• Published 15th Apr 2015
  • 2,299 Views, 93 Comments

School! Flying! Falling! Goofing! - Lazydrill

Last school year, what could possibly happen now what didn't happen in the past few years? Life can be kind, or rude, depending on its mood!

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Ch.1 Wake up! Time for school!


"AAAAAHHHHHHhhhhhh...." waking up by the ever so friendly alarm clock next to your comfy bed, you groaned at the hellish noise that was only doing its job, what your mother bought it for.


With your body still completely under the covers and only your bed mane sticking out from under it, you stirred around slowly as the beeping noise continued on without some otherworldly power to stop it other than your hoof of justice! Getting your left hoof out from under the warm sheets, you raised it up and with all the power that you could muster at seven in the morning, you brought your hoof of justice down with an alarming speed at the clock!

Missing the clock by a few centimeter, you hit the side of your nightstand next to your bed with your hoof. "OWH! Damn, sweet, Celestia!" You cursed out while pulling your hoof back under the covers, holding it with your other hoof and massaging the hurt, soft spot just below the ankle. Rolling around and throwing the blanket off of you with your back legs, letting it fall on the floor in front of the bed, you slowly got up while still holding your left hoof before glaring at the Tartarus black box that was your clock.


With your left eye twitching slightly, you unfurled your right wing and just whacked the button on top of it with a beat of your Wing of Order! "Sweet, sweet silence!" You smiled as you folded your wing back and began to lay down on your bed. Rolling on your belly facing the mattress, you curled back into a small ball again, trying to get comfy without your blanket. "Hhmmm, just a few more hours..." you groaned as you closed your eyes again.

"....Why the hay, can I not sleep without that blanket..." you sighed through your teeth, your brain working over-hours this early in the day, trying to decide to just lay there, or get up and get the blankets. Which needed you to get up, soooo, that is one big NOPE! With your life decision made, you just kept laying there, not giving a 'wing beat' about getting up in the least. That is until your bedroom door slams open and two sets of small hooves came running in at you. Your eyes shot open as suddenly the galloping stopped, and instead, two weights slammed on top of you, giggling, as you gasped for air...

"Get up! Get up!" two set of voices giggled at you at the same time.

Having air back in your lungs you are finally able to form words instead of gasping. "NO! I want to stay in bed!" you whined to the two little devils now jumping on the foot of your bed. You tried to curl up further into a ball, putting your wings on your ears, trying to block out the noise of the intruders.

"You must get up!" One began,

"Yeah! mom and dad say that you must get up or you will be late for school!" The other chirped in.

"I have no school for an another week! Let me sleep already!"

"MOMMM!!" the two devils of morning yelled at the same time, hurting your brain. "MOM! Static doesn't want to get up!" they both yelled through the house. You prayed silently to every upper worldly being you could come up with, to have mercy, and give you five more minutes of sweet, delicious, comfortable sleep!

You heard a pair of hooves coming up the stairs. "oh sweet Celestia, save me!" you thought, because if you were correct in who you think it was, the morning was about to get worse... for you of course.

"Static, sweetie. It is time to wake uuppppp," your mom said in her ever happy morning singing tone. You really questioned how your mother is able to be up earlier than you, and still be as living as ever, while you are every morning like a bale of hay when waking up. You sometimes questioned how you are her son.

You heard groaning coming from down the hallway as your ears perked up at the same morning sound that you always made. "Honey, do you really need to be so energetic around him now? You know that he doesn't like the morning, just like me..." The gruff voice said while yawning. Oh yeah, that's how you remember every time that you're family. You shared your love for the morning with your dad, who you were pretty much a spitting image of in personality and preferences. Like hating the morning hours. Honestly, how your mom and dad got together will always be a question, as they are pretty much the opposite of each other. But even then, they loved each other very much.

Cracking your eyes open a little, you immediately regretted it as your eyes were burned right away by the sun sneaking through your curtains, bombarding you with Tartarus morning light. Putting your hooves on your eyes trying to hide your fried pupils from more pain, you slowly got up from your comfortable bed, before getting slammed down on the mattress again by the two morning devils. Both of them were hugging your torso, and you just gave up resisting. Pulling your hooves back from your eyes you put one front leg on each small devil and hugged the two bodies that were nuzzling into your belly.

You opened your eyes again. Now being smart, you lazily unfurled your right wing and held it above your eyes as a self made roof, protecting them from Celestia's wrath. Looking down your body, you saw under your right front leg a small filly with beige coat, orange mane and tail with two small streaks off blue on the right side of them, her violet eyes looking at you beaming. "Hey, Summer," you said while yawning towards the little filly. Summer giggled and closed her eyes while laying her muzzle softly on your belly again.

Looking to the other devil under your left front leg, you are greeted by another set of violet joyful eyes looking at you. Almost as if a mirror had been placed on your torso. The little filly had also a beige colored coat and orange mane and tail, but she had red streaks instead of blue with her mane pulled up into a ponytail. "Hey, Gloomy," you said as you patted her mane. Gloom smiled and got onto her hooves, walking a little bit more before plopping down on her belly again and putting her small hooves around your neck, nuzzling your cheek softly.

Smiling, you put your left front leg around her and gave her a soft squeeze. Gloomy has always been your favorite sister, even though Summer and Gloom were twins, Gloom was the one who you liked the most because she was the more relaxed one of the two, and was more like you and your dad. Summer was as energetic in the morning as your mother, which gave another point to Gloom.


Your ears perked up and you got up in a sitting position, your wing still unfurled and covering your eyes. You looked over to the doorway before hearing a little whining coming from your left. Your eyes glanced to your left and down, you saw Gloom looking up with her ears down a bit.
"I was getting comfy..." Truth be told, Gloomy could be cute when she wanted to be. And this was one of those times, her eyes were pleading and looking straight into yours.

Summer jumped off the bed and skipped. Yes, she was skipping towards your mother standing in the doorway, hugging her legs. "MOM! Are we going to school yet?! I want to meet Miss Cheerilee!"

Putting a hoof to her mouth, your mom chuckled softly at the little filly while she hugged her. "Now, now, Summie, be patient. I know you are just as excited as always, and want to go now, but we need to wait for your brother. If he ever gets out of bed of course."

You perked up at that. "Huh? Why do you need to wait for me? Can't you go to Ponyville without me?" you questioned, while secretly hoping that she would let you sleep again.

"We want you to show you where your little sisters' will go to school, Sparky, and of course you wanted to see them off as well. If we leave without you, we will find you in bed again when we return..." Aw hay, well you mother was more observant then she looked. Or was it because it happens more often then you would like to admit? Yeah, it was probably that.

"Come on Static, I know we both don't like it, but we need to get breakfast and then get you ready to go to your sisters' new school, and your own school as well. And me to work after that," your dad said from behind your mother. His voice had become grumpy at the end, not that you could blame him. Working at the weather station of Cloudsdale was sometimes a load of horseapples. If you had to believe your dad's word, of course.

Groaning, you rolled to your right, landing with a 'flomp' on the cloudy floor without a care in the world. If you didn't know any better, you would say that the floor was your bed as well. Because truth be told, clouds were damn comfy! Getting your hooves under you and standing up, you folded your wings lazily back to your sides. With your brain still not working optimally, you almost fell back to the floor again when Gloom jumped from the bed and onto your back, giggling all the way while hugging your neck again and getting comfy on her new cab driver. Recovering from what just happened, you turned your head to the filly on your back and smiled softly at her, nuzzling her mane before extending your wings a little bit up and laying them softly over Gloom, giving her a warm blanket of feathers.

Gloom hummed happily when your wings rested over her, snuggling just a little bit deeper into the back of your neck, closing her eyes as she did. "Aww..." sounded from the doorway. Looking up, you saw that your mom and Summer were smiling at you, your mom cooing at the sibling love, and your dad was grinning.

Chuckling softly, your dad brought everypony out of the cooing stares, and back to the task at hoof. "Ahem, I think we should get breakfast, don't you?"

Your mother smiled after tearing her gaze away and nodded happily."I agree. If we keep it up like this, we will not make it to your sisters' school in time."

Rolling your eyes, you turned around and walked over to the doorway while your mom, dad and sister were going down the stairs. Getting to the stairs yourself, you bent your back legs a little bit, making sure your little sister stayed comfy on your back and would not slide down your neck. Now walking awkwardly down the stairs, trying to keep balance all the way, you saw your dad looking at you from below with puffed up cheeks and hoof to his muzzle. "Damn it, dad."

Your dad took a deep breath and put his hoof back to the ground, with a smile still on his face as you made your glorious descent. "Sorry, Static. But from my point of view, that looked ridiculous." He smiled again before walking into the living room. Rolling your eyes you reached the cloudy floor and followed your father into the living room where your mom had set down five plates on the table with sandwiches. Staring at the sandwiches, your muzzle watered at the sight. Although, you hated your moms happy morning mood, she could cook as no other! Your dad, though, he somehow burned sandwiches. Which you didn't know that they needed to be cooked even. So your mom forbade him from cooking, ever.

Your mouth watering was interrupted by a light snoring from behind. Looking over your shoulder, you saw that Gloom had fallen asleep on your back. Smiling, you nudged her mane. "Gloomy, wake up. It is time for breakfast."

Gloom stirred a little before murmuring, "Noooo, don't want to, I'm so comfy now..." She curled up further under your wings, getting almost completely covered by them. Sighing, you pulled your wings away, which Gloom didn't seem to like to much. She crawled up with her eyes closed and tried to get comfy again by hiding her muzzle a little under your mane.

"Dammit Gloom, if you continue like this, I am going to bed again myself."

"Gloom doesn't want to get up, I see?" You looked to your left and saw that your mother was standing next to with a smile. Unfurling her wings, she hovered towards you, extending her hooves. She tenderly grabbed Gloom and began lifting her up slowly. Gloom, feeling that she was being pulled off of you, swung her hooves around your neck and tried to hold onto you with all the might her little hooves could manage. "Come on Gloomy, we must eat breakfast and get ready for school," your mom told her. Gloom sighed, opening her eyes and releasing you as she was being set down on her own hooves.

Starring up at you smiling, Gloom hugged your left front leg, "Thank you for the small nap, Static." Smiling, you hugged her softly with your other hoof before releasing her and nudging her softly towards the table. Gloom released you and walked over to it, sitting in the middle of Summer and your mother.

Releasing a yawn, you lazily walked over to the table and sat down between your father and Summer, Summer talking excitedly with your mom and Gloom. She did this as your dad was taking a bite of his sandwich and looking through the 'Cloudsdale's Dash' news paper, making a puzzle. Sitting down next to the master puzzle solver, you grabbed your sandwich with your hooves and took a slow bite out of it, enjoying the heavenly flavor of your favorite sandwich.

The rest of the breakfast was uneventful, your little sisters' donned on their saddlebags while you helped your mother put the dishes into the sink and clean the table a little. Your dad put on his flight goggles and put on his own saddlebags as well. Although, he was no morning pony, your dad was a pretty fast and good flier. He won a few medals for competing in a few races back in the day, which he proudly displayed on the wall behind his seat at the dinner table.

"Thank you for helping with the dishes, Static, and don't forget your own saddlebags," Your mother called out from the kitchen.

Craning your neck into the kitchen, you replied, "No problem, mom, and no, I will not forget my saddle bags. They are in the hallway next to the front door." Your mom turned to you, and with a nod, went back to make you lunch to eat at school.

Walking to the front door, you found your saddlebags laying against the wall, just where you left them when school ended at the beginning of summer vacation. Picking them up, you stirred up some wind up with your wings and caused a layer of dust to fly up into the air and into your face. Coughing, you slammed your saddlebags on while flapping your wings a few times, getting rid of the dust. "Okay, I'm ready."

Gloom and Summer came trotting into the hallway, followed by your dad, and Mom right behind him. "Is everypony ready?" your mom asked. "Okay!"

Opening the door, you walked out of the house and was greeted by the fresh, cool air blowing through your mane and tail, your feathers almost feeling relieved when the air went through them. Gloom and Summer trotted out from under you and jumped up into the air, flying into the sky, giggling as they chased each other. Your mom and dad walked past you and spread both of their wings before taking to the sky as well.

Spreading your own wings wide, you could feel the air brushing through your feathers, giving an amazing feeling of freedom and comfort. Going into a gallop you jumped up at the end of the front yard and took to the sky yourself, going after your family as they flew towards Ponyville.