• Published 2nd May 2015
  • 5,163 Views, 60 Comments

The Last Human - Crooked Djinn

That slumbering city waits. Waiting for its last child to come home. To unravel its mysteries as it sleeps patiently, under the burning sand. Agartha. It waits for you. Step into a world of adventure and fantasy.

  • ...

Reaching Totality

Your eyes fluttered open to your former cabin on the Radiant Dawn. You felt as though your body no longer weighed as much as a castle. The medical team did their job well. It was quiet in the small cabin, as well as drafty. Mainly due to the fact your only clothing were your pants. You sit up and look yourself over. Scars riddled your body up and down. But the biggest marker was the large scar on your lower abdomen. Where you to a rod through the side. As you brushed your fingers over the scar lightly, you could feel the rough patch of skin that been sewn shut and covered in some sort of ointment. The wood floor beneath you warmed your feet as you stand. A slight dizziness hit you as you stood, causing your vision to blacken for a moment. You may have been still recovering.

When you looked around your room, you found nothing in regards to clothing, not even in the wardrobe. The only article of your clothing you find is the pair of tinted goggles hanging on the door handle and the aegis on the desk. Equipping both the aegis and goggles, you ready yourself to venture out of the cabin. You hadn't forgotten the dream from last night. That talk with Amalthea in an Agartha constructed from your own memory. It warmed your heart to know that end the end, she had faith in you. If people could overcome their own grudges for the sake of the happiness of others, then your world may have been a very different place back in the day.

Reflecting on your past actions, you begin to feel your grudges and anger simmer down. It had only been a few days, Howl's death still bothered you. Even if at the time you felt he deserved it, it still made you a murderer. Howl's death, Spike's, and the fifty were all on your hands. Soon the truth would have to come out to Celestia. One could only hope she finds it in herself to forgive you. Finally opening the door, you move out into the carpeted hall.

The hall was empty. You expected to see everyone running back and forth in preparation for the coming fight. Yet there was no one. Could it be they had all gathered somewhere? Celestia said she'd be gathering all Equestria had, maybe there was some kind of meeting? You continued down the hall, slowly getting your barrings. Then as you the end, a presence fills the air. You turn on a dime, looking behind you. But no one is there, the hall remains empty. Could it have been nothing? A hallucination? Turning back ahead you press on, only to be stopped once more. This time by a voice.

"Looks like you've really made a mess of things, haven't you?"

A low, mocking voice besets your ears. One that was unpleasantly familiar to you.

"I had wondered if you'd even get this far, human. But here you are, good as new, and ready to take on the world! Bravo."

A distant clap then filled the hall, then followed by even more applauds.

"Show yourself to me! I'm not in the mood for games," you demanded. Though you were unarmed you didn't hesitate to throw your fists at whoever was taunting you.

"So impolite. Is that how you would greet your old friend after so long?"

"I apologize. But all my old friends have been dead for a very long time. I ask again, show yourself."

A crow then fluttered past you, cawing madly. It stopped at the top of the stairs leading out onto the deck, it's tiny black eyes staring at you. In its eye, you could sense a familiarity. A dreadful feeling that made you sluggish. The crow cawed once more before vanishing in a puff of black smoke which moved through the cracks of the door. You certainly weren't in the mood for any of this. Whoever was toying with you at least showed no sign of ill intent. So you follow the crow up the stairs and move through the big double doors and onto the open air deck.

You found Celestia engaged in conversation with a few important looking ponies. Everyone was yet to notice you emerge from the cabins, all but one. Next to Celestia stood an amalgamation of many beasts. A madman's living menagerie. Two horns, one from a deer, the other a goat's. A long black mane ran from its horse-like head, down its feathered weasel-like body, and ended at its scaled reptilian tail. Two tiny wings latched onto its back, one bird's the other's bat. The beast's left arm was that of an eagle, dried and chaffing. The right arm, a lion's, clawed and ravenous. And the beast stood on two legs, both as chaotic as the rest of it. One's horse, the other's lizard. A grotesque display of forbidden magic. A proper chimera.

It lazily leaned on Celestia, yawning as it peered over its shoulder at you. Its eyes were a sickly yellow and red, much like that of angels. A single sharp tooth protruded down from its lopsided smile. A smile directed at you in some sort of greeting. It waved its paw at you then turned back towards Celestia to whisper something. Celestia herself then looked at you, flashing a warm and genuine smile. You couldn't help but not return it. Deeply troubled by the thing next to her, you reflexively will the aegis to life.

"As rude as ever I see." the voice whispers in your ear.

The voice now came from behind you, and without any observable explanation, the beast is behind you. You dart away, whirling on your feet to face its hunched figure. Arms held neatly behind its back.

"After all we've been through, you treat me like some sort of beast. A monster!"

It wiped an acidic tear from its eye and continued to pout. You continued to back away, eventually bumping into Celestia who took you in her wings.

"Celestia, who might that be? I've never seen its like before... at least nothing as extreme."

Celestia sighed as she looked up at the beast in question, it standing proudly with a smile.

"This is Discord, Lord of Chaos."

The beast, now named Discord, glided over to you.

"After so long we finally meet Solomon. It's been too long, really."

You step out from Celestia's wings and approach the creature.

"You talk as if you know me. Who are you?"

A large frown then drooped down its face, followed by a cheerful grin. Discord disappeared again, this time appearing next to Celestia, resting his elbow on her back.

"You know, Queen Sunshine here and I go waaay back. A thousand years or so ago." He then prodded Celestia in the side. "Go on then. Tell him about your old pal, Discord."

Celestia rolled her eyes at him, pushing him away. You stood still, waiting for an explanation. Given that the two knew each other, it was safe to assume Discord at least meant no harm to any of you.

Celestia then stepped forward.

"A thousand years ago, when all Equestria was ruled by chaos, Discord reigned supreme."

"That is until Sunny Flanks over here gave your boy the long, stone sleep. Oh! Much like you!" Discord interrupted.

Celestia sighed and continued.

"Since then, Discord has been, more or less, reformed. Though he be a being of great disharmony, I believe his help will be needed now."

"Disharmony..." you echo back to yourself. "Then, you're..."

You look at Discord again, his eyes instantly honing in on yours. At that moment, he knew you understood. Discord bowed deeply, an act without any sort of sarcasm.

"Sandalphon, at your service. After so long, we finally meet face to face."

Celestia then looked to Discord in surprise. Her suspicions had been proven completely. You fold yours tightly in an attempt to keep them from striking the beast then and there.

"You're the one who guided me in breaking the seals on Heaven's Door."

"That is correct." Discord replied lazily, inspecting his claws.

"Why? You knew what was happening. Why didn't you stop us?"

All eyes were on the both of you now, including Celestia's. Though you were near ready to pummel the beast, he remained calm.

"Come now, Solomon. Empathize with me a little. Had you been stuck in a never ending void, surely you would have done any means necessary to escape such an extreme and ultimate boredom. I'm a being who must have something happening at all times. Something to influence. Most of all I need entertainment. I don't take well to being trapped."

"You were bored? That's your reason!?"

"Nothing but the truth, my good man. Besides, you got what you wanted in the end, right? Your 'brother' fused with mine, just like you wanted. Though I never expected everything would come to a head like this. I'm glad I'll be around to see it."

You began to march towards him. But before you can get your hands around his neck, Celestia pulls you back.

"Fighting amongst each other now will only set us back. What's done is done." she said softly.

Discord agreed and materialized a lounge chair with the snap of his fingers.

"The most important thing is that I'm here now. Thank me that I give enough of a damn to offer aid." he said, kicking back in his chair. It didn't sit right with you. Working with someone like him. But if Celestia could trust him, then there must be some use for him. You relent and calm yourself. After all, your energy would have to be saved for the battle to come.

"I want you to know that everything hinges on our victory. Judea mustn't be allowed to win, do you understand?"

"Crystal clear! Consider me your greatest ally in this Armageddon."

A pair of large dark shades droop down Discord's face to cover his eyes as he reclines. Celestia then pulls you aside.

"Despite our history together, I believe Discord can be trusted. To an extent. This is his world as well as ours, and there is someone he cares for here. He fights for the same reason we do. I understand that he can be... troublesome, but try and tolerate him for now."

"I will do my best. But only because of how grim our situation is."

Celestia then smiled and nodded, nuzzling you before you parted.

"I'm glad to hear it. Twilight and the others will arrive soon, I'd like to have you here with me when briefing them on the situation."

"Of course. Has there been any word about Judea's activity?"

Celestia nods as she leads you away from the many ponies gathered on the deck.

"Several hours ago scouts returned with an estimate approximating a hundred-thousand and growing rapidly."

"And how many of our own will be with us?"

"As it stands, Equestria's military is that of a sum five hundred-thousand. As well as forces drawing in from neighboring kingdoms. The word traveled quickly and I'm thankful I was able to draw in a few favors. But it will still take time for all our forces to properly amass. Which is why I had to solicit Discord's help. If Judea's army attacks before we can properly counter his forces, we all are the first line of defense."

"Can we really withstand an attack with just the numbers we have now?"

"I have faith in our abilities. It may be a trying struggle, but our main goal would be to hold them off until the arrival of our main forces."

"And how long do you wager that'll be."

"About twelve hours."

"Only twelve? An entire nation's military massed in just half a day?"

"Do not underestimate Equestria's capabilities. There's a reason we've seen peace for over a thousand years."

You nod along, still baffled by the speed of mobilization.

"And how much time has passed since we've returned?"

"It's been nearly four hours. How are you feeling?"

Celestia then turned to you, looking over your body. She frowned as she lamented each scar on your half naked body. Her wing then brushed up against you, the tips of her feathers gliding lightly over the scar on your side.

"Does it still hurt?" she asks quietly.

Your fingers find themselves interlocking with her feathers. There seemed to be no end to Celestia's worry for you. Not that it was unappreciated.

"Only slightly. Equestrian medicine is something to be admired."

You stare into each other's eyes for awhile. The silence between you was mutually appreciated. The both of you were beyond any sort of trivial words now. Your hearts were known to each other, there was hardly any need for any sort of declarations. And yet...

"I spoke with Amalthea. In a dream."

Celestia suddenly stood closer to you, her eyes wide and desperate. It was a rare sight, one not so easily seen by anyone other than those closest to Celestia. Gently you touch the palm of your hand to her cheek, feeling the intense warmth that swelled within her.

"She gave us her blessing," you say with a delicate chuckle. "Though it took a hell of a lot of convincing. She said she wanted what was best for your happiness, and put her faith in our victory."

Celestia nuzzled into your palm with a shaky giggle. Her heart was near close to bursting with a joy she didn't think possible. In an instant you found yourself covered in her massive wings, her forehead pressed to yours.

"How old fashioned of you. Running to my mother for her blessing." she said softly.

"It isn't as though I intended to. The opportunity just presented itself."

Celestia then laughed a birdsong giggle that lifted your spirits.

"You said you wanted to formalize our relationship."

With a serious nod you steel yourself for what you were about to say. There'd be no going back from this moment forward. There could be no regrets.

"Celestia, there is a lot I wish to tell you. Things I am not proud of and things I may never forgive myself for. I am a very flawed man, and this mess I've involved you in is part of my own selfish desire to redeem myself. But in spite of that, if you could look past all my troublesome misfortunes... I'd like to be with you. From this moment onwards. You have become someone very special to me, and to be apart from you would be unbearable. So I'd like to have a place in your heart, for as long as I may live."

As you spoke these words, you felt the bridge between your hearts connect once more. Celestia's eyes were closed as she held you in her wings, taking in your words like water to roots. You waited for her response, though it hardly needed to be said. But soon Celestia opened her eyes to stare into yours with a smile that spread wildly across her face.

"Nothing would please me greater than to share a life with you. There's so much I want to show you, things that make this world worth protecting. In spite of all the misfortune this little adventure has brought, I want to be with you for as long as possible."

Love had sprung between you both, and in the name of love you pledged yourself to one another. A bond so strong that nothing dared rise against it. A mighty and just power that banishes evil and sweeps away the dark. For this, this awesome power found in the hearts of all living things, this power claimed by the most wondrous of people, would spur you forward. In this chaotic whirlwind of affection, you both would rise above all adversity. If not for the world around you, then simply for each other. On that deck, surrounded by nothing, heard by no one, obscure to the peering hateful eyes of malice, you united.

A kiss bridged you both together. A war of compassion fought between your lips and crushing all worry that festered in the deepest recesses of your hearts. All was swept away from you in that moment of pure bliss, pure heavenly solitude. The world around you, so vast, so beautiful, made for you so that you may share. A kingdom ruled by the purity of hearts undivided. Destiny brought you forth, a son of man so that the past would not be swept away. So that present and past could come together and forge a future. A future won from the trials of one man's hate and contempt. A future bought with the currency of hearts. Your lips part, but your souls remain interlaced. Just as Judea was reborn as a vessel of hate, what was birth from you was a vessel of love.

"Look! The sun!"

A frightening voice called out, pulling you both from your dreamy embrace. Everyone on deck lifted their heads skywards. A black evil had begun to devour the sun. Steadily yet assuredly, the moon crept over the sun. Below the ground, a dark invasion of shadow marched along soil, swallowing up everything. From the lowest valleys of Equestria to the highest mountains, all subjugated in that umbra. You watched as the eclipse came closer and closer to totality, the black sun burning furiously with a halo of golden misery.

Celestia watched on in horror as her affinity was swallowed whole by an omen most foul. A panic swept across the deck, putting everyone on edge. Even Discord, who mused to himself about the dire nature of such an omen. The sky became a sickly dark golden brown with nuances of blood red horror. It became that of smoldering embers, all sparking across the heavens in an overture to the battle to come. Clouds darkened, becoming scorched clouds of soot matted on the canvas of the blackened sky, all stretched thin like emaciated ghouls. And resting in the center of the dark sun was the gate leading to all of God's 'wonders'. Heaven's Door.

Judea was setting the stage. Displaying a preview of the new world he would create in his dominance of Earth. The hellish Kingdom of Heaven.

"This is it. Our moment of truth. Are you frightened?" Celestia asked.

It would do no favors to say you weren't. No man alive would be empty of any fear. But even so, for all your fear, all your apprehensions, you would persist.

"Aye. But fear only means I am still sane. I'll need my wits about me in the Hell to come. And to quiet that fear, I would have you beside me. Your presence is very assuring."

Celestia smiled, comforted in your confidence.

Twelve hours until the world's forces are gathered. As you stand at the end of the world, you feel the seconds crawl along your skin.