• Published 20th Jun 2015
  • 1,768 Views, 56 Comments

Octavia Crashes a Party and Wins a Roomate - ChaseTheChangeling

What would you do if your favorite musician was in town and throwing a party? You would go right? But what if you had no money? What would you do then?

  • ...

She Brought Me The Horizon

Octavia tossed in the soft sheets as she snorted, the sudden sound jolting her into a slightly awake state. There was a strange swimming in her head, no harsh pain, and she felt drunk, but not in a good way. Octavia's hooves wandered, feeling the soft thread of her fluffy comforter. She was home for sure, but she hadn't gone home last she remembered. A pang of pain finally reared it's ugly head as the thoughts tried to enter. If Octavia wanted to remember more about last night, she would be fighting a painful battle with her head first.

Grey hooves clapped against wooden and tile floors, the sound thundering into the mare's ears as she navigated her nearly immaculate home. Aside from dirty dishes strewn in odd places, bow ties far from their home in the hamper, and papers lost amongst furniture, the rooms were spotless. Inside the kitchen where Octavia would make some toast and get a black coffee, was a small note. The note was hastily written and placed lazily on the counter, with a candy bar keeping it from falling over. Well, at least it was Octavia's favorite candy bar, it must have been one of her friends who had brought it. Grabbing the treat, Octavia looked over the note still sitting atop the marble top. It wasn't written by an earth pony, Octavia knew that for sure, it seemed more... smooth, and not as big as earth pony writing:

Your friends helped me get you back to your house, and they got you this candy bar. I think this kind is really gross. I will be over again later. don't freak out too much

-DJ P0N-3

Octavia scowled at that letter. What a horrible letter. She didn't see an apology for the DJ's behavior anywhere. Idol or not, P0N-3 was becoming more like a pain than an admirable musician. It was time she started to make her toast and coffee. It didn't take long, however, in those few moments it took, there was a loud knocking. Octavia let out a low groan as she looked towards the living room door. There was silence, and then another set of knocks.

"Who is it?!" Octavia shouted, her head soon reminding her why she wanted to be quiet in the first place. There was no response. What a pain....


Vinyl stood grumbling at the door. It was afternoon, but Vinyl still ached to be in bed. Even those light drinks from last night was enough to leave her in a slight haze. Her glasses felt heavy and sticky on her face as she sweat from the sun high above her, and her mane itched from the perspiration. In the pink glow of her horn was a small stone, blue in colour, and uncut, almost matching the stone in her own necklace, except her stone was red. Her stone being held up with a gold wire held in place with a braided string. Vinyl knocked again, hoping her number one fan wasn't still asleep.

There was a sound of clashing and hooves thumping around before a loud sigh was heard through the door. Vinyl guessed this meant she was awake. The door swung open harshly, the grey mare on the other side gave an almost deathly glare before falling back and shielding her eyes.

"Must you wear those?" Octavia's voice came out in almost a harsh whisper as she covered her sore eyes, "They're reflecting sunlight!" Vinyl only looked down, giving the mare a blank expression. "What do you plan to just sit there?" Again, Vinyl just looked down, as if waiting on something. Octavia wished she could just look the DJ in the face, and give her a stare to shake her from her "too cool" attitude.

"Are you going to invite me in or...." Vinyl stayed still as she spoke, not a single hoof moved.

"What are you a vampire?" Another moment of silence. As nice as the break from noise was at this moment, it didn't make it any less awkward. "Yes.... yes, come in, sit down, make yourself comfortable." Octavia turned and trotted into the living room, Vinyl following close behind. What did this pony want? Octavia knew she wouldn't be able to hold onto her anger for long, although she wished she could. The most famous DJ in all of Equestria was in her home! The grey mare shook her head, there was just too many mixed feelings! Should she be upset? Or maybe she could just act indifferent? P0N-3 would feel like such an ass if Octavia just sat back and stayed quiet.

"Uhh.... here...." the calm voice of the DJ broke silence once again as Octavia noticed a small blue stone float before her, uncut. Blood rushed to the cellist's cheeks as she realised it was the small stone from her necklace. Where had it gone? Did she lose it? Did P0N-3 steal it?

"How did you get this?" Octavia asked, burying her queries about how P0N-3 could have gotten the precious stone.

"Found it."


"You dropped it..."

"At the party? How did I not notice?" Octavia turned quickly facing the straight faced DJ as she held the stone in her magic. The little string that would have held the stone was sitting lazily thrown on the glass topped table.

"I don't know... that's a question for you."

"Why you...." Octavia's words caught as she noticed a similar stone hanging from the DJ's neck, on an identical string. "You... you have the other stone?" Vinyl nodded and began to mend the busted necklace. "I doubt a pony of your popularity would even enjoy a show like Daring Do Aventures!" Vinyl looked up, finished with the necklace and smiled at her work.

"Why wouldn't I?"

"Well... you're a celebrity... so you wouldn't watch such a childish program as Daring Do?" Octavia was obviously becoming more aware of her words, and for some reason, she couldn't help but love the look on the DJ's face. She was adorable, pure star material, not to mention, there was a freakin' celebrity in her living room. The situation was catching up a little faster than Octavia would have liked.

"I'm a normal pony just like anypony else," Vinyl said as she played with the necklace in her white hooves, "I can like anything I want... and I like the Daring Do Adventures series as much as the next guy. I also like to eat cookies... and I love ice cream... why is that so odd?" Vinyl soon noticed how much she spoke, and how little it bothered her. The horrid mood she had been in before walking into the nicely air conditioned cottage melting away with the now averted heat stroke that threatened her moments ago, but Vinyl felt like there was a bit more to it than that.

"I've never heard you talk so much..." Octavia said quietly.

Vinyl only shrugged at this and walked up to the grey mare, gently placing the necklace over her head and gently pushing her long jet black mane from her shoulders and over the threaded string. A small blush formed over Octavia's muzzle. Her idol, a pony she had always wanted to meet, was standing in her living room, and was touching her.... TOUCHING HER! Octavia regretted it immediately after, but a small squeal made it's way past her lips, startling the unicorn before her.

"Y-you okay there?" Vinyl asked backing away slowly. She wouldn't be able to handle it if this mare passed out again.

"YES!" Octavia took a breath and fixed her mane, "I-I mean.... yes, I'm perfectly alright!" Wait, she hadn't even told P0N-3 her name, in a whole night and through this ordeal, Octavia never told this awesome DJ her name!

"Well.... if you're sure..."

"Octavia!" That was wrong. Octavia face hoofed as she realised how broken that sounded.

Vinyl scrunched up her muzzled a bit as she was bombarded with the sudden outburst. She had almost forgotten that this mare was one of her fans, and would behave like one, her best bet was to stay quiet.

"I meant to say... um... my name is... Octavia." Well there wasn't anything to make this moment any more awkward, so Octavia reached out her hoof and gave the DJ a winning smile. Vinyl gave the mare's hoof a solid bump and returned the smile.

"That's a nice name."

Octavia's smile grew as she let the situation sink in deeper. She had her favorite DJ, in her home, just... here! She wouldn't have stopped by if she had things to do today, and Octavia felt much better after having such a chance encounter, why not see how much better this could get? "You aren't doing anything today are you?" Vinyl tapped her chin in thought and shook her head, her electric mane swaying. "Would you like to hang out? I mean, I could show you around, and we could get some food, just... you know... normal... stuff?" Octavia felt like this would end in a no. There was no way a pony of such high standing would agree to leave with an overly happy fan girl like-

"Sure, is Sugarcube Corner still here?"

That was it! She said yes!

"Uh, yeah it's still here! It's my favorite place to eat!" Octavia nearly squealed.

"Cool, mine too." Vinyl paused and smiled. "Well, it was when I lived here anyway." Octavia quickly grabbed a bow tie from her coat closet and strapped it on, leading the way from her home, the whole while hoping the DJ didn't notice the huge grin on her face as she almost skipped along.

"I'm sure you'll just love the new additions to the menu, P0N-3!" Octavia said turning slightly to see the mare following close behind.

"...You can just call me Vinyl..."

With those last few words lingering, Octavia let it dawn on her, that the mysterious DJ had just given her permission to use her first name. A privileged not given to fans....

Author's Note:

Woooh! Can you guess something funny? I'm drunk.... and I wrote half of this drunk.... :applejackconfused:

I'm a horrible influence....

Before you ask. I don't listen to "Bring Me The Horizon" but I hear good things. I still don't plan to because I have heard a few songs, and it isn't my style. But that isn't the point here, the point is that I love you guys, and you all read my stories, which is awesome! Thank you... thank you so much! Hmm... I'm starting to sound drunk in my note now huh? :rainbowhuh:

Anyways, leave a comment or something. Also, I hear Nowacking has a thing for ice cream. So I'm going to write about that, because ice cream is friggin amazing, and so are bananas, and I like both....

I'm just going to shut up now... and go to sleep.... :pinkiesick: