• Published 2nd May 2015
  • 5,163 Views, 60 Comments

The Last Human - Crooked Djinn

That slumbering city waits. Waiting for its last child to come home. To unravel its mysteries as it sleeps patiently, under the burning sand. Agartha. It waits for you. Step into a world of adventure and fantasy.

  • ...


The wind bellowed. Powerful gales summoned by Judea's mighty wings raged through the hollow tower, the structure giving way to the violent winds. One by one pillars and columns fell. Statues shattered upon the hard stone floor, scattering the angel statues like lost timeless words. You felt heavy in your steps. All around you was a chaos that shook you madly, a violence so severe it moved you to senselessness.

"Anon, we have to move! A moment more and we'll be trapped here!"

Celestia rolled her side into you, lifting you onto her winged back.

"The barrier! Your magic has returned, yes?! Teleport us out of here!"

A great big boulder plummeted toward you both, a rock the size of a small house. On reaction you lifted your left hand, the aegis twinkling its sapphire glow. Above you, a shield is erected. As the boulder smashes into the barrier, the shock rockets through your body, causing a deep pained moan to bellow out of you. Celestia instantly reared up, her horn a magnificent gold. In an ears-shattering moment, the boulder flew apart.

"Are you mad?! You've not yet completely healed!"

You said nothing as you slowly moved upright on her back and locked your hands in her mane. With your heels, you gently prod her sides and she bolts forward without hesitation. Shielding your eyes from the brilliant light of her horn, you look away. The familiar sense of weightless overtook you in a briefness that's gone like that passing breeze and the sun's relentless heat beats down on you. Sand is tossed fiercely in all directions, catching you both in a chaos of sharp grains and rocks. Your goggles find their way to your closed eyes, muting the world of its color. Neither of you could hardly speak so you let your actions speak for you. Giving the slightest tug of her mane, you shift her focus upwards. Before you could prod her with your heels her wings threw off the swirling sands, granting you brief reprieve from the storm.

Like a stream of pure light you both shoot upwards, slicing through the sand storm with great ease. In a dizzying spiral of madness, you break free from the high walls of sand and come to a hover above the Badlands. In all directions, there was a thrashing chaos of sand and stone. The mountains themselves seemed to bow to the storm, creaking and groaning from the force thrown against them.

"This storm... I've never seen its like before."

The worry in Celestia's voice was subtle. She was doing her best to keep herself from unraveling. You lean down, patting the base of her neck.

"It's just a storm. Worse have I seen..."

In truth, never have you witnessed a storm so violent and vast. In the distance, the colossal tower had begun to give way. Succumbing to the howling sand and vanishing beneath the dunes. The way home closed yet again to the world. And who knew how long until another would walk Agartha's halls.

"Anon, farther south. There is a moving mass." Celestia said, turning her you both south.

From behind the goggles, your eyes squint, training on the shadowy cloud beneath the ever churning sand.

"Judea's angels no doubt. Sickening.. that he'd use those damnable beasts."

"If he's raising an army then we best do the same. We will return to the Radiant Dawn and send word to my forces. It may take time to properly mobilize but it's time we'll have to afford. Now that the magical barrier has been lifted from this desert, communication and our mobility has increased. It would be wise to enlist the help of the centaurs, for they have the weapons to fight these creatures. And dragons... they're always such trouble to reason with, but I suppose all routes must be exhausted. Anon? What say you?"

You weren't listening. You were too busy gazing over yonder, at the black pool beneath the sand cloud. The world around you silenced and your mind lost in a world of thought. She craned her head back and noticed your staring. Celestia frowned and returned her attention forward. She allowed you to think in peace for awhile. Her own mind was filled to the brim with thoughts and worries. And among them, there was the deep concern for you.

"Do you hate him?" she asked softly.

Your focus is severed as her voice brings you back to the bleak reality.


"Do you hate him, Anon?"

The fistfuls you have of Celestia's mane open, letting her mane flow freely once more. Folding your arms, you continue to stare off past the horizon. As if trying to catch a glimpse of a time long gone, weathered away by the insistence of time.

"I don't hate the man, no..." you admit finally.


"....But I regret." Lightly you brush the large medallion around your neck which saved you from a mortal blow. "I can't hate the man I once called a brother. Instead, I lament and pity he and I. For all our struggles and hardships, we ended up here. At the end of a road where one of us will die. Most of all, I feel a great sorrow for what he has become. That man is no longer the friend I once knew. And I'm no longer the man he staked his entire life on. He and I have walked down different paths and changed irreversibly. It feels as though neither one of us has a direct link to our past." You sigh solemnly, looking north to the Ishtar gate. "Perhaps it's a path best forgotten."

You motion for Celestia to turn round and head for the gate. As high as you are above the storm, there's nothing but the sound of a light rushing wind that flows past you.

"We may never forget the past, Anon. Nor who we were. In order to commit ourselves to our values, we must keep the past ever in mind. If after all this, all you've seen and experienced, you can still call that man your friend, pray you do him just service and finish them. For sake of the past."

You thought about her words long and hard as you flew over the storm and towards to mouth of the Badlands. Looking down below, you recall your journey through the desert. The long marches in the desert sun. The encounter with centaurs, the djinn. That sprawling labyrinth and its maddening darkness. Though it been only a few short weeks, it feels like you've spent the entirety of your life in this vast desert. You held a connection to the land, one that went beyond time. Killing Judea would be to sever this tie. The last thing linking you to your old self. But in loss there is gain. A new life, one no longer bound by the past. A life that had been molded by the time you spent with Celestia, Spike, and the other soldiers. From these experiences, the man you are now was born. And that man was free to live without limitation. Travel freely and witness a vast new world. And to love.

You peer down at the mare beneath you and sigh with contentedness. Celestia soars over the gate and leaves the desert behind you for now. In the distance, the Radiant Dawn sat anchored in the foothills, just where you all had left it. Everyone aboard gathers as you touch down. A worriness moves through the air as all eyes fall to the both of you. All questions are withheld as Celestia calls for medics and doctors. You're soon helped down from her back and placed on a gurney. You take off your goggles as you lie back, bringing the sky into view. It was still peaceful. But your cloud watching is interrupted by Celestia peering over you.

"Do you best and focus on recovering. Your wounds are not only physical. Foreign magics still move through your body and it will take a bit of time to adjust you. Be patient and put your faith in our doctors and sages. I'll be with you as soon as I can but for now, we must part."

You prop yourself up on your elbows, meeting her eyes.

"We should talk. Before we're too caught up in the fighting. I want to properly say what needs to be said. I want to formally make it official."

She smiled at that, hiding her face in her great big wing as she turned away. Then she parted the feathers, framing her bejeweled eyes as she looked at you.

"Well, aren't you bold. We don't have to wait, you know? We can make it official right here, in front of everyone."

It was then you felt all the eyes on you and the awkwardness that wrapped around you.

"Somethings are more appropriate in private, wouldn't you agree?" she giggled.

You clear your throat, trying your best to dispel the awkwardness that overtook you.

"Aye. I can stand to wait just a while longer."

"Rest easy."

You're then carted off below deck. As you move through the halls a fatigue besets you and you fall into a sleep.

You find yourself in Agartha, more specifically, K'veer. No longer a city of ruin, but a city brimming with life. Down below into the town people go about their business. Ferries and fisher boats move calmly along the peaceful lake which surrounds the island city. You're dressed in robes that swathe you like an infant, a familiarness you can't quite recall. You turn back towards the large house which sits on a protrusion of rock and move toward it in a slow stride. It was already apparent that this all was a dream. Brought on by the sudden recollection of your past life. You enter your home, expecting to find it as you had left it a million years ago. Only it is empty, save for the table and chair in the center. Then you noticed movement, a blur of pale whiteness that moved through the empty house. Then it stopped, the whiteness looking at you dead on. Those eyes told everything. You knew this creature. Out from the light stepped Amalthea, the first unicorn, and mother to Celestia and Luna.

She was tall, much larger than her descendants. She walked with the care and stillness of a deer and it wasn't clear if her hooves exactly touched the floor beneath her. Her ears were thin, sticking up like needles. Her tail that of a lion's; long and trailing behind her with silver hair sprouting at the tip. She was a white mare. Whiter than white and as pure as Christ. Her mane was molded from snow and her eyes the largest blue diamonds. Her fetlocks were long, trailing down her cloven hooves. And in the center of her head, a single shimmering horn that came to a point sharper than the sting of love she instilled within longing hearts. She was Amalthea.

A dread over came you. As you saw her, she appeared to be a specter of your own guilt come to torment you. You had hoped you'd never have to look upon her again, for the grief was too much. The unicorn then motioned for you to sit, the small chair moving back to accept you. You had no choice but pull yourself forward and sit at the small table between you two. She sat, still managing to be taller than by a few heads. Neither of your eyes meet each other's as you contemplate what to say to her. You feared she still hated you, that she had called you to this world of dreams in order to torment you.

Then she spoke.

"You have grown very thin, Solomon.

You don't reply. Her voice is too much of a shock to you. Long had you forgotten the sound of her voice, which sounded like crystals.

"Last we saw each other, you looked rather sickly."

She continued to stare at you with an indifferent gaze. Studying every aspect about you. Comparing you to your past self, noting each change in your appearance. And of course, she herself hadn't changed at all.

"Why did you call me here? More importantly, how were you able? Amalthea, you're dead..."

The unicorn nodded.

"Yes. I am. But death is not the end of all things, Solomon. Life beyond death was the core belief in human teachings, was it not?"

You slowly nod.

"But how can you be here now?"

"When you opened Heaven's Door, Judea was not the only being to escape. The souls of the dead wandered back into the world of the living. And I came to see you."

"..I see."

Silence moves between you two again, forcing her to start again.

"It's been a very long time, hasn't it, Solomon?"

Hearing that name does little to calm you. Instead, it fills you with anxiety and worry.

"That's a name I've left behind. No more am I Solomon Khalifa. Now I am only Anon."

She tilted her head in confusion and leaned in close to you. Her eyes were even larger before, prodding your mind and digging into your soul.

"A strange name you have taken. Given to you by the princess, yes?"

Your eyes snap to hers and they stare back unblinking.

"Yes. When I awoke from the stone, I had no memory of the past or who I was. And so she gave me a new identity, one I've carried thus far."

"I see." she said leaning back. "Tell me about her. Celestia." Her voice was mournful and sad, yet her expression remained unchanged. She remained a stark image of poise and composure.

"She is.... a lot like you in many ways. Her optimism, calm and collected nature, the way she'll speak about certain things. You both even have the same body language. Most of all she shares your curiosity. There's no doubt that she is your daughter."

A hint of a smile crept across her face.

"And the other? Luna?"

You gave a shy chuckle as you looked down at your balled hands on the table.

"Sadly I've not spent much time with her. But she resembles her father a great deal. Dark and brooding. But also surprisingly friendly and kind.. from what I heard. I'm told she has a power over dreams, much like you."

Amalthea took her time to reply. Absorbing all she heard.

"I'm glad...."

Tears began to well up in her eyes and you instantly jumped to your feet. Quickly you round the table to console her.

"No, no, no, don't cry. There's no need for tears."

With her hoof she moved you away and smiled.

"These are tears of joy, Solomon. I am happy... That day when this mess started, I feared. I feared my death long before ever seeing the both of them. I wouldn't be able to see them grow, see what they'd be like in their adulthood. It was terrifying feeling, one I didn't know what to do with. But, now I see that the both of them have gotten along fine. Protected the world for more over a full thousand years. What's more is they've brought peace to what otherwise was a very chaotic world. My children have grown to be such great individuals."

It lightened your heart to see her so happy, despite the history between you.

"Celestia has saved my life numerous times. We wouldn't be talking right now if it weren't for her. A lot of things would not be possible had I not awoke in her garden."

"Yes, I'm aware of your long journey. You've been through so much to make it home. And for her to see it with you, I'm glad for that too. I see that she learns from you constantly, and there is an eagerness about her. And in return, she teaches you of this strange world with its magic, beasts, and colorful history. Much different from the world we originate from."

"Indeed it is. There's so much that has changed it seems impossible to see it all. But I plan to try nevertheless, with her."

"With her?"

Amalthea raised an eyebrow and you panic slightly.

"Ah, yes. I've been meaning to inquire about that. Solomon, what is your relationship with Celestia?"

Her tone had suddenly shifted to a low and intimidating hum.

"Do you love her?" she asked harshly.

You say nothing as your hands begin to tremble. But your answer is clear all the same.

"Hmph. Yet another thing you'd take from me... And she loves you?"

"I would hope so, yes."

Amalthea's expression sinks. An anger comes over her as she looks away from you. But you refused to be intimidated. Not this time. You wouldn't be shamed for something like this. Regardless of how she felt.

"What would you have me say? Would you have me deny myself? Deny what she and I share? I have no control over how I feel about someone, no one can control that. It isn't as though I planned this from the start; it just happened to end up this way. And maybe... maybe I thought I could be there for her. Succeed where I failed you those years ago."

She then shot you a sideways glance, her eyes still smoldering with a bubbling anger. One that flared up within her.

"And I am to accept this? Am I to be content with my betrayer and my own daughter together? Have you no shame? How cruel can you be? After what you've done, how dare you..."

"I understand what I did can never be excused, I have no intention of avoiding any blame. But that is why I am trying to make things right now! Judea is out there plotting the destruction of the world your daughters inhabit. As well as so many of their own loved ones and subjects. What I feel for her is trivial compared to what's at stake here. But I'm willing to risk my life in order to save what I can. I'm trying to stop another tragedy from happening. Give me some credit, Amalthea. At least see give me that. Celestia is someone I care deeply about, regardless of our romantic feelings or not. I have a duty to her. For her, I'd throw myself into Hell if need be."

"Do not think you can mend all this with just words, Solomon. What you did isn't something I can so easily forgive just because you want to correct your mistakes. I lost everything that day. Reality crushed every bit of dreamlike wonder I had for the world. And when my soul is unable to rest, when it seethes with anger and regret, I see you. I see you, Judea, all the others, my very creators who brought me into this world, only to use and abuse me."

"There's nothing that can be done about that now. I can't change the past, if I could I would in an instant. The only hope there is now is to stop Judea before he gets what he wants. I know I have no right to ask for your forgiveness, and your contempt for mankind isn't something that can just be washed away. I can't promise that this'll all salve your wounds. But for the future, I am willing to risk everything. For her future. There's a chance she could be happy after all this, and I want to make it so. I cannot change what you feel for me, but it would mean everything to me to have your blessing."

You bow, lowering your head to the massive unicorn before you. Amalthea took a very long time to gather herself and her thoughts. Half of her wanted to run you through, the other half recalled your friendship. Thinking back on those years you spent together as close friends. She'd be lying to herself if she said there was nothing left of that friendship inside her. Her contempt for you may have wrapped its claws around her heart, but there was no denying the friendship you two shared. Even now. She threw her head to the side in frustration and frowned.

"Raise your head. You look pathetic."

On command you stood straight up. Surprised by her softer tone, you began to wonder if you had gotten through.

"Even now I remain connected to my children. A mother's bond to her child can never be severed, even in death. And so I too feel her heart. A brilliant light that burns brighter than the sun. It is near shameful.

Amalthea then stood, towering above you.

"But I cannot deny that what you both feel for each other is real. And so.... with a fearful heart, I bequeath unto you my blessing."

Your eyes go wide and you step forward in your eagerness.

"Really? You mean you-"

"I do not do this for you." she interrupted. "But for her. This will be my one service to her. I will put my faith in you, as she'd want me to."

"As she'd want you to?" you ask.

But Amalthea only turned away.

"You once told me that love was one of life's many gifts. And I was shown how right you were thanks to Bucephalus. Even if our lives together were short-lived and tragic, those years were still the most wondrous of my life. I want her to be able to experience that. And you... One who's never loved anything outside of your curiosity and attachment to science should also experience it. 'Before your life passes you by'. You won't live forever, Solomon. You may even die this coming battle, and I wouldn't wish your death before you two are united. So I will relent and place my faith in you now.

She began to move away from you, a blinding light covering her form.

"I also do this out of our friendship. Prove to me and all the world you aren't the monster I think you to be. Be ever kind to her, Solomon. That is all I ask."

As her body slowly began to fade she looked back at you, her eyes no longer empty and cold. You started to go after her but a sudden sluggishness stopped your movements. You were waking.

"I will! If not for your sake then no one's. I'll do all I can for her, don't worry."

The world around you began to collapse into the dark. Consciousness flooded into you, pulling you from sleep and enveloping you. There was nothing to keep you grounded in that city of dreams. When you awoke, there was a commotion.