• Published 20th Jun 2015
  • 1,767 Views, 56 Comments

Octavia Crashes a Party and Wins a Roomate - ChaseTheChangeling

What would you do if your favorite musician was in town and throwing a party? You would go right? But what if you had no money? What would you do then?

  • ...

Club Can't Even Handle Me Right Now!

The scene was something she would have only imagined in her dreams. The loud music rocking her body, the silence shot from her and slaughtered brutally, then beaten and given a boot party in a dark alley. Yup, that was her ears, just a punching bag for the righteous fists of the music. The smells were something else too, a mix of cigarettes, booze, sweat, spit, and faint smell of weed. That was the only thing that really matter to Octavia anyway, as she swore to avoid cigarettes. The heat was wet, sticky ponies writhing in pleasure, their bodies caught up in the music that continued to blast out of the speakers, their smiles wide and hooves beating the poor ground senseless.

The Pitz was all it was called. A building of a large black brick variety, squat and leading underground from the doorway, a large bouncer at the front, a solemn look on his face as he looked over the ever growing line. The room Octavia stood in was basically the whole building, save for a backstage area, and a bar, but other than that, it was all seating and dance floor. However, above the dance floor was a platform, the neon running through the sides glowing electric blue, and the large speakers rising from the back also glowing a similar hue, held a DJ, a special DJ. Vinyl stood above the crowd, her hoof punching the air every now and again, Octavia guessed it was whenever a beat mended with another to form a new sound, or when the bass would drop. Especially when the bass would drop. Vinyl's face was that of the purest joy, the look of somepony in their element.

"I wish you looked like that all the time..." Octavia whispered to herself. Not that she needed to, as the music nearly made it hard for her to even think, but what she did think about, seemed almost influenced by the music. Octavia stood near center of the floor, her hoof tapping to the current song, for, although it was a nice rendition of an old piece done by another okay artist, it wasn't one of her favorites.

"Hey there pretty lady!" A stallion called over to Octavia as the song drew closer to its end, "You here by yourself, or what?!"

"Or what!" Octavia shouted over the music with a chuckle at her "wit".

"So you do have somepony with you? Who?"

"Her!" Octavia pointed out the DJ happily sending the song off and mending the beat with a new one. The stallion looked up and grinned.

"Woah! Hahaha, you're kidding right? You don't look the type!"

"What do you mean?" Although the music was blaring, Octavia felt herself get quieter as she tried to speak with the stallion.

"Nothin'. Just aside from the well combed mane, the bow tie, and that accent, you just don't seem the type!"

"Who's to say I can't let loose a bit every now and again?" Octavia said with a challenging tone.

"Hmm, how about you come join me and my buddy? We're only in town for a little bit, but we're always looking for more ponies to hang with!"

Octavia considered it, her eyes looking around to see this "buddy" of his, likely another stallion. Octavia couldn't find anything wrong with it, the stallion seemed nice enough. With a nod, she was lead to a booth table, empty aside from a single... mare? Stallion? Well, they had the face of a mare, but very... stallion-like hooves. The pony was a relaxed brown earth mare... maybe... their black mane ending in purple and a pair of red shades balancing on their muzzle, and a black vest with a blood red collar. Octavia went up to the relaxing pony and smiled, the pony in response lifted her head and gave an excited gasp.

"You're Octavia Philharmonica!" The pony shouted. Octavia just assumed this was a mare, there was not doubting those eyelashes.

"Y-yes I am, I'm guessing you know of my... music?"

"Hell yeah!" came the excited response, "I'm a cellist myself, I stopped by to see my friend play before I head back to Baltimare."

"Your friend?"

"Vinyl! She and I were in a band together. Oh man, those were the days... oh! Geez, I should have introduced myself!" The strange mare put out a hoof and offered it to a puzzled Octavia. "My name is Frolic Stylus! I play cello, draw, animate, and act! I really just like to make stuff. Uhm, anyway... what's a Canterlot pony like yourself doing in a dive like this? Come to scope out some ruffian stallions for a scandal?" Frolic wriggled her brows suggestively, making Octavia giggle nervously. Frolic was a lot different than she had imagined.

"Pleasure to meet you, but um, no I'm not here for any other reason to watch Vinyl as well. She's told me about you, but I didn't think I'd meet you so soon... or ever for that matter!"

"Aw, she's a real sweetie, isn't she? I hope she's been saying nice things."

"Nothing but."

"Good! Well, Miss Philharmonica-"

"Octavia is fine."

"Hmmm, Octavia then? How long have you known Vinyl?

"Roughly a good few days."

"She tell you any stories?"


"Is she any good?"

"Good at what?"

"Telling stories?"

Octavia stopped for a moment, wondering where this was headed, but continued anyway. "Well, no, but I love how she tells them, I'd love to just hear her tell me about everything ever, all at once. I just like the way she speaks. It's different."

"Hmmm.... Do you own a sapphire?"

"The necklace?"


"Yes I do."


"What's perfect?"

Before Octavia could get an answer the mare jumped from her seat and wrapped an arm around the other earth pony, giving her a quick peck on the cheek.

"You are, go on that dance floor and have fun, I have a feeling your song is on."

Octavia was confused now. With a quick turn to see Vinyl switching disks, the beat kicked in and a new song played, a song she loved. However, the strong hoof of the earth mare beside her was gone, and in a second, Octavia was alone. The stallion that had introduced the two was behind the bar washing cups, but looked up to give her a wink. Octavia turned to see Vinyl looking down at her with a smile, mixing the music just how she liked it. It was weird. Vinyl was playing a remix of her favorite song, but the remix was old, very old, not likely something any normal DJ would play, as ponies tend to enjoy newer music. Octavia swayed and moved to the beat, soon letting it take her, the sweet feeling of music guiding her body as she danced. There was nothing, as if she were the only pony on the floor, and nothing would obstruct her, or at least that's how it felt as her body avoided even the slightest chance of impact with another pony or object. It was euphoric, the event, magnificent.


"So you got to meet her? When did she leave?" Vinyl asked, sweat on her brow and a large drink in her magic grip. That bottle of water stayed at her side, likely for hydration, but Octavia was still nervous about it.

Vinyl had completed her set, the whole thing a massive success, and the following three songs, all favorites of the grey cellist, all down to the simple half notes. After the show, Vinyl had ordered three rounds of drinks and had them all set on the table in front of them. Octavia didn't say anything to oppose this, despite the likely hood of them both getting too drunk to walk home.

"She just... disappeared! Like she vanished!"

"Yeah, she'll do that. Anyway, what did she say?"

"She asked me a bunch of questions and, said I was perfect, and that you were going to play my song."

"Yeah?" Vinyl began to smirk scratching the back of her head.

"What is she? Omnipotent?"

"No, she's sneaky. Must have seen what I was going to play when, and set this up. Remember, she and I are friends, so you know...."

"But... wait, you planned those songs out?"


"But that playlist..."

"Was all your favorite music? I know." Vinyl sipped at her lingering water, a cocky look on her face as she did.


"How did I know?" Vinyl interrupted, leaving Octavia to nod. "When I was looking through your nightstand I found a little list of songs on paper. It read Favorites List on the top, so I just guessed the music at the bottom was your favorite." Octavia's confused face turned to that of sheer giddy joy, the sound of her squeaking "thank you" repeatedly. Reaching her arms out, the cellist wrapped the poor DJ in a tight embrace, only loosening her grip to give the lovable unicorn a kiss on the tip of her snout.

"So...." Octavia began, a blush on her own muzzle, but a more feverish energy about her, "What should we do now?" Vinyl's face flushed from the new display of affection and the ever radiant confidence. Vinyl managed a smirk and licked her lips before giving her daring response:

"Let's get crazy."


It was a blur. All of it, and it still was. The smearing of colours and sounds, ponies moving too slow to see with the naked eye. 'What?' Octavia's thoughts escaped her. That was it, all of it was over! The world was ending in a mudslide of effects! But something seemed to be bringing her back, but who knew what? What was that feeling? Warmth. That was it. Where was she? In the house. The house was a mess. How did she get here? Oh! Again, another warm feeling, but where was her head? Her hooves? Were they accounted for? Maybe... what if she was missing one? Would that be bad? 'Maybe so... don't loose track of your hooves!' Again, another shudder and Octavia knew there was something touching her. A sharp turn revealed a drunken, high, and evidently excited, Vinyl Scratch, to her side, her hooves groping everywhere. That can't be good.

"V-Vinyl! Have some classss!" Octavia slurred. Surely eating those Celestia shaped candies was a bad idea, they didn't even taste all that great.

"Aw babe! You gotta loosen up!" Vinyl laughed, tackling the cellist to the ground. Octavia chuckled, almost too loud, a silly snorting sound coming from her over exerted lungs as she went into her laughing fit. However the fit only lasted for a minute, as the DJ had thrown her glasses to the side, opting to stare the cellist straight. Octavia fell silent, her eyes searching those of the DJ. They were a normal magenta, but for some reason, they seemed to be captivating either way. Then it happened. It! Not just some sloppy messy crap, it was... good, at least it was good to Octavia. The feel of soft lips against her own, the feeling sending sudden tingles run down the grey mare's body. The initial... kiss... as it would be called--

'It was a kiss...' Octavia reassured herself, her mind focusing on one thing now.

--was sudden, but soft. The next one not so soft, but more demanding and rough. Octavia writhed in pleasure under the unicorn, her heart rate growing, her body sweating from more than just the candies.

'She's... actually kissing me!'

Vinyl lifted from the mare, her eyes piercing and sure, Octavia's own eyes shaking and unsure. Vinyl only bit her lip.

"Nothing you don't want to do..." the DJ whispered uneasily.



'Deep breaths, Octavia'

"Vinyl.... take me."

Author's Note:


Yeah.... no I'm not writing that part. Sorry... :applejackunsure:

Weird, as I know a lot about this stuff, I just can't put it to words. Also, take note that I don't use the "word", as I don't feel like changing the tags and rating. So nothing here but heavy petting and... a kiss!

I had a crazy day today. But I finished this chapter in a day, so I think my plans are working. So right now I'm planning my story at work during breaks and after work. My list is pretty crazy, let's just say things get crazy, and the ride is nearly over! :pinkiegasp: Aw geez, think of that? This story being over so soon? That would suck. I know the feeling of reading a great story and then it ends, then you're like, "What do I do now? I just experienced an emotional roller coaster, but no one cares or notices! What will I do now?!":pinkiegasp:

I can tell you that life will go on, trust me, I've read the whole Claudie series (Wolf Tower, Wolf Star, Wolf Queen) in a span of two months, absorbed in the lore, the universe was my life, especially nothing else was happening then anyway, but the story ended. What now? Read another book. :rainbowderp:

Anyway, my OC was not originally in this chapter, but you know, I did it anyway because I'm a weirdo, also the other friends couldn't get in there and not be noticed. I kind of want to know why Frolic was hanging around the bartender anyway, and how did she get the playlist? Are they in cahoots?! BLASPHEMY! Ah well. I'll tell that story another time. Anyway, here, enjoy this chapter I finished sooner than I thought I would even think up the plot for....

Yes, this story is improved. Yeah, I don't even know how this will end. Hopefully happily, and true to the title. Wouldn't it suck if it ended with something like Vinyl leaving Octavia, and the two don't get to be together over something super big like not respecting Octavia's feelings, and Vinyl just being a distant douche? Or if Fredric got Octavia instead? But that would never happen...
