• Published 20th Jun 2015
  • 1,767 Views, 56 Comments

Octavia Crashes a Party and Wins a Roomate - ChaseTheChangeling

What would you do if your favorite musician was in town and throwing a party? You would go right? But what if you had no money? What would you do then?

  • ...

The Vinyl Bus is Coming!

The sounds of a feather quill scratching away at parchment could be heard from a small nook holding a young grey earth pony mare with a long charcoal black mane; her name is Octavia. She sat focused at her desk, her hooves working feverishly at the papers before her as she wrote down notes for the next ensemble. The room she was stashed away in was quiet, almost too quiet, save for the clock above her ticking away time as if it was nothing. The sounds of wood creaking from the neighbors could be heard, and their annoying dog. Octavia hated when it was this quiet. So silent she could hear the lives of others around her. What she would give for a muse, something that would move her enough to play more often and enjoy it. She sat back in the large black swivel chair and hummed a tune to get the ever growing blanket of silence away from her. The sorry little town home she locked herself away in was large, and much too empty. The ceiling was too high, the bathroom too spacious, and the colour of the walls too bright and lively. Her dinner table was too large with its four chairs, and her living room was almost too free of clutter with a large television. Octavia sat back up and looked around her bedroom, the little area she called her study, which was really just a little nook in her closet, was a mess with ink spots and paper dust everywhere.

"I should get out more..." Octavia mumbled to herself as she lifted away from the chair. Her flank ached as she stretched her tired legs, the long time she spent sitting down finally catching up to her. Perhaps there was something to do outside? Octavia turned and trotted down her stairs, stopping to look at her pristine white front door. It was clean, it was neat, and there was never a mess leading from the doorway into the house. Mostly because Octavia never needed to leave; she never really liked to leave. The windows in the sweet picturesque home let in sunlight to illuminate the walls of yellow and white, and brush the carpets and hard wood floor with a sparkling shimmer.

It was early, very early, and Octavia still hadn't done her routine. Basic things, cleaning, eating, reading the local paper. Octavia opened the door and the bright sun greeted her eyes with a vengeance, obviously getting back at her for being locked away in the dark for quite some time. Octavia quickly grabbed up the paper and walked to her kitchen, the long hallway like room seemingly made of white pearls. Everything shone, all metal was clean, ponies would swear she never stepped hoof in here. They would be half right, as she only put instant food in her home, something that never needed to be cooked past a microwave or a toaster.

The young mare swung open her fridge door to reveal a large jug of milk and grabbed it, flinging it to the counter, and soon moving on to a cabinet holding a large box of overly sweetened cereal, slamming the box down and preparing her breakfast. 'It isn't much, but who cares? I don't care, I'm so busy doing other things!' Octavia thought to herself as she poured the milk into the bowl first, she reached for her cereal next and dumped the contents into her bowl, 'I don't have time to be bothered with time consuming cooking and other luxuries'. Octavia slumped down a bit as she thought about that. She had absolutely nothing going on. She was bored and lonely. If only something cool would happen that she could be involved in!

Octavia quickly finished her sub-par meal and stood to get cleaned up, she would deal with dishes later today... or tomorrow... maybe this weekend... but she would get it done at some point. But of course there was plenty of other things to do in the meantime. Like finishing her routine and then... well... looking for more things to do.


"Oh my girl, you're gonna love this party!" A tall yellow blue maned diva was shouting over the phone, disturbing her travel partner who would much prefer there be a little more quite after long days of work. "Oh yes! Invites need to be out as soon as you can, you got that, baby?" Her voice rang again, this time followed by an almost too hearty laugh. "Oh yes boo boo, I'll see you there!" The mare put down her phone and walked to her travel partner, a young, very quite white unicorn mare with a spiky blue mane and purple shades resting on a table beside her.

The two mares had been on tour for a while, and it would reach its hiatus in Ponyville where they would rest up and enjoy a two week break from the roads. The two mares were pop sensation Sapphire Shores, and the famed DJ P0N-3. Not many ponies knew her real name, as she rarely every spoke, but those who weren't in on the secret called her DJ, and those who were very close to her knew she was named Vinyl Scratch. Sapphire stood beside the poor DJ as she lay there, her fore hooves resting under her head against the plush purple felt couch in their tour bus. It was large, it had instruments, a bar, TV's, jukeboxes, a small kitchen area, two couches, and two large beds, one was behind a curtain, and that was where Vinyl slept at night, during the day it was this couch that held her comfortably as she slept.

"You okay there sweetie?" Sapphire asked as she ran her hoof over Vinyl's mane. Vinyl just looked up at her and shrugged. "Well don't worry about it, we're almost in Ponyville, and then we can turn up!" The last few words coming out as a shout making Vinyl wince. She wasn't feeling good mainly due to her tour mate being a loud obnoxious party animal. Vinyl would never turn down a good party, but if Sapphire expected her to join this one, she had better be more respectful to her ears and peace of mind. The bus gave a sudden swerve as the driver turned the wheel hard, causing Vinyl to roll off of the couch with a loud 'Oof!'

"Oh geez! Don't you know how to drive!" A voice shouted from the driver's pit. A yellow head popped out from a curtain in the front of the bus, atop that head was what looked like fire made of hair, accented with bright orange eyes. "You guys alright back there?" Vinyl nodded and decided it best to just stay on her hooves for now until they reached town.

"Oh, Spitfire!" Sapphire said, her hips swaying as she trotted over to the shorter pegasus mare, "I do hope you and Sorin stay long enough for the party!" Spitfire looked back at the blue furred, blue maned stallion humming away as he swung the wheel around recklessly.

"Sure, if he doesn't kill us on the way there!" Spitfire's rage was directed straight at Sorin as he swung the wheel again.

"Come on!" He chuckled teasingly, "I'm the best bus driver this side of Equestria! I wasn't motor cross champion for nothing!"

"I'm guessing it wasn't for bus driving..." Spitfire continued to mumble as she moved further back into the bus headed for the bar. Vinyl was already there, mixing something up. Spitfire took a seat at a small stool in front of the bar watching as Vinyl mixed another drink for her. "You know me too well Vinyl." Spitfire said quietly. Vinyl simply nodded with a grin and passed Spitfire the small martini glass filled to the brim with a yellow liquid, a small lemon slice on the side.

"Narcissist," Vinyl chuckled quietly. It had been the first word she had said in two days, she was doing well with communicating. But she never really needed a lot of words. Spitfire raised a brow and gave a condescending smile.

"So I'm narcissistic because I like a good spitfire cocktail every now and again?" Spitfire took the garnish and sucked away the lingering juice, placing the now dried fruit on a napkin. Vinyl took her time to share a nod and grabbed her glass of U-Boot and sat down beside Spitfire. "You ready for this party Sapphire seems so stoked about?" Vinyl shrugged and rubbed one of her ears. "Oh, yeah loud noises bug you. You haven't had much of a break from sound then, huh?"

Vinyl sighed and shook her head, a tired look soon overcoming her youthful face. It was getting to her. The loud noise, the techno (although she loved it), the screams of fans, the constant need to talk to ponies, the flashing lights. She loved her job and what she did, but it would be nice to take a break someplace more relaxing, calming and bright with the scent of fresh flowers and lemon cleaning soap. Not sweat, beer, and loud pounding in her ears. The constant sound was one of many reasons why she never liked to talk more than a few words at a time.

Vinyl's eyes drifted to the window, an almost mournful look in her eyes as she watched the streets of her hometown come zooming back almost to fast to look at. She couldn't catch any small detail until they reached a crossroad. A small cottage on a corner, the roof emblazoned with music notes and white paneling sat snugly behind a few bushes. It was Vinyl's old place, she wondered what it looked like inside, and if anypony owned it. It looked clean enough, somepony must have bought is by now, it had been a few years since she left. Vinyl took the last few dregs of her beer cocktail and laid her head on her hooves with a huff.

"Don't worry guys!" Sorin's voice echoed through the small bus as he shouted much louder than necessary, "We're in Ponyville, and at out final destination!" Vinyl's head shot up as she heard the loud voice. Her body aching from the fall, her head aching from the noise, if this day got any worse, she wasn't sure she would be able to keep up her cool.


Another morning routine complete, and another afternoon to waste away. Octavia plopped down on her couch and stretched her hooves, letting her belly lay against the soft cushions of the seat and her hind legs come up so that she would swing them back and fourth idly. The newspaper sat neatly rolled up on the couch, waiting patiently for Octavia to pick it up and read. The grey paper crinkled and fed a satisfying sound to Octavia's ears as she turned the pages. Smiling as she read the headlining news about a tour for her favorite musicians. She could never tell her ensemble mates about her love of pop music, especially one that relied heavily on a mysterious DJ who made loud and blaring techno. Surely a group of classical musicians would never understand the allure of such a pony, or their work. Octavia thought about how nice it would be to have her home filled with the ever lasting thump of bass waves, the sound rocking her floors, to finally drown out the uneven noises of the outside with music she liked.

"My life is much too quite..." the grey mare hummed as she swung her legs, her body rocking a bit as she did so. Octavia let a lazy hoof move over to her small glass topped coffee table, a small crystal jar sat atop it's surface holding hundreds of tiny hard candies she had collected for occasions like this, which was quite often. Octavia ate so much candy, so much food in general, she worried she would get fat, although it never seemed to happen regardless of how much she stuffed her muzzle. "I'm blessed with that much at least..." she mumbled as she popped a small mint candy into her mouth and turned the page. Another headline in bold with a picture of a bus with three shades of blue and a few white and yellow pixel like streaks along the side, it said "Stop Planned in Ponyville for the Famous DJ P0N-3, and Sapphire Shores!". Octavia idly sucked away at her hard candy as she continued to read along the article. "Surely they won't be staying long..." the mare continued and was soon proven very wrong.

To the ponies of Ponyville, we hope you enjoy pop and techno, because two of the most acclaimed musicians in these fields are coming to visit for a few weeks before they continue their tour! So Ponyville will be treated to this special event: DJ P0N-3 and Sapphire Shores are said to be planning a party at the vacation home of Fancy Pants down by the lake! What an honor to be able to attend that party! As far as we've heard, admission is 200 bits unless you have been invited by one of the celebrities, or you are somepony's plus one for the event. Get down to this address and purchase a ticket today!

Octavia let her mouth fall a bit slack, the candy she held in her mouth falling out and rolling onto the couch. Her two favorite musicians are going to be at a party? In her home town? Octavia thought it would be too easy! Just 200 bits and she would be allowed into the party? Putting down the paper, she jumped from her seat and rushed for her phone. Surely the bank would be able to let her know about her overflowing bank account!

Author's Note:

YES! I'M BACK IN ACTION! Wow, been a while since I wrote anything, so here you go, something I plan to work on for a few weeks. Won't be too long, but I have a feeling it'll have a sequel... :unsuresweetie: Why do I do this to myself?

I'm uploading this before it's done because feedback during writing is very nice.

Also, while you guys are here, why not check out my short non romantic slice of life, "Vinyl's Wish" not to be confused with "Vinyl's Silent Wish" Great minds think alike I guess, but that fic is pretty good too :pinkiesmile:

Please enjoy this nice little fic with weird fangirl Octy and quite cool, not to be bothered Vinyl! Happy reading! :pinkiehappy: