• Published 15th Apr 2015
  • 2,296 Views, 93 Comments

School! Flying! Falling! Goofing! - Lazydrill

Last school year, what could possibly happen now what didn't happen in the past few years? Life can be kind, or rude, depending on its mood!

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Ch. 19 A sensation in the park.

"A bit to the left... Turn it gently... and put it back. There! All done! Finally... This is why I don't do it daily... takes forever..." you said to yourself as you released the last feather from your right wing and glanced it over. "Hmm. I don't like to do it... but it looks four times better than when I don't preen it. Maybe I should preen it more? Nah. There must be a very good reason if I would be going to do it daily." You murmured to yourself.

"Done preening, Static?" Rainbow Dash asked as she landed in front of you.

You curled your right wing around Gloom and nuzzled her, Gloom sighed happily as she buried her muzzle into your feathers. Turning your head to the rainbow maned mare, you nodded, "Yeah, I'm done preening. Finally. It felt like I was busy for two hours or longer." Rainbow Dash walked closer to you and glanced over your wings, almost as if she was a wing inspector. "Uhm... Rainbow Dash? Can you like... not look at my wings?"

Rainbow Dash kept looking over your wings, but gave you a short glance with a reply, "Why? They look much better now. This will making flying a lot easier, and it is healthier for your wings." Rainbow Dash gave your wings another look before giving you a quick wink, "Besides, they're much nicer to look at."

"Preening daily it is then!"

Your cheeks felt warm, "Y-your wings are also nice to look at..."

"What was that, Static? I didn't hear you good," Rainbow Dash said with a slight grin as she stepped closer to you with her muzzle turned a bit to her left and her right ear perked into your direction.

Your eyes expanded as you realized what you said, instead of thought, "Uhm.. I... Nothing."

"Are you sure? Because I'm certain you said something about my wings."

"I... I..."

"Brother said your wings are also nice to look at."

Your cheeks caught fire as Gloom casually spoke from your right side. "Glooommmm... I love you, but this is the WORST time of all to drop in!"

Rainbow Dash looked at Gloom, "Does he now? I know my wings are awesome, but to get admires just for their looks is something new." Rainbow Dash gave you another grin, "So... how much do you like my wings?" Rainbow Dash spread her wings all the way, giving you a grand and close up view of her primary feathers and how beautiful they looked. Your mouth hang open to the point you were uncertain if it was still attached to your muzzle, making Rainbow Dash smile broadly, "Well that answers that."

She folded her wings back to her sides, your eyes following her wings' smooth motions until they were completely against her sides. "...Oh my... those wings... And she showed me them just like that!" You closed your mouth and fought the silent throbbing that was starting to happen in your wings. You bit on your inner lip, sending your thoughts to something that wasn't alluring.

"Static..? What is happening to your wings? They are twitching or something... Is everything okay?" Gloom asked innocently as she crawled out from under your wing and looked at you.

With a drawn-back voice, you said, "Uhm... yeah. Everything is fine, Gloom. Don't worry, I'm just... uhm... stretching them and relaxing them repeatedly... yeah, that's it."

Gloom looked unsure as you tried your best fake smile while fighting the slight wing throbbing off. All the while, behind Gloom, it was unmistakeable that Rainbow Dash was grinning evilly. "This mare! I swear... I'm going to get her back one of these days! ...or this is my karma for leaving her to explain to Scootaloo what she meant with 'buc'..."

"If you are sure that you're okay, can I play with my friends and Summer then?" Gloom asked with a toothy smile.

You looked thoughtfully, "I guess she can play with her friends for a while, as long as she and Summer don't get tired again." You glanced shortly over the rooftops of Ponyville, noting that the sun was already closing in on the horizon, meaning that you would have to go in a few minutes, half an hour tops. You looked back to Gloom and gave her a smile and nod, "You can go play for now, Gloom. But don't tire yourself out, I don't think I can carry you home."

Gloom did a little skip and fluttered her wings, "Thanks brother! I won't do too much, I promise!"

Gloom spun around and trotted underneath Rainbow Dash and passed her legs towards her sister and friends that were playing with the scooter. You quickly glanced at the fillies as to what they were doing. You saw Scootaloo standing on the scooter with Summer in front of her, her hooves on the steering handles while Scootaloo held Summer at the shoulders. Your eyes wandered to the back end of the scooter, noting that a little cart was attached to it with Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom sitting in it... "Hey, Glo...*oof*" ...And now Gloom as well, poor Sweetie Belle didn't even get to finish her sentence before Gloom jumped into the cart, and pilled onto the other two fillies.

You rolled your eyes with a chuckle at the sight. "Owh... That could've gone better, Gloom..." You heard Apple Bloom groan slightly as the fillies sat straight up again.

"Hold on, girls! We're off to crusading!" Scootaloo announced as she and Summer began buzzing their wings and... scooted..? off to ponies know where.

You sighed as you lay your head gently down onto the soft grass, the warm rays of the sun basking you pleasantly. "Maybe a quick nap... just five minutes..."

"Are you really going to nap?"

Grumpily, you said, "Only for five minutes or so, Rainbow Dash. Is that to much?"

"To much!? You've been napping half of the..." Rainbow Dash did a quick look around the area, "...bucking day! Of course it is to much!"

You shrugged with your wings and closed your eyes, "That's to bad then. Because I feel like a quick nap." Your eyes blinked open as a spot below your left wing base began to itch, "Ah ponyfeathers... It is time to use my cream..."

Rainbow Dash snickered with her mouth closed and a hoof in front of it.

Raising an eyebrow at her, you asked, "What? What is so funny?"

She chuckled, "...What you said. Hehe. 'Time to use my cream'."

Your eyebrow twitched, "...Really? Grow up, Rainbow Dash."

"I'm more grown up than you," she puffed out her chest a bit and raised her head.

"I doubt that, big time. Anyway." You proceeded with craning your head to your left saddlebag and nudged it open with your muzzle, taking out a small white bottle, you brought it down in front of you and released it from between your teeth.

Rainbow Dash got closer and looked at it curiously, "Cooling-aid? huh?" she craned her head back and looked at you, "Is that for your wounds? From the crash?"

"Yeah. Or... for my burn spots, really. I still don't know how I got 'em, and they itch terribly, it is like a swarm of Parasprites is tickling it." You brought your hooves to the bottle and took the cap off with your right hoof. Putting the cap on the grass, you held the bottle with your left hoof and squeezed a little bit of it on your right hoof, all the while Rainbow Dash was looking at what you were doing. Considering how foalish she appeared to be, there was no doubt in your mind that she would picture this stuff with what you associated it with as well... you were a bit unsure if that was a good thing.

"That almost looks like jelly frosting that Pinkie uses on her blueberry cup cakes. Those things are so gooooddd!" Rainbow Dash said as she sat back onto her haunches, closed her eyes and rubbed her belly with her two front hooves.

"By Celestia... that sounds so wrong... ssssoooo wrong." Your wings gave a quick throb as she said that. "My wings are not arguing though..." You shuddered lightly as you thought about what Rainbow Dash said... similar jelly onto a cupcake... You decided that, from this moment, you were never going to try those things. Ever.

The itching below your wing base brought you back to the task at hoof, so you forced your right wing to your side, while raising your left wing so you could reach the spot below the base. You turned your muzzle to look at your left wing and brought your hoof along with it, brining the jelly closer to the terrible itch that was starting to get worse. As you brought your hoof close, your muscles in your shoulder refused to go further. "Oh... buck. My muscles are to sore..."

"What are you waiting for? Apply the stuff already!" Rainbow Dash said impatiently as she walked to your left wing.

Annoyed, you said, "I... am trying to. My muscles are to sore... I can't move my arm that far..."

"You big foal. Here, let me do it."

Before you could object or register what she said, Rainbow Dash walked next to you and firmly planted her right hoof onto yours. The jelly made a *squish* as her hoof touched yours, raising her hoof off yours, a string of the cooling-aid attached your hoof with that of Rainbow Dash.

"Yuck. This stuff is sticky," Rainbow Dash said as she pulled her hoof back. She brought her hoof close to her muzzle and smelled the cooling-aid, "It doesn't smell... at all. This stuff is weird."

"Why... on Equestria... would anypony randomly smell this kind of stuff? Although... Now I'm curious myself..." Your curiosity getting the better of you, you brought your own hoof to your muzzle and gave it a hesitant sniff, noting that Rainbow Dash was right, it didn't smell like anything.

"The itching was just below your wing base, right Static?"

"Uhm... yeah," you said abscentmindly, still pondering over why the cooling-aid didn't smell.

A cold touch reached beneath your wing, making you moan in sudden pleasure, "Oooohhhhh..." your wings flared out widely as you felt the itch fade away and the cooling-aid began to do its magic, relaxing and massaging the area it was applied to. Your wings fell numb down to the ground and stayed there. You sighed happily with your eyes closed, pretty sure that this was one of the best feelings anypony could ever feel.

"... Static... what the hay? Did you just..."

While you would normally feel quite embarrassed by this display, you were feeling so content that you didn't care at the display you just made, as it was one of the best things you've ever felt. "Hehe... I think I did."


Looking to Rainbow Dash with a satisfied look on your muzzle, you saw her glancing at you with a mixture of surprise and... excitement? If her half raised wings were any indication, you could say she was somewhat pleased with your reaction, while it was not fully what she had expected.



"Oh my goodness! I never would have thought to see you with a coltfriend, dear Rainbow Dash. Even less with showing such... 'passion' in public." A feminine voice with a Canterlot accent called out of nowhere.

Your ears drooped to the side of your head and your eyes half closed in slight annoyance, "Please... tell me that is not Sweetie Belle's sister... isn't she?"

Rainbow Dash got the same facial expression as you and folded her wings to her side, "Eeuuuggghhh... I wish I could tell you that..."

"Celestia save us..."

Author's Note:

Sorry! Not such a good chapter as I hoped it to be... But I really wanted to move on from this part.:facehoof:

I will leave a comment down here with a question for all of you. :moustache: