• Published 20th Jun 2015
  • 1,768 Views, 56 Comments

Octavia Crashes a Party and Wins a Roomate - ChaseTheChangeling

What would you do if your favorite musician was in town and throwing a party? You would go right? But what if you had no money? What would you do then?

  • ...

Thunder Rolls

The night was colder and quieter the farther away from the Avenue the group went. The cold air brushing through sweat soaked manes and coats, their hooves aching from dancing, stomachs aching from food and booze, and heads swimming in euphoria. It had been a great night, and one that the five friends would remember fondly, if they could remember anything after all of the drinks, that is. There was little sound aside from loud cheers and laughing from the friends, the sound of their hooves stumbling about unevenly, and doors locking and windows shutting as sleeping ponies heard the rowdy young ponies going past. It had to have been around one in the morning, but they didn't care, it wasn't their problem, and they weren't going to bed anytime soon.

"S-so then I s-said-," Beauty huffed out laughter as she tried to speak, "'Why don't you take that tuba?' and he took it-" another bout of laughter before she was cut off by a hoof on her shoulder.

"Oh! It must have been a right mess!" Harpo chuckled alongside her, putting his hoof down to keep himself steady as another, stronger force of laughter shook his body. Although the group was mostly shouting and laughing, two ponies remained relatively quiet. The two, Fredric and Vinyl, stayed towards the back of the group, watching the other three enjoy joking and laughing, and although Vinyl was smiling and bobbing her head, she seemed to have her ears perked, awaiting a sound to come from Fredric. Fredric clumsily stumbled over a crack in the sidewalk nudging the aware DJ slightly. Vinyl simply countered his drunken stumbling with a slight push to keep him upright. The action was greeted with a light snarl from the disgruntled stallion. Vinyl only shrugged and continued, her ears still listening out for him to say something.

"So you think you're big shit, huh?" Fredric grumbled, his head hanging low as if the hangover was setting in.

Vinyl only shrugged, her smile not dropping an inch. 'Not better than anypony else...'

"Yeah, you do... you think you've got her? Yeah, I bet you do..."

Vinyl only looked down at him for a second, a small look of worry on her features as she saw this guy wasn't going to get any better. 'What is this dude going on about anyway?' Vinyl thought as she slowed her pace a bit.

"I've liked Octavia for years," Fredric only half murmured, just loud enough for Vinyl to hear, "I never had the guts to tell her. Every year it was me telling the others, 'Look! I bet I can get her this time! She'll love me now!' and every time.... every time I chickened out..."

Vinyl stayed quiet, as usual, although this time she had nothing to say. There was an estranged silence between the two, the sounds of the three other ponies seemed almost distant. Where were they headed? Vinyl sighed and looked at the stallion beside her, opening her mouth to speak, she was stopped by him uttering something else, likely unaware of Vinyl preparing to speak.

"She always seemed so worried and angry," Fredric tried to speak up a little, "S-she... she was always so spirited, but she always recoiled as if she was trying not to hurt herself while she was having fun. We were always so sheltered as foals, and even as teens. We didn't get true freedom until we were adults. Octavia... she seemed the same all the time, like... like she never truly tried to have any fun. As if her parents constant sheltering kept her from venturing out of her comfort zone, but..."

"Hmm?" Vinyl's quiet sound only just made it to the agitated stallion's ears. Fredric didn't think much of the sound, it still wasn't a word. How odd of anypony to not truly speak for so long.

"Ugh..." Fredric shook his head, "just... just the ramblings of a heartbroken dunk, worry not." Fredric faked a smile, the pain in his head started to wane, but that festering anger, that had stayed, and it grew with every second he looked at the DJ.

"Mhm..." was all that Vinyl said as she turned forward to see that they had made it back towards Octavia's little town house, the home bathed in the gentle blue light of the moon.

"So," Harpo tried to say, his giggles dying down a bit, "Is this where we split? Or are we enjoying an after party at your place?" Octavia scratched her chin, the thought of going to bed seemed very enjoyable, but she felt the need to stay up a bit later, enjoy herself a bit more, when would be the next time she would have this much fun?

"Well, considering my options..." the grey mare said with a devious grin, "I say we enjoy a SECOND PARTY!" The small group cheered and yelped in joy, laughing as they heard the disgruntled neighboring ponies slamming their windows shut and swearing. The group huddled into the house, the quiet building echoing the sound of their hooves, their mouths shushing as they stumbled in, the keys to the apartment falling to the ground, and the sound of straps from bow ties being pulled and thrown, and in one case, a pony falling over and knocking his purple head into a wall.


"Dare!" Beauty shouted as Fredric smiled a devious grin. The night had its moments, the drunken buzz had yet to wear off, as they had a case of cider and some light wine, and they were drifting further into an almost out of body feeling, euphoria still clouding their vision. At some point, Harpo convinced the group that one of the candy bowls on the table (the one with the butterscotch candies, they were his favorite) told him that that should play "Truth or Dare". The others agreed and set up rules and seats. There was really only one rule: You can't go back on a dare, and if you did, you had to chug a glass of vinegar.

"Well," Fredric scratched his chin, "I dare you to.... kiss Miss Vinyl!" Fredric pointed a drunken hoof at the DJ who took her place beside the grey cellist. Octavia's expression changed from that of relaxation to mild surprise. Octavia wasn't sure if she was upset with this or if she was curious.... and interested. Octavia pushed the thought from her mind, although it seemed to creep back in every now and again, and what was worse, Octavia began to wonder what it would be like if the positions were switched.

"Just kiss her?" Beauty regretted the words as soon as she said them. She knew this was going to end horribly. Or hopefully it would end wonderfully with everypony happy the next morning laying in Octavia's bed, but chances were slim that would be the case. She quickly shoved her naughty thoughts back into the depths of her mind.

"Now that you mention it," The brown stallion said leaning forward, "Prench kiss, with lots of tongue." Beauty only grimaced as she saw the seemingly hungry look in the stallion's eyes. Beauty chalked it up to him getting her back for earlier in the bar.

"Fine," Beauty shot with a grin as she trotted over to the DJ, "but no pictures, and no trying to join!" Harpo chuckled as he heard Beauty say this, despite the blush on his muzzle suggesting it was a though that had occurred to him.

Vinyl sat up straight as the mare came over to her, un-phased and unimpressed as the mare clambered onto the couch beside her. Octavia watched closely, much to the amusement of Fredric. It seemed like hours before Beauty pressed her lips to Vinyl's, her mouth parting to let her tongue explore every inch of the DJ's own, and the feeling of the mare's breath on her fur. Beauty wasn't into mares, but she could see the appeal. The taste was nothing special, the touch was nothing special, but it was nice. But that was it; nice. The two parted, Vinyl letting out a long sigh before laying her head back onto Octavia's shoulder and motioning for the game to continue, a sly grin on her muzzle aimed right for Fredric that seemed to go unnoticed by everypony else but him.

"Looks like it's my turn!" Harpo cheered, his face still red, "Now... who's next? Oh! Fredric? You're next aren't you?" Fredric gave a reluctant nod. "So truth or dare?" Fredric stopped to think for a moment, he knew Harpo, a sly introvert with a sociopath's way of thinking. He had to be careful, if he picked truth, he would have to spill serious beans, but if he picked dare, there was no way he would be able to do it, whatever it was. But he could always lie....

"Truth!" Fredric finally said, his face bearing the look of somepony planning something. Harpo, however, kept a straight face the whole time, the only thing disturbing it was a mischievous grin more diabolical than that of Discord.

"Are you jealous of Vinyl?"

It was a simple question, with a simple answer. Yes, or no. Fredric didn't need to complicate this more than he had to. Fredric swallowed a lump in his throat and flicked his ear twice, a bead of sweat dripping down his brow.

"Don't bother," Harpo interrupted with a raised hoof, "your answer is no?" Fredric nodded. "Alright, whatever you say." Harpo took a leisurely sip of his cider, waiting as he watched the seething stallion grow red in the face.

"Well!" Fredric finally shouted, standing from his seat, "I'm offended you would think I'd feel the need to compete with her." The last word slipping from his mouth, dripping with disgust and venom, his muzzle wrinkled.

"Why wouldn't you be jealous of Vinyl?" Beauty piped in with a smirk, "She kissed me, and she's leaning up on Octavia, while you and Harpo are sitting over in your sad little corner, awaiting a mare to give you attention." Fredric stayed silent, his heavy and angered breathing the only sound coming from him. The room was silent, all of the ponies in their own minds, and Fredric wishing he knew what they were all thinking.

"I guess I'll just go then...." Fredric finally said seeing nopony move. "I know when I'm not wanted." With a haughty huff, Fredric flicked his tail and trotted out of the home, sloppily grabbing his tie form the floor and throwing it over his back. The silence from the room remained before Beauty rolled from her seat with a heavy sigh.

"So I guess I'll go and see that Fredric doesn't go crazy while he's walking home." With that, Beauty gathered her tie and gave a small kiss on Octavia's cheek, the grey cellist returned the gesture, although the fatigue and drunken haze made it a bit difficult. Harpo gave a small wave to Beauty as she trotted past. "Oh, you're coming too." Harpo shook his head quickly in protest.

"B-but why? Can't I stay here? There's still so much alcohol left!" His complaints fell short as the blue mare bit down on his tail and pulled him from his seat. Harpo gave a pathetic whine as he tried (and failed) to claw his way back to his seat, a mug of cider still in hoof.

"You're just as responsible, if not more, for this problem, so you better come out and help me!" Beauty shouted as she dragged the stallion out of the room. Vinyl and Octavia watched quietly as they two left the house, the door closing behind them.

"Well... that was a thing...." came the slightly confused voice of Octavia. Vinyl simply shrugged and got up from her seat, trotting over to the door, her horn glowing and levitating her signature glasses back to her face. "Vinyl... are you about to leave?" Vinyl only stopped and turned back to see Octavia giving her a pleading look.

"Did you want me to stay?"

"Well... I don't know...." Octavia tried to find her bow and fiddle with that, but her neck was bare, as her tie lay neglected and forgotten on the floor far from her.

"You don't have to lie..." Vinyl turned around, walking over to the visibly distraught Octavia. There was a look in her eyes that Octavia couldn't really put her hoof on, she seemed to sway her hips, flip her mane, and bat her eyes. Was this normal?

"B-but Vinyl..." Octavia stammered as the alabaster unicorn climbed up to the couch, her usually giddy expression changed into that of burning desire, but desire for what? Octavia had only a second to react before feeling a surge of adrenaline, a strong feeling she hadn't experienced since she was young. Something similar to the first concert she had ever been to, the feeling of the bass from the speakers in that club when they played, the bass dropping after a long time waiting for it, the tension, the waiting, the anticipation before the long awaited release, the thing she knew would come finally breaking her and leaving her in a state of euphoria, but in this case, instead of a long awaited bass drop, it was the feeling of the DJ's lips, Vinyl's soft flesh upon the cellist's own. Oh and how she had waited, how Octavia had longed for such a feeling, and how sweet it was that it occurred. But there was something amiss....

"Octavia..." Vinyl whispered as their lips parted. Octavia could feel the DJ's heart beat, it was fast, strong, or was that her own?

"Y-yes, Vinyl?" Octavia asked, her eyes drifting open as if in a dream. Vinyl hadn't moved far from the cellist, their muzzles still only mere centimeters away from each other.

"Octavia.... you might want to wake up..."


Author's Note:

A shout out to my editor, Jabber Brony for reading my stories and giving me feedback, and making sure that I don't constantly doubt myself! Thanks buddy!

Yes this chapter is indeed complete, and yes this was a crazy roller coaster of stuff. Also, I'm super sorry for the long wait. :fluttershyouch:

I'm making more plans for future chapters, but I'm at a conflicted state! Where is this story going? How long will it be? When will it end? What's up with this Fredric sub plot? Well, I'm working on that.

Anyway, if you're wondering why it's taking so long to make this chapter, it's because I'm dealing with a birthday, a new job, and other stressful things all at once. I'm turning 21 by the way.

This is a long time coming, and I plan to complete this sometime soon. Again sorry this is taking so long, and that this chapter was a horrendous mess of plots and conflicts, but they are yet to be resolved. I do have a plan for Fredric and Vinyl, so this crazy train has yet to stop at its station (if it ever will).

If you guys ever think I'm taking too long to update, feel free to send me a PM, as it goes through my phone and sets off my loud Kim Possible beeper and lets me know you're all still waiting for my update. Also be sure to leave a comment and let me know how you're getting along with the story, or if this is getting a little farther from what was promised in the description.... should I change that? This was supposed to be a one shot story. :rainbowderp:

But it's much too late for me to be up and bumming around on the computer. So goodnight from the crappy tiny forgettable state of Delaware! :rainbowkiss: