• Published 2nd May 2015
  • 5,163 Views, 60 Comments

The Last Human - Crooked Djinn

That slumbering city waits. Waiting for its last child to come home. To unravel its mysteries as it sleeps patiently, under the burning sand. Agartha. It waits for you. Step into a world of adventure and fantasy.

  • ...

Sailing Through White Ocean

A distinct smell slowly wafts into your nose. A sweet scent, something like a rich chocolate or sharp spice. Whatever it is it inclines you to open your eyes. Sluggishly your lids open, presenting the ceiling of your cabin to you. It's hard to fall back into your sleep with the rough rocking of this ship and the splitting headache. Your eyes trace along the walls to your side, a metal cart set beside your bed with a tiny saucer, a seemingly tinier teacup, and a card. The bed creaks as you sit up, your hand messaging your temples trying to ease the pain. Your head felt like it was being drilled into. Then came the sudden realization. Last night, it felt like something tried to take hold of you. You saw something, tried to leave your room, and collapsed.. Strange.

Was it nothing? You had been reading all night, was it really just a hallucination? You pull the heavy blankets down past your legs and turn to set your feet on the polished floor. The smell of hot tea calls for you, just as your sleep had called to you the previous night. It's only a short reach away from you and you grab it, bringing it to your dry lips. It was just one sip, a tiny taste to test if it were too hot. But you ended up downing the entire cup without a second thought. Paying for it with the burns that likely coated the inside of your throat. You exhale loudly inside the empty cabin. Your wandering eyes once again notice the neatly placed card by the saucer and another small reach brings it to you.

It had Celestia's name on it. You open it, releasing a hint of perfume. The smell of lilac and Spring, sort of like her mane. Her penmanship was remarkable, the only thing that surpassed it was your surprise that you could read it.

"Good morning Anon, though I suppose you had a rough night. You must have hit the books hard last night, thank you. A guard found you on the floor so we tucked you in, don't worry we were careful. You were so fast asleep that were it not for your breathing I would have taken you for dead. Anyway, when you awake, (in which I hope is soon) I'll be waiting for you on deck. Enjoy the chai; it was made by yours truly. Maybe one day you can join me for my morning tea."

It ended there and you set the card back onto the cart. The taste of rich chai still fresh in your mouth. You wish you had more. Standing up you practically loom over the small cart and you push it to the side, its wheels creaking like an old door. You decide to get dressed, from the look of it, you'd say it was almost high noon. But you can't find your robes, last you remember they hung at the foot of the bed. While you search for them your foot steps on the sharply cut stone resting patiently in the middle of the floor. A yelp escapes your mouth as you hop on one foot, to crash into the wardrobe face first.

You groan, the shock wave causing another card to flutter down from the air to land on your head. You grab it and begin to read, rubbing the bottom of your foot.

"I almost forgot. I took your old robes and burned them. You wouldn't want to be under all that in the desert, would you? You'll find replacements in the wardrobe. They were designed by the unicorn you met before we left Canterlot, Rarity. You'll do well to thank her later. "


You say aloud. Almost longingly you stare at the foot of your bed where they had once been, feeling like they were perhaps the only thing tying you to your past. You stand once more on your feet. One sore, one not so sore. The wardrobe opens with a click and you drag the huge doors open. It's so big you could fall into it and be lost for days. Pulling the apparel out of the wooden closet you see that it's mostly light leather and breezy silk. You decide Celestia made a good call, you'd pass out if you journeyed into the Badlands in your robes.

You begin to dress. Easily slipping on the loose silk shirt with brown cotton trousers that fits tightly. Your feet fit snugly in the light leather boots that come shin-high. And finally you wrestle into the leather chest piece, buckling its buckles and tightening its various straps. Standing in the full body mirror built into the back of your wardrobe, you imagine yourself as the leading man to a great Epic. Dashing and charming, unmatched in both intellect and skill. With a few minor adjustments and throwing a cloak over yourself, you turn to leave, once again stepping on the stone that caused your fall earlier. You bend down to pick it up, the slow realization of what happened the night before barreling into the front of your mind.

Then it wasn't a dream. You blacked out last night. Celestia said they found you on the floor. You can only recall a little of what happened. Only a fragment of that shadow you saw that spurred you from your bedside. It was familiar, and as you hold the stone circle closer to you, you feel that feeling intensify. Something lurked in the shadows. Something that was out to get you. You should stay on your toes from now on, who knows what lay in the shadowy corners? You pocket the stone and make your way out of the cabin and into the hall.

Walking from your cabin, you're suddenly reminded that you were indeed on a flying machine. You must have been miles into the air and the ponies that hurried past you didn't seem to care. You looked forward to watching more of the sky today so you quickly make your way through the corridors. You really like the feel of your new boots, especially the clog-clog they make when you step out on deck. They almost sound like hooves.

It was slightly chilly outside, possibly due to how high you were. You make sure to pat yourself on the back for thinking ahead and grabbing a cloak. You search for Celestia, expecting her not to be too hard to miss. She was the tallest pony around after all. Celestia stood alone at the bow of this ship. Motionless and still as dead winter trees. Even her mane lacked the magical flow you were accustomed to. Something seemed strange about her. She seemed, naked, in away. Her regalia was missing. Any kind of gold that once adorned her was now absent. You imagine that it must be extremely rare to see her without her symbols of power. You approach her right side, the clog clog of your boots announcing your approach to her without her needing to turn.

"Good afternoon Anon, did you sleep well?" She says, never taking her eye off the sky that continued into eternity. You join her, tracing the clouds with your eyes, trying to make shapes in the deformed sky ornaments.

"I did in fact. Thank you, for the tea and moving me to the bed. I can't imagine how painful it'd be had I slept on the floor all night."

"It feels terrible in the morning, believe me." For the first time she glances at you, fully noticing you and turning to size you up. "And I see that your new clothes fit properly. I must say you look rather dashing. Were you able to find everything alright last night?" She turns back towards the bow and you turn with her.

"I hardly had time to look into everything. My night was spent reading, my eyes are still somewhat tired..."

You notice her ears perk up at the mention of your eyes and she turns away, nipping at the base of her left wing. Trying your best to peer over her to see what she was up to had no point, you could hardly see anything. She returns to face you, your pair of goggles hanging from her mouth. She presents them to you and you politely take them.

"You'll be needing these. I've replaced your old lenses with shaded ones."

You wrap the skinny leather strip around your head and pull down the black lenses in front of your eyes. Now everything took darker tones. The clouds had become a dark green instead of their alabaster white, so had Celestia's coat.

"Thank you. When will we be arriving?"

You ask as you move your goggles to your forehead, sudden change of lighting heavily impacting your eyes.

"We passed over Dodgetown while you slept, I'd say we have another hour before we land."

It was silent now. From time to time you would steal a glance from her. Her face was writhed with anticipation, the excitement of a child. It looked unnatural for someone of her age. But there was beauty in the unnatural and uncommon. And you looked unnatural staring at her with your mouth slightly hung open. At times, her eye would find yours and stare a moment, before turning back ahead of her. No doubt she knew you were staring, but you don't think she minded.

"Why exactly did you come with me? You said it's to learn, but you could have just sent a team of explorers to accompany me. Why personally?"

You finally bite, the question nagging at you. Celestia says nothing for a bit and continues to eye the passing clouds as their parted by the bow of the ship, a knife cutting through a light cake.

"Because I am selfish." She offers a weak smile, not to you, but to herself. You wonder if she had constantly thought about her decision. And if she wanted to take it back.

"Selfish how?"

She's perfectly still, like a deer in the headlights. Even the flash of her throat as she breaths seems to stop and her ears fall backward.

"Before the stone. How old were you Anon?"

Now there's a question. It's something you didn't remember to think about, or cared to. But as far as you could tell you were in your twenties. You had no defining characteristics that alluded to your age, no long beard, wrinkles, or facial features. When you looked in the mirror, all you saw was you. You may as well be as timeless as her.

"Around twenty years old I suppose, why?" You eye her curiously, watching closely for a reaction of some kind. But her expression doesn't yield to any change.

"I doubt you were conscious during your time as a statue, but I have been awake for a little over one thousand years. I rarely had time to myself you see? My sister and I were always busy, if it wasn't paper work or complaints, it was terrible dangers to Equestria." She chuckles to herself, looking back somewhat fondly on her more youthful days as a princess, then continues. "When you come to live as long as I have, you start to grow bored. You get used to a thousand years of grandeur and service that it becomes hardly noticeable. Often times I've imagined myself free for a day, free do do what I pleased. To go explore, or freely see other places without the need of escorts and ceremonies. Yes, you are just an excuse for me to get away from Canterlot and its duties. I apologize for using you." Now she turns to you, trying to read you. You stare back at her thoughtfully, rubbing the base of your chin in thought.

"I can't say I know how you feel, though I be far older than you in essence. But I think I can understand, and I really do appreciate you being here. To be honest, I don't think I would have done well with just a team of ponies doing what I say."

You laugh to yourself, imagining you trying to give orders like some sort of captain or chief. Well, today you certainly dressed that part, but your personality was far from it, though you feel you'd be up to it if you had the chance.

"But I'm glad I have a friend to accompany me to this dangerous land and help me learn more about myself. I wouldn't have it any other way." You say, offering a smile. You fold your arms, content with what you said. Celestia giant magenta eyes look you over once more before returning ahead. A smile now laid bare across her own face.

"I'm glad you are able to see me as a friend so easily."

"Why would I not? You're were the first pony to greet me warmly when I awoke to this strange world. And for that I thank you." You give a sloppy yet charismatic bow and Celestia giggles, her hoof hiding the upturned corners of her mouth.

"And I owe you thanks for dropping in when I needed a break." She gives you a perfect curtsy, her hooves crossing each other as she brings her head lower. You both now shared a laughter that brought you somewhat closer together. The air had a trace of blooming friendship coursing through it and many crewmen watched on.

"You know, it's been a long while since anypony has called me 'friend'." She says solemnly.

"Oh? Why is that? You have a younger sister, a student, who I can tell really looks up to you, and many others who adore you. Aren't you the one responsible for Princess Twilight learning what she did about friendship?"

Celestias smile doesn't fall from her face as she turns her back on the sky and sits. She looked a lot more approachable without her regalia, more humble, like she was just a very large pony with wings and a horn.

"Princess Twilight, while indeed she does look to me for guidance and counsel, I can hardly say we are friends. If she needs an answer or needs to go wherever her destiny calls her, I'm the one who answers the questions and point her in the right direction. And as for my sister, I'm afraid we're still somewhat recovering from a spout we had a long time ago..."

You fall silent. You knew that this would be a touchy subject. Had you not read about it last night in the Grimoire, you probably would have said something you shouldn't.

"I read about it." You say, taking a seat next to her, you both watching the sailors. "Nightmare Moon she called herself, correct?"

Celestia nods, her body stiffening at the mere mention of the name. Her ears fell downward like leaves weighed down by the rain.

"It must have been terrible. Banishing your own sister to the moon. I doubt I could ever do anything like that." You say, kicking your feet outward to get more comfortable.

You pause, rubbing the back of your neck. You hadn't noticed, but Celestia hadn't looked at you once since you brought up the subject. She was motionless and lifeless like a statue. While you lay lazily beside her.

"You must be strong... It must have taken a lot of courage to seal her away in her own affinity."

A cold, dry laughter that sounds more so like a tired sigh than the light giggle that usually toned her laughter. The smile she wore was now weak. So frail and fragile that if you were to place a coin on it, it would collapse.

"Strong? ...No, far from it." You watch her closely now, observing every small motion that plays on her. "If I was strong I would have found a way to dispel the Nightmare all those years ago. I was weak, and my weakness caused my sister a thousand years of solitude." You're silent for a moment while shifting your weight, no longer leaning on the guard rails behind you.

"But to have the courage, the power to imprison her! You would have been forced to kill her had you not done what you did! You spent years trying to find ways to save her once she returned. You did it to find time, yes?" You stare into the back of her head. She was remarkable. Unmatched in power and wisdom. There's no way she could have lead Equestria for a thousand years if she was weak.

"No. When I sealed my sister in the moon, I knew full well when she'd return, down to the exact moment. But never did find a way to save her. Had I faced her upon her return I'd only be forced to do what I had originally done. In the end, I was lucky that Twilight and her friends were able to restore my sister to her proper self."

"But your majesty-"

"I had no intention on trying to free my sister. It become known to me that it was impossible, and so I gave up. I had forsaken her, and left her to the will of the Nightmare. And I am paying for it now, our relationship is paying for it." She finally looked at you, her head turning to stare you in the eye. Now she studied you, hunting for any sign that you were judging her or looking on her with pity. It's unclear what she found, but she turned away, staring forward once more before she continued.

"But I digress, let's not dwell on the past. It's important to look towards the future. Speaking of which, what have you learned about the Angels?"

You're stunned, she derailed the conversation so easily. So quickly that had you not been paying attention, you wouldn't had noticed. She resumed her former air. Majestic, proud, welcoming, and yearnful.

"Right.. I was unable to find anything note worthy. But what I did find was interesting enough; Heaven's Door." She gazes at you curiously, an eyebrow slightly raised higher than its other. "Heaven's Door? Starswirl never mentioned such a thing."

"It's among the last of his entries. Apparently its connected with the final days of human civilization. Though it spurred no memories from me. I had hoped that you could tell me more." You laugh and push yourself to your feet. Standing wobbly, you give another sloppy bow then raising your head to meet her gaze. "If you'll excuse me Princess. I never did get the chance to look around the ship. I'd like to do so before we land."

She rises, all four of her legs propping her up so that she stands just a few inches taller that you. "A wonderful idea. I'll go and prepare myself for the march. We'll meet here an an hour."

You nod as she begins to trot away towards the cabins. So, with a whole hour of free time and a vast ship that you have yet to conquer, what were you going to do? Two sailors who seem to be arguing draw your attention. They stood on the starboard side, looking annoyed and ready to be at each others throat. You could hear parts of their argument as you drew closer. They seemed to be arguing about a certain rope that had gone missing. One guard was young and more than willing to go toe to toe with the old veteran. Who just seemed to lean back and scratch his scruffy rigid beard. Having patience as endless as an ocean.

"Look lad, I'm just askin' ya ta bring up a new rope." The older sailor said tiredly. But when the younger refused, his tired stare became a mix of anger and exhaustion.

If you didn't stand between these two, you may take a fatality before the adventure even began. Just as the elder was ready to knock that boy into tomorrow you stand between them, each of your palms facing them.

"I'll fetch the rope for you, if that's what you need."

The elder paused for a moment before lowering his hoof of a fist. Rubbing the side of his head, trying to quell the headache that the young sailor inflicted on him.

"I'd appreciate it, sir. These days these kids won't even pay ya the time of day."

The younger sailor swatted dismissively to your direction and wandered off. You lower your hands down to your side and ask for direction to the storage room, the old veteran happy to point you on your way. Your cloak still swayed slightly at the high winds, causing it to dance around you like a drab smoke. But it did it's job of keeping you somewhat warm until you got back inside.

It was so quiet your boots echoed and you could hear the ringing in your ears. If a feather were to drop, you'd hear the soft impact. You searched for the storage room but you kept getting distracted. There were footsteps in halls that weren't yours. They were bipedal by the sound of it which was odd, you being the only creature on two legs her on the ship. You were nearing a corner when you thought you found it's source. Just for a moment, you caught the edge of a pointed purple tail dart past the corner. Now you pursued it, intrigued by the the beast that skulked the underbelly of the Radiant Dawn. Following the pitter-patter of feet, you can only ever catch a fleeting glimpse of it's tail. Before you can round the corner a loud slam resounds through the corridors. Coming around the corner you could see it was a dead-end. You finally had it trapped. Whatever it was.

Slowly, you lean on the door, pressing your ear on it's polished wood frame. Inside you can hear the sound of more footsteps and the rummaging through boxes and crates. Even slower you ease your hand to the brass handle and twist it, gaining passage into the large room on the other side. It was the storage room you've been looking fun. Crates were stacked high atop each other, reaching into the even higher ceiling. Like a jungle of cubic trees looming over you and creating a maze.

One foot at a time you make your way to it's center, now hearing the sound of periodic fire and seeing a green light flash across the crates. You found it strange, having to sneak around like this. Made you feel like the daring adventurer you were dressed as. Now you were just steps away from the center and you peered over to get a look.

It was Spike oddly enough, the little dragon you had met just moments before leaving Canterlot. Why was he here? Then you recall him begging you to take him with you on your journey. Did he really sneak on board and hold himself up in here? You watch him more closely now. He sat atop assorted tarps and cloths, a makeshift bed for the young dragon. Then, as if some powerful magic had possessed him, he open his mouth wide and belted out a green fire that danced in the air for a moment. Then it vanished, disappearing as quickly and spontaneously as it had appeared. What remained was a parchment that stayed in the air and fell into Spike's outstretched hand. Spike's emerald eyes darted from left to right slowly creeping down towards the end of the letter. With a sigh he picked up a loose piece of paper and dipped a a quill into a well of ink placed neatly beside him. He sighed again as he finished and brought it up to his muzzle and his green fire swarmed the fragile paper. He wasn't kidding when he said he was a fire-breathing mailbox.

You dawn the hood of your cloak and step calmly out of the shadows behind the crates where you had been hiding. The sound of your footsteps startled Spike, causing his pupils to shrink to the size of knife edges. He darted behind the nest he had made of drapes and tarps, his eyes peering over to see you stand just a few steps away.

"W-who's there!? My teeth are as sharp as blades and my fire is as hot as the sun!"

You laugh to yourself, more so, to the silent air. Spike rises further to get a better look as you drop your hood and you offer him a smile.

"Anon? How'd you know I was here!?" He doesn't move and you take a few steps closer.

"I saw you running through the halls, 'twas the sound of your feet and flash of your tail that gave you away. What are you doing here Spike? Princess Twilight must be very worried."

He finally crawls out from his hiding place and takes his former seat atop the mound. "No kidding.." He said, handing you a random parchment. "She's been sending these nonstop, I had to leave and get more ink and paper so I could write her back." You take the scroll and unroll it, gigantic, impossibly neat hoofwriting practically screaming at you.


"She seems rather upset."

Spike sighs once more and plants his head in his claws. "I thought she'd understand, I'm practically a grown dragon. I should be able to do what I want!" He raises his arms in the air, trying to make himself look larger. But you were sure he was trying to convince himself rather than you.

"Being grown doesn't mean you should just up and run off Spike. You'd be abandoning all responsibilities."

Now you climbed up the mound, sitting next to him on the pile. "I guess.. But I'm here now right? I may as well make the best of it!" Spike hits his chest with his fist, a sounding thud of scales against scales.

"I suppose." You scratch the back of your head and lean back. Spike continues his writing. He was really good at it, a proper scribe. His handwriting was neat and legible. But containing his own style of curving and edging the letters that he practiced for seemingly forever.

"What possessed you to stowaway on this ship? We're you really that hungry for adventure?"

His breath curls around the letter once more and it vanishes. Now Spike also leaned back, thinking on his answer. "It's not the first time I've gone off by myself. Though the first time I did it because I wanted to find myself I guess. In the end I learned a lot about who I was and all that, but I still felt kinda down about it. Twilight keeps me so sheltered from the world, it's not her fault but, whenever she goes off with her friends they have such amazing adventures and stories to tell. I'm either always in the backseat or taking orders. I want to see the world Anon, all of it. There's so much I can learn!" He pauses and belches another scroll. He continues, picking up the scroll and reading it. "I want to be the hero of my own story. Someone they write down in the history books Anon." He picks up another piece of paper and begins to scribble away. "And I feel like it all starts here."

You find yourself sympathizing with Spike. Though you still remembered nothing, you felt you could relate to his plight. Wanting to be someone important, striving to be a legend, a name remembered through out time. Another scroll is produced from the flames and Spike makes to read it.

"Well.." You say with a sigh. "I can't do anything now that you're already here. Though, I don't know how Princess Celestia will feel... What's Princess Twilight saying?"

He doesn't look at you, concentrating on his reading. "Just call her Twilight, she kinda hates when ponies call her Princess. And.." His eyes widen in shock and his jaw drops to the floor. "She said yes! Just as long as Celestia says yes!" He eagerly begins to gather the loose scrolls and paper, taking them all into his tiny arms.

"Are you sure? She really said yes?"

You rise from your seat and begin to follow Spike as he heads for the exit. "Yeah! Twilight said that if Celestia said yes and you 'looked after me' it was fine!"

"I look after you? I'm no one's sitter." You say, folding your arms.

"Don't worry, I'm practically my own man now. I don't need anyone to 'look after me'."

You and Spike now left the storage room and traveled back through the corridors and up the various stairs and up to the final hallway. You and Spike made small talk the way up. But it was mostly about Spike, you having very little to contribute seeing as how you're practically only a week old. Suddenly the ship rocked and began to shift sideways to the left. Sending you and spike crashing into the wall. Outside you heard shouting and running. The Captain being heard above everyone else shouting orders. "What's going on?!" Spike drops everything he was carrying and tries to pick himself up off the wall. You say nothing as you make for the last door and reach for the handle. As soon as you get so much of a crack of the door open it blows away, slamming into the wall. A terrible wind had rolled across the deck in a greedy attempt to take everything on board with it. You grab Spike's hand and pull him out of the corridor with you and onto the deck. The winds were howling with a sharp chime and you could feel your skin begin to crack like the face of a mountain. You lower your shaded goggles, the change between the overbearing presence of wind to none at all being a relief. The wind tossed your cloak about as easily as paper on a breeze.

"Where's the princess!" You call back at Spike who shivers behind you. His eyes dart around the ship, searching for any indication of Celestia. But you spot her first at the helm. Pulling Spike along you slowly and steadily make your way up the stairs, the winds barring your way and trying to push you back down. Celestia stood with the Captain, they both watched the skies, more so the black clouds that had formed over head.

"Princess! What's happen-"

"The sky Anon... This is no ordinary storm. These clouds were conjured out of the air and so was the wind. We are under attack."

You look up finally, seeing the heavy dark clouds that rolled across the sky to dominate the land below. They cast a large heavy shadow over the three ship as the wind rocked them this way and that. They seemed completely foreign. Unnatural. But yet they seemed to be alive. Rather, their shadows were.

"Princess! The clouds!"

She notices the same time as you. Long, dreadful shadows crept along the bottom of the cumulonimbuses. Red piercing eyes stared down from the sky. And then they descended. Their terrible figure slowly revealing itself from the cloud coverage. They were taller, slimmer than the Angels you encountered in Everfree. And they were humanoid, their wings more full and the white crystals on their back more jagged and rough. They carried weapons, spears and halberds

Third Sphere:

"They're are so many.." You say to yourself. Spike has been silent, retreating within himself to find the courage he needed to face the many dangers he knew were waiting for him on this adventure. To him, this was the first test. "Your majesty, orders?" the captain calls over the howling wind. Celestia looked absent minded, and then looked to you. Who also stared at the sky in disbelief.

"Anon, can you name them? What are they to you?" You never turn to look at her, but you can name them. Like in the Everfree, you knew them as soon as you saw them. And then wondered how you could ever forget such terrible sights. You nod finally, pulling your goggles down slightly to check and see if they were real.

"They are the Archangels. A higher form of the beasts you and I saw."

"Your majesty! Orders!?" The captain calls again, pulling Celestia's attention away from you.

"We have no choice but to fight. We are but fifteen minutes away from the Badland's anti-magic field. If we cross that boarder our airships will plummet out of the sky. Cut the engines, and I want all of you to take shelter."

Celestia's wings that had been eager to taste the high winds now sprang open, revealing themselves and once more imposing their grandeur on the world.

"But Princess, allow us to help you! We can fight as well!" The captain said. Celestia had already started for the railing, her wings beating through the wind.

"A weapon that could fight those beasts have not yet been forged. From what I've seen only the princess' magic can destroy them."

The ships slow to a halt and the sails close in on themselves tightly, not letting the wind push them any further.

"Anon, get everypony inside. They'll be in danger if they remain on deck." You have no chance to reply as she is already leaping off the side of the ship.

You and Spike rush to the side to see her rapidly descend before beating her massive wings and coming to a complete stop. Then, as if instilled with the power of the mighty sun itself, she rockets skywards. The wind trailing her as she zoomed past the ship nearly throwing you and Spike backwards. White contrails carve into the sky as she ascends directly into the clouds. The Angels made their counter charge and the battle had begun.

The sky was lit up with a golden aura as she blasted away Angel after Angel. She danced in the air. She was so attuned to the wind, if she did not belong anywhere else, she indeed belonged in the sky. Her curves, swoops, and dives all looked like a crazy waltz. For the first time you could see her power head on. Her skill, unmatched by anyone who would even dare to be her equal. She was so powerful, so graceful. And among the heated dogfight in the sky, among the hundreds of beasts that sought her life, she has never felt so alive. You think back to what she said to you. If she found that you had any ties to the Angels and proved to be a threat to Equestria, she would take action. You couldn't doubt that now, or the fact that you were somehow tied to the beasts that hunted you.

"Anon! We need to get inside!" Spike tugs at your cloak that blew this way and that. You tare your gaze away from the sky and nod.



The captain is already down the stairs, barking orders for his sailors to find shelter immediately. You grab Spike, his running speed being a lot slower than yours and make way down the stairs. But it doesn't look good. A few Angels were starting to ignore Celestia and fall onto the ships like a rain of dreadful darkness. Moving across the ships like a dense fog. They barred all the doors into the deck, cutting you, Spike, the captain, and few other sailors off from safety. Celestia was too busy in the air to immediately help you, but she flew by occasionally to try and lessen the danger on deck. A single Angel stepped forth, charging at you before leaping into the air, its spearhead aiming for your heart. You and Spike fell backwards, preparing for the end. You had already resigned yourself. You accepted this as the end, your final moment. But fate saw otherwise. It wasn't on a mere whim that Spike stole his way on board. Rather, it may have been destiny. Just as the spear was inches away from you, a single letter erupted from Spike's mouth along with his fire. It made full contact with the Angel in front of you, destroying it completely. The spear clamored to the floor in front of you and you and Spike stared at each other.

"Woah...I-I didn't know I had that in me..!" He stared at his hands. Seeing the power he now held, and also an untapped potential. He stared a good long while before you called to him.

"Spike! You think you can keep that up!?"

He nods hesitantly still staring down at his purple claws. "I'll...try."

"Good, that's all I need."

You scramble to your feet and take the spear in front of you. It would be a poor decision to try and fight these beasts, but you could at least defend yourself while Spike worked his magic. And you did just that, as soon as you and Spike showed signs that you weren't backing down the Angels charged. They looked like a swarm of insects flocking to the both of you and you steeled yourself for the onslaught. But Spike wasn't about to let you down as he inhaled as deep as he could. His tiny lungs threatening to burst. And when he opened his snout once more, an inferno of emerald blaze exploded outward. The wind conducted his fire. Moving it in circles and odd shapes, all obliterating Angels. It was amazing. You never thought that Spike could be as capable as he is, he would indeed grow to be quite the adventurer some day.

Assault after assault they battered you. There was no sound but the piercing howling wind, their weapons clashing with yours, Celestia's magic sounding like crackling thunder, and Spike's magical dragon-fire. This went on for sometime and you began to think that they were infinite. There was no end in sight you were growing weak. Spike was a trooper but he still showed obvious signs of exhaustion. He could topple over at any given moment. More landed, the deck now being flooded with dark entities. It was likely the end of you now. You grip the shaft of your spear, hoping that something happens besides your death.

And from the sky Celestia comes to answer your prayer. A golden ray of sunshine cuts through the crowed of Angels, disintegrating anything it touched. She slowly landed, he presence immediately giving you relief. The Angels now turned their attention from you and to her. A mass exodus flooding to her to surround her completely. They flocked even above her, creating a dome. They were so thick and dense that they seemed to form a solid wall of blackness. The wind was extremely violent now. It forced you to grab a rope swinging from the mast for threat that you might be blown away. You look on, staring at the wall that encased Celestia completely. But the wall started to crack. It was becoming riven with rays of sunshine. It gave the impression of the Sun rising over clouds at dawn. A whirring sound challenged the wind. Both getting louder and louder than one another. It pained your ears extremely and Spike was becoming dizzy from it. The light that followed would have blinded you had you not been wearing your shaded goggles, closed your eyes, and looked away.

An explosion of pure light had rocked all three ships and expelled all the Angels. They peeled away like paint into the wind. Every trace left of them was now gone completely. Totally and utterly destroyed under the hoof of Princess Celestia of Equestria. Such power she commanded. She was a God, you were sure of it now. The wind died now, slowing to a mere breeze in the matter of seconds. The heavy black clouds now thinned out of existence and the Sun claimed dominance of the sky once more. In the center of the ship, Celestia stood motionless. Her mane was battered and her breath was ragged and labored. He legs and knees trembled and threatened to send her buckling over. But she stood perfectly still. You could hardly see, but you're sure that she wore a smile on her tired face. The air was silent now, silence now rolled across the three decks as everyone came from their hiding places to stare at their princess who saved them all. You finally let go of the rope and take a step. But you're stopped when Celestia takes her own steps forward. They were slow and cautious, like a foal's first steps. Then she began to sway to the side and fall. Spike and you run to her side to catch her. Propping her up as best as you can.

"Take it easy Princess!" Spike said.

She looked down at Spike, bewildered. She was confused about his being here. "Spike? What are you doing here? Twilight must be worried sick!"

"We can discus that later, right now we should get you to your room." You say, leading her to the doors that lead below deck.

"Yes, let's do that. I'm afraid I've over worked myself."

"Your majesty, should we land and prepare for departure?" The captain trots along side you, his pipe dangling out of one side of his mouth. Celestia nods as best she can, too weak or too troubled to form any words. But she finds it within herself to say at least one more thing.

"Somepony draw me a bath.." She says just as you enter the corridors.

Celestia lay in a extravagant golden tub. Her front hooves dangling off the sides and she lulled her head backwards, relaxing as much as she could. The ships had landed a while ago and the halls were now busy with ponies preparing for the march. You and Spike sit nearby, recounting what happened. How Spike's fire was able to destroy the Angels, protecting you both. And reading aloud his string of letters with Twilight, catching Celestia up on his story.

"As long as I say it's alright?" She now looks at Spike, who now tucks the letter under his side.

"Yeah! And don't worry, Anon even said he would look after me!" He tugs on your cloak once again to emphasize his point. You never agreed to 'look after him'. But you better go along with it if you want Spike to stay.

"Spike, you know where we're headed don't you?" Celestia questioned, popping the various soap bubbles that rised into the air casually.

Spike nodded. "I know how dangerous it is, but so was everywhere else I've been. There wasn't a time where Twilight and I were not in danger. Why would the Badlands be any different from where I've been?" A fire burned within him, he was determined to stay. He wouldn't let himself be packed off so easily.

"As true as that may be, I don't think it would be wise-"

"Please!" Spike was now on his knees begging. You watched on silently. Celestia's face began to soften at the sight of how committed he was but still needed the extra push.

"Princess, it'd be a good chance for him to learn more about the world. He proved very useful today, he saved my life in fact. Why not have him stay and assist us? We can even maintain contact with Princess Twilight." Spike nodded profusely and Celestia began to consider it even more. Moments passed before she finally flicked her hoof and agreed.

"Very well... But you are responsible for him Anon." She said, sliding deeper into her golden tub. But Spike's eye lit up like diamonds and he fist pumped the air with joy. You were happy that he had been granted permission to come along, but not too thrilled to be completely responsible for him. Celestia asked to be left alone for now, telling you to go prepare for the march into Ishtar. You and Spike exit her room, Spike thanking her and praising her all the way out.

"I can't believe it! She actually said yes! If it weren't for you she would have sent me back immediately!" He held his fist out toward you. But you just stare at him confused.

"What is this?" You ask.

Now Spike looked as confused as you did. "It's a brofist. An ancient ritual two friends do to become brothers."


You curl your right hand into a fist and bring it up in front of you. Hesitantly you move your first closer to his and lightly tap it. Unsure if you did it correctly.

"Was that correct?" You ask.

Spike laughs and lowers his hand beside him. "Man, exactly how old are you? You talk like someone from way back when." You both now walk together down the halls. Now apparently brothers.

"Well, I am from 'way back when'. And what's wrong with the was I speak? I speak just as you do." Spike laughs again, not so much mocking you but still making you feel like he knew something you didn't. "Sure you do." You spend the rest of the day preparing for the march. It wasn't going to be a long journey to the Ishtar itself, but what it lead to would be the the actual journey. The Badlands, supposed domain of the ancient Humans that ruled the world long ago. There you would find the first clue to your identity and hopefully find what happened to your race eons ago.