• Published 18th Apr 2015
  • 16,759 Views, 1,360 Comments

Fear Me, for My Name is Twaith! - Michael Hudson

My name is Twilight Sparkle, and I am a wraith.

  • ...

The Final Chapter

So, this is the author doing something I’d thought about doing before, but am doing now because I need to address what this chapter is before you start reading, and then I need to talk after the chapter, so consider this as one of two author’s notes.

So, what is this chapter? It’s an admission. An admission that even though I had other ideas for the universe, I no longer had ideas for this story. Side stories? Sure, you’ll see one in this list even. For Fear Me though… no, and that’s because of my own illusion. I kept telling myself that, even though I was obviously wrapping up her story, that I could keep doing the fluff stuff. I’m not ShortSkirtsandExplosions, or Kudzuhaiku. I cannot endlessly extend a story into infinity, and slightly envy them for it. But this story should have ended when she came back from Sombra, because her story was over. Her conflict resolved.

So, this chapter is an info dump/idea dump. All the things I ended up not getting to, including a synopsis of EVERYTHING that was to be in Save Me, and the other way Save Me could have gone, with Twaith going to Equestria Girls, whose unfinished first chapter is here. Anyways, let’s begin, and I’ll see you again in the author’s note.

1)Starlight Glimmer

I kept hinting at it. and saying that I had a plan, but then Save Me confused it, and AAAAAH! Anyways.

The plan for Starlight Glimmer was that she met Trixune after leaving her small village, determined to either find a land with no cutie marks, or die in the desert that lays to the East of Equestria, on her way to Saddle Arabia, where Trixune was from. The two teamed up or Trixune’s adventures, until the very end.

At the end, they get to the valley of Out Town, where Starlight asks for help in a spell, knowing that the kitsune will be better at molding Starlight’s raw magical power into binding and releasing spells. What is made in the end is a kitsune statue that fulfils Trixie’s main purpose, and has one other big benefit.

When a pony touches one paw, it takes away their cutie mark. If they touch the other, it gives it back, and can ONLY give back the cutie mark the person originally had. Starlight put it in the middle of the valley, where it was always accessible.

My final decision on how this comes back to Twaith ended up being my original. Trixune is down, and Twaith wants to help her best buddy. They go to the valley, finding first a Double Diamond who has his cutie mark. What results is a simple, heart warming tale as Twilight comes to the town first, hears about how it’s a sanctuary for ponies who want a break from their cutie marks, with a few permanents, like Double Diamond, Sugar Belle, and Night Glider, all who only put on their cutie marks on when they needed them.

Just like Starlight, who simply tends to a small farm, and watches over the valley, with the statue never having moved, for doing so would betray her friend.

2) Trixune

I’ll try to be a bit faster here. Starts with one tail, is given power by her elder for two, gets three (what she has for Fear Me) when making the kistune statue. Her goal was stated as to defend against the dark, when really it was to make more kitsunes, by exposing them to kitsune magic. Hence why the statue helped so much.

In Save Me, she gets her fourth tail on a detour to the desert to talk to her elder, and request his help. They turn her down, but when she admits to him that she loves Twilight, and that she knows she is too weak to help, her spirit blooms, and she gets her fourth tail. She also was meant to have a chapter questioning Granny Pie as to what Pinkie really is. Speaking of which.

3) Pinkie and Pinkamena Diane Pie

Pinkie could always see ghosts, even before she almost died (though that is how most outside of thestrals see ghosts) due to her lineage, Pinkamena Diane Pie, which brings us more to:

In Save Me, she was to see Granny Pie for some protective charms and advice, and she gets given some rocks with pentagrams on them, so that the living crew can’t get their souls forcibly sucked out. Granny then looks at her daughter, Pinkamena, the same one Twilight met when she was a filly.

This Pinkamena is half draconequus, while Granny is full. She is in hiding, and was long friends with the Rock family, so when her half daughter had a quarter draconquus daughter who could pass as a pony, they gave her to them. This is why Pinkie Pie can touch Twaith.

And, for those at Everfree on the year I went, this is based off a headcanon I saw there, and helped contribute to, where Pinkie Pie is an adopted member of the Pie family.


This is all Save Me stuff. He grows when Twilight grows, so when she goes full on Harmony Wraith because she accepted her wraith side, instead of trying to fight it, he grew to be his MAXIMUM size, with no skin on him. Like this, he was instrumental in the final defeat of Sombra, by his rotting breath breaking his immortal enchantments, and destroying the lich’s physical form.

Now a spirit, he ended up being the only soul Twaith ever ate.

And that’s mostly it, except for Teach Me, for My Name is Twaith. I will let the chapter itself speak about the idea, but it was too late for it to save Twaith when I began writing it, especially while depression made it no longer fun to write. In general, it had a much looser plot than Fear Me, with it mostly be her trying to get along with… well, you can take a guess. Like I said, it is unfinished, but there is enough there for the start of something. And if someone wants to either just straight up take what is here, or be inspired by what is here, and do the concept themselves, I would be happy to help, and you have my full permission.

A Different Solution

A large, yellow eye opened in the ether. It belonged to a beast like fews imagining, and soon, the creature began to move. In here, at his home, he did not need a form, but the call was strong, so his essence in preparation to go to his follower, was preparing for the world. For a moment, the yellow eye faded as the energies within the god fluctuated, and he growled it back to the correct one.

He extended a green hand out, focusing his energies on the paltry task of ripping open holes to different dimensions. His other claw was on his head, rubbing at the forming skull as he noted a pounding headache. That… shouldn’t be right. He looked to the portal that was supposed to be being created, and felt his being ripple in frustration as he saw none in existence yet, but could now make out the chant.

His kitten pone was calling for him, but prophecy was trying to stop him. This would not do.

He extended both hands towards the same spot, letting the green claws hook into space and time together, something he had not done in a long time. Most worlds, even under the effects of prophecy, wouldn’t require this, but Equestria was different. So much of its conflicts and changes were within destiny and prophecy, so even beasts like the mighty Cthulhu had to fight hard to get in. It didn’t help that he had stayed longer than he should have, and thus had been tired from the experience. He would not simply ignore the reason he had become so infatuated with the world simply because he wanted a nap though. That was what stupid cats did, not deities.

Inch by inch, his claws came apart, and a rift formed within the ether. His magic kept the portal open, even as he shrunk to slip within the crack. Looking through the swirling mass of magic and essence, he could see her. His little Twilight in front of a summoning sign, her hooves placed before her, and her head hanging low.Just looking at his little kitten pone so sad like this caused his essence to boil, and he pushed forward.

She looked up only once he slammed a foot onto the stones of the Canterlot archives, and he looked down upon her, before speaking in his ancient tongue. The purple mare swiped at her eyes with a hoof, causing her black cowl to fall back from her face, before she raised herself. Cthulhu gently began to scratch at the pony’s ears as he listened to her plea. She wanted to escape, to make sure she would not be able to harm other ponies, and she thought she knew how she could.

Instead of asking to join him in his realm as he somewhat hoped, she instead asked to be sent back to the realm of humans, a place the two had been once before for a ‘field trip’. There, she felt like her magic had been weaker, and so she would not feel this hunger as much. Or so, she hoped.

His tentacle maw twisted itself around each other as he thought. He was tired, and the whole world would resist his action, for it would destroy the prophecy that was taking effect. Looking into Twilight’s shining green eyes though, he knew that he could not say no, not when he could act.

Upon hearing his agreement though, she asked for one more favor, and he chuckled as he nodded.


A new chill entered Chrysalis’s cell as she opened her eyes. Of course, with as deep into the ground as she must have been, it could have just been that it was now turning to night, and the normal chills of that were coming. She did hope it was something else, as even a week in one of Canterlot’s most secure dungeons was less than pleasant.

She looked up from her hole, and tried to stretch her wings against the bindings on them. If she could fly or use her magic, breaking out of this place would be a breeze, or at least, that’s what she told herself. All she would need to do is knock out one of the guards that brought her food, bring down the other, before fighting… “All of Canterlot.” She sighed as she slumped forward, crossing her hooves as she stared at the stone wall before her.

“Hello, Queen Chrysalis.”

Her mane almost stood on end as she heard the voice. It was one she would never forget, as it belonged to the creature that had almost killed her, and had led to her chapter. She turned towards the sound, and saw nothing, but still growled, knowing that the wraith could be anywhere. “I told them where your friends were, so leave me in peace!”

A purple mare appeared a few feet away, floating off of the ground as she shook her head. “That is not why I’m here. I’m here to offer you a chance at redemption, and freedom.”

Chrysalis let out a cloud of steam as she snorted. “Yeah, and next you’re gonna say you brought kittens for me to feed on or something.”

“No, but I can do this.” The wraith extended a hoof towards Chrysalis, and she tried to get away. In the confined space, it was impossible. She could feel the cold getting increasingly intense, before it stopped suddenly. It was still there, of course, but something else made her forget about it entirely. Her ears flicked again as she heard the sound of metal on stone, and her horn glowed a slight green. Chrysalis raised a hoof and put it against the newly freed appendage, before just staring at the spirit and whispering, “Why?”

The spirit floated down so that the two were able to look at each other eye to eye. “Because I saw why you did what you did, and while I know you deserve to be punished for your attempt to destroy the country I love, I don’t think you deserve to be here alone forever, or for as long as Celestia wants you to be here.” She extended a hoof towards Chrysalis. “My name is Twilight, and I want to be your friend.”

Chrysalis glanced at the hoof, before looking back into those shining, green eyes. They seemed to invite her, as there was no malice or hate in them. Just worry, fear, and concern, emotions she had seen for so long whenever she had looked in the mirror. She doubted it was because of herself, but that… that actually meant more to the queen, as Twilight had seemingly remembered about her, even while facing her own worries. She took in a deep breath, and took the hoof. “My name is Chrysalis, and whatever I need to do to have a second chance, I will take it. Anything has to be better than down here.”

Twilight nodded, before her horn glowed bright, and the two disappeared in a flash of light. The next moment, Chrysalis found herself stumbling forward, and getting her eyes covered. “Hey, what gives?”

“Sorry, but I’m pretty sure you do not want to see our pilot while he uses his magic. It can be a bit much for most ponies.”

“What are you-” She was cut off by something speaking. She had no idea what it said, or even was sure it was speaking a real language, but the words themselves shook her core, and she reflexively found herself shutting up.

“Is it ready?”

Another warble went through the room, and Chrysalis found herself being shoved, and the queasiness caused by Twilight’s spell could not compare to stomach wrenching she now felt.

Behind her, Twilight dove into the activated portal, and it shut right behind her. Cthulhu’s eyes drooped slightly as he moved his hands, and turned to go home. In another moment, all that was left in the forbidden chamber, was a mirror, with a purple boundary, and a crack running through its middle.


Twilight’s essence rippled as she took in a deep breath...and heard a loud thump. A groan came from below her, and she glanced down to see a black girl with green hair, and a matching, short green dress, that had a light green wrap in the middle, and ended in multiple points that looked like teeth. Twilight floated down, letting half of her body merge into the nice, blue stone they were on. She looked into Chrysalis’s green eyes and squealed. “We made it through, and you look amazing! How about me? Did I come out okay?”

Chrysalis’s breath caught as she looked at the green eyes above her, but not for their beauty… at least, mostly. No, it was for the fact that when she looked away from them, Twilight looked wrong! She had no muzzle, her ears were tiny, and… why were her legs so long? Chrysalis glanced down, her gaze being stopped by large, black mounds on her chest. She took in a sharp breath, before Twilight’s hand covered her mouth.

Twilight smiled and slowly pulled away as Chrysalis’s eyebrows lowered. “You and I are in a new dimension, one that’s supposedly connected to Equestria. However, everypony here is something called a human. The have weirdly long legs,” she laid back in the air, kicking one to the sky, which gave Chrysalis full view of everything underneath Twilight’s robe… which was a whole lot of nothing. Later that night, Chrysalis would begin to mentally scream at the image that would not leave, but for now simply looked to the leg, her mind still adjusting with her new form.

Twilight lowered her leg, and pushed her hands into Chrysalis’s face, before her cheeks turned red and she pulled them out, though leaving frost on the changeling’s nose. “Sorry, I’m getting used to the range on these, but they’re super useful for holding things.”

Chrysalis nodded as she put her hands onto either side of herself and tried to push up. It was weird, but she could feel something guiding her actions. Was it instinct? If they were still in Equestria, she would blame harmony, but she wasn’t sure if that principle still kept in this land.

“Hey, I’m gonna see if anypony is near us, alright?”

Chrysalis nodded as she slowly put one foot under herself, and then the other. She had learned how to quickly mimic motions though, and Twilight had shown this upright stance for her to mock it okay by now. Walking would be a pain, but she wasn’t too surprised. I am way too high right now.

The wraith went around the corner, and she smiled to herself. She may have agreed to leave, but there was no way she was staying with the very thing that had almost killed her. All she had to do was focus. Even without a horn or wings, her magic still had to be there. A small energy stirred within her, and she smiled.

Green flames licked the edges of Chrysalis’s fingers, and she shut her eyes as she forced herself to focus. It felt just like her molting day, when she had to choose her real form. If she failed, and could not keep it, she was to be a failure. Victory in it though proved her for the queen she was. Now it was freedom, or having to stay close to that annoyingly cute spirit.

The flames spread, and where they touched, her black skin became white. A burst of energy came from her chest, and she felt her dress begin to change into a white shirt. A click of her tongue, and she added a pink heart to the front, just to make sure any who say her just believed she was indeed a cute, normal human. On her arms and legs, she matched the bright, fluffy hair she was growing with warmers, and smiled as she felt the flames closing in on each other. Any moment, and the transformation would be-


Chrysalis stepped back, the fluffy facade falling away as she slammed into the lockers behind her. Twilight came out of the wall only a few moments later, fear in her eyes. “Are you okay? What happened?”

Chrysalis blinked a few times. She hadn’t noticed before, but she now felt exhausted. Even the attempt, something that was nothing for her in Equestria, had almost wiped her out right now. She stared at her shaking hands, before gritting her teeth and shaking her head. “N-nothing happened.” Her voice became even softer as a drop of water splattered onto a palm. “Nothing at all.”

Author's Note:

And… that’s it. If there is more, I’ve unfortunately forgotten about it here, and I’m sorry. In general, I’m sorry. I never expected this to happen. I always wanted Twaith to go on forever, but my own machinations, and the wrapping up of her story, should have made it so that I put her to rest a while ago, instead of teasing myself, and all of you.

I do want to thank you all for that chance though. For following me into this crazy experiment, and seeing where I led it. This is still, by far, the project I have written the most for, and for so long it filled me with so much joy to do so. It helped me move out of my parents house, gave me something to work on in my first year in college… and I wish I could do more to give a better send off or all of this.

The only thing I can say, is that Twaith will not be forgotten. It’s a story that simply got to the end of its arc, but what I learned while writing it, or at least I enjoyed in writing it, will stick with me.

In fact, the final nail, among many others, was what I call a spiritual successor to Twaith. Comment driven, cute, naive protagonist, insane, but fun mythos, hi-jinks surrounding what makes the character cute, but also ‘dangerous’, and having fun with all sort of side characters.

For those of you who have stuck around still, and like the sounds of that, well, the project is called Zombie Hugs, following the tale of a 12 year old zombie named Amelia who wants one thing in her post apocalyptic world: Hugs. Hopefully it’ll be able to satisfy some of the itch this may leave, and again… sorry.

And, as one last note. I have said it before, but I think now it is more important than ever. If you ever want to make a story about Twaith, or continue Fear Me, you have my complete blessing, and happy guidance, so long as you, you know, contact me. I’m always happy to help, and Twaith will always be near and dear to my heart. I think without it, I would have never had the courage to seek all I have in writing now.

So, thank you, I’m sorry, and hopefully I may continue to produce high quality content for your enjoyment… even if it’s not here.

Comments ( 35 )

Well that was a fun ride, thanks, for all of your hard work and hours put into this hugely enjoyable story along with its side stories; and with that in mind I just want to say to you, "so long, and thanks for all the fish"! :heart: :twilightsmile: :heart:

It was fun while it lasted, but I guess all good things must come to an end. Just a quick question though, does this mean you'll be able to go bak and work on some of your other stories?

7500409 That A)depends on which stories you mean, and B)... not absolutely. I am now full time on this stuff, and while I'm still trying to find time to work on my own things, since no one supports me on patreon, I have to spend 90% of my writing time on commissions. Now, if patrons showed an interest in seeing a story, other than Twaith at least, be continued or finished, I would be happy to put it in the voting, or just try to focus on that work to give back to those who support me.

As it stands though, I did all of this after eight o' clock last night, because it gave me some level of closure, and made the voices in my head shut up for a bit.

Edit: Sorry if this sounds mean. I have a killer headache, and this day has been rough on me.

So human chrysalis tried to change into fluffle puff. Sounds good to me

While true that not all send offs are as great as we envisioned it to be at the very least it's like what you said, a form of closure. Don't worry that you couldn't continue because we value all of our stories author's livelihoods and if it means stopping then please, don't hesitate. We'll still see you around here and there so knowing you're happy and well make it worthwhile.

Good ideas, what about the mirror world? There was any idea for Twaith going to the other side?

7501277 Do you mean Equestria Girls? Because I had 1 and a half chapters for that.

It's been a wild and crazy ride. I'm just glad I was able to grab a seat.

Keep doing what makes you happy.

7676848 I think the title was something like "My Immortal". It was written by a 13(?) year old goth chick. It has a terrible story line, horrible grammar, and she kept calling people 'preps' when they tried to correct her on any if her many errors.

7677152 What is up with people and replying on years old comments? See that little quip saying when the comment was made? Its 55 weeks! 3 more weeks than there is in a year. At that time the comment will have been forgotten long ago by most people. Sadly I am not most people... In either case please refrain from replying to comments older than 20 weeks. As far as I know it tends to annoy people.

7678796 yeah I got to start paying attention to that.....thanks for the warning

7681730 well that not very likely with the the things you need to do in order to become one rule out being like twilight unless there are other ways to become one that I dont know about.
Mainly there monsters who were once human who devoured human flesh during long winters.
There's more to it I think but I can't remember of the top of my head.

7677865 oh God I've read some terrible fics but that just hurt to read the first few sentences of the description of this bloody mess.
This isn't even so bad it's funny.
Also goff? Is that suppose to be goth or a new breed of emo cause the description for her Goff friends sound more like emos then goths.

Welp thanks for showing me this helps me appreciate that no matter how bad a fanfic can get there's always something worse hiding just around the corner.

You get my like but, unfortunately it doesn't make it into my recommendation list since it's not a complete story. :ajbemused:
The story was going good untill the sombra part where the story 'broke'.

Comment posted by Vutava deleted Jan 29th, 2017

A purely "slice of life" sequel would be nice.

7905987 I won't lie, part of the problem started becoming that I didn't have any real good ideas for slice of life stuff, and I wasn't getting any good suggestions either.

7909435 Ah..... Well maybe you could just follow the show.

7933808 It's unlikely, as this chapter says. I could be commissioned for some, or maybe one day I'll try to do something Trixune, but it's just very iffy. I'm sorry.

Comment posted by LaughingMedic deleted Feb 9th, 2017

7933832 Its okey i even would try to help maybe in the form of rp?

7933973 I don't think an RP would be great for helping with this. I'm sorry.

7933982 Awwws but thats how i start storys very effective in my mind then again im crazy darn my family for being crazy but anyway even a rp can be good for stess relief and leting out bad emotions and the base part you start too think and become your oc or pony.

Your comment brought a great idea to the table.

I feel like someone should claim the right to make a sequel.

thanks, foxy Twilight is the cutest X3

Ripperoni in Pepperoni.

But but....twaith *sad sune* I feel like I barely got to know her still....*gives all of the faves*


The original Thomas the Tank Engine story is very dark and took place in a dystopian future. If you look it up, I'm sure you'll find something.


The original Thomas the Tank Engine story is very dark and took place in a dystopian future. If you look it up, I'm sure you'll find something.

There are a lot of things that people think is a cute world, only to realize just how dark and twisted that world actually is. Usually youtube videos that point out things we all miss. Like the Empire was right in star-wars, or how Sauron was a good guy, or at least better than the alternative in LOTR, and there is a great video pointing out how really dark and twisted the Thomas the Tank Engine children show really is. There is torture, people being walled up, entombed alive, brain washing. People being burned alive. Slavery.

Sir Tophat, is a fucked up dude. And thats the kids show. I cant imagine the original dark version.

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