• Published 18th Apr 2015
  • 16,772 Views, 1,360 Comments

Fear Me, for My Name is Twaith! - Michael Hudson

My name is Twilight Sparkle, and I am a wraith.

  • ...

Preparations 2.0

Author's Note:

A poll was taken to see who Twilight would go with to the Gala, and the results are:
Sunset at 3

Celestia at 3

Trixie at 6

And finally, none other then,

CTHULHU! at 7!

Kibitz moved his pencil case one and a half inches to the right, before smiling. His desk was finally ready for the intruder he would have that day. He scrunched his eyebrows and shook his head, deciding that intruder wasn't correct. Raven Quill had been working under him for almost two years and had become a promising successor for his role, not some common flunky. Of course, this thought always caused him to groan, as he still didn't want to have to retire.

Nonetheless, he was not going to complain against the princess' orders, especially when they had, for once, chosen someone so competent. The first five didn't last a week before he sent them packing. And he had to force down his thoughts on physical beauty as the young, black maned mare trotted in. Such things would not help her in this line of work. "Good Morning."

Raven trotted to her seat at the desk that had been moved in yesterday and nodded to her teacher. "Hello Kibitz. I brought the complaint box like you asked."

He nodded as the box was passed to him, and he opened the wooden lid. Most years, the box would be almost bare, as few wished to complain to the princesses. However, this year, he felt he knew why the box was almost overflowing. With a sigh, his horn lit up and he blasted all of the paper into shreds and flecks.

Of course, this was simply to be more efficient as purple words floated in front of the two; the major bullet points of the complaints. Odd sounds was one, strange chills another, an undead manticore got Kibitz to raise an eyebrow, coffee was the most prominent, as it always was, and the only one that rivaled it, was simply put as ice.

Raven tried not to stare, but after only having seen five words float in front of him in the last two years, the wall of text in front of Kibitz mystified her. "Is the princess' guest really causing that much of a problem?"

Kibitz almost laughed at the accusation, barely breaking into a smile as he transcribed them onto a separate page, a few of the letters opening in front of him for further clarification. "Simply more complaining from the staff about odd noises. I will discuss with Celestia about revealing Twilight to everypony else after the gala. Maybe then we won't have fifty paladins knocking at our doors soon."

Raven nodded as she picked up payment forms for the catering, scowling at what they called hors d’oeuvres, but Celestia would call specks, especially with the tiny cakes list. "We need to triple the cake requests. We don't want a repeat of last year."

Kibitz took the paper from her, glanced it over, and forced himself not to beam at the good work. "Quite."

Raven swallowed hard as she continued to sift through acquisition forms. Spotting one for apple juice for Luna, her mind sparked back to her teacher's mention of paladins. "We are truly lucky that only one Element of Harmony had a problem with Twilight. Do you know if this will hurt our relations with the orchard though?"

A lock box came in front of Kibitz, his horn glowing to open it so that he could put away some of Griffonstone's refusals for help. Again. "When Celestia was informed, I thought it might. However, calm words from me stopped her from razing their barn, and instead seek friendship. With how dangerous Twilight could have been, and may still one day be, we were fortunate that we got so lucky with the Apple's retrieving such an incompetent fool, though the wraith and Celestia's student didn't help in all of this. As I will always say..."

"The best type of scholar is the one who actually uses their brain."

Both of them shared a smile before Raven trotted away from her chair and over to her things, pulling out a small basket of tangerines. "Would you care for one, Master Kibitz?"

He scowled at the offer. "Would I care for one? I most certainly would not, and I would expect the same from you! Tangerines, pomegranates, and oranges are all forbidden today. It's too easy for them to spray their juices and get on the papers."

Raven paled and looked down, her stomach gurgling. The white mare had been so busy getting ready for today that she had forgotten to eat breakfast. Kibitz glanced over at the sound and sighed. "Sue should be here soon to figure out what we can eat or what we may want. Maybe we can see what he can do with those."

She smiled a bit as she got back onto her chair and went over guest lists. "I sure wish I could go to this. I'd love to taste the head chef's cooking."

Kibitz frowned and looked over his paper. "You've had it on this day for the past two years. What made you think otherwise?"

Raven rose an eyebrow as she looked back. "Sue is the sous chef, meaning he is the second in command. I've never seen the head chef, but I suspect he's around here somewhere."

"No he isn't."


Kibitz sighed as he rubbed one of his temples. He should have known that such obscure facts wouldn't be known by her, at least, until he told her. "For Canterlot Castle, our sous chef is our head chef. For almost nine-hundred years ago, this has been the case. However, before then, our head chef was the greatest baker Equestria had ever seen, and in fact, made the first cake ever. From what I've heard, after one taste, the princess demanded the mare to retire, and that she was never allowed to make the dish again. All in an attempt to stop the craving she could feel growing within her."

Raven blinked a few times before snickering. "How long?"

Kibitz smirked back at her. "By the end of the week, she had been given a small island to train cooks on, and was so highly honored that no chef has been allowed to be our head chef ever since."

Raven was almost about to roll out of her chair, much to Kibitz's disapproval, when they both stopped at once. First came over the wooden desks as it felt like the temperature dropped at least fifty degrees. Kibitz scowled, but was determined to ignore it, picking up the next document as his breath came out in a cloud. He had work to do.

(five minutes earlier)

Twilight pounced on a book she had missed within the halls of the catacombs, snuggling to it like a kitten, remembering the good times when she read about Haycart's method. She turned back to a chuckling Celestia and beamed at her. "So, is this deep enough?"

Celestia bit into her cheek before nodding. "Yes, I do believe it is. Your cold shouldn't freeze anypony above us instantly, so I should be able to put the seal back on if this fails. Alright?"

Twilight nodded. Celestia had told her that if she were to come to the Grand Galloping Gala, she had to learn to control her cold. To be able to keep it down, even under stress or around crowds, but with as much confidence as she showed, she wasn't certain she could. Not as she was. "Break the seal, focus on my cold aura, shut that down myself instead of your magic stirring it up to stop me, and we're all good. Should be no problem."

Celestia nodded. She had made the seal to make sure if she became dangerous, she would already have an inhibitor in place that could make sure that Twilight stayed within certain parameters. However, she had felt for a while now that this had been wrong. Twilight was a good mare, with a good heart, and even gaining necromancy hadn't seemed to change that. "Ready?"


Celestia sent out a single beam of light, causing a red mark to appear from the enchantment. The spiral lock began to crack, until it simply shattered into light.

Celestia immediately felt her heat enchantments waver as a wave of cold buffeted the princess. Twilight bit into her cheek as she felt her essence reach out, turning what it could into frost. With a few, deep breaths through, the ice faded, as did the cold. "I...I did it!"

Celestia nodded, sweat coming down her face due to worry and stress. "Yes...yes you did."

Twilight beamed at Celestia. "Can I go to the gala?"

"Of course you may."