• Published 15th Apr 2015
  • 2,300 Views, 93 Comments

School! Flying! Falling! Goofing! - Lazydrill

Last school year, what could possibly happen now what didn't happen in the past few years? Life can be kind, or rude, depending on its mood!

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Ch. 14 Feels good.

Your eyes opened up groggily and slowly, blinking a few times at the sudden light that entered them. Greeting you was a white-grey, cloudy ceiling. Turning your head to the left, you could feel the soft cloud pillow adjust to your movement, brining you back to sleep almost instantly. A window with a white curtain greeted you, wind that breezed through it made the curtains sway into your direction. The air that blew through the window was a good temperature due to the spring time, making you only more drowsier. You fidgeted a bit under the blankets as you tried to turn your whole body to the window side, towards the air that felt good on your muzzle.

As you turned your body, you could truly feel how sour every muscle was. Each muscle in your body was protesting against moving, but something was ushering you to turn against your aching muscles' choice. "Damn it mare... 5 rounds... is to much for me..." you groaned inwardly as you struggled to get your right hoof above the covers. Your right ear flicked into the direction of the door that was in front of the double bed you were resting in. It sounded to you as if a shower was running, "I guess I could use one as well when she is done. If I can get up that is..." You got your right hoof out from under the covers and grabbed the blankets edge, you threw it groggily off of you, the corner of it landing in the middle of the bed, exposing your coat and everything that was hidden under the blankets.

You gritted your teeth a bit as you pushed your body to get moving. "Please... Let me have a bit of rest today..." you prayed inwardly. You got your hind legs off of the bed and brought them to the cloudy floor next to the bed. Pushing yourself with your front hooves, you got into a sitting position. Sighing at your tiny victory, you putted your hind hooves firmly onto the floor and angled your upper body forwards. You letted yourself fall forward at the same time that you brought your front hooves in front and underneath you. Standing now on all four, your ears twitched again as the shower was turned off.

Ignoring it for now, you glanced to your left, to a little nightstand that was almost directly next to the bed. Your eyes fixed onto a small silver necklace with half a heart on it, depicting 3 colors horizontally, the top color was blue, with yellow underneath it and red gracing the underside of it. In the middle of the colors and, what was supposed to be the middle of the heart, was half a cloud.

You extended your hoof towards it and grabbed the necklace, glancing at it with half lidded eyes before laying it back on top of your nightstand, seeing as it was not the best idea to shower with your precious necklace around your neck. Your ears flicked to the direction of the door at the sound of soft clip-clopping hooves. "well, well. Look who 'finally' recovered..." Came the all to familiar, pride filled, scratchy voice.

You chuckled weakly, "Hehe, yeah. 'Recovered' is the right word for that." Turning your muzzle towards the door, you saw your mare standing there with a white towel hanging loosely around her neck. Her cyan fur was still damp from the shower, with here and there a splotch of fur standing up by the drying of her towel. You didn't really care that much about the out-sticking parts of her coat, if you would try to tell her about it, she would just shrug it off, telling you it would ruin her image if she were to keep her coat all brushed, anyway.

Your eyes climbed the cyan mare's legs and met her magenta eyes, which were both a little bit covered by her still wet and dripping rainbow mane. "Seeing something you like, Sparky?" she said as her muzzle turned into a cocky grin and she began to walk slowly towards you.

Your ears drooped to the side of your head, "W-wait... I just woke up! I'm still getting my air back from last night! My wings hurt in places I didn't even know that could hurt! My muscles are aching all over!" you said as you began to walk backwards with every step your mare made towards you.

"Well... there is an easy solution to that," she said as she closed in on you. Giving a swing with her neck, she swung the towel onto the cloudy floor, her wings slightly rising, and her eyes half closing as she came closer.

Gulping lightly, you asked, "An-and that is..?"

She stood now barely a hoof away from your muzzle. A faint, but nice smell began to enter your nose, a scent which made your wings rise on their own and caused your cheeks to blush, the same smell she had last night, only last night it was WAY stronger. "The solution is... 'Practice'... We need to build up your endurance so you can keep up with me..." she said alluringly as she began to nuzzle your right cheek.

You took a step back and your wings began to 'thump' unwillingly as they became stiff by her actions and the scent that began to get stronger the longer you stood in it. Your flank bumped against the cloudy wall and you covered your nose with your right hoof, trying to stop the stronger getting scent form clouding your senses even more. The rainbow maned mare slowly crept up to you, her wet tail swishing behind her and her beautiful ruffled wings rising the closer she got to you.

"Mommy? Daddy?" Came a tiny voice from the doorway. Your ears instantly perked up towards the sound, slight worry filling you.

The advancing mare stopped in her tracks as her ears perked up to the source of the voice as well. Her wings folded gently back to her sides and her grin melted away into a soft smile. She lost her focus on you and turned around to the doorway. You brought your hoof back to the ground, the scent that your mare left behind fading away as she walked to the door. Sighing in relief, you gently began to walk after her. Upon reaching the door, you saw the rainbow maned mare kneeling down and nuzzling a small filly, also with a rainbow mane and tail, "Morning, sweetie. I take it you slept well?"

The filly nuzzled her back, "Of course, Mom! I always sleep well! If I have nightmare, you always kick their flanks!" she chirped.

"You bet I'll kick their flanks! Even if they dared to look at you, I would kick them straight to the moon!" the mare boasted as she stood back up and put a hoof to her chest.

The filly squeed in delight and ran underneath her mother and towards you, "You hear that, Dad!? Mommy would kick them to the moon!"

You chuckled as the rainbow filly trotted over to you, once she reached you, she stood up on her hind legs and pushed her front legs up against your left leg. Falling back onto your haunches, you brought your free hoof towards the filly and hugged her gently. Bringing her to your torso, you nuzzled her cheek softly, making her giggle. You stopped nuzzling her and locked eyes with her, noting your own reflection in her big eyes that looked like yours.

"Hey there, princess," you said with a grin.

The filly narrowed her eyes a bit and pouted her lips, "I am not a princess..." Her face turned into determination, "I want to be a Wonderbolt!" she said while fluttering her wings rapidly.

Chuckling lightly, you said, "You're still my princess. Don't worry, mommy will kick those nightmares further than the moon." You smiled softly at her while brushing a bit of her mane to the side. "I'm so lucky to have those two. It feels all too good to be true..." you slowly frowned at your own words. "Wait... this IS too good to be true..."

"Mommy? Daddy doesn't look so good."

"Static... are you okay? You look so... pale."

You ignored them and brought the filly absentmindedly back to her own hooves, to which she ran to her mother who was approaching you with worry. "This... this all..." Your head began to hurt, first it was a small pain. But it grew fast to a nagging pain which made you clutch your head between your hooves and groan.

"Static!" your mare rushed to your side and lay her right hoof on your forehead.

"AAaahhhh... my head hurts..." you managed to say through your gritting teeth.

"Static, hold on! I'll get medicine for the headache! Daze, stay with your father! I'll be right back!" your mare said as she zipped up into the air and shot out of the open window.

You shut your eyes in pain as your head began to thump like you just had hit a marble pillar. You felt yourself slowly falling to the left, your body weighing less and less as the pain increased to the point that your head could split open any moment.

As you landed with your torso onto the cloudy floor, you felt yourself drifting away, your headache fading like it was never there to begin with.


"Too good to be true..."

Your head thumped like there was a drum being played by an over-energetic, salt and sugar cube licking stallion who stored his energy through his whole life, just to drum in your head. You groaned as your head felt like it was being hit by a brick over and over. Opening your eyes, you were greeted by a grey-white ceiling, again...

"What the plucking feather... " you managed to groggily say as you brought your right hoof to rub your head. You expected to feel your coat and mane as you began to brush your head gently, but you felt something wrapped around your head, it felt like multiple layers of soft cloth. You wanted to fan out your wings, but felt that they were bound to your sides with the same substance that was wrapped around your head. Taking hold of the white blankets that were covering you, you gently folded them a bit back so you could examine your own body.

You glanced yourself over, only to be greeted by multiple bandages. Both of your wings were wrapped into bandages, with a bigger one holding them folded against your sides, not uncomfortable, but it went against your nature to just be unable to move them which felt strange. Looking at your right front leg which was still partially holding the blanket, you saw that the ankle and the elbow were lightly bandaged as well.

Further than that, nothing seemed to be bandaged. Although, a few spots on your fur were a bit different from their normal color, some were darker shaded, while some were lighter. In slight curiosity, you brought your left hoof down towards one of the out-of-color spots and brushed through it, only to yank your hoof away as your fur burned in pain, "Owh! dear, Celestia! What the hay, that hurt."

"Ah, Mr. Static. Good to see you awake," a voice said with a slight accent that sounded as if he was from Fillydelphia. Glancing away from your own coat, and towards the source of the voice, you saw a pegasi with round glasses, wearing a white coat with a stethoscope around his neck. His eyes were dark-brown just like his mane, while his neck fur showed a tan color. The stallion strode up to you with professionalism, while also carrying a friendly smile with him, "This is your first time coming into my infirmary, and you're a special case straight away."

The doctor made his way to your right side of the bed. Taking a clipboard that was on the little cabinet that was next to your bed, he glanced it over shortly, his face turning into a thoughtful expression before turning his attention to you and began to smile gently again. "A special case indeed. And not only because it is the first day."

You pondered over what he meant with 'a special case'. You wanted to ask about it, but became distracted as an itch that was starting to nag at you, begged you to scratch it. You glanced to the spot of fur that you touched before and brought your hoof to it, only to be stopped by the hoof of the doctor, "Mr. Static, I know this will be annoying, in more ways than one, but trust me when I say it is for the best if you don't scratch, nor touch it."

You narrowed your eyes a bit in annoyance as you could do nothing to the damn itch. But your itch was quickly forgotten as your head began hurting again, reminding you that it was also still there. Retracting your hoof away from your itching spot, and out of the doctors hold, you brought it to your head and held it against the side. You dropped back onto the cloud pillow, closed your eyes and groaned, "Aaarrggg..."

"Take it easy, kid," the doctor said as he went to inspect your wing bandages. "You crashed into the clouds very hard. It is a good thing your friend wasn't as badly injured as you."

Your eyes shot open, your headache went from annoying to nothing as you remembered 'who' you crashed with. You shot up and sat straight on the bed, "LUCKY!! Where is she!? Is she alright!? Is she hurt!? How bad!? Can I help her!? Is she unconscious!? When will she wake up!? When will she..bblllrrgg."

Your voice of concern was harshly cut off when the doctor pushed a red apple into your mouth. Looking at the apple in your mouth and then to the doctor, you saw him looking at you, half annoyed, but on the other half, he looked glad. With hesitation, you brought your hooves slowly to the apple and held it while taking a big bite out of it and slowly munched on it. "Calm down, Mr. Static. Your friend is okay and well, a bit in shock, but she is fine."

Gulping down your bite from the apple, you fell back onto the bed and felt as if a huge weight had fallen from your shoulder. Letting out a deep sigh of relief, you mouthed, "Thank, Celestia..."

The doctor chuckled gently at you, "You know, your friends from your class all had the same reaction, but then towards you, except for the mare you fell down with."

You focused onto the doctor with your eyes, and raised your eyebrow, "What do you mean by that?"

"Well..." the doctor hesitated as he was petting his gyroscope. "Let's say she hasn't said anything since she woke up."

"Lucky? And she hasn't spoken since she woke up? Are we talking about the same mare?" you asked as you brought yourself slowly back into a sitting position, wincing a bit as the itching spot now felt as if it was burned by your movement. "By Celestia, Doc. Why does my skin hurt so bad? It feels like it has been burned..."

The doctor began looking through the cabinet next to your bed, and turned to you with a tiny white bottle with a label. Squinting your eyes at it, you read it as 'Cooling-Aid'. "What the buck is that?"

"This, Mr. Static, Is Cooling-Aid," the doctor said as he moved closer to you and hooved the bottle over to you, and taking the apple core out of your hooves and dropping it in the garbage can next to your bed. "It is a liquid substance that can be applied to the area of burn, or pain. Doctors around Equestria have came up with this a few years ago, due to the increasing stupidity of ponies who kept burning themselves on almost everything..." he said, his eyes half closing as he, in what seemed to be annoyance, without a doubt, thought back on the wagon-load of ponies that he needed to treat on their burns.

"Heh. No wonder they made this, if indeed that many ponies burned themselves as much as he claims, they will need this stuff... " you thought to yourself with a slight grin. "Wait a second... he just gave me 1... does he think that I'm stupid like the others and burned myself...?" your grind faded and turned into a slight unamused look.

Glancing back to the doctor, you saw him taking an identical bottle out of the cabinet. Out of slight curiosity, you craned your head a bit over the bed so you could see into the cabinet. Your eyes widened slightly as you were greeted with at least 40 bottles of Cooling-Aid. "Why would you ever need to have so many of those here!? It's not like everyday a burned pegasus comes by... Wait, how am I burned?"

Your thoughts were interrupted as you heard a squeezing noise. Looking back to the doctor, you saw him putting some of the seemingly, light-grey, slimy liquid onto his left hoof. Your brain immediately associated the goo with something that looked similar to that, but that didn't come out of a bottle, but out of you.

"Dammit, brain! That is gross!"

A tiny shiver ran down your spine as the doctor brought the bottle back in the cabinet, and on 3 hooves came walking towards you, the slimy liquid moving like it was a jelly pudding.

Now standing next you, the doctor brought his hoof with the 'jelly' over to the spot on your fur that still itched and burned a bit at the same time. As soon as it was being applied, a small chill ran through your body. Not a second later, you moaned a bit in pure relaxation and closed your eyes as the burn was gently cooled and instantly felt way better than before. The itching feeling disappeared as well, as if it had been the best scratching of an itch that you had ever experienced.

"Uhm... It seems that you're... quite enjoying yourself..."

Your ears perked up and your eyes shot open. Glancing to your right, you saw the doctor now a few paces away from you, sitting on his haunches and wiping his left hoof with a cloth, he looked at you with an sort of awkward smile.

You chuckled awkwardly and scratched your neck with your right hoof, "Eh... he he... Sorry, it felt... well... good."

"I...uhm... noticed that."

Silence fell between you and the doctor, an awkward silence, a silence so thick that you could cut it with a horseshoe.

"Okayyyy..." the doctor said as he threw the used cleaning cloth into a basket in the corner of the room. "Seeing that you're awake, and don't need any medical care right now, I'll let a visitor in."

You glanced quizzically at him, "Huh? A visitor?"

The doctor nodded before turning towards the door, opening it, he went to the right of the hall and disappeared. A moment later, soft hoofsteps could be heard coming closer towards you. The pony emerging from around the corner both filled you with slight surprise, but also with relief. "Lucky..." you said. You wanted to look happily towards her, but found yourself unable to at the sight of her.

Your eyes never left the down cast mare as she made her way into the room. Her ears were down to the side, and her head was hanging low towards the cloudy floor. Her wings weakly folded against her sides. Her steps were slow and soft, her eyes seemed half closed behind the cheery-red and white streak of her mane, with small dried up tear streaks going down her cheeks. She slowly made her way to the left side of your bed and sat down close to it.

You had never seen Lucky like this before. The mare you knew for a long time, her always happy attitude and her ability to make others feel better too, it was not the same mare you saw now.

You glanced her over worriedly, "Lucky?"

Lucky didn't respond. Although, she looked at you for a second before turning her gaze away, and looked out of the window that was to your right.

You couldn't stand to see her like this. You began to sit straight up again, wincing a bit as your muscles ached a bit by the movement. This however, seemed to attract the attention of Lucky. For as soon as you winced, her ears perked up and her muzzle shot straight into your direction, her eyes wide and her mouth a bit open.

She rapidly stood up and closed the distance between her and the bed. Brining her front hooves onto the edge of your bed, she looked you over worriedly. She lay her right hoof gently onto your shoulder, keeping you from getting up, and looked into your eyes, "Please..." her voice confused you. Her normal happy tone was replaced with one of slight fear and worry.

You said nothing as you gazed into Lucky's pleading gold eyes. You simply let her push you down onto the bed again. She removed her hoof from your shoulder and brought it back next to her other hoof which was still on the side of the bed. Lucky began to look you over once again, this time looking at all your bandages and treated burn spots.

As she looked at everything you had been treated for, her ears drooped down to the side of her head again. Her eyes began to water and she looked back into your eyes, "I... I'm s-so s-sorry..."

Your eyes widened a bit as she forced her eyes shut and tears began to stream down her cheek. "I'm so sorry!" Lucky wailed as she threw her hooves gently around your neck and placed her mane under your chin, resting her head on your torso.

You stared at her dumbfounded, "Where is she sorry for? Is she sorry that I'm now in the infirmary?" you thought to yourself as Lucky continued to hold you.

And then it hit you, "She thinks I'm here because of her..."

Your eyes half closed, and your brought your left hoof to her mane and began to stroke it gently, "It's okay, Lucky."

Lucky seemed to calm down a bit as her sniffing stopped. She moved her head to look you in the eye, her chin resting gently on your belly. "H-how is it okay?" she asked with sorrow as her eyes darted slightly from side to side. "You're here because of me..."

"No, I'm not here because of you, I'm here because I was being... well... me," you said with a slight chuckle.

Lucky, simply raised an eyebrow at you, "W-what do you mean by that?"

"Think about it," you said, while raising your right hoof into the air and making a circle with it. "If I never would've taken off into the air, we wouldn't be here now would we?" you said while tapping the side of your head with a grin.

Lucky's tears stopped coming and she wiped the few that were still on her cheeks away with her left hoof, "But you did that because of me."

"Oh, c'mon Lucky. We both know I could've saddled up with you until we were at the meeting point, if I weren't so stupid to try and fly off with you on top of me," you said as you continued to stroke her mane softly.

Lucky closed her eyes as you continued to brush her mane, a familiar smile returning onto her muzzle. "You were indeed pretty stupid," Lucky said without opening her eyes.

"Is that such a big surprise then? After all, it was not my first stupid action today. And it will definitely not be the last one."

Lucky chuckled lightly. Oh how good it was to hear that in her voice again, you couldn't help but smile. Although, it was good to see her smiling again, you still wondered if she was actually okay, "How about you, Lucky?"

Lucky opened her eyes and glanced quizzical at you, "Huh? What about me?"

"Are you okay? You are not hurt or anything?" you asked with concern while looking her over quickly, noting nothing out of the ordinary.

Lucky sighed, "I'm fine. Really. Thanks to you that is. Berry Petal told me they saw you crashing into the clouds with dangerous high speeds, with me in your arms. When they all rushed towards us, I was laying on the clouds not that far from you. I was unconscious, but further than that I was okay. Iron Wing brought us both with haste towards the infirmary. Not long after, I woke up again to the doctor speaking with Iron Wing, Berry Petal was with them as well, who told me what she saw. Berry Petal told me that you were in a very bad condition, soon after, I made my way to here, but I was not allowed to enter, that was one and half an hour ago. Since then I've been waiting in the waiting room until the doctor said that I could."

You, in turn, sighed as well. "I'm glad to hear that you're alright Lucky."

"Are you kidding me?" Lucky said slightly annoyed. "I'm glad that you're still ALIVE!!" she almost yelled, catching you by surprise. "Do you know that you could've died by that fall!?"

Although she sounded mad, you knew that was because she was concerned. "But I'm still alive now, aren't I? If I'm gone, who is gonna keep Dust from setting the school on fire? Again."

Lucky groaned and rolled her eyes, "You always look at these things so positive, even when it happens to you."

"Of course!" you said happily. "I'm still alive, and you're unharmed. I'ld say that is something to be positive about."

Lucky groaned, but let out a chuckle after that, "You're right."

There was a knock on the door. Looking away from Lucky and to the door, you saw the doctor standing there with a clipboard in his hooves. "My apologies for interrupting, but I'm here to make the final checks on you, Mr.Static," the doctor said as he strode into the room. "Miss Lucky, please wait outside until I'm done with the check up."

Lucky nodded at the doctor and got off of you, "Okay, but I cannot wait outside. I need to get back to coach Iron Wing, and tell him that Static is awake." The doctor nodded at Lucky as she began to move towards the door.

You followed Lucky with your eyes as she made her way, only to raise an eyebrow when she hesitantly stopped. Lucky turned around and walked back to you.

She stopped right next to you. "Lucky? What's wro..."

Your voice got caught in your throat as Lucky placed a soft and warm kiss on your cheek. "Thank you," she said as she moved her head back. She gave you a quick wink and turned towards the door, this time not stopping and heading right, into the hallway, and disappearing out of sight, leaving you with a warm feeling of appreciation and a smile on your muzzle.