• Published 2nd May 2015
  • 5,163 Views, 60 Comments

The Last Human - Crooked Djinn

That slumbering city waits. Waiting for its last child to come home. To unravel its mysteries as it sleeps patiently, under the burning sand. Agartha. It waits for you. Step into a world of adventure and fantasy.

  • ...

La Máquina Voladora

"Not that I don't appreciate the offer but, why do you wish to come with me to Ishtar?"

You and Celestia sit in the spacious drawing room. The light breeze from the open windows creating a sense of lightheartedness around the both of you.

"Because I simply want to, is that so bad?" She said.

A tiny silver fork finds it's way to a slice of cake and carries itself into the princess' mouth. "This is the perfect opportunity to learn more about your culture and civilization, should you come to remember anything along way. Consider me a tourist, here to explore and witness your world." Another slice of cake waltzes into the greedy princess' mouth.

"But what of your kingdom? What will they do while your away? It could be dangerous to come with me."

"You worry too much Anon. I have a younger sister who rules along side me. And as a safety precaution I'll appoint a regent to help her with the day-to-day tasks. And how did you plan to get to Ishtar? Did you plan to walk?"

You're silent, folding your arms and leaning back in your seat. You hadn't thought about it at all. "I would have thought of something, given time."

The clanking of silverware on porcelain rings out and an attendant collects the dish with practiced ease. Then scurries away.

"No, I don't think you would have." She says, dabbing away the crumbs in the corners of her mouth.

"Then what do you propose Princess?"

Just then she suddenly stands and motions you towards one of the very tall windows that frame the horizon. You join her, looking out into the palace gardens. The same gardens you had awaken to just a week prior. But over the hedge lines you can see huge white sheets that span the sky almost like clouds. Little dots move up and down, carrying what seem like ropes, passing them to and fro. "What is that?" You ask, dumbfounded by the gigantic contraptions.

Celestia chuckles, looking down at you. An excited smile creeping on her face. "Anon, what do you know of air travel?"

"Air travel? I can't say I know anything of the sort."

You turn to her, curious. But she denies any further explanation. "You'll see soon enough. It's always fun to see the look on ponies faces on their first flight." is all she gives you as she turns and makes her way out of the large room.

"I must attend to a few errands before everything is ready for our departure. Meet with me on Air-Dock A4 within the next hour."

The last thing you see is her multicolored tail wisp beyond the threshold of the door. Leaving you alone in the drawing room. You turn back toward the window with a sigh and rest on the sill. It was nice today, the cool autumn air conducted the many birds south and the hushed tones of brown and orange leaves gathered around the trees as children gather for wise words under their elders. You thumb the inside of the pouch secured on your belt, rubbing your thumb and index finger along the sides of the circular stone piece inside. What was it's purpose? You often wondered, trying desperately to recall meaning to it, feeling you would know of it if only you had the slightest clue. And what of the Angels? How by some chance did you recognize them and find their name among the things you did not recall? Pulling the round stone from your pouch you hold it up so that it aligns with the sun. Eclipsing it, but allowing a single beam of light to pass through the center. It pulled you south, just as the wind pulled the birds. You could feel the Ishtar calling to you. You heard it's voice constantly. "I am here. I await you. Come to me. I am here!" You replace the stone back in it's proper place, fastening the buckle so that it stays kept. The answer to your biggest question lay deep within the Badlands. Waiting for you to rediscover yourself and your lost history. Oh the things you could teach this new species. If only you could remember.

You now stood with Celestia on Air-Dock A4. A gigantic dock for seemingly even larger ships. You can't help but marvel at the sight of the particular ship in front of you. The Radiant Dawn. It was tall, it was wide and stretched from end to end of the dock. There where two other ships accompanying this one. The Amalthea and The Heavenly Marigold. Both fantastic ships, but neither as splendid as the former. It takes a pat on the back from Celestia to awaken you from your trance.

"Amazing isn't it? This is only a scrap of what we've been able to gather from Human technology over the centuries." She beams with pride, waving at the sailors aboard the massive ships. They greet her warmly, sailors going "Hi Princess!" or "Hello M'lady!" as they pass by and going about their jobs. Celestia notices five peculiar looking mares approaching your pair and nudges you for attention. A purple horse with wings and a horn that match Celestia's own. Two pegasi, one light blue and the other a very timid yellow. A unicorn who's coat could match the ivory towers of Canterlot. An an earth pony. A comfortable orange shade, with a hay-colored mane. And also another, which you almost failed to notice riding atop the alicorn's back. A small purple reptile with green spines and eyes that mirrored emeralds.

"Princess Twilight, it's wonderful to see you again." Celestia bows, you do the same, acknowledging her royalty.

"It's great to see you too. I'm glad we made it in time to see you off. But, do you really have to go?" Twilight looks worried and rightfully so. From what you've heard, the Badlands was one of the most dangerous locations in the world. Roaming tribes of djinn. Ravenous sand worms. And colossal-

"And you must be Anon!" Princess Twilight derails your train of thought harder than an avalanche and within seconds she's on you. Prodding and trying her best to squeeze information out of you.

"It's an honor to be able to meet someone so old! You're like a well of knowledge just waiting to be be tapped!" Your hand is trapped between her powerful purple hooves as she shakes it rapidly. And did she call you old?

"I get that he's old an' all. But what the hay is he? Some sort of monkey?" the cyan pegasus hovers over you, the beat of her wings blowing your hair back and preventing you from looking up at her.

"I haven't seen any sort of monkey like him, Dash. Maybe he's a magical creature." the yellow pegasus by the name of Fluttershy eyes you shyly, silently asking permission to examine the strange features that accompany your body. Like your many fingers and bipedal legs. Your seemingless hairless body and distinct eyes.

"No, I'm not an ape, nor a magical creature. I am simply human."

Dash recoils back instantly. Shocked for a reason you can't fathom. "It...It can talk!?"

"Of course he can Dash, he's only part of a race known mostly for their wisdom. Hello, I am Twilight Sparkle and I look-"

"ahem -Princess- Twilight Sparkle!"

Twilight shifts her gaze behind her at the white mare, covering her mouth with a hoof and staring off to the side. One large, heavily lashed azure eye finds the princess' own before she adjusts herself, standing tall and proud.

"Well you are a Princess."

"Her title ain't the only thing about 'er Rares." Now the pony in the brown stetson speaks, seemingly rough around the edges but you could tell she was kind and gentle.

"Nor is it anything to be overlooked." The one called Rarity turns her nose up into the air.

"Dang'it Rarity, why can't you treat 'er normal like? She's still the same ol' Twi."

You could tell that these two must lock horns often. You can see Twilight roll hers eyes and attempt to pry them apart, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy watching.

"Princess, are they always like this?" you whisper to Celestia.

Celestia laughs and nods casually. "You'll have to forgive them. They've been friends for a few years but I don't think they've quite figured out how to not step on each others nerves."

The gentle tug of your robes beckons your attention downward and your eyes meet the reptilian gaze of the small purple dragon.

"And who might you be?" you say as you bend your knees to get a closer look at it.

"The names Spike. Spike the Dragon, so you're going to the Badlands with Princess Celestia, huh? You wouldn't happen to need, oh I dunno, a fire breathing mailbox would you?"

His teeth fit perfectly alongside one another in a great big smile. Spike, like many other youthful spirits, yearned for adventure. Exploring the unknown, discovering hidden treasures and becoming known throughout the world. You feel you can very well empathize with him but...

"I'm afraid not Spike." Celestia leans in offering a comforting smile with her decline. "It's very dangerous where we're headed and I'd hate to see you get hurt. Besides," Her eyes wander over his head to see Twilight trying her hardest to control her rowdy bunch of friends. "What would Twilight do without her number one helper?"

"But I can be more than that! Just give me the chance to prove it. You won't even have to pay me, I'll stay out of your way and I won't-"

"Spike?" Twilight approaches him from behind. Spike relents a sigh of defeat then turns to face her.

"Yeah?" he says flatly.

"Have you seen Pinkie? She was just here." You notice the five mare's changes in attitude, more cautious and ready for anything. Even Celestia is now more reserved than usual, carefully looking over her shoulder, the way you check to see if someones behind you in the dark.

"You didn't hear? Said something about a surprise and.....Uh oh.." You can physically see the chill that crawls up Spike's spine as he slowly turns to you, sweat hanging off the tip of his brow.

"Okay, we probably don't have much time left. You never met her so you wouldn't know, but our friend Pinkie has a thing about parties. She may come from anywhere... Listen, just stay calm and you should be-"

The rest of Spike's briefing is buried in the sound of every canon on the Radiant Dawn blasting into the air. Accompanied by loud brass horns and what seems like a million drums. It startles you out of your wits. You're frozen in fear and you feel your body go cold. The collective screams of the ponies around you and the sailors on board add to the chaotic sounds. Atop the ships tallest mass is a hopping pink pony with an eyeglass. Spying for something you can't see. The eyeglass finds you in it's center and you step back. Confetti now drifted from the sky with smoke still rising from the canons.

"Ahoy! Permission to come ashore Princess!" A high pitched voice calls out from the crow's nest. You turn to Celestia who's tired expression makes her look old and completely ready to retire. But it breaks and her familiar smile takes it place. Using her wings to project her voice by circling her mouth like hands, she calls back.

"Permission granted Pinkie!"

Jumping high into the air, Pinkie somersaults her way higher her way higher into the air. A rope clasped tightly in her mouth. Just like a tether ball she spirals down the mass while effortlessly striking daring and bold poses like a stunt man. The pink blur of a pony nears the base of the mass before flinging herself once more into the air, flying over the railing of the ship and landing directly in front of you. She stands on her hind legs, both forelegs raised in the air. The biggest smile you've ever seen plastered right where her mouth should be.

"Bon voyage Mr. Stone Guy~!"

You still haven't recovered. The shock was too great. It's impossible to count how many beats your heart made. But it slows as well as the incredibly loud music playing from God knows where. Once again your hand is shaken with enough force to tear it off.

"My name is Pinkamena D'iane Pie and it's a super duper pleasure to meet you!"

Spike crawls away, too tired to deal with what's been dealt to you.

"And a pleasure to meet you, Miss Pie..." You say that but you're not entirely sure if that's the case.

"Pinkie! Did you have to commandeer an airship like that? What if you broke something?" Twilight says, her magical aura encasing Pinkie's body and lifting her upside down while turning her around.

Pinkie giggles, not knowing the error of her ways. "Lighten up Twilight. It's bad luck for frowny faces before a cruise."

Twilight and her friends give a collective sigh; all now accustomed to this mad pony's flaunts of enthusiasm. Another tug at your tunic draws your attention. Spike is once again below you now on his knees and clasping his hands, begging for you to take him along.

"Take me away from here!"

You look to Celestia for advice, but you're surprised to find that she's no longer standing beside you. You search around for her, your eyes scouting the entire dock but she's nowhere to be found. You have no other options but to look back down at Spike's pleading stare.

"Listen lad. Perhaps when you're a bit older and I fully recover my memories, we can have a little adventure of our own. But for now, you should be patient and hone your skills so that you're of use to me in the future. Can you do that?" You pat him on the head. His fins on his head drooping down in disappointment.

"Yeah, I understand.."

Satisfied with his answer you rise and he sulks over to Twilight and her friends. They stand in a V-formation, looking similar to their stain-glass counterparts in the many halls of Canterlot. The legendary Elements of Harmony.

"Anon! How long are you going to keep me waiting?" Celestia calls to you from the large airship.

"I'll be right there Princess!" You holler back before turning to Twilight. "Well Princess Twilight it's been wonderful meeting you all. But now I must be off to Ishtar."

Twilight nods and her friends say their goodbyes. Though you hardly know them, you could tell that you all have the chance to become great friends someday.

"Take care, and we're all rooting for you." They all nod as you turn away and make way toward the gangplank. An ear piercing whistle sounds on all three ships signaling the time to depart. Celestia waits for you near the helm of the ship and you climb the many stairs to the highest point of the ship excluding the sails.

"Tell me more about air travel. Will we be literally flying through the air?"

Many ponies make their way across the deck carrying rope, charts, and tools to different parts of the ship. Celestia still hasn't answered your question, instead another question occupies her time.

"Your majesty, are you and the human ready for departure?" A brash, hearty stallion lazily leans back on the wheel. Casually twirling a pipe in his mouth. His beard so abrasive it could like matches.

"We are ready when you are Captain." She turns to him, pulling down her newly acquired air goggles that fit her eyes perfectly. "You may want to hang on." She leans down closer to you to give you this one and only piece of advice. You abide her and take a firm hold on the railing. Preparing for whatever this flying machine had in store.

"Weigh anchor! I wanna be up faster than hot air!" The captain shouts over the helm, his pipe threatening to tumble out of his screaming mouth.

Suddenly, you feel a terrible shudder travel along the ships frame. It reverberates throughout your entire body, traveling from your feet and rattling your brain inside your skull. The ship roars to life and picks itself out of the water with a great groan of power. You can hardly stand. Forced to hold the railing as tightly as you can so you don't fall off. At the stern of the ship you could see giant circular tubes that expelled a type of thin, sparkly gas, most likely the work of magic. The force of the ship rapidly rising into the air was enough to press your entire body to the floor. Below, Twilight and her friends wave you all off. Each of them looking like dots of paint as the ships climb higher into the clouds. The pit in your stomach settles as the ships slows its ascent into the high-noon sky. The sun casts a perfect shadow across the dock, giving the impressions of great wales sailing through the sky. You can hardly believe it. But you had been stone a week prior, not to mention the strange creatures that emerged from the Everfree. What else did this world contain?

"Such power.. And you say this is but a fragment of what you've learn from humans?"

"Correct. Though our engines are powered by magic, humans were able to build flying cities without the use of such abilities. Imagine, the flying city of Vimana, a city among the clouds."

"It's hard to imagine. I can hardly believe we're flying. How recent is this technology?" You ask. The wind was starting to dry your eyes so you protect them with your goggles.

"Just about fifty years. It took a rather long time and much trial and error. It used to be done with a team of unicorns casting levitation spells. Only recently have we discovered the automatic engine."

You listen, amazed by their progress. And so intrigued about the inner workings of magic. Was there any logic to it? Or was it as whimsical as simply desiring something and creating it from the mind? And why could only unicorns use it? Was it because of their horns? Did they act as conductors to a certain energy that all ponies had? So many questions.

"Princess, on your order." The captain stands at the helm, eyeing the both of you across his shoulder and his pipe blowing smoke higher into the air. Instead of Celestia issuing the command like everyone aboard anticipated. She comes closer to you, almost a whisper asking "Would you like to give the command?"

You don't give it a second thought and step forward. The glare of the sun reflecting in your lenses and you adjust them to get a better view of the ship. All eyes were on you, waiting to get underway.

"To the Ishtar!"

The Ishtar. The mouth of the Badlands and gateway to your past. Once again you find yourself thumbing the circular stone in your pouch. Feeling it's texture and tracing it's runes with your fingers. The three ships turn in unison, clockwise and steady. The Radiant Dawn's figurehead; two Ipotanes locking hands that now pointed south. Pointing beyond the horizon it seemed. The whirring sound of the magical engines propelled the ships forward, escaping the pull of Canterlot and entering into open sky.

"Come with me inside Anon. We need to talk about our plans." Celestia says as she starts down the stairs. The wind was so harsh that it made you thankful for being petrified with your goggles. As they did well to shield your eyes. You take one last look at the passing clouds and birds that soared just beside the ships and follow Celestia inside. Moving about the ship while in motion felt weird. Like moving in an elevator or walking up and down an escalator.

The inside of the ship was just as extravagant as the outside. After removing your goggles you can see the deep royal blue carpet that stretched along the many corridors inside the deck. Magically lit lanterns hung on the walls and valuable paintings of important ponies kept watch of the hall. Celestia leads you into a quiet room with a long and narrow table with dozens of maps plastered on the back wall. She takes the seat on the far end and you grab the one next to her. The room isn't too brightly lit, giving it the impression of a military briefing room. Perhaps it was, this ship was equipped with eighty cannons.

"It's smooth sailing from her Anon. We will arrive in Ishtar by this time tomorrow. But, what I want to know is this; what do you think is there?" She leans her head on her hooves. Painting the image of a military leader fantasizing about the spoils of war. Her ears stood straight up like towers and she held a contemplative stare.

"I can't say that I know. But I look forward to finding out."

"..Yes, as do I. Now, once we come insight of the Ishtar we will land a few miles off and march into the Badlands."

"Why is that?"

Celestia levitates an old scroll from a basket behind her. It rolls across the length of the table, nearly covering all of it. You can make out rough pencil sketches along it's surface but it was impossible to make out what you were looking at. Before you can inquire about the strange markings you see Celestia's horn start to glow, giving the room a slightly more brighter and warmer feeling. The pencil lines on the scroll began to shimmer and waver on the surface before emitting light into the air. Light forms in a solid construct, hovering above the scroll. You could now make out mountains, landmarks, and different features. It was a holographic topographic map. Sharp jagged mountains encircled the barren desert land like a bowl containing clay. Celestia moved the projection this way and that, trying to find what she was searching for. The hologram came to a stop at the entrance. A tall wall marking the boarder of the Badlands and the rest of the world. It wasn't very detailed but it didn't need to be. It proved the point that the gate was very large and very impressive. You began to feel intimidated by your own fallen ancestors.

"Amazing. Is this magic? Or a machine that imposes the images in the air?"

"A combination of both. The scroll itself is laced with projectors. As you can see the many dots that outlay the scroll. But it takes just a tiny spark of magic to activate and move the projection."

"I grow more impressed the more I see your technologies. Now, why must we march to the Ishtar?"

Celestia nods and her horn glows brighter and on the map a dome descends around the circumference of of the enclosed space.

"For reasons unknown the Badlands negates any and all magic. Our airships will not be able to carry us within several miles of the Ishtar."

"Negates all magic? Then how will we defend ourselves?"

The image of the arid desert collapses into the scroll. Another smaller scroll is placed on top. It is the same as the previous but with different markings and what seem to be pictographs.

"You haven't noticed? Aboard the Amalthea and Merigold are a small army of fifty stallions. We'll have no trouble should the expedition take us deeper into the Badlands."

This time the image of a stallion, aligned with several weapons, float in front of you. A spear, a crossbow made to be wielded by a pony, swords, firebombs, and other various tools and weapons.

"Did you bring this many with you when on your first expedition?" You ask.

"No. Before, nothing was known of the Badlands other than it being barren country. Our first day we were ambushed by Ifrits. We were hardly able to fight them off. It was pure luck that we were able to make friends with them."

Celestia now clears the table and replacing the scrolls in the basket behind her. She reaches for the crown that sits idly upon her head, removing it and turning it face-side to stare into the azure stone that dots the middle.

"I have one more question." She sounds a lot more firm than before. A book materializing in midair before gently settling on the table. She slides it to you, never taking her eyes off her crown.

"Starswirl the Bearded's Grimoire of Orders of the Natural World and Human Dealings. Princess?"

"What we saw in the Everfree. You called them Angels. What else do you know about them?"

"I know nothing, just the name."

Now her eyes finally find yours. Her gaze intimidating, fierce, but yet in a sense, gentle.

"Anon, these creatures may very well pose a threat to the whole of Equestria. Another reason why I am here with you. I need to know what we may be up against. Tonight I want you to research them. Starswirl once traveled throughout the world; collecting fables, rituals, descriptions of any beasts tied to the humans while also recording Equestria history."

"...And you think the Angels are tied to me?" You gingerly take the book. It's hard leather surface sliding along with your fingertips.

"Do you think they aren't? They emerged the very same day you did and only you were able to name them. I've lived a long life, Anon. You learn to never pass anything off as coincidence."

Celestia rests her crown atop her head once more. "I'm not trying to antagonize you. But I will take necessary action if you are found to be a danger to Equestria. Do you understand?" She stands, making you feel small in your seat. Her eyes watch you carefully. For any motion, any kind of body language that may place you under suspicion.


It was becoming rather hard to breath and you begin to feel a bit sick in the stomach. But just like that it passes as Celestia slowly exhales and smiles. Friendly, without any trace of hostility. It relieves you but also frightens you.

"I will retire for today. Your quarters will be next to mine. Take a look around the ship if you like; it's very beautiful."

She exits without looking back in your direction. Once again she leaves you alone, leaving you lost in your own thoughts. Your fingers run along the spine of the bestiary. Tracing every bump and feeling the rough texture in which binds the tome. It feels ancient and smells like an old library, likely of which it was plucked from the shelves, away from it's neighbors and into your hands. In the middle; between the four embroidered edges is a large seal. A bronze unicorn. You save it for later, tucking it inside your robe.

It's been many hours since you've last seen Celestia. Your nose has been stuck in the heavy tome authored by the great Starswirl. Countless creatures and places, many tales and legends. Your eyes ache from staring into the black and beige pages all day. The only light source in your room was a porthole, which had become void of any light as the sun had set a few hours before, and two lit lanterns, both placed on opposite sides of the comfortable cabin. Occasionally the ship would rock from side to side, swaying and rocking the lanterns, distorting and bending all the shadows in the room.

The book closes with a heavy flop and you move your seat back to stand. Your legs feeling numb after being idle for so long. You now know a decent amount of knowledge even though you doubt you'll retain it come tomorrow. There was hardly any information on the Angels sadly. The closest you came to Angels were conjured shadow beasts. But they hardly fit the description of the monsters you saw.


It feels strange to speak the word out loud. And even stranger to speak to none but the air. How long had you been alone in here? Exactly how many years had you spent in stone? A million? Perhaps so, but for now you must concentrate on the morrow. Thinking back, you already knew what it looked like thanks to the strange vision you received in the Everfree. Would you be shown another once you reach the gate? Something about a clue....what could that possibly be?

A slow, lazy yawn escapes you and you stretch, popping your rested bones and turn toward the bed. Flopping down like a exhausted work mule. So soft. You sank so deep into the mattress you begin to grow afraid that you may be lost if your sank too deep. Your eyes are becoming heavy now and your mind begins to slip between the cracks of consciousness. One blink, then two more, and another. Just before you shut your eyes for the final time, you see a tall, slim shadowy figure.

You immediately bolt up in your bed. Your heart nearly stopping and the coldest sweat dripping off your brow. What was this feeling? This sense of dread? Did you really see anything? Maybe it was your mind playing tricks on you. You are very tired, after all. But the shape keeps you still, burned into your mind. It seemed familiar but alien and horrifying. Had you seen it somewhere before? If you wanted to sleep at all tonight, you might as well relinquish the thought. Slowly, your bare feet touch the wooden floor of your cabin. Shaking and afraid, the prospect of something grabbing you from under the bed being all too real. The lanterns began to die now causing the shadows to creep up onto the walls. This too seemed familiar, like a darkness enveloping you. You'll be smothered in it if you stay in here any longer. Leave!

Your on your feet like lightning and make for the door. The thump-thump-thump of your feet sounding on the wood floor. But you stop suddenly. The shadows crawling down to the floor as the light slowly perishes. A ringing in your ears grows loud, almost unbearable. You're dizzy, your mind feeling as if it will split open. Your knees give way and you begin to tumble. Your shaking hand trying desperately to grab something and stop your fall. It grabs nothing but your belt, pulling it with you onto the floor. Hitting the floor with a thud you lay motionless. The stone that sat secured in belt pouch rolled out. It possibly being the source to the ringing in your ears. You can see it rolling, sounding like a round marble gliding along the surface of polished wood. It falls. The ringing in your ears louder, so loud you want to scream! The shadows now silently creep around your body, encasing you just like the stone had. Again your eyelids feel heavy. But you resist the urge to close them, too afraid to be defenseless in your current state. You fail, falling into a sleep. The last thing you hear being echos of footsteps.