afraid, and desperate. I know that feeling. I almost destroyed all of Equestria because of it, but you cannot continue to beat yourself up about this.” Twilight pushed her mother away so they could look eye to eye now. “If you hadn’t done any of this, I would have just ended up a shut in. I would not currently have a heart that beats for almost a dozen ponies, all of whom may very well love me back, and now I can finally appreciate and recognize that. I would not have powers unknown to most beings in the world, or be able to summon popsicles that scream at ponies, or best of all, make fillies and colts smile because what I do makes them happy. Makes so many ponies happy.”

She swallowed hard, tears now actively pouring down each of theirs faces. Ghastly swallowed hard and shakily nodded. “I… I’m happy I could… that you found happiness out of this. I only ever wanted what was best for you. What would keep you safe.”

Twilight put a hoof to Ghastly’s muzzle, and smiled as the other mare began to fade. “And you did just that. Thank you, mom.”

And then, Twilight was alone, but not sad. No, she doubted that would ever happen again…

...or at least until she forgot to turn corporeal for Sunset’s pancakes the next day and froze them instead. She was very sad then.

Author's Note:

*breathes in* Tl:DR is that Save Me is dead. It bogged me down, and isn't what Twaith is pretty much. So we're moving on. Also, ship teasing is at least going to be lowered, because Twilight actually understands love and attraction, so please, flood me with your comments. Oh, and Spike is full grown (adult), and Trixie has four tails instead of three now.

Okay, the longer explanation now. If any of you kept up with the Twaith blogs, I believe the second to last one talked about me needing to refocus. Refocusing turned into moving, depression, and me trying to become an actual writer (still looking for a literary agent as this is typed), and with all of that, Twaith kind of fell to the wayside, and anytime I thought about it, I couldn't come up with good, traditional, short Twaith stuff, and I had no motivation for Save Me. So it kind of just... stuck.

Last night though, I went screw it. Save Me is an idea I loved, and wished I could have finished, but in the end, what is Twaith? Twaith is meant to be a loosely connected bits of cuteness and fluff that can have surprising story moments at times... and Cthulhu. Save Me was none of this, even the Cthulhu. So, I decided to kill it.

Where will Twaith go from here? Well, seeing as I can now do Starlight how I originally intended to again in a side story that might be like three chapters long. I don't know if Sunset's backstory will ever get finished, though the big one, her being Celestia's adopted daughter, is out, so I can live with that. I do also still plan to try to launch the other branch from the invasion, but I give NOOOOO promises.

So yeah, let's go back to the fun we used to have, and I eagerly await your comments.