• Published 2nd May 2015
  • 5,163 Views, 60 Comments

The Last Human - Crooked Djinn

That slumbering city waits. Waiting for its last child to come home. To unravel its mysteries as it sleeps patiently, under the burning sand. Agartha. It waits for you. Step into a world of adventure and fantasy.

  • ...


The sand was slowly crawling onto your face before you awoke, threatening to bury you alive. It kept you warm, though agitated you as you tried to open your eyes. Around you, everyone had already started to pack and prepare for the march. You sit up and look about you. Spike was sketching down a large scorpion that made its way across the sand, but Celestia was gone. It's awhile before you move to stand, gaining the attention of Spike who greets you good morning.

"Where is the princess? I must speak with her."

Spike shrugs and lazily points a claw towards the sky. "She said something about surveying the land. She'll be back in a bit, she wanted me to tell you to get ready to move out." Spike says, instantly going back to his journal.

"Ah. Then how are you Spike? Did you sleep well?"

"Aside from the sand, I slept pretty good. Best sleep I had in awhile actually. I'm ready for another day of walking."

"I wish I could say the same. I had a dream."

Spike now looks at you curiously, pausing his drawing and glancing at you. "A dream?" he asks.

You nod and move to take a seat next to him. You tell him about the first time you heard the Voice and since then. About the strange images that came to you and about the strange feeling you got when you looked upon an Angel.

"I think it all must have something to do with this.." You retrieve the round stone from your pocket and hold it out to Spike. He looks at it, and then looks to you for answers.

"What is it?" He asks, taking it from your palm to study it closely.

"That's just it, I have no idea."

Spike looks at it more closely now. Trying to make out the strange symbols etched into its surface. "Huh... Well, whatever it is, we'll find out together. Maybe it's some sort of key."

"I imagine so."

He hands the stone back to you and you take it, giving it your own study. At this moment you hear the flapping of giant wings and a shadow is cast over you two. It was Celestia.

"Good morning Princess, did you find anything!?"

You call to her as she soars above you like a gentle desert bird. Celestia lands within five paces of you, the sand yielding to her weight. She greets you and Spike before taking a seat, drinking from her water pouch.

"As a matter of fact I did. An oasis not far from here. About an hour's walk. We'll head there and get out of the sun for a time, then move on." You listen, but can't help but think back to the dream you had the night before. You think of what the Voice said, of its advice.

//You will come across a native race of the desert. They alone have the weapons to completely destroy an Angel.\\

It edged your nerves and you didn't exactly look forward to what the day would bring.

"Did you happen to see anything else?" You ask.

Celestia shifts her focus to you directly now, frowning. "No. There's nothing but sand for miles.." She was right in that statement. The fact that there was an oasis was amazing in and of itself.

"Anyway, did you have a pleasant sleep Anon?" She asks, smiling, to which you blush surprisingly.

You had completely forgotten that you fell asleep by her side, and that she was the reason for your calm.

"Yes, I did. Although..." She frowns again and cocks her head to the left. Celestia could feel you growing tense as you prepare to repeat what you've just told Spike.

"Last night, I had another dream. the Voice came to me." Celestia was now hushed. She moved closer to you, as if the two of you were exchanging secret information.

"The Voice? Go on.."

She seemed cautious, and rightfully so. You weren't even sure if you could trust it. But it was the only thing you had to go on and you were desperate for answers.

"It said that today, we are to find a people native to the Badlands. They will aide us in our journey, provide us with weapons to fight the Angels."

Celestia remains silent, intent on listening. Spike was also listening, though for a second time. You could tell he was very interested in whatever went on concerning the journey.

"The Voice did not tell me who they are or where... But it apparently wants to help us reach Agartha. It said it witnessed everything that happened yesterday, I was defenseless and it knew that." A heavy silence fell on the three of you. Celestia now spoke up, half surprising you.

"Are we to wait for them? Or go searching?"

"That's just the problem. The Voice said that they will find us."

Celestia was silent for a long while. She thought heavily on what to do, more so on whether or not to trust the 'voice' that spoke to you inside your head. She finally spoke, reaching a decision.

"Then we'll make for the oasis and await them there. We'll give them one day, if they do not make themselves known, we'll move on." She stood, as if the decision was final. It didn't sit right with you so you spoke up, stopping her from turning and leaving.

"I think we should wait however long it takes. Though I find it hard to completely trust the Voice, it has lead me up to this point. I believe what it says and I think we should wait longer than a day. We could really make use of the weapons."

Celestia stopped and turned back to you, the frown never leaving her face. "It's not that I do not believe you. It's the fact that remaining in one spot for too long is sure to attract danger. We'll be attacked eventually and I rather not be easy to find."

"There's nowhere to hide in this desert, Princess. They'll find us as easily as anywhere. But I have to admit there is another reason." Celestia was curious again, her eyes wanting more information.

"The Voice says it knows me. And I think it does, quite so. If it knows the people we'll contact then maybe they have some connection to myself and humans. The fact that they even posses weapons capable of fighting Angels is something worth investigating."

Celestia was silent once more, thinking heavily on the proposal. A moment passes, and a moment more before she relents.

"Very well... But I want you to be cautious. Whoever it may be that we encounter, could very well be dangerous." You nod and watch as Celestia leaves you to attend to the camp.

It's surprising that you got her to agree with you. It's not easy to change the mind of a thousand year old being. Then again, you were much older than her and maybe that equated to your persuasion skill.

"An oasis huh? You think there'll be some kinda of animals there?" Spike approached you, his journal now packed away into the side pocket of his rucksack.

"Maybe. I have to say that I'm curious myself, but what could possibly survive out here in the desolate plain?"

"Who knows? You'd be surprised by what can live in what. Some dragons can swim in lava y'know?"

"You're able to swim in lava?"

Spike shrinks away slightly, his eyes finding the ground.

"Well, I can't. Not yet at least. But maybe one day I'll be able to do things other dragons do."

"I'm sure one day you shall, Spike. By the way, what have you been writing in your journal? I've noticed you've taken quite a liking to it." Spike's eyes once again find yours and he immediately reaches into his rucksack to retrieve to small, quickly becoming full, journal.

"I've been writing down everything that's happened. I want to catalog everything that happens on my first adventure. Maybe one day I'll publish it so other ponies can read it!" He flips the pages in front of you but you can barely make out it's contents.

"I still have a lot left to fill in but I should be able to get it all down."

"Good. We may need your notes along the way." You ruffle the top of his keffiyeh, slightly moving it off center. The both of you speak more, just until Celestia beckons you over to start the march. The sun is almost at it's peak and the desert was just now starting to fully awake.

It was hotter than it was yesterday. While it had been the sort of dry heat you had expected of a desert, today it was humid moist. It made your clothes stick to you in a way that made you feel like a sweaty beast. Everyone else were no different. Progression was slowed as the sun reached it's high perch in the sky above you. It's light bouncing off the sand and into your eye shielded eyes. You'd constantly have to remove your goggles, wipe around the insides and replace them over your eyes. It annoyed you. Spike dragged his feet behind you. Now carrying the large sack behind him as opposed to carrying it on his back.

Celestia on the other hand trotted along merrily as if nothing was the matter, paying little attention to your pitiful state. She knew the sun all her life. As well as its heat. So why would it effect her in the slightest? The spring in her step was enough to push you a bit forward, to catch up with her at least.

"Ugh...how far is it?" Spike groaned from behind you.

"Not far now. In fact, just over this dune." Celestia came to a halt ahead of you, taking refuge in the shade of the large dune that climbed over you.

"Can't we just go around it?" Spike said with a heavy sigh.

"I agree with Spike. I'm not sure I have the energy to make such a climb..."

Celestia's eyes meets yours and she turns to look at the many ponies who trail behind her. Many could be seen collapsing and staggering back and forth. Some rocking side to side, lightly jostled by the desert wind.

"Right. Perhaps it would be great an effort to climb. Around we'll go then." She said with a smile and trotted along the base of the dune.

You sigh and follow her, the herd slowly turning to the right as the follow their leader around the miniature mountain. One thing the dune was good for was that it provided shade and allowed you refuge. Spike's sack now returned upon his shoulders and he reveled in the cool air underneath the upturned sand. And as far as you could tell, so did everyone else. After successfully clearing the roundabout you can make out the hushed tones of green in the hazy heat of the desert and Spike is already charging ahead of you at the first shout of water.

Now every pony in the herd charged, breaking formation and making a b-line straight ahead. You laugh as the sudden rush knocks you off balance and the breeze sending a pleasant chill down the back of your neck. Celestia joins in your laughter as she helps you regain your bearings.

"I didn't think everyone would be so happy at the sight of a little pond."

"Nor did I. But you've all been in the sun for a very long time, must be torture for you all." Celestia says while giving a gentle smile.

"My clothes are practically a second skin now. I think I ought to bathe before we set out again."

Celestia laughs, the corners of her mouth turned up in a fit. Two feathers find their way to your collar and pinch the edge, drawing it back to reveal the droplets of sweat on the back of your neck.

"Yes, you could use a bath." She giggled again. The both of you share a laugh as you approach the small oasis and join the rest.

Tall, almost towering palm trees hung over head, providing plenty of shade. Exotic plant life and strange, reptilian creatures were scattered throughout the vegetation. Spike had plucked a peculiar fruit from one of the smaller palms and held it in his claws. It was round, yet edged and jagged. Like someone had cut it with a knife, compromising it's roundness. It had tiny hairs on it which gave it the appearance of being alive. He bit into it, and his eyes shot open in shock. It's juice flowed freely from Spike's mouth and he made a sound similar to that of a child's delight. He hastily handed you another one of the strange fruits and you took a bite. Curious of the source of his excitement.

The taste was unreal. It was the sweetest thing you've ever tasted. So sweet, you thought yourself a bee tasting nectar for the first time in it's life. You too made a sound of delight and passed one to the princess. Upon tasting the fruit she merely fell over. Taken so far aback by the sensation in her mouth. Once she came out of her hysteria she ate a few more and ordered that ever single one be pluck from their trees and packed away, as well as some the seeds. She even went as far as to name the new fruit after Spike. Calling it 'Spike-Apples'. A cheer erupted from the crowd of ponies as they all partook in the newly dubbed 'Spike-Apples'. Soon after she wandered off, exploring the oasis with a small team of ponies in hope of finding similar eatables.

You sat off to the side, just a few feet away from the pond with Spike. He was showing you more things he drew in his journal. And once again you were impressed by his talent. It wasn't long before a shy-looking stallion wandered over to you. His coat was a mocha brown and his mane a was a deep black which was pulled back tightly into a pony tail, which presented his very defined features and deep auburn eyes. He was taller than most. Around his neck hung a sandy scarf that hung over his chest. You recognized him immediately. He was captain of the company escorting you through the Badlands. His name was unfamiliar to you however and you only knew him by the slender canon held in place by two metal prongs presented on his flanks.

He introduced himself as Howitzer, though he often went by Howl and took a seat next to you and Spike. You hand him a Spike-Apple and he takes it kindly, leaning back on the itchy palm tree behind him.

"Hello Captain Howl, did you need something by chance?" You ask. After taking a bite he spoke, his voice soft, yet authoritative in its tones.

"Good day, Master Anon. I had hoped to speak to you since my briefing in Canterlot." You felt a tinge of embarrassment whenever anyone referred to you with the prefix of master. You always corrected it, claiming it was unfit to call a friend 'master'.

"Anon is just fine, Howl." You say. "You wanted to speak with me?"

No doubt he wished to know more about the strange being that he was to escort to an ancient city deep in the most dangerous place in Equestria.

"Yes. In fact I have many questions. Some that don't need answering right away, but others.."

"Ah, no doubt you want answers to the strange happenings. More so the Angels." Howl stared at you stunned. It wasn't a tough guess. You expected to be approached about it at some point by one of the soldiers.

"You must be a mind reader." He said, laughing to himself.

"Not at all. But I can guess what you may be wondering."

"Ah, so you must have an answer for me then? Of the beasts we fought yesterday?" Howl perked up. Now ready for your answers. But when you admitted that you didn't have any such answers, his expression was confused and his ears fell on their sides. You explained how you had no memory of who you were or where exactly you came from. Or the Angels that sought to destroy you. But that you were able to name them and that was all.

"Name them? Those beasts have names?"

You nod and you ask Spike for his journal. Flipping through the pages you stop at a sketch of an Archangel. You speak the name aloud and Howl echoes it back, letting it's name sink in.

"And you say you have absolutely -no- knowledge of them? Whatsoever?"


If Howl was worried by this, he didn't let it show. He still wore the same smile he had when he first approached you. He sighed, sinking further to the ground and resting his forehooves behind his head.

"We're in for a long journey then." He said chuckling.

For the next hour the three of you sat and exchanged small talk. You got to know a bit more about Howl and where he came from. And in turn he learned what little you knew about yourself and Spike's stories of Princess Twilight and her friends. However, you're interrupted when a soldier hastily approaches Howl. The stallion whispers in his ear, Howl's expression falling from cheery to worried.

"For how long..?" He asks quietly. You and Spike glance at each other, feeling the mood quickly shift into a heavier atmosphere. Moments pass before Howl stands and you can see the focus of the camp shift to the northern end of the oasis.

"Has the princess been informed?" Howl asks.

"Aye sir, just before I came here. She's already made to approach them. She's asked for the hum-" The younger stallion glances at you before continuing. "Master Anon." You made to stand, Spike quickly setting his journal aside to join you. Howl nods and the messenger is away.

"What has happened?" You ask.

"We were followed..." Howl says as he trots away. Now everyone was moving towards the northern edge of the oasis and through the bush you could see Celestia make her way across.


You found it odd to say the least. Who'd follow you through such a heat and windy sands. Could it be..? You immediately start off, following the momentum to the edge of the oasis. Once there, you approached Celestia, who stands patiently, eyeing the small mass adjacent to her through small binoculars.

Through the haze of the desert heat, you could somewhat make out their shape. They were four-legged, but had very distinct upper bodies. You've never seen the like before until now.

"Any idea who they may be?" You ask.

Celestia is silent for a long while before handing the binoculars to you. "You're not going to believe this." She says as you take the lenses in your hand. You remove your goggles from your eyes and peer through the dark holes of the binoculars. Through them the light of the desert flashes before your eyes adjust and you move to focus on the mass ahead of you.

"By the Styx..."

What you saw marveled you. You stared in awe at the impossibility of it. Through the lenses and over the many dunes that separated your party and theirs, stood Centaurs. You watched them as they approached. They were stark, towering like giants. They moved in unison and looked uniform. The same colored coat, the same muscle structure, the same chiseled features on their faces. And they all shared the same hazel colored eyes. The centaurs gave off an air of aloofness and look upon you with indifference. They now stood just five feet ahead of you, Celestia, Spike, and Howl. The others all watching from the shade.

No one made to speak first. Not even Celestia, who you could see studied them, never having seen them before. And nor they she, for they stared at her in slight curiosity. The leader, who you assumed, wore a cloak of the deepest red, a golden symbol of a star embroidered on it. He stepped forth, his massive legs crushing the sand beneath his hooves. He was particularly taller than the rest, and his hair trailed down like a mane and connected to his broad back. He spoke.

"You the Thealantro." He said. "Human." He pointed. His finger finding you.

You stood still, daring not to move. It surprised you, his language sounded just a tad bit different from your own. Then it occurred to you. He spoke just as you spoke when you first awakened. Before now, you had trouble completely understanding Equestrian language, which you had discovered was only slightly different from your native tongue. You spoke back, your voice slightly trembling with half excitement and fear.

"Yes. I am human. Do you know me?"

He said nothing at that. Instead his gaze shifted to Celestia, who was just a head shorter than he.

"You are Celestia. The one who moves the sola discus." This time, instead of pointing, he bowed. As well as the others about him. And even as he did, he was still very tall and massive. Celestia was visibly taken aback. Surprised, just as the ponies were around her, that these strange beings threw themselves at her hooves. She in turn, bowed to them out of politeness. And you did the same. The centaur arose and once again stood over you. He placed a hand over his heart before speaking.

"I am Ro'Jetty El'Hadaan, son of Ro'Bahram Delancha. We have seen your coming, and welcome you to The Sand."

The Sand? So this was their home? You thought to yourself. They lived here, in this scorching desert of fiery sand. You wouldn't have believed it if Spike hadn't told you of dragons who bathed in magma.

"I thank you, Ro'Jetty. But, how do you know of us?" Celestia asked.

The centaur looked about you all. Studying the many unique faces of ponies, a dragon, and human. A hint of a smile creased his lips as his hazel eyes found yours.

"The Citarum see many things on the desert winds. When the human awoke, our wise men saw it as a sign. I've been told that I would find you here, and found you I have."

Ro'Jetty smiles gently now. Seemingly more friendly than before. He stretches out his massive hand to you, his palm turned outward in a handshake. You found it funny, how your hand was so tiny in comparison. Celestia looks on, curious. Spike has been so fixated on the strange new happening that he can't take his eyes off of Ro'Jetty.

"We have much to talk about. Come, gather your belongings and let us be on our way." With that, he slowly turned away to join the other centaur. Now you moved closer to Celestia, who had been almost completely silent this entire time.

"What do you make of this, Anon? Centaurs! I've seen many things but never once did I dream of seeing a centaur!" She said, staring at Ro'Jetty as he returned to his party.

"And did you ever think to meet a human?"

"Oh of course not! But humans must be good luck. I've seen so many new things these past two days. Remind me to thank you at a more suitable time." She smiled wholeheartedly as she brushed passed you to relay the news to the soldiers who awaited her on the fringes of the oasis. Now only Spike, Howl, and yourself remained. Howl shifted from right to left in his stance. Eyeing down Ro'Jetty and his party with hostility. It unnerved you

"Captain Howl, is something wrong?" You ask. Wanting to address the matter and be done with it before it caused any trouble. His gaze doesn't leave the centaurs, but he speaks. Very softly, as if conspiring.

"They followed us. For miles, without any of us noticing... Doesn't that bother you?" You think to yourself. Why should it bother you? You had reason to believe they would be a great help. Did it matter if they moved across their homeland unseen to you?

"It does not. But I'm sure it bothers you. I warn you Howl, no good comes of unjust suspicion." He now turns to you. Staring you in the eye as if he was insulted somehow.

"Nor does it pay good will to be ignorant. Hear this: watch them. Everything we've encountered here has been out to kill us. For all we know they could be Angels in disguise." Howl leaves you before you could reply. Now it was just you and Spike who watched the oasis team with life as ponies moved back and forth.

"Wow...a real life centaur. Who would've guessed!?" Spike was scribbling away at a letter, excited to send it to Twilight as fast as he could. "She'll never believe it!" He cried out before setting it aflame.

"I can hardly believe it. A cross between human and horse. It makes you wonder.."

"Makes you wonder what?" Spike asked. But you stared off, your eye trying to find Celestia among the bushes and tall palms. Horses and humans, eh? You thought to yourself once more.

"It is nothing. Come Spike, we must make ready!"

You marched onward, Ro'Jetty leading the way. He said you were to journey to Tzipuur, their home. Supposedly, it was hidden beneath the sand and that only when one speaks the magic words, the gate way appears. You looked forward to see this strange magic. Now you walked along side Celestia who had been quiet for some time now. She was lost in her own excitement. You didn't doubt that she was compiling a list of questions of which to ask the elders upon your arrival. You had questions of your own, naturally. Questions regarding what Ro'Jetty meant by your awakening being a 'sign'. Once again you felt your curiosity cry out to be fed.

"Do you think they are the people the Voice spoke of?" Celestia asks, now breaking the silence that has accompanied for a long while.

"There's no doubt about it. They must be." You recall what your initial purpose was for meeting them. To acquire weapons in order to fend of the Angel attacks, who seemed to grow more powerful with each day. But now, you were filled with the desire to learn more about them than have them lend you weapons.

"And to think, they would be centaurs. They're so huge, much taller than yourself. They must have lived here for ages." Celestia chuckled at that.

"It's highly possible. This is where the tales came from."

"Yes, which makes me wonder. For them to look so human, what relation do they have to me? It could be possible that some survived the downfall."

"Is that what you think?" She asked.

"I can't be sure. But isn't it fascinating?"

The two of you exchange several different theories along the way. Spike was sending various messages to Twilight; which came frequently. It was well passed noon when Ro'Jetty and his men stopped, halting the entire march. Without looking at you, he spoke.

"We welcome you, to Tzipuur."

Ro'Jetty then turned away. And in one single magical instance, an utterance was made. And at first nothing. And then, as if he had raised Moses' staff into the air, the sand parted. It shimmered as it diverged. A long, deep gash dividing it in a schism, revealing ancient stone steps that led down into a dark cavern. Around you, the soldiers looked on in awe. Even Celestia, who in her long life had witnessed many things, but was still marveled by such a display.

You yourself looked on, feeling the sand blow against you, almost burying your feet in sand. You thought you had heard the words he spoke, but if you did, you had forgotten them as soon as you heard them. The sand finally subsided, and the way was clear to you. Ro'Jetty gave a swing of his trunk-like arm, gesturing you to follow as he started down the steps.

"Well? After you Anon." Celestia nudged you with a wing, pushing you forward.

You nodded and took the lead. Following Ro'Jetty down the steps and into the dark cavern. As the last of you spilled into the darkening stairway, the sand over top of you began to glide across the entrance, covering up what lay beneath. It sounded like the roaring tides. For a moment there was complete darkness and everyone halted from fear of causing an accident. You were about to speak and ask what were you to do with no light, but Ro'Jetty had already whispered another utterance. There, in that cold darkness.

"Lumin a Knakt."

You heard him that time. And it felt strange to hear the ancient words. So familiar, yet so distant in your memory. But with the utterance, light began to shine within the now sealed stair way. Hundreds of small stones, the size of fits began to glow in the wall. Some shining pale blue and deep shades of green. The light trail continued down the steps and into the darkness and the centaurs continued. Spike looked about him, eyeing the stones. It reminded him of the Diamond Dog caves in which he explored together with Twilight.

It felt like an eternity before the steps finally came to an end and you, along with your large party came to a halt. Ahead of you was something you'd never imagine. An entire village embedded in the earth. The hard roof of stone was high above you, and the luminescent stones shined even brighter in this large space. There were many buildings, as small as they were. But in towards the back a great house stood. It looking more like it was carved into the rock. It sloped upward into the wall side, giving it the impression it was an indenture of a building. As you looked about, you saw many centaurs, wide eyes observing you.

"There are so many!" Celestia whispered in your ear. She was so excited to see so many of them in one place. An entire new race for her to befriend and learn about.

Now as you walk through the roads towards the great house you could see the centaur people more closely. They all looked nearly identical, yet so much more unique in their own way. And it became apparent that Ro'Jetty wasn't just exceptionally tall, so were all of them. They were practically giants. They watched you, their heads slowly turning as you passed by. Some approached you, only stopping within feet of your convoy. Some attempted to lay hands on some of the stallions, who shied away, not knowing how to handle the sudden attention. Before long you reached the steps to the great house and Ro'Jetty turned to you.

"I will inform the elders of your arrival. I hope to see you again, Human." Ro'Jetty said. With his men, he turned into the great house and disappeared into it's dark halls.

"A city beneath the sand...." You murmur to yourself.

"Hmm?" Celestia stopped gazing at the wide cavern and turned her attention to you. "Is something on your mind?" She asks. You give it a moments thought, thinking to dismiss it, but deciding to tell her.

"I feel, in some way, at home. Agartha, may have been much like Tzipuur. It's like this place is a rendition of the original. Does it make you wonder Princess? The centaurs I mean. Could they be some descendant race of human origin?"

"Perhaps. Tales of centaurs have been around even longer than I have. Though only in mythos. Now to see them in all their splendor. Well, it's quite remarkable."

Another few moments passed before someone ushered you in. Though only you, the princess, and Spike were permitted to enter. The rest would wait patiently in the courtyard for your return. Howl a lot to say about that. The halls of the great house were dimly lit, the occasional luminescent stone lighting the way ever so slightly. There was no sound, save for the loud echoes of your feet on the cold stone floor. As you passed through the corridor you could hear murmurs. Whispers of you, the only human, and that of a 'Kharo', eternal. But they said little of the small dragon who walked along closely with you.

You came to two large, heavy stone doors. They seemed to stretch high into the ceiling until there was darkness. Intricate carvings edged into the masonry. The centaur who led you stood silently, and motioned you to enter. The doors groaned to life and a sliver of light peered out from where they split and gave way to a large fire in the center of a great council room shaped like a drum. All three of you stepped in and as you looked about you, you saw many centaur. Their faces unseen, hidden by the shifting shadows cast by the dancing fire. They sat on seats that rose with each tier along the swooping walls, going up four rows. Many wore thick grey robes, while some were dressed as Ro'Jetty.

It was silent. The only sound being the crackle of the fire and the closing ancient door behind you. The three of you stood, the epicenter of everyone's focused gaze. Finally, a voice called to you among the shadowed elders that sat patiently. A low, grating voice.

"Child of silenced voices. State your business here in The Sand. Why have you come to our home?"

A single centaur stood. His face was ancient, creased with the wrinkles of time and bearded by his experience. His mane was braided on both sides and swooped backwards down his curved back. He stood adjacent to you, behind the fire pit, the fire reflecting in his old grey eyes.

"We come seeking an answer to a question." You reply. You can see every centaur in the room slight raise higher, now interested in what you have to say.

"Ask your question, thealantro."

Everyone leaned in to hear this great question that had been brought before you. Their gaunt faces becoming more and more interested by the second.

"What befell the humans of Agartha, long ago beneath the earth."

Whispers broke out, those of the council exchanged murmurs between one another. The eldest raised a hand and there was silence once more. He stood in silence for a moment, and then a moment more before finally-

"A great tragedy I can assure you, happened, thousands upon thousands of years ago. Before The Sand, -was- the sand. We may be able to help you, human. For you see, you are like us."

You perked up the slightest bit at that. You exhaled deeply as you felt relief wash over you. As well as excitement.

"Like me? In what way?"

"In many ways. But first, approach us. Let me see you."

His ancient hand beckoned you over and you approached. Walking around the great pit of fire and onto the other side. You now stood before four very old centaurs. Identical, yet distinct. For moments you stood awkwardly, being the subject of everyone's interest. The awed at your form. You were what they were not. Human.

"When we saw your awakening, we did not think you'd return to the Sand. For we thought the Kharo had stolen you from your resting place." He pointed a slender finger at Celesta, who now blushed slightly in the dark room. Stolen? It was hardly her fault, she couldn't have known you'd somehow be alive inside the stone. And what was the purpose of addressing her as 'Eternal'.

"If I was stolen, I have been returned." The elder smiled at that and descended the shallow stairs, his long shadow following him.

"Indeed you have. To uncover the truth behind your people's demise. As did we, to an extent. But alas, child of Agartha, the gateway into the city has remained closed for thousands of years. I'm afraid it is impossible to reach the slumbering city now."

He placed a hand on your shoulder to confide you. It hardly worked. Just hearing the words were a huge blow. You've come this far just to learn that it'd be useless to even enter.

"But you know the city well, don't you? The great city of kings."

"Actually, I do not. I have only the slightest memory of it. Which reminds me. We have been pursued by black beasts called Angels. Have you heard of them?"

The room was taken aback by the mention of the beasts. Many cried out that it was absurd that you had saw them and called you a liar.

"Indeed, we have heard. We know. In our ancient books, they dance along the pages. Proclaiming the downfall of the human race. Yes, we know them well."

"Then...you have means to fight them?" The elder grew silent. He stepped back surprised.

"Yes. We do. But how could you have known..?" You wouldn't dare tell them of the Voice that spoke to you. It was something that made you extremely uncomfortable.

"I knew not. I merely assumed."

"Do not lie to me human. You heard the Vox. The Voice."

A ice cold shiver crawled up your spine and all the hairs on your body stood on end. The room was dead silent once more and the elder's eyes stared into you. How? How could they know of the Voice? Were you not the only one it spoke to?

"Yes... The Voice has spoken to me."

A frown slowly fell onto his face and he clasped his hands behind him. He thought to himself, silently, motionless. Celestia and Spike looked on in confusion. Bemused by the strange happening as they looked around and saw that others did the same. It felt like an eternity before he spoke again.

"My name is Talmon. We have much to talk about, thealantro."