• Published 15th Apr 2015
  • 2,296 Views, 93 Comments

School! Flying! Falling! Goofing! - Lazydrill

Last school year, what could possibly happen now what didn't happen in the past few years? Life can be kind, or rude, depending on its mood!

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Ch. 18 Like a walk in the park.

You sighed gently as you carefully began to stand on all four of your hooves, your wings curled around your sisters, holding them softly to your sides where they were snoring happily. "Well, lets try to make it over to the tree and lay down next to it without waking them." Your wings were still aching from your visit to the infirmary, but even so you tried your best to not let out any noise while carrying your sisters. You turned to the tree you fell out off not so long ago.

"Static? Where are you going with Summer and Gloom?" Scootaloo asked as she came walking next to you, her bandaged hoof making her limp a bit.

You bended your head down to Scootaloo, and in a gentle voice, you said, "I'm going to lay down next to that tree with my sisters. I can not fly to Cloudsdale right now."

Scootaloo raised an eyebrow at you, "Why not? Can't you lay them on your back and fly home?" her head cocked a bit to the side as she looked passed your wings and at Gloom who was snuggling further into your feathers.

"Well... honestly, I don't want to wake them, I don't have the hearth for that." You glanced at Gloom with a smile, then you brought your muzzle to your left side, looking at Summer as she snored lightly and rolled on her side, her legs tugged in front of her belly and her tummy towards your side. "How can I ever wake them up when they are like this?" you said to nopony in particular.

Raising your head up and away from your sisters, you continued your walking to the tree, "I'm going to lay down with them so they can sleep until the sun starts to go down, then I'll have to wake them up. But I hope it won't come to that," you said with a gentle chuckle. "They've grown to big to lay on my back at the same time." Reaching a curled root from the tree, you decided it was a good spot to lay down. You slowly bended your front legs and brought your torso to the ground before bending your hind legs as well and tugging them under you.

You gently brought both of your wings to the ground and uncurled them from Summer and Gloom, laying them softly on the grass and against your sides where they snuggled into, nuzzling your sides sleepily. "Now, lets get to preening. Or, try to at least."

"So what now, Static? Are you also going to nap?" Rainbow Dash asked as she came walking towards you with Scootaloo next to her. "Because you've been napping enough if you ask me."

You looked at her and shook your head, "No, I'm going to preen my wings." You unfurled your wings over your sisters. "A few ponies mentioned that I should do that... so... I guess I should then," you said with an unsure glance at your stretched out wings.

"Guess?" Rainbow Dash facehooved and slowly dragged her hoof down her muzzle," Static... preening your wings is a must! Like, every day! I preen almost after every flight!" Rainbow Dash pointed her right hoof to your wings, "Look at your wings, when was the last time you preened them?"

You looked once more at your wings and thought back to when was the last time you preened them properly, "Hhmm... that would be... what? a week? maybe more..." Glancing to Rainbow Dash, you saw her mouth halfway open with her eyes looking at you up and down in disbelieve. "I... hehe... I think that was a week ago? Maybe more...?"

"What? Don't you know that preening is one of the most important things a pegasi must know and do?" Scootaloo jumped in. "Even I preen my wings daily, and I can't fly... yet..." Scootaloo's voice faded a bit as she finished her sentence, something that sparked slight worry inside of you.

"Ignore Static's preening behavior, Scoots," Rainbow Dash said as she unfurled her right wing and hugged the little filly to her side. "Remember what I've told you, preening is the best and most important way to keep your wings healthy and flyable! I'll teach you how to fly, and when you fly, I'm sure you'll even beat me in a race!" Rainbow Dash said with a wink to Scootaloo, who was looking up at Rainbow Dash with big sparkling eyes.

Again, how she treated Scootaloo like that, it made your hearth beat faster. It made you feel warm as you heard how much she cared about her 'adopted' little sister, "She's so caring and protective of that filly... if she's like that with an adopted little sister... how would she be when we have foals...? Wait..." You mentally slapped yourself for thinking like that. You barely knew her and you were already plucking the feathers.

"Uhm... Mr. Static... sir?" You shook your head a bit and glanced to your left where the little white filly stood looking at you with curiosity and slight worry, "Are you okay? You seemed to be dreaming."

You chuckled weakly, "You could say that... uhm... what was your name again? And you can call me Static, 'Mr' and 'sir' make me feel old, and I'm not that old. Only older ponies may say that, or ponies who are just formal."

The white filly nodded and gained a small smile on her muzzle, probably happy thats she could drop the formalities, "Okay, Static. My name is Sweetie Belle. I live here in Ponyville together with my sister; Rarity!"

"Nice to meet you, Sweetie Belle," you said with a smile. "My name is Static Spark. But you can call me Static. Rarity, your sister, she is that posh mare Rainbow Dash mentioned?"

Sweetie Belle gave a nod and 'hummed', "Yup. That is her."

"Okay. Warn me when she is around."

Sweetie Belle raised her eyebrow, "Uhm... okay. But why?"

"Because then I'm taking off! Not to be rude to you or your sister, but I'm not so fond of 'overly posh' mares, and how your sister is described, I would rather not be around her for any longer than 5 minutes."

You expected Sweetie Belle to be slightly offended, but she began to chuckle, "At least you're honest about that. More ponies aren't so fond of her politeness here in Ponyville, like Rainbow Dash," she said as she pointed her left hoof to the rainbow maned mare who gave a nod in return. "But she is really nice! As long as you don't mess up her mane... or make her coat dirty... or behave inappropriately. Hehe... but she is really nice besides that," she brought her hoof back to the ground and gave you an unsure grin.

"Don't worry Sweetie Belle, I will try to not do any of the things you listed. Although, behaving appropriately, that is going to be hard probably, but I'll try," you said with a salute which made her giggle lightly.

The red maned filly came standing next to Sweetie Belle, "Ah guess I'll introduce myself too then! My name is Applebloom, I live on the farm just outside of Ponyville. I live there with my grandma; Granny Smith. My big brother; Big Mac. And my sister;.."

"Applejack?" you interrupted the filly.

The filly looked at you with slight surprise, "...yeah... how'd yah know that?"

You gave a stupid grin, for interrupting, as well as remembering under which circumstance you've met her, "Well... I've met her this morning when me and my parents were brining Summer and Gloom to school, that is when I met her." You could feel Rainbow Dash grinning towards you, as she most definitely remembered what happened this morning as well. "And when I heard you talk, I noticed you had the same accent as her, which made me guess you two were sisters."

Applebloom rubbed her chin with her right hoof and began to chuckle, "That is pretty good guessing... uhm, Static!"

You gave a small bow with your head, "Thank you, Applebloom. It is a gift."

"Is that what your cutie mark means?" Scootaloo asked as she limped next to the other two fillies.

"Yeah, Static. I'm curious too now. You haven't mentioned what your cutie mark is about and how you got it," Rainbow Dash joined the crew of curious ponies as she came standing behind the three fillies, all starring at your flank where your cutie mark was displayed in all its glory.

You didn't mind the curiosity of the little fillies as they were gazing at your cutie mark. It was the gazing of Rainbow Dash which gave you an embarrassing feeling which made you blush a bit.

You coughed lightly to get their attention, and draw it away from your flank, "Euhm... fillies? My eyes are up here." The three little fillies turned their eyes to your muzzle with innocence, not knowing what you really implied. But even so, the rainbow maned mare kept her eyes on your flank, her head cocked a bit to the side as if she was in deep thought. "Rainbow Dash, my eyes are not there."

"I know. I'm just curious about your cutie mark," Rainbow Dash said as she broke her gaze away and looked into your eyes. She gave you a quick wink which went unnoticed by anypony but you.

You stumbled a bit, trying to find words, "Uhm... okay. Right. I'll try to explain a bit then how I got it I suppose...hehe."

Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle and Applebloom came sitting close to you with their ears perked up in curiosity. Rainbow Dash sat down onto her haunches as well and looked at you while unfurling one wing around Scootaloo and hugged her against her front legs.

You smiled at the sight, but remembering that you would tell them how you got your cutie mark, you sighed and began your little story, "It all happened a few years ago..."

"...And that is how I got my cutie mark," you said as you closed your eyes in self pride.

"That is all you needed to do to get your mark?" Rainbow Dash asked sarcastically, making you open your eyes and look at her.

"Well... yeah? What about it?"

Rainbow Dash chuckled, "Oh, nothing. Just that it wasn't so special if you ask me. For example, my cutie mark, I got it doing something awesome!"

You snorted lightly at her ego, "My mark might be nothing special, I got it by doing what I like. You got your mark by napping on a cloud most probably. Since that is what you're good at."

Rainbow Dash shot you a nasty glare. "Hit a nerve now, did I?" You gave a grin which seemed to set Rainbow off even more.

"What!? I should buc..."

"Rainbow Dash! Not here!" you interrupted her with a stern voice and harsh glare.

"What do you mean 'not here'?" Rainbow Dash asked with an irritated and questionable look.

"Because we have company," you said matter of factly.

"Rainbow Dash?" Scootaloo said as she looked up to the rainbow maned mare. "What is a 'buc'?"

"Maybe she meant; bucking apples? Like you do Appelbloom," Sweetie Belle said uncertainly.

You decided it was better not to let Rainbow Dash answer that, for that would not end well if you knew her like this, "It is nothing, Scootaloo. Forget about it." Scootaloo turned to you with a raised eyebrow and gave a slow nod. "Rainbow Dash is going to get it when the fillies are going to ask other ponies what she meant... Not my problem though!"

You heard two little yawns coming from your sides which perked your ears. Raising your wings and glancing under them to your left side and then to your right, you noticed your little sisters' eyes fluttering open sleepily. You smiled at them and gave them both a little nuzzle, "Hey there sleepyheads. Wakey-wakey."

Summer stretched her back and got to her hooves, her wings fluttering a bit as she got from under your wing, "Thanks, big brother." she said with a yawn. "We need to do this more!" Summer nuzzled you with her happy attitude she always had.

"Maybe, Summy, maybe." You turned to your right side where Gloom was, and not entirely surprising to you, she had somehow managed to get your wing curled around her again and had snuggled into your side with only her mane visible from under your wings. You sighed happily, "C'mon Gloomy, I can't carry you home. My wings need to rest."

The only response you got was a soft snoring. "...Really? Asleep again just like that?" you chuckled gently and shook your head, "Please, never change." You curled your wing a bit more around Gloom, holding her gently against your side. Turning your muzzle to Summer, you said, "Summer, you can play with your friends and Rainbow Dash for now. I'm going to stay here with Gloom and preen my wings, if you need anything, you know where I am."

Summer gave a smile and a nod before turning around to the three other little fillies, "Can we try your scooter again, Scootaloo?" Scootaloo gave a confident nod and the fillies made their way to the small pond where the scooter was laying on the grass, Scootaloo limping after them which tugged at your hearth slightly to see her like that.

"I'll keep a close eye on them, Static. Don't you worry, nothing will happen to them, not when I'm around," Rainbow Dash said to you in confidence with a smile before walking after the fillies herself. While you were still worried about them a bit, you were also slightly relieved that Rainbow Dash would look out for them, especially Summer. You had seen her looking out for Scootaloo this morning, and how ever so slightly, protective she was of her.

Your eyes followed the fillies to the pond with your eyes, your thoughts roaming about that they would stay safe with the rainbow mare looking over them. Sighing, you stretched out your left wing and glanced over it... it was in dire need of preening, and it would get it now. While keeping your right wing curled around Gloom, keeping her warm and close to you, you brought your wing closer to your muzzle and began preening.