• Published 15th Apr 2015
  • 2,300 Views, 93 Comments

School! Flying! Falling! Goofing! - Lazydrill

Last school year, what could possibly happen now what didn't happen in the past few years? Life can be kind, or rude, depending on its mood!

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Ch. 3 Rough start!

Groaning, you slowly opened your eyes a little bit to be greeted by two pair of violet, concerning looking ones. Still a bit fuzzy, you managed to make out that the twins were looking you over worriedly. You managed to smile and put a front leg softly around each filly. Summer and Gloom squealed in happiness as you hugged them to your belly. The twins swung their hooves around your torso, hugging you as strongly as they could.

"Static, are you okay?" the twins asked with concern. As you glanced down your belly, you could see that they were smiling now, but were still looking at you some worry in their eyes.

You nodded at them and gave a little squeeze, "Don't worry girls, your big brother has taken worse hits. I think, at least."

Satisfied by the answer, they smiled fully now and hugged you more, laying their heads down on your belly. Feeling a bit bad about making your sisters’ worry so much about you, you gently rubbed their backs with your hooves to which they happily giggled.

Looking around, you saw that on the edge of the cloud, your parents were talking to the blue mare who seemed very defensive. "She is probably getting a lecture from my parents about self control or something..." you chuckled inwardly, knowing how your parents deal with this kind of situation. You have had many lectures yourself, may it be from stealing the last cookie from your sister, or breaking your mother's vase when you tried to play hoofball in the living room. That was not one of your best actions, yeah. That vocal storm made your ears still ring after an hour.

Nudging the fillies one by one softly, you asked, "May I get up?" while you smiled at the twins.

"Only if you're sure that you feel good!" Gloom ordered you right away.

While chuckling, you extended your left wing and put it to your forehead, giving a winged salute to her. "Miss Gloom, I feel well enough to get back on my hooves. Do I have permission to do so?" you asked her in an formal voice as if speaking to a sergeant.

Gloom smiled at you and stood up, giving you some space, with Summer doing the same. Summer trotted over to your parents, who were still talking to the blue mare, the latter looking more irritated now than anything else. You could relate to that feeling all too well. Lectures from your parents were not to be taken lightly, even if it was as simple as washing your hooves before dinner. They would lecture you for fifteen minutes just about that.

You tried to get onto your hooves, but was pushed down again by Gloom. "I didn't say you had my permission to get up now, did I?"

Rolling your eyes, you let yourself plop back down again on the cloud. Gloom glanced you over while walking in a small circle around you, searching for any bruises or pain that would give her a reason to keep you from getting up. Inspecting your wings, front and back legs, even your belly and tail. Not able to find anything, she stopped in front of you and smiled. "You are clear to get on your hooves again!" Gloom beamed as she gave a little skip, fluttering her wings as she did so.

You smiled at her. "Thanks Gloomy, you could be a nurse someday."

Gloom got a little blush on her cheeks and pawed the cloud with her hoof, "Y-you really think so? I don't think I will be that good at it," she said, facing the cloudy floor.

You got up on your hooves and moved closer to Gloom. Laying down on your belly in front of her, you nudged her with your muzzle lightly. Gloom turned her head to you, and softly, you put your forehead against hers and stared with loving eyes into her violets, smiling. "Gloom, don't ever think like that. You are an amazing, caring, loving and understanding filly. Later you will become a beautiful mare, and maybe even a great nurse! Who knows, maybe you will be taking care of me when I get injured on my wings or hooves." You reassured your little sister softly.

Gloom's eyes were glistening when you were done talking. Giving her a soft nuzzle on the cheek, you asked, "Do you want to hop on? It is the least I can offer to such a devoted nurse." You winked at her. Gloom didn't waste any time in nodding and crawling onto your back again, getting comfortable between your wing bases.

Satisfied that your little sister was comfortable again, you got up and decided to give the blue mare a break from the barrage that were your mother's lectures. Getting close, you saw that Summer was on your father’s back, her front hooves on top of his head and her back legs on his shoulders. Upon reaching the battlefield, you could hear your mother on the offense. The longer you were knocked out, the easier would it be to calm the raging mare.

Walking up next to your mom, you nudged her shoulder. "And that is why you should NEVER sleep on a cloud in the first place! And even then, you should alwa..."

Sighing, you looked to Summer who was still on your dad's back. "Hey Summie?" Summer's ears perked up and she looked at you. "How long was I out?"

Summer tilted her head a little to the side, looking puzzled. "What do you mean, 'how long was I out?'"

Chuckling you just shook your head, dismissing it with a wave of your hoof. "Dad? How long was I out?"

"You were out for about three minutes. You actually recovered pretty fast. That was a nasty blow you got to the head."

You craned your neck back a little, looking over the shoulder of your mother and to your dad who looked concerned. Smiling to him, you gave a small nod. "I'm okay, Dad. Three minutes out? Then it was indeed a strong blow. Because honestly, the only thing I remember is that I saw a blue blur coming up at me. The next thing I knew, Summer and Gloom were looking at me."

Your dad chuckled at that. "Yeah, although, you are to stubborn to be knocked out for long. Rainbow Dash gave you a fierce uppercut! I vaguely remember when I pulled a similar stunt with your mother, although, her uppercut knocked me out for over an hour..." You laughed with a hoof to your mouth, rolling your eyes as your dad’s face cringed and he brushed his chin where your mother apparently laid the knockout blow.

"Side note to self; never surprise Mom if she is napping! And if you do, make sure that Gloom is nearby with a first aid kit..."

Breaking away from your thoughts, you noticed that your mom was still on the relentless assault of lectures towards the cyan mare. You knew that this will go on for quite a while if you did not interfere. Deciding that this would be the best course of action, you bent your legs down to the ground. Looking back at your passenger, you said, "Gloomy, it would be better if you get off of me for now." Gloom perked up, giving you a confused look, but nodded and hopped off of you.

Standing back up, you casually walked away from your mother's side and took a stand in between her and the cyan mare. Turning to face your mom, you locked eyes with her to which she stopped in the middle of a sentence.

You walked closer to her and closer with your eyes slightly narrowed. Your mom looked taken aback from your sudden angry look, but was relieved when you got face to face with her, your eyes softening, as you nuzzled her cheek while softly putting your right hoof around her, hugging her. "I'm okay mom, don't worry, I'm okay."

Your mom sighed in relief before she launched her front legs around you, squeezing you against her torso. "My little colt is unharmed. Thank Celestia!"

Your mother nuzzled your cheek while continuing to hold you in her Ursa hug. "Uhhm, Honey? I think you should release our son." your dad said worriedly.

Your mom stopped her endless nuzzling of you and looked at your dad with narrowed eyes, "Why would I release him!? I almost lost my little colt a few minutes ago!" Your mother glared at your dad.

Your dad just shook his head. "I know, I was worried too. But you are overreacting. Besides, I think if you will not release him, the mare who gave him that blow will not be the only one with a blue coat."

Your mom raised a eyebrow at what your father was hinting. "What do you mean not the only one with a blue coa..."

Managing to lift up your hoof from being squeezed, you patted you mother on her side. She looked at you and released you promptly as she saw your blue cheeks and bulged out eyes.

Landing with a small 'flomp', you fell belly first softly on the cloud. "Sweet, dear oxygen!! Never leave me again!” you prayed inwardly, inhaling as much air as your lungs could carry.

"WOW! Mom, I didn't know you were so strong!" Summer giggled from on top of your father's back.

You thought you could hear your dad whispering, "Neither did I..."

Gloom trotted over to you. "Static! Are you okay?!" she asked, full of concern.

Coughing a little, you held your hoof up to stop her before she could also begin to hug the air out of you. "Don't worry, nurse Gloomy..cough.. I am not hugged to pieces, so I'm still okay. Although, I think my wings are a bit ruffled by that." You emphasized by looking to your wings and pointing at the small ruffled feathers along the side. Gloom sighed and smiled before nodding and walking over to your right wing, inspecting the ruffled feathers.

Your mother also came back out of her shock and trotted over to your other side and nuzzled your cheek softly. "I'm sorry Static, I didn't mean to be so harsh. I was just so relieved that you were unharmed."

Chuckling, you nuzzled your mother back, assuring her that you were not hurt. "I'm okay mom, again. Although, how, in the name of Celestia, did you get so strong?"

Your mother raised her head up and puffed out her chest in pride. "Static, you will be surprised to see what a mare is capable of, if her little colts or fillies are on the line."

Summer flew over to your mother's back and took the same pose of pride, "Yep! Our mom is awesome!" Summer beamed.

"Yehmm, sjhe isj!”

Looking behind you to the muffled voice, you yelped as Gloom pulled a feather out of your right wing. "Owh!" You jumped to your hooves and extended your right wing, inspecting it, you noticed that a feather had been pulled out just below the primaries. Raising an annoyed eyebrow, you gazed at Gloom who still had the feather in her mouth.

Spitting the feather out, she pointed to it. "Sorry, Static, but that one needed to be taken out so that the new feather can grow. I know you, you will take few days before actually preening your wings." She smirked at you.

Coughing in your hoof awkwardly, you chuckled lightly as you nodded at her. "And nurse Gloom is right again. But next time, warn me please. I didn't expect that."

Gloom nodded at you. "Sorry, brother, I will be careful next time.”

You ruffled her mane playfully and bent your neck down to her, nuzzling her softly, "Also, Thanks, Gloom, you are really a good nurse."

Gloom beamed at you as you pulled back. Looking over Gloom, you noticed that the cyan mare was still standing there, now conversing with your dad about something. Walking over to them, you let your eyes wander over the mare, and honestly, she looked pretty.

She had a carefree look about her, while also daring and wild. She obviously also kept herself in good shape. Her mane and tail both had all colors of the rainbow going through them, which were complimented as the sun reflected slightly off of them. Her cutie mark was of a cloud with a rainbow bolt coming out of it. "Huh, I wonder what her special talent is..." Your shook your head out of the disrespectful eyeing of the mare. But yeah as a teenage colt, and a mare as pretty as her, your eyes could get minds of their own. Glancing over to her eyes, you thought you saw her eyeing you for the smallest amount of time before she shot them back to your dad.

Coming up alongside your dad, you heard him laugh as he addressed the blue mare, "Don't worry, he can take quite a beating, he has endured worse."

The blue mare locked eyes with you, and now you could see that she had deep magenta colored eyes which went very well with her cyan coat and rainbow mane. "I'll bet that he has. Seeing him recover so fast is not what many Pegasi can do, especially after an uppercut from me." She boasted in a some raspy voice, putting a hoof to her chest and puffing it up.

She extended her left hoof towards you. "Hi, my name is Rainbow Dash. Best flier in Equestria and soon to be the newest captain of the Wonderbolts! And sorry about that blow to your head... mine never really works well this early in the morning... especially after a rude wake up."

You chuckled at her boasting, and at the fact that you had the same problem in the morning. Extending your hoof to hers you shook it lightly. "It is okay, Miss Rainbow Dash. My name is Static Spark, and I should have tried to get out of the way instead of trying to slow down. But I guess you could say that I have the same morning problem as you, with my brain only working at maybe, twenty percent."

Rainbow Dash chuckled lightly. "So it seems. Anyhoof, I must be on my way now. Again sorry for uppercutting you. And one other thing."

Her grip on your hoof tightened as she got close to your muzzle, her eyes narrowing slightly, "Call me 'Miss' again, and me uppercutting you will not be the worst thing I will do to you."

Gulping, you nodded slowly to her while craning your head back a little to get some distance from the now smirking mare. Rainbow Dash let go of your hoof and spread her wings. She gave a powerful flap and launched into the air faster than you thought was possible. Glancing after her as she went, you saw a rainbow trail behind her as she faded into the distance.

Processing everything that just happened, you could feel the hoof she grabbed throbbing slightly in pain, reminding you that she grabbed the same hoof that you slammed against your nightstand before. "Damn, not only is she pretty, but that mare is strong too! And I think she wasn't even trying..." you thought to yourself.

You got the feeling that you were being watched and glanced to your right, seeing your father smirking at you. "Dad, I know that smirk. And I know what you are thinking. No, I don't like her."

Your dad chuckled, nodding his head. "Sssuuurrreeee. I saw you looking at her when you walked towards us. And don't give that excuse that you were curious, because you looked her over way longer than you should have. I believe she even noticed, and you're lucky that she didn't do anything about it."

You could feel your cheeks light up a bit as your dad deduced your statement in less than ten seconds. You just sighed and let it drop, probably not able to convince your dad otherwise. "Whatever you want, Dad. Anyhoof, I think we should be on our way. I don't think we have much time left to get to the twins' new school."

Rolling your eyes, you turned around and walked back to your mother and sisters who were idly talking, probably waiting for you to finish meeting with Rainbow Dash.

Your mother saw you approaching and smiled to you and your dad. She kept looking at your dad and you saw him looking back at your mom, nodding with a smirk. Your mother looked back at you and got a knowing smile on her face. "The look on your fathers face tells me you have a little cruuushhh." She said in a singing voice.

Summer and Gloom squealed in joy and began trotting around you in a circle, singing, "Static has a cruuushhh, Static has a cruuushhhh!" Your cheeks lit up even worse now as your mother cooed.

"She always knows how to to be subtle..."

"Okay! Lets go before we are to late for the twins' new school!" you quickly rambled out. Flaring your wings wide you took off from the cloud. Your ears picked up the giggling from your sisters and mother as they followed you into the air, your cheeks getting even warmer as the air even felt warm.

"I never thought I would be so happy to go to school and get rid of the giggling gang..."