• Published 18th Apr 2015
  • 16,772 Views, 1,360 Comments

Fear Me, for My Name is Twaith! - Michael Hudson

My name is Twilight Sparkle, and I am a wraith.

  • ...


Sunset pushed off against the bed beneath, her muscles protesting from even this simple of a movement. She grinded her teeth as she threw her covers away, early morning air carrying a light bite with it. It had been almost a week since she had been restored to the land of the living, and had since been at Canterlot Castle, waiting for the de-stabilized magic within herself to calm, and for the pain to go away. The fact that it hadn’t though, was driving her up a wall.

She took a deep breath in, before using her magic to bring over a small pair of white socks, that she soon slipped on. The warm cotton helped her feel better, and the extra padding also made sure her sore hooves were protected. She glanced at the small suns on the bottom of her hooves now, and whispered a quick thanks to Celestia, before getting off the bed.

Once she had a small breakfast of cheese and bread, half of which was grabbed from her personal ice box in the room, she went down the same way she had every other day of her stay; to Spike’s room. What she was told by Celestia was that she wanted the two to bond, so when the time came to evaluate him as a threat or not came, one of them would know him better. Know his weaknesses. After their cookie raid yesterday though, she suspected it was more so for Spike to have another friend when he had to go out into the rest of the world.

Opening the door to the frigid cold, she was met by large, green and black eyes. The dracolich smiled at her, and held his arms out. “Sistah!”

Sunset rolled her eyes, before levitating the smaller creature onto her back. She had decided last night to spend the whole day out and about the castle, as she was done resting for half of the day. Besides, most of the guards were gone, still with their families so they would not worry about Discord having done anything to them, so Spike would be safe from sight. “It’s Sunset. Sun-set.”

Spike wrapped his claws around her neck. “Sister!”

Sunset merely smacked herself while letting out a sigh, before smiling to herself and stepping out of the door. She felt the little dracolich tense on her back as he did anytime he left the familiarity of his room, and she treated him just as she had for the past two days. A few pats on the back with one of his toys. This time though, as the doll of Pinkie Pie bat against him, Spike tensed even more.


Sunset had barely ducked her head, dodging the black flames that came over her head. It washed over a vase, and the unicorn’s eyes widened as cracks began to form in it. “Spike, do you know how much that is wor-”


Sunset glanced back at the piece of pottery, and watched as more cracks formed on it. The paint then yellowed, and fragments fell, turning to dust as they hit the podium it sat upon. The first shard brought her attention to the weathering that was eroding the top of the podium as well, and it had barely been touched by the flame. Her investigation stopped as a larger piece crashed down and off of the podium.

Sunset whipped her head around to face the dracolich who now held onto his stomach. A pitiful whine escaped him, and he nuzzled into the unicorn’s mane, before whimpering again. A wave of fear went through her, wondering what might happen if those flames were let out again right now. From what she could tell, the vase had decayed, and the quickly rising pile of dust only seemed to prove that theory. “Which simply means you have to get him to Celestia even faster than, Sunset.”

At first, her galloping was fine. Sure, her muscles gave stiff resistance to her movements, but nothing she couldn’t power through. It was instead when she got to the stairs and forgot to slow down that she found a problem. The first few steps merely made her wince as she put far more weight on individual hooves then she should. For another few, she stumbled, her legs screaming as she tried to brace herself. It was too late though, and she soon found herself crashing down.

Her mind turned into a fire of activity after her side slammed into the next step. She had to stop herself, but she was by no means strong enough. The emergency side of herself smacked the rest, before reminding her that she still had magic, no matter how unstable. Using the sharp agony caused by almost all of her weight being put one leg, she was able to focus just enough to make the next bounce be straight into a hard barrier. She took in a sharp breath as her ribs were bruised, but then slid back onto the step she had come from. She still hurt, but at least she was still.

She also had nothing on her back now.


“Yes?” Spike put his claws to the sides of his head, before a nasty crack filled the air, and his head now faced forward. He let out a yawn as he hopped slightly, so as to allow the last piece of him, his left leg, to pop back on, and for his magics to re-skin it.

Now that he was complete, Sunset found herself looking at what looked like a very small dragon, standing on two legs. His fingers were entirely bone now, and the spikes on his back and head were almost entirely bone as well. He blinked a few times, the muted purple skin looking cleaner, and more taut than it ever had before. “What’s up sis?”

“You- You gr-Ah!” Her left, rear hoof buckled as she put weight onto it, and she slid down another step, before succeeding in stopping herself. She tried again, far more delicately this time. “Nng.”

Spike stepped closer, his eyes widening in concern, Sunset tried to muster a smile, but knew she had made a pretty lame attempt. “I-I’m fine, I promise. Just… just hurts, that’s nng.”

Spike’s eyes narrowed as he came closer, his head now level with Sunset’s hoof. He scowled as he could see a fresh cut along the leg, and a bulge that probably wasn’t supposed to be there. “This doesn’t look like it's just hurt.”

Sunset shook her head, a tear coming down as she tried again to smile. “I-it’s fine. I promise.” Her eyes widened, the pain turning to fear as a wisp of flame escaped Spike’s mouth. “Spike?” Her heart almost stopped with the next moment.

A green gout of flame escaped his maw, coating Sunset’s leg. Immediately, Sunset tried to prepare herself for the pain. To ride out the suffering that her leg decaying off would be like. And the next few moments were indeed painful as the skin stitched itself, and the bone was forced back into position. Sunset’s screams even brought Celestia to the stairwell, who now stood at the top of the stairs, watching them.

The princess could hear exclamations of joy, and excitement coming from below her, and when she finally got to see them, she watched as Sunset and Spike hugged. She didn’t let them know she was there yet though, as Sunset blasted a scar into the stone spire beside her, and Spike breathed on it, repairing the damaged rock with green flames. The two exclaimed, and their smiles filled Celestia’s heart.

She stepped away, quietly humming to herself as she reflected on just how well the two seemed to be getting along. She would of course need to inquire more into the scream, or about how Spike had grown into a true child, instead of an adolescent, but those questions could wait. For now, she was merely happy to have been able to see Sunset growing stronger, and her two children bonding so well.

Author's Note:

And so we start Twaithtober, where I will not only be updating this at least once a week, but maybe even twice. While I'm attempting to do that, I will be working through Sunset Shimmer: The Royal Student. It covers this universes' (and somewhat the normal canon if you want the first three chapters to be about that) backstory for our fiery unicorn. That will also be updating weekly throughout October.

Edit: *Jumbled smacks self* Btw, this is actually based off of a comment for Spike to find out what his breath powers could do.