• Published 18th Apr 2015
  • 16,772 Views, 1,360 Comments

Fear Me, for My Name is Twaith! - Michael Hudson

My name is Twilight Sparkle, and I am a wraith.

  • ...

Peppers Please

Pinkie coughed as she entered the small shed that was kept in the west fields of Sweet Apple Acres, as did Sunset as she did. The two swallowed hard, feeling the moisture leaving their mouths quickly as the hot tin roof was only amplified by the three blazing fires that were kept going. Applejack, Big Macintosh, and Fluttershy all looked at them as they showed up. Applejack took a sip of the water she had with her. "Take a seat in the circle. Aunt Pepper should be here soon."

Sunset and Pinkie sat awkwardly before Pinkie rolled away, making room for Twilight to silently, invisibly, float in between them. Curiosity had gotten the better of the studious mare, so even though she knew this was all about banishing her, Twilight had to come and observe how exactly it was to be done. Of course, the words of Pinkie and Sunset about the impossibility of simple peppers and heat doing it helped her confidence.

Sunset blinked a few times, the intense heat causing her eyes to water. "So, what brings you out here Fluttershy? It's a little early, don't you think?"

Fluttershy moved her sunglasses slightly so that they kept out more of the glaring light. "It’s okay. Aunt Pepper says that having more family here makes her treatments stronger, so she wasn't about to miss out on me, not while Apple Bloom and Granny Smith are gone."

"I honestly wish they were here. No matter how friendly it tried acting, that thing could possess ponies, and that... that just ain't right."

Twilight put her head down at the stinging words from Applejack, even though she knew in her heart, she was right. Sunset restrained her hoof from reaching out, knowing that they shouldn't let the others know that Twilight was there. To see her immediately be brought down like that though only made Sunset's resolve that this would fail brighter.

The next time the doors opened though, most of them stopped thinking about whatever it was they were doing. All but Pinkie though, as she had a tolerance to spice and heat that nopony else knew, so the dried ghost pepper powder that wafted into the room with the new mare didn't do a thing to her while the others gagged and became even more teary eyed. The leather clad, black mare looked around the room and scowled. "Why is there a hole in my circle?"

Pinkie beamed at her. "It's for the ghost silly!"

Pepper's scowl deepened as she stepped forward. "I'm sorry, but that isn't funny."

“Don’t worry, we can still put our hooves together if we need to.” Sunset put a hoof around Pinkie's neck, having to stretch to do so. “See?”

Applejack bit into her cheek. "I suggest you leave it at that Aunt. Pinkie can be rather... silly, at times, and changing her mind during those moments can be rather hard."

Pepper looked at the two mares in front of her before slowly nodding. "I suppose it will have to do if they are that stubborn. I don’t want to waste any of the good spices discussing this further. Now, can anyone tell me what this is?" She reached into her jacket and pulled out a thin, dried, black pepper.

Pinkie jumped up to her back hooves. "Yummy!" Pinkie immediately lowered herself from the old crone’s withering gaze..

"This, is a dried ghost pepper. When spread into the room as I did when I first entered, and now," she stomped on a bag after laying it down and the dusty debris filled the room with more of the agonizing flakes, "it burns spirits, because it is that spicy. This on the other hand," she said as she pulled out what looked like a water balloon, "is filled with the juices of ten of these ghosts peppers, and will incinerate any ghoul."

Sunset lazily lifted a hoof up. "And what backing do you have to believe all of this?"

Pepper smirked for a few moments. "You don't get the title of professional from trying fifty times and never succeeding. You get it for succeeding to rid the world of fifty soul siphoning freaks. Now, may I move on, or do you have any more dumb questions?"

Sunset resisted scowling as she looked at Twilight, who merely shrugged. While she could feel a slight discomfort within her, she merely assumed it was empathy for her friends. Pepper though, caught the glance and began to frown. While it may have been because she had proven the mare wrong in her doubt, it had still been toward that empty space. That space that the pink one had so eagerly declared as, ‘for the ghost’.

Pepper brought a hoof covered in black dust to her face and inhaled briefly, enjoying the cleansing fire that ran through her senses and stung at her eyes. And then, she blew. The cloud of concentrated dust flew across the table, and the room became deathly silent. Pinkie mimed eating it while a bead of cold sweat ran down Sunset's brow. Twilight simply leaned forward, ever curious about the thing that was supposed to be her destruction.

And then, all chaos broke loose.

Twilight's essence felt like a billion bees had started stinging it as she lost control, releasing a burst of ice and frost as she howled. Pepper smiled as the ghoul showed itself, but she didn't dare launch the finisher yet. Instead, she threw powder into one of the fires, and it flared, causing the room to grow even hotter, halting the frost that was coming off of the enraged spirit.

Twilight spun a cocoon of ice around herself, trying her best to still control the magic. The more she tried to control it though, the weaker it came out as she felt the heat and spice run through her core and her instincts begged to freeze all that was in sight. She couldn't, no, wouldn't, not when it could potentially kill so many of her friends.

Cracks in the ice kept appearing, but all Pepper did was wait. She knew the creature would grow tired and weak from the refined pepper, and then would collapse. The juice was meant only for the kill, or as a last resort. Of course, she was so good, that the only time she had ever had to use it like that, was against-

"Fe fi fo fum, I smell the scent of a peppered one!"

Ghost Pepper stood still at the shout. A shout that must have come from just outside. But how? How did no one else see it? Has it grown powerful enough to be intangible? She shook her thoughts clear, though she could not do the same with her fear. She wasn't about to let that stop her from running out into the yard to face the abomination.. Looking up though, she simply couldn't believe it. "How are you still alive?"

The large, white giant started to laugh. Its form shook and undulated as it was seemingly entirely made up of some sort of liquid. It stood twice the height of the barn, and its laugh shook the window panes. "You thought a silo of peppers would kill a beast made of milk? You are as silly as you ever were!"

Pepper stood still as her hooves trembled beneath her. "Begone you! I have no quarrel with a creature such as yourself, not this time."

The giant shook his head. "That is where you are wrong. You attack one I hold very dear, and if you do not run, I shall do what I should have done before, instead of pretending to die, because if you do not give her up, you will stop amusing me."

The coldness of the last words almost caused her heart to stop, and the thought of destroying the wraith left her mind. One last, booming laugh filled the air as the mare ran into the woods. After another ten minutes, the giant disappeared. By then though, Sunset, Twilight, and the rest, were outside, and got to watch as Trixie floated to the ground.

Twilight weakly hovered over and tried picking Trixie up before deciding that simply snuggling the kitsune was enough for tonight. "Why did you help me?"

Trixie smiled slightly and tried to stand up, before promptly collapsing back down. "I... I haven't had a long term friend before... and you don't deserve to go that way. Besides, Trixie had fought her once before, and she knows those burns. She couldn't let that happen." She waited a moment or two, looking into those tear filled, purple eyes, before turning away. "Even to you."

Not even Trixie was going to fight the hug that Twilight soon wrapped around her friend, and nopony noticed as a blue star and wand appeared on the far side of Twilight's cloak, before stitching itself to black once more.


Pepper stomped through the outskirts of the orchard, tears in her eyes. She couldn't believe that her one failure would find her again. What made it even worse was that this time, she had even been humiliated in front of her family. They now could see she wasn't a perfect ghost exterminator, wasn't something everypony else could be proud of. No, stop thinking like that. Farmer is not the only job allowed in-What in Equestria is that?

She turned to the odd bipedal creature that was standing in the road. In one of its appendages was a long staff of sorts while it wore what looked oddly like church garments. And all it did, was stare at Pepper.

"I suggest you leave. This is Apple family property, and we do not accept monsters."

The thing laughed slightly before beginning to walk towards her. "You hunted a creature I call my kitten tonight. I do not approve of such an act."

Pepper scowled slightly. "I hunted an abomination of nature tonight. Nothing more, nothing less."

The thing nodded as it made its way closer and closer. "You even continue to insult her in my presence, Your list of sins continues to grow."

Pepper reached into her cloak, grabbing the ball of pepper juice. "I have no sins on me. My soul is clean."

The tall creature was only a few yards away now, a small rosary on his coat beginning to smoke. "As this is Equestria, I will respect Celestia and give you the chance to apologize. Now, apologi-"


The priest smirked as juice ran down his front, and then, the clothes and the creature were gone. For only a moment, Pepper had thought she had won, until a presence appeared. She couldn't see it, but she could feel an immense pressure over her as it gazed upon her very soul. It stopped all noise, and her vision was beginning to blur. Finally, Pepper turned around, only to face...


Author's Note:

The Comment.