• Published 20th Jun 2015
  • 1,768 Views, 56 Comments

Octavia Crashes a Party and Wins a Roomate - ChaseTheChangeling

What would you do if your favorite musician was in town and throwing a party? You would go right? But what if you had no money? What would you do then?

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Panic! At the House Party

Octavia stood at the side of the large building, the lights flashing as ponies swarmed and gathered to enter the party. At the front door, there was a large stallion guarding the party from any unwanted ponies, and he wasn't going to break for some pretty mare batting her eyes, Octavia would know too; she tried. Since sex appeal didn't seem to work, the next best thing was to commit a crime. Octavia and her friends would commit a felony under the title "Breaking and Entering" on the home of a billionaire stallion.

"Are you guys sure there isn't a chance we could just... you know... sneak into the home a normal way?" Octavia asked, her hooves shaking as she watched her friends look around for a place to break in, "Like through a door?"

"Come on Octavia," Harpo said as he pulled a ladder out from a small bush, "this is nothing but a little detour before the reward of the best night of our lives! You're not going to let a little bit of law get between you and that payoff, are you?" Octavia's mouth fell agape, well she did want to see DJ P0N-3, and she was sure this would only be a small deal, nothing too bad. But still, as a sheltered and spoiled filly, she was not sure if this plan should fail, if she could hold up in prison.

"Are we going to be climbing that to the second floor window?" Beauty asked Harpo as he made his way up. Octavia huffed and opted to look into a ground floor window, the room inside being slowly filled with ponies as they sat at the large bar, one of those ponies being the mysterious DJ, ever eluding, ever charming. Octavia sighed as she rested her head on her hooves. She was so mysterious and distant, it was odd, and Octavia just wanted to know more about her, but in a non creepy fan way. How did DJ P0N-3 handle fans? Did she like them? Would she even acknowledge them? Octavia watched as a stallion trotted up to the DJ, giving her a fist bump and smiling. He seemed to change his expression from that of casual chatting, to flirting. Octavia felt a small pang in her chest, as all fans would, she never liked the thought of P0N-3 dating, why she didn't like it, Octavia was not one to tell. The stallion, still giving the DJ a winning smile, seemed to be flexing now, his large rippling muscles working under taught, and strong skin. The DJ nodded and felt his arms, smiling, but never once saying anything.

"Are you coming or not?" Fredric called from the window. Octavia looked up to see her friends had climbed into the window on the second floor with the ladder and were waiting for her as she was staring at the white mare inside. Octavia sucked in a deep breath and climbed up the ladder, sliding into the window as her friends yanked her through. The pull, however was a bit strong, causing Octavia to fly past, and her trio of friends sprawled about on the carpet.

"I think we're in a hallway..." Harpo whispered. The party was quiet, the only sounds coming from a few ponies talking.

"Well we should get to the party before anypony comes up here and sees us..." Beauty responded as she dusted herself off. The four friends trotted down to the party, there was a little music, but it was low, and seemed to be classical playing from a small stereo.

"You would think a party for musicians would have good music?" Fredric scoffed as he looked around the room. They had made it to the living room, the stairs ascended from above before a wall and lead sideways, the front door being to their left, the back window to the backyard opposite. There were only a few ponies, maybe thirty, and they were paced well. The area looked as if it could hold over a hundred ponies, but Octavia was sure the owner of the house didn't want his home filled to the brim with music loving party ponies. Fredric pushed ahead and began to look over the crowd, his eyes set for a mare more than likely.

"We should get moving, staying up here is going to make ponies suspicious." Harpo whispered just loud enough to be heard by the two mare beside him. Harpo then quickly shuffled past, making his way to the center of the room and struck up conversation with a random pony. Harpo seemed very good at doing things like this, Octavia often envied him.

"Harpo is right, we should get out there and make ourselves look normal," Beauty said, her hooves making quick work of the stairs. "Why don't we find that DJ you're so interested in?" Octavia huffed and followed. She wasn't one for social, she was bad at it, often it was talking too much.

"I really don't want to make a fool of myself in front of DJ P0N-3!" Octavia shouted in a whisper, "What if she doesn't like me? What if she doesn't like any of her fans?" Octavia's eyes soon grew wide as she gasped, "What if she doesn't notice me?" Beauty laughed and continued her trot as she listened to her friend's hysterics. "I'm serious, Beauty!"

"You sound like a raging school filly, Octavia," Beauty said extending a hoof to stop her friend, in front of them was a large stallion, and from the looks of it, seemed to be the same one Octavia saw talking to the DJ earlier. Octavia bit her lip as he turned around and spotted the two mares. He was a large green pegasus stallion with a long blonde mane and a little brown stripe in it, and a rusted gear for a cutie mark.

"Wudda ya'll want?" the large stallion asked, apprehensive and a large seer on his muzzle. Octavia was sure this guy didn't want to be bothered. Before Beauty could answer the brolly stallion, he was pushed to the side by a white hoof, revealing a curious white unicorn mare. It was DJ P0N-3! Octavia could only just register that she had a huge goofy grin, her mouth dropping open and her ears drooping, Beauty, however was much more content to just snicker at her friend's strange gaze.

"Y-you're..." Octavia tried, her heart beating faster, it was so cool to see her idol, right here! She was only a few feet away, this had to be a dream!

"P0N-3," Vinyl added quickly. 'Let's hope this is the last time I'll have to speak...' Vinyl thought.

"Wow, you're much smaller in person," Beauty spared another light chuckle as she said this.

Vinyl just gave a shrug and hopped down from her seat, trotting up to Beauty and silently offering her a drink. Octavia gasped, why was P0N-3 so much more interested in Beauty? Octavia was a much better match! She was a real fan, she even had the shirt!

"Uhm... are you offering me a drink?" Beauty asked unsure. Vinyl nodded and pointed to the drinks above the bar with a wide grin.

'Oh, this one's cute,' Vinyl thought as she waved over the bartender. The mare behind the bar was a light green unicorn, her yellow eyes scanning over the three mares and she shook her head.

"What do you want? The usual?" The mare knew this white unicorn all too well, always the same thing, a strawberry kiwi iced margarita with a small lime garnish and a sugared rim. Vinyl nodded and pointed to Beauty, the blue mare looked around and seemed almost scared, as if she had no clue what she had gotten herself into. The bartender just huffed, it was a normal night, DJ would try and bed a mare and fail, her nerves would get her before anything, she knew it all too well. "Hey there, name's Lyra," the mint green mare held out her hoof to shake, and smiled, "Looks like P0N-3 likes you if she's willing to buy you a drink and hasn't said more than a single word yet." Beauty shook Lyra's hoof, and pulled back, trying for a smile. "What would you like?"

"Do you have any light beer?" Beauty asked quietly. Why did P0N-3 have to like her? She didn't even swing that way! Octavia grit her teeth as she watched the pair order their drinks. What kind of a friend would do that? Just up and take her... her.... her idol! Yeah! Octavia soon felt odd, like, it wasn't normal to get this worked up over it. So what if P0N-3 liked another mare that wasn't her? It's not like Octavia was married to her. A sudden feeling of giddiness ran over her. That would be something. Being married to the best DJ in Equestria.

"Well, be sure to enjoy your night," Lyra said with a smirk, "If you're lucky, you might get more than an autograph!" That was it! Octavia couldn't take this! With a loud thud, Octavia slammed her hoof on the bar and growled.

"Give me the strongest whiskey you have, and give me four of them!"

Lyra's eyes went wide at the sudden outburst and nodded, quickly pouring four shots of Applejack Daniels and sliding the glasses to the stewing grey mare. Octavia didn't pay much mind to the look of fear on the bartender's face, or of that same look of sheer confusion and fear Beauty's as P0N-3 pulled her to the dance floor as the music picked up a bit. The only thing that mattered was the drink in front of her, and how she would deal with Beauty's betrayal later....

---------------30 Minutes Later--------------

Everything was beautiful! Everything was fun and interesting and lively! Ponies were pretty, and some of them seemed worthy of taking back to her home, although she, even in this state of mind, would be weary of whom. The ponies fell into a blur of bodies, their vapor trails and tracers mixing into one large speed line, and their smiles spreading from ear to ear. The rush was intense and why wouldn't it be? Octavia had never been happier than she was now, no worries about guards, or even that DJ that had snubbed her would kill her mood.... well, she as still a bit hurt about her idol just leaving her there, not even looking her over once. That wouldn't do....

Vinyl danced clumsily with Beauty, the latter mare trying her best to move to the beats. Even being such a rowdy mare, Beauty would admit she was never one for the lively dance style that was associated with dubstep, although she knew how to head bang better than most. The music was pulsing and the two mares continued to dance. There was very little talking, and Beauty couldn't help but be nervous about it.

"You don't say much do you?" Beauty called over the music. The fidgeting DJ tried to shake her head, but it seemed more like dancing. "Do you have a real name? Or do you just go by DJ P0N-3?" Vinyl began to feel a bit irritated, maybe this wasn't such a good idea, too many open ended questions. Vinyl gave a smug smirk as her answer, hoping that would suffice. "So you do or you don't? No wonder Octavia is so into you, so quiet and mysterious...." Vinyl shook her head as if to dislodge a thought. Who was Octavia? "I'm sure she must have been really pissed about you running off with me instead of her... although I mean, you could always sign her shirt later. I don't think she has a crush on you or anything." Before Vinyl could signal a response, a loud thud was heard. It was a young grey mare bustling her way over to the dancing couple, a large glass of bourbon in her hoof, and a sour look on her face, as if she had walking in on a spouse cheating on her.

"I can't b-believe you!" Octavia slurred, her words were only a little above a yell, so it wasn't bothering anypony unless they were next to her. "I come.... all the way-hic- here to see you.... all I wanted was to see you! Then y-you just... just.... run off! With my besht.... b-besht frrriiieeenddd..... BLASHPHEMY!" Octavia was drawing a small crowd by now, the ponies amused by her shouting and pointing at the shocked DJ.

"Octavia!" Beauty started to run to her wobbly friend and put her hoof on her shoulder, "What in Equestria are you doing?" Octavia shoved her concerned friend to the side before stumbling up the the DJ, her white hooves trying to find a good grip on the floor as she tried to back away.

"It'z like y-you're leadin- hic- me on and then just leavin' m-me! Weeeeelllll, I won't have any of it! I refuse! Y-you... you liar! I like you more than her anyway!" The crowd began to whisper as the mare went on her rant, leaving Vinyl confused and worried. It would be best if she were somewhere less... populated. Vinyl put her hoof on the mare's shoulders, attempting to steady her before a loud bang, followed by smoke made the room fall still. It was the sound of a speaker blowing, just one out of the four, and two stallions standing by the microphone where the instruments had been set up. A blue earth stallion grabbed a microphone and began to make a beat with his mouth, a smooth steady beat, one that others tapped their hoof to.

"Yeah!" Another voice called from the second microphone, it was a tan earth stallion, dressed like a mix of 50 Bit and Tubuck. "We the B Coltz, and we here to drop some sick lines on ya!" Beauty gasped at the sight of Fredric and Harpo, both obviously tipsy, in front of the crowd of ponies, making a huge scene. The bouncer looked over, his stone cold eyes locking with the duo and he sneered. Beauty was sure this wouldn't end well, even if the song was well received.

"This song is called... Fuck Shit Stack," Harpo said between beats, his eyes focused on the mic. He went on into a more solid beat, and it soon took form as he stopped once more to add, "This song was thought up while we were drinking a cold ass glass of cider on the rocks... because that shit makes the brain work!" A loud smack sounded across the room as Beauty face hoofed, and she face hoofed hard.

Vinyl pulled Octavia by the shirt, getting her out of the now distracted group of ponies, and pulling her towards the stairs. She knew she wanted the extra room for "Super fun times" but this seemed a bit more important. The sounds of ponies cheering from the overly offensive song down stairs could be heard, although the sounds of an overly offensive grey mare were also able to be heard, maybe more than Vinyl would like.

"All I wanted.... was a signature on my shirt!" Octavia squirmed again making Vinyl flinch. What a lousy mare, bothering her, and making a scene like this, although Vinyl had to admire her determination, it was something not many ponies had. Vinyl kicked open the bedroom door, the dark room was much cooler than the dance floor downstairs with the ponies dancing and rubbing against each other. The grey mare gave little resistance as Vinyl engulfed her in her pink magical glow, lifting her into the soft bed. Vinyl sighed and leaned against the side of the bed as she just lay there, a sour look still on her face.

"This doesn't excuse you for being a total ass..." Octavia mumbled sounding a little more sober. Vinyl looked up and gave a small pout. "Don't give me that, I was looking forward to meeting you, and I went so far out of my comfort zone!" Silence feel again. Octavia didn't ask Vinyl any questions, and she didn't pester her further. This was something Vinyl was actually pretty happy about. Before long the sounds of light snores could be heard from the grey mare, her face still angry, but at least she wasn't yelling anymore. Vinyl sighed and leaned back, her shoulders relaxing as she listened to the mare sleep. She had a melodious snore, and seemingly on beat. Turning to get another look at her now much more peaceful fan, Vinyl noticed a little little necklace... however this necklace had a stone holder, and no stone.

I've seen that necklace before! Vinyl thought as she looked it over, her hoof moved slowly to the little string, the golden metal bent in a specific way. Yup... I know this necklace... and the stone is missing....

Author's Note:

If you have come this far... maybe you're willing to go a little bit further?

I'm sorry guys... I know this story is weird... please bare with me, it gets better! If there are any errors in spelling (it's those damn homophones! :flutterrage: )

Remember to let me know what you think in the comments, I love to hear feedback, as it makes me wirte sooner, and they story tends to get better! Thanks for your time! :pinkiehappy: