• Published 20th Jun 2015
  • 1,768 Views, 56 Comments

Octavia Crashes a Party and Wins a Roomate - ChaseTheChangeling

What would you do if your favorite musician was in town and throwing a party? You would go right? But what if you had no money? What would you do then?

  • ...

One Night Stand... Was Left Unharmed

Octavia clambered from her bed, her mane falling about her shoulders as she tried to get her footing. The three ponies looked up, seeing the now red eyed tired pony looking them over, her face that of stoic poise and calm... she was almost too quiet, and eerily calm. She stood straight with and flicked her mane from her face as she took a deep breath and spoke.

"You three had better have a damn good reason to be in here..."

The smallest of three ponies looked around nervously before backing away. Octavia silently approached her anger more apparent in her eyes rather than her face.

"I suggest you speak up..." Octavia almost cooed before backing the pony into a wall, tower over the now cowering pony, her eyes cold. The pony only raised a hoof to protect herself before one of the larger ponies spoke up.

"Gee, Octavia," the largest murmured, "we didn't think you would take a prank so hard..." Octavia's eyes widened as she looked up from the pony below her. Turning to see the two other ponies had removed their masks and revealed Fredric and Harpo. The poor pony below her was still shaking, her eyes wide in horror.

"Yeah," Harpo said, his voice slightly higher in volume as the tension seemed to wane, "you looked as if you were about to kill us..." Octavia stood bewildered, her mouth working but no words coming out.

"You alright there...?" Fredric ventured after a short while.

"A PRANK?" Octavia finally shouted. She screwed up her nose and furrowed her brow as she tried to calm her now boiling anger. 'If there was ever a time for Vinyl to step in, now would have been a good time', Octavia thought as she grinned her teeth, but there was no sound coming from the bed. Octavia turned to see Vinyl was bent over the opposite edge of the bed. It seemed like she was looking for something. But Octavia had no time for any of that now. She had to focus on the problem at hoof.

"Well, it seemed like a good idea when Harpo told us about it." Beauty grumbled rolling her eyes.

"What?" Harpo reeled as his eyes darted between Octavia and Beauty, "I- This- I didn't come up with this! This was YOUR idea!"

"I hope you plan to fix this!" Octavia cut off the bickering before Beauty could retort, "Look at the mess you've made!"

"Now Octavia," Fredric added stepping forward as he looked over the room, "you can't possibly blame us for this horrendous wreck you've made. Our contribution to this room is dwarfed in comparison to what we walked into." Octavia turned and looked around the room again, letting the memories of last night replay once more before groaning. Vinyl had since gotten back onto the bed properly, her eyes covered by her trademark shades as she continued to look at the conversing ponies with little interest.

"Friends?" Vinyl asked flatly. Octavia nodded and pointed them out as she introduced them all.

"This is Fredric, Harpo, and Beauty... although I think you know Beauty pretty well."

Vinyl nodded to the two stallions and blew a kiss to Beauty. Octavia looked between the two and took a deep breath. 'Oh who cares if Vinyl blows a kiss to her?' Octavia thought, 'It's not that serious, she's just being friendly.'

"So let me get this straight..." Harpo began with a smirk, "When we came in, you were in the bed with P0N-3... so that means-"

"No..." Octavia said almost under her breath hoping the other would leave it alone. If only her friends were so considerate.

"Oh!" Fredric shouted as he caught on, "Oh Octavia! I had no idea! Well! There goes my plans for Hearts and Hooves day..."

"I just wanted to say, Octavia," Beauty said putting a reassuring hoof on Octavia's shoulder, "I always figured, but I didn't know you were one for flings with celebrities, that seems more like a thing I would do." Beauty allowed herself a soft awkward chuckle.

"It doesn't matter to us, Octavia," Harpo added quickly, "we still love you, and we promise not to tell anypony about you sleeping with P0N-3... unless you want that type of publicity? Imagine what the tabloids would say!" The rest of Octavia's friends began to converse about what this would mean for the ensemble and their beloved cellist and DJ.

"What if paparazzi finds out?" Fredric asked.

"Who cares!" Harpo interjected, "Paparazzi is fine, but what about the retaliation? Ponies are very... traditional in our field of entertainment."

"They won't find out," Beauty chuckled with a wave of her hoof, "remember that time with me and Neon? Well, we just kept our mouths shut and nopony ever found out!" The other stayed quite after that almost completely dazed by the revelation. "Look, what is said in this room stays in this room!"

"We were just sleeping!" Octavia finally said after trying to figure out the situation. At this point she would have much rather dealt with an intruder, at least they wouldn't embarrass her like this. "There was nothing going on, I'm not even into mares!"

"You sure?" Vinyl asked with a smug look. Octavia turned and delivered a glare that could curdle milk leaving Vinyl to cower into the sheets.

"Now..." Octavia took a breath, "is there any reason why you decided to BREAK into my house instead of using the door?"

"Well," Fredric said with a nervous laugh, "we came to invite you to lunch and a concert later, but it seems you're in no mood for going anywhere, and you can get your own personal concert." Beauty Brass gave Fredric a sharp lab in the ribs. "Oh! I'm terribly sorry about that, I mean to say you already have a DJ in bed with you." Another hard jab. "Ouch! What is it that you want me to say? There is literally nothing that can be said about this that doesn't hint at there being... well you know."

"We're sorry, Octavia," Beauty huffed, "I guess we did go a bit far with this prank, and we'll clean your room, your whole room," Beauty gave Fredric a glare as she said this, "as a way to make up for our mistake."

"Thank y-" Octavia began but was cut off by Beauty's hoof on her lips.

"But," Beauty continued with a grin, "you have to come out with us for a night on the town, and you have to bring the DJ with you!"

Octavia blanched, starring at her friend for a moment and then turning to Vinyl who had since preoccupied herself with something in the nightstand. Octavia growled at the invasion of her property but left it at that.

"Well, I guess we could go hang out... it would all be up to Vinyl if she wanted to go..." Octavia answered turning back to her friends who seemed confused.

"Vinyl?" Fredric asked.

"Yes, that's her name."

"She told you her real name?" Beauty said stepping in front of Octavia only inches from her muzzle, "I heard her name was some sort of secret from the public."

"You seem much more familiar with pop culture than you let on," Harpo quipped. Beauty only stuck out her tongue, receiving a very flat but oh so satisfying 'How rude' from the stallion. Octavia gave a light smile as her friends bickered and rolled her eyes.

"Vinyl?" Octavia asked over her shoulder, "You wouldn't be adverse to having a night out on the town would you?"


Octavia turned back to her friends, soon noticing a strange look on their faces. A look almost as if they were trying not to laugh, although their mirth was very evident in their eyes. Confused she looked back to see Vinyl was holding something in her hooves, and something else in her magic. Neither was an item Octavia was fond of admitting she owned, and a blush formed on her face as she heard Vinyl laugh a bit louder than what she was sure Vinyl had intended.

"Heh... found Bob..." Vinyl continued to laugh. Only for a moment however, as she was abruptly stopped by a large cello case to the face, the casing now not only adorning a dent from a still scratch-less nightstand, but a large dent shaped like a horn. Octavia quickly turned to her friends whose expression turned from one of mirth to one of fear. Octavia relished in the new behavior and gave a devious smile as she turned and trotted from the room, being sure to step over the groaning DJ and shouting over her shoulder.

"Clean up Vinyl while you're at it..."

Author's Note:

Don't get too happy just yet! I have returned!

So this is REALLY late! Sorry about that. I ended up getting sick, like really bad. Have you ever had tonsillitis? It's like, when your tonsils decide to not do their job and instead nuke themselves, and then they just stay that way for two weeks. It hurts a lot. :pinkiesick:

So I finally got around to making this chapter, and I'm still going to work on it, but a little bit slower. I'm currently trying to get a few story boards for an animation I'm working on up onto YouTube.

That aside.... next chapter we're going on a fun late night adventure! WOO! :pinkiehappy:

Remember to leave a comment... that is if you want to :fluttershyouch: .... and be sure to let me know if you're enjoying it, or if there seems to be something I'm missing, as I did just jump back into the story without any prep.... that's about it... yup.... *beat boxes*