• Published 15th Apr 2015
  • 2,296 Views, 93 Comments

School! Flying! Falling! Goofing! - Lazydrill

Last school year, what could possibly happen now what didn't happen in the past few years? Life can be kind, or rude, depending on its mood!

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Ch. 2 Flying high!

The air blew through your feathers as you casually flew behind your family. Your two little sisters, Summer and Gloom, in the front chasing each other while your mom and dad stayed close behind them. Flapping your wings, you lazily let the wind just guide you through the air. Humming to yourself, you let your eyes close for a few seconds, enjoying the freedom and feeling the wind gave you as it brushed through your coat and feathers, mane and tail, while the sun gave a soft, comfortable warm sensation as it basked you in its rays.

Your moment of comfort was cut short however, as two small weights settled gently down on your back. Opening your eyes and glancing over your shoulder, you saw that Gloom was beginning to get comfortable while you kept flying. Summer was right behind her, but was there for the free ride, giving her a break from flying. "Sorry, girls. Only room for one filly at a time. You both are getting too big to be on my back at the same time,” you said chuckling softly. Summer perked up and nodded. Spreading her tiny wings, she skipped off of you and into the air again, making her way for your dad instead.

Glancing back over your shoulder, you could see that Gloom had no intention to move in any way, so you just let her lay there while you kept flying casually, not minding that she was using you as a flying bed instead. Gloom sighed, content as you made no attempt to tell her to get off of you. Turning your muzzle forwards, you saw that Summer was jumping from your dad's back to your mother’s back a few times before staying on your mother's, making you smile.

Beating your wings faster, you began to pick up speed to catch up with your parents and sister. "Dad, how long until we reach Ponyville?" you asked.

Your father thought for a second, putting a hoof to his chin. "Uhhmm, we should be there any minute now... Oh! There it is." Your father pointed with his hoof to a small town that came into view.

"Huh, looks cozy. Although, that big tree in the middle of the town looks kind of odd,” you observed out loud.

"I've been there once, it is in fact a library. It is very well maintained by a violet unicorn mare. I believe her name was Twilight Sparkle,” your mother spoke up from your father's left.

"Twilight Sparkle? Isn't she supposed to be the student of Princess Celestia or something?" you asked, happening to have her name mentioned a few times in school.

"I believe she is. She is also supposed to be the 'Element of Magic'." Your mother continued.

"What is the 'Element of Magic' then? I've never heard of it before," you asked, getting curious of the title.

"It is supposed to be a sort of jewelry containing very strong magic. There were six of those jewelry pieces I believe. But I cannot say I know the rest of them, just the 'Element of Magic'." Your mom explained.

Nodding in understanding, your eyes locked back onto Ponyville, seeing all kinds of ponies walking about. Seeing a small building with a bell on top of it, you gestured towards the building with your hoof. "I guess that is the school?" you pointed out.

Your mother flew up next to you and searched with her eyes were your hoof was pointing at. "Uuuhhmm, yeah! I think it is. You have good eyes, Static!" Your mother beamed at you.

"Heh, I have your eyes remember." You stuck your tongue out playfully at her.

"Nah, you have my sight for detail maybe, but you have your father’s eyes. Your little sisters though, they have my eyes." Your mother rolled her eyes at you. Extending her hoof, she ruffled your already disheveled mane.

Slowing down, your mother flew closer to you, and with her muzzle she nudged the little ball that was still nestled on your back.

The ball of fur on your back stirred and groaned as she was interrupted from her nap. "Gloom, sweetie, you must get up. We are almost there." Peeking over your shoulder at Gloom, you saw her eyes open and she yawned softly. ”Okay, mom. Thank you for letting me nap again, brother,” she said smiling, while letting out another small yawn.

Smiling back at Gloom, you teased her with, "You know, if you sleep more on my back, we can sell your bed. And put me in its spot." You said smirking at her.

Gloom chuckled softly, "Ha, ha. I can't help that you are a bed with wings! I can always sleep comfortably on your back, so that is not my fault!" she said, sticking her tongue out at you with her eyes closed.

Gloom stretched her back and wings before jumping off of you and flapping her own wings, flying next to you and your mother. Smiling at Gloom, you patted her mane softly, earning a smile from her. Out of nowhere, Summer dived next to Gloom and tagged her back yelling, "Tag, your it!" and shooting off into the clouds. Gloom shook her head out of the sudden daze, and began flapping her wings faster and zapped after her twin with a grin on her face. Your mother chuckled softly and began flapping her wings faster, trying to keep close to the two yellow blurs as they were chasing each other between the clouds.

Looking to your left, you noticed that your father began to fly up higher into the sky. Curious over what he was doing, you followed after him as he went higher over the clouds. Gliding above the clouds, your father swayed on the wind as he glided. Upon reaching him, you saw that his eyes were closed behind his goggles. "Dad? What are you doing?" Your father opened his eyes and glanced at you grinning.

"I'm going to take a quick refreshing bath."

Raising an eyebrow at your dad, you asked, "You're going to take a bath? In the sky?" Your father just nodded, that grin still on his face.

“Seriously? A bath? In the sky? Without rain?" Your father just chuckled at your questioning before looking down. Searching where your dad was looking at, you saw nothing than a few fluffy clouds drifting innocently through the sky. Glancing back at your father with your eyebrow still raised, you opened your mouth to go on with questioning your father's common sense, when he gave one powerful flap before his wings shut tight to his sides and he dived towards the fluffy clouds. Tracing your father as he pierced the innocent cloud, it puffed and disappeared as your dad shot through it. Between your twitching eye at your father’s daring antics and hovering in place by the sudden descent from your dad, a small thought came along. "That, that was pretty cool. Poor cloud though..."

Seeing your dad climbing out of his fast descent by using his downwards momentum and angling his wings a little bit to shoot upwards again, he began twisting and spreading his wings outward, leaving a small twister of light, glistering water droplets behind him as he went on. Processing what your father just did, you shook your head fast from side to side and began flying towards him. He just hovered in place, grinning as you caught up with him. "Dad, that was awesome!" you praised him. Your father smiled, closing his eyes in self praise as he raised his hoof up. Rolling your eyes at your dad’s ego, you extended your left hoof and bumped it against his. "Dad, that really was cool."

Your father smiled wider, "I know, I know. I'm awe.."

You interrupted his moment of self praise with, "For a mare." Your father’s mouth stayed open in the middle of the sentence while his eyes opened halfway, processing your comment.

"Huh? What do you mean 'for a mare'?" your father asked, now glaring at you.

"Come on, Dad, don't look at me like that. Take it as compliment! If this was a beauty contest you would have gotten second place."

Your fathers right eye twitched as you went on before he raised his eyebrow in question, "Wait... what do you mean 'second place’? Who would be first then?" You chuckled at you fathers competitiveness, him completely forgetting that you made him out to be a mare.

"Well... first place would be Mom, of course. Don't get me wrong, being second to Mom is no small feat."

Your dad was now glaring daggers at you the best he could, although, compared to Summer’s glaring when you ate her last cookie the week before, his was almost comparable to puppy’s eyes. But then, you never thought that cute sisters could glare into your soul like that. Thinking back at the moment, you could vaguely remember that you had a small nightmare about the glare she gave you that night. But of course, nopony would ever know that you were so scared of your sister’s 'demon' stare, that you had a nightmare that night right? Right..?

Still hovering in place, you and your dad were violently brought back from aimlessly hovering in the same place by the twins. Summer slapped the back of your head with a hoof, and Gloom slapped the back of your father’s head with her own. Rubbing the sore spot at the same time as your father, the twins giggled. "You two are both little fillies!" Summer so energetically commented.

"Yeah, you should take an example from me, Summer and Mom!" Gloom happily chirped in. The twins flew towards each other and did a hoof bump before shooting off again. The small sore spot on your head now less hurt, your eyes and that of your father followed where your sisters were going. They raced towards a cloud some distance away, with on top of the cloud was your mother sitting. She was watching you and your dad with a grin, although, her eyes were slightly narrowed. The twins both flew up to her as she raised both her hooves in the air, so Gloom could bump her left hoof and Summer her right.

You and your dad saw your mother glaring at you two as the twins landed next to her. Gulping, you glanced at your dad who did the same thing, the two of you sharing a look. "I guess we better go or she is going to kick our flanks to Ponyville..." you guessed, chuckling awkwardly as your father rapidly nodded. Turning fully towards the three mares on the cloud, you and your father flew quickly over to them. Stopping in front of them, you and your dad smiled innocently at the glaring mare in the middle of the two beaming fillies.

"Well, hehe, shall we go on then? We don't want to be late now, do we?" your dad asked a little uncomfortable under the gaze of his wife. Although she was glaring at you the whole time, after your dad was done trying to divert her attention from the both you, she simply smiled and gave a nod, her eyes closed, before standing up again. The twins doing the same, they turned around and extended their wings, taking off from the cloud.

You glanced to your dad, puzzled, while he wore a look of relief and wiped his forehead with his left hoof. He noticed you looking at him and chuckled awkwardly before taking after his wife and the twins. Rolling your eyes, you took flight after your family again. Thinking back at what your dad pulled off a few moments ago, you could not shake the urge of doing it as well. Beating your wings faster, you gained speed and flew up higher.

From their flying, your mom and dad peeked back to see if you were still there. Not spotting you right away, they stopped flying and hovered in place. ”Girls, do you know where your brother went?" your mom asked in concern. Summer and Gloom flew back over to your mom and dad and looked about. Not spotting you either, they shrugged. Your dad gently patted mom’s shoulder with his hoof to get her attention. She turned around to your dad who was pointing up to you, an small smile on his face.

"I think he is going to take a quick bath." Your mother and sisters looked to where your dad was pointing, and saw you hovering in the air above them.

Thinking back to what your dad did, you gave a powerful flap with your wings and angled yourself into a dive. Tucking your wings to your sides, you aimed for a similar fluffy cloud that your dad went through before. Going faster and faster in your dive, you felt the wind rushing past you and adrenaline rushing through you as you picked up speed, your mane, tail and coat swishing as the wind went through them.

Nearing the cloud, you prepared to go through the cloud by sticking your hooves out in front of you and gritting your teeth a little in concentration. Suddenly, the cloud disappeared when a grey mare with a gold mane wearing a mail bag bumped into it. The mare shook her muzzle and flew away. “Oh, come on!” you thought.

You saw another cloud drifting under the one where you were planning to go through, so you continued on diving. “Oh, never mind.”

Coming close to it, you noticed a cyan coated Pegasi sleeping on the cloud edge. Seeing the pony, you stopped beating your wings and flared them out, trying to slow down. You managed to do so, although, you were still going too fast, so you closed your eyes and extended your hooves underneath you, trying to minimize the impact.

You bumped hard onto the other edge of the cloud, falling onto your belly with a 'thump'. And because of the Pegasi physics, instead of just falling onto the cloud and that being it, your momentum caused the cloud to act as a jump castle, bending your side and launching the other side of the cloud, where, unfortunately, the cyan pegasi was sleeping, into the air. The cyan pegasi was shot a few feet into the air, letting out an alarming yelp. You watched as the cyan mare, with a rainbow mane, flailed her hooves as she fell back towards the ground.

Recovering from what happened, you got up to your hooves and trotted to the other edge of the cloud. Looking worriedly down for the mare, your eyes widened as a cyan blur came shooting back up at you. FAST. "Uh, oh... she doesn't look happy… at all."