• Published 2nd Sep 2015
  • 20,091 Views, 1,687 Comments

The Last of My Kind - Immortan Joe

In the near future mankind was driven into a biochemical war against an unidentifiable contagion created by an asteroid that struck the planet. Without no cure or any form of escape, mankind buried themselves and awaited their extinction.

  • ...

Chapter 16: Discomforting Feelings

“GOD FUCKING DAMMIT!” I clutched my chest and fell to the floor. My vision going black, I shook my head and found myself back at the end of the corridor. Breathing heavily, I wiped my hand over my chest and hoisted my rifle of choice back up. “Fucking camper...” I grumbled and began to work my way down the hall.

“I’m not camping, it’s called sniping~” Reynolds’ voice came through my headset and I rolled my eyes. “Yeah sure, tell that to Twilight and her tent.”

“Uh...” Twilight’s voice came in through my other ear. “I... I don’t know what’s happening...”

I hugged my back to the wall and slowly made my way down the hall, cautiously coming up to a T junction. Gazing down the hall on my right, I saw no one there. Taking a deep breath, I turned and glanced down the left, but was suddenly stopped by a sickening smack. My vision went black and I found myself laying on the floor inside a warehouse.

“Oh shit, Twi did you see that?” Reynolds cackled.

“Wh-what happened?” The mare asked.

“I just took Chlo’s head off! There’s blood everywhere~” He snickered.

I groaned and pushed myself on my feet. With a raging headache, I moaned and brought my hands up and slid the helmet up and off my head. Closing my eyes, I now stood in a large twenty by twenty foot size room with nothing but white walls. My head still aching, I gently placed the V.R. headset on the ground along with the white A.R. that represented my weapon. Slowly, I pulled off the wired sensors on my arms and legs and sat them in the small box closest to the wall.

“You alright, Chlo?” Reynolds’ voice came through the room’s intercom.

“Yeah, I’m fine, just got a raging headache due taking a blow to the head,” I breathe out.

“Yeah the virtual nerve sensors can work a bit too well,” Reynolds said, “you can go into the V.R. system and tone down the effect.

“Uhh...” Twilight’s voice came through the intercom. “H-how do I get out—AHH!”

“Haha! Boom, headshot!” Reynolds laughed over Twilight’s whimpers.

“Everything ju-just w-went black... ow... m-my head doesn’t feel right,” Twilight groaned.

I couldn’t help but smile and chuckle. “Welcome to my world.” I walked over to the door leading out of the room and unlocked it. Hearing the deadbolt come undone, I stepped out into the cool vault corridor. The automatic light coming on above me, I shielded my eyes and yawned. For nearly two hours, Twilight, Reynolds, and I have been playing around in the virtual reality system that had been installed thousands of years earlier. Personally I wasn’t too fond of it, even back before society's collapse I hadn’t dabbled in it as much; I always preferred holding a controller or mouse. Though from what I could recall, my father had been completely sucked into the idea of it. He would always ramble about how a thing called the “Oculus” which revolutionized the idea of virtual gaming.

Yet being a gamer like myself, my sister and I never really messed with it. Perhaps it was because I’m kinda lazy and don’t prefer to move around much when I’m playing. ‘Except if I’m playing beneath the sheets.’ Chuckling at the thought, I brought a hand to my mouth and yawned into it. “Sorry guys,” I said loud enough for the hall mic to pick me up. “I’m all beat up, I’m going to go to bed.” I stretched my arms and popped my neck.

“Oh, Celestia, please don’t!” Twilight suddenly screamed, only to be cut off by machine gun fire.

“You can’t run from me!” Reynolds shouted. “I may be old but I can still shoot far better than any soldier!” I covered my mouth and snickered. ‘I don’t think it matters if I leave or not, seems like they’re having a blast.’ An explosion echoed out of the V.R. room and I laughed. ‘Quite literally too.’ I sighed and ran a hand through my hair and I turned away from the door.

“So where was my supposed room again?” I muttered under my breath and glanced around. The hallway was pretty dark due to the lights acting as motion sensors; only coming on when you walk under them. I took a deep breath and sighed. ‘Guess I’m stuck walking around until I find a suitable room.’

“Just think about it, Quartz, one thing. Just one thing and we’re rich!” My head snapped back when I heard Crystal’s voice.

“Have you gone deaf and blind over the past couple days?” Quartz voice echoed, I could hear their hoof steps coming in my direction, a faint bit of light could be seen, only to go off and back on as they headed in my direction.

“What do you mean?” Crystal asked.

“Chloe had been hurt and seems to have been depressed... matter of fact she might still be for all we know. And the fact she keeps muttering to herself, something is clearly wrong with her. Yet all you seem to care about it earning bits!” Quartz scolded the pegasus.

“Did you forget why I even went on this spelunking expedition with you?” Crystal snapped back at the unicorn. A light down the hall came on and the two of them came into my field of view, however, instead of coming at me, they turned right and continued up the hall. “I lost my house due to my unemployment. So forgive me if all I can care about is getting a couple bits so I can buy some food!”

I reached up and scratched the back of my head. ‘Crystal is homeless?’ I slowly began to follow behind them, making sure not to make too much noise.

Quartz fell silent for a few moments. “Y’know I offered to give you shelter.”

“And I rejected you because there’s no way I’m going to rely on anypony else, not anymore. I’m a mare, Quartz, I don’t need you treating me like some mother and I’m your foal. You offered me a job and I expect to be paid,” the pegasus said sternly.

Quartz once again fell silent for couple moments, the two of them came up onto a set of stairs and stopped. “But these are Chloe’s and Mr. Reynolds’ belongings...”

“Well what about Chloe’s old friends...?” Crystal muttered quietly. “We saw a bunch of cool junk at the old place—”

“Excuse me?” I growled behind Crystal.

Crystal nearly leapt from her pelt, same went for Quartz. Both ponies whirled around and stared up at me with wide and fearful eyes. “Are you planning on stealing from me?” I got on my knee and stared Crystal down.

Crystal shook her head. “N-no! I-it’s just...” her ears flopped back and she fell back onto her haunches. “I need money badly... a-and well... Quartz offered me a job to go mining and exploring... sh-she promised it’d help me with financial issues but... we’ve never made a single bit.”

“So you’re going to go tomb raiding?” I asked quietly, my voice still threatening.

Crystal cringed. “I-I never... I never thought of it like that...” She sniffed and wiped her eyes with her forehoof.

“Chloe, please...” Quartz stepped up. “I understand why you’re taking this the wrong way, but—”

“Wrong way?!” I shot a glare at the unicorn.

“M-my apologies!” Quartz gasped and stepped back. “I can understand why you’re angry, but... Crystal is in serious financial debt. That’s why I brought her along, she borrowed money from the Equestrian bank—”

“And now I’m screwed!” Crystal groaned and fell forward, she covered her face with her hooves.

Quartz leaned over Crystal. “You’re not screwed, dear, you’re just... in a hole. But we’ll pull you out of it.” Quartz looked up at me, I shook my head and sighed.

“Fine, I’ll let you have a few items from Reynolds’ old lab. Nothing from here though, the stuff here doesn’t belong to me.” I sighed and pinched the bridge of my nose.

Crystal sniffed and got up onto her hooves, suddenly she came trotting towards me before dropping onto her knees and hugging my leg. “Th-thank you, Chloe!” she said quickly.

“H-hey!” I leaned back a bit and held my arms out for balance, I felt a faint blush form on my cheeks and I shrugged. “I-it’s nothing, okay... no need to get all teary eyed.” Crystal shook her head and nuzzled my leg. I chuckled and rested my hand on her head, my fingers gently ruffling her mane.

This continued for a few minutes before, finally, the small pegasus pulled back and rubbed her teary face with her hooves. “S-sorry,” she said in a small voice as Quartz rested a hoof on her back.

I snickered and rubbed the back of my head. “Hey, no problem... you guys did help me out a lot. I guess this is the least I could do. Just make sure to ask before you start snatching up random stuff,” I told Crystal, to which she responded with a firm nod.

“I-I sure will.” Crystal said with a more confident tone. “Thank you again!” she bowed.

“You’re welcome~” I said as I brought a hand to my mouth and yawned. Pulling it away from my mouth, I rubbed the back of my head again. My eyes now feeling very drowsy, I could literally feel my conscience slowing down. “D-did you guys happen to find any bedrooms during your walk?” I asked as my voice slowly started to fall into a mumble, tiredness having hit me like a speeding semi.

Quartz blinked. “Oh I’m sorry, we didn’t mean to stop you from going to bed.” She gulped and got up from her sitting position she had fallen into. “We found a couple just down that hallway.” She pointed with her hoof down the hallway they came from.

I yawned. “Th-thanks.” I smiled at the two of them, I turned down the hallway Quartz had pointed me towards. I started to make my way down, but then stopped. I turned to face the two ponies. “O-oh and guys...” The two ponies looked at me, I took a deep breath. This is probably something I should’ve done awhile ago, but now seemed just as good of a time. “Thank you for everything you’ve done for me,” I said in a small voice. “L-like... neither of you knew who I was... or hell, you didn’t even know what I was.... yet you came to my aid, and well—” Oh shit I was starting to get teary eyed. “I don’t know what would’ve happened if you two hadn’t been there for me.” I left it at that, my tired eyes now starting to feel watery, I reached up and rubbed the tears away.

Both Crystal and Quartz “Awed” at my words and immediately rushed over to me. Both girls nuzzled into my sides, and Crystal wrapped her wings around me like some kind of hug. I sniffled a few times and rested both of my hands on each of their heads. I looked down at them, a single tear having somehow survived, streaked down my cheek.

“You’re very welcome, Chloe.” Quartz looked up at me. “As a pony, I do not feel it is right to stand back and watch another pony or creature be in pain. No matter what you are,” she smiled, her blue eyes twinkling in the overhead light, the mare had a faint red blush burning through her coat. From the angle I was looking down at her at, the light struck her face just right and she looked freaking adorable, her fur looking so soft. I just wanted to snuggle her so badly and just ball my eyes out.

Matter of fact... that’s exactly what I was going to do. “Q-Quartz?” My voice was soft and for some reason I felt very shy. “C-could you show me to my room please?”

The unicorn blinked and looked at Crystal, the pegasus simply smiled and shrugged her wings. “You can go with her, I got to go plan my wishlist,” she said.

Quartz bit her lower lip, like me, her mind probably drifted back to the minor incident we had in the hospital. “Y-yeah, I don’t see why not.” She looked up at me.

For some reason, I felt my heart do a little leap and smiled. Cheeks blushing lightly, I, for some reason, felt a little timid. A dark thought molding itself in the back of my mind. “You think you’re gonna get lucky with a pony?” I could heard Dark Chloe behind me mutter. “Maybe kiss her again like you did in the hospital? Perhaps this time you’ll be able to stretch it further~” I tried my best to squash her voice, to silence her completely. Which, to my luck, I was able to render her voice quiet, however, I could still feel her presence. The darkness lurking within the back of my mind, corrupting my thoughts and making me think of lewd and disgusting ideas. So instead of opening my mouth and saying anything to the little, adorable pony, I simply nodded my head.

Quartz replied with a nod of her own. “Alrighty, they aren’t too far,” she told me before nodding her head towards Crystal, letting her know we’ll be off now. The pegasus stretched her wings and started heading down the other hall away from us. “This way, Chloe.” Quartz trotted off ahead of me, my tired state rendering me a little a slow, but I kept a few paces behind her at all times, allowing me to have a nice view of her a beautifully groomed tail. Despite her mining occupation, Quartz overall seemed to be a very well kept mare when I compared her to the others I’ve seen. As said, her tail was nicely brushed and the way the light shined off of it, it seemed she also kept it well washed. Her mane also seemed to be the same way, and from what I’ve felt, her coat was soft and clean.

In terms of her body structure she was rather muscular despite having magic. Now that I think about it, I would usually think that ponies with magic like her would usually be much thinner and probably not hold the same amount of musculature as her. I guess it just went to show how much she probably didn’t rely on it. Yet because of her physique, I noticed how round and curvy her body was, possibly in a pony’s eyes, she was down right gorgeous. Especially when your eyes would draw near her flank, the curviness of her legs and how well toned they were...

“You’re really treating her like eye candy aren’t you?” Dark Chloe’s voice whispered into my right ear. “Do you honestly want to take her to bed? A small pony like her? A creature that isn’t even the same species as you?” my dark half chuckled. “Who’d of thought the last human female on Earth would be into licking horse pussy~” My cheeks burned a bright red as Quartz and I came to a stop outside one of the sleeping quarters.

“Right here, this is one of the rooms. I’m sure of it!” Quartz smiled brightly as she looked at me, suddenly she cocked an eyebrow. “You okay, Chloe?” she asked having clearly noticed my flushed face, she sniffed the air. “Oh? What’s that smell? It’s kinda sweet...” The mare turned towards me, she sniffed the air a few more times and took a few steps toward me. “Did somepony spray something?” she asked as she took a few whiffs of the air.

My heart rammed my rib cage like a battering ram. ‘Oh fuck, oh fuck!’ I panicked as I knew exactly what she was smelling. “Oh yes someone sprayed something~” Dark Chloe laughed maniacally. “And that perfume is a special kind of brand, a brand that I love to call arousal. Sweet Little Chlo, being turned on by the idea of horse pussy. Tsk, tsk, I honestly thought you’d have better tastes, girl.”

I gulped and stomped out Dark Chloe’s voice, though she wasn’t lying. My arousal from dinner time had returned with a vengeance. “Smell what? I smell nothing.” I took a step back and half faked a yawn. “Boy I’m tired... I think I’m going to go sleep.”

“W-wait!” Quartz stopped me suddenly.

Before I had even made a move, I felt myself starting to sweat as I waited in front of her. “Yes?” I bit my lower lip, my lower half was a raging inferno. My mind only focusing on going into my room and satiating this ever growing problem.

Quart rubbed her right foreleg with her left forehoof. “A-about the other night in the h-hospital.” My heart jerked at the topic she’d brought up. “I-I’m sorry for ever y-know... k-kissing you.”

I bit my lip and shook my head after thinking for a moment. “D-don’t be, I-I’m the one who started all of it a-and well...” I started to move towards the bedroom door, I opened it quickly, I could no longer wait. I hated to admit it, but I needed a good rubbing. However, before I even stepped a single foot into that room, I looked at Quartz. “Besides... I really enjoyed it.” I turned back towards my room.

“W-wait!” Quartz stopped me again and I internally screamed, I could already feel my underwear becoming uncomfortable.

“Y-yes?” I looked back at her, I couldn’t help it, but my voice had a slight irritated tone to it.

Quartz had a blush burning so bright, I could see it through her fur. “C-could I... perhaps... sleep with you tonight?” Immediately my mind had taken that right to the gutter and I felt my raging heat burn hotter, but luckily, the smarter part of my conscience was able to take her words and reform it correctly. I gulped. “Uh well... y’see...”

“I-I’ll sleep on the floor!” Quartz blurted and I cringed a little, I shook my head.

“Th-that won’t be necessary.... I-I’ll let you sleep with me on the bed.” I said having gotten ahead of my horniness. Though after saying those words, I had instantly regretted it, because down bellow a certain flower was screaming to be played with and having a guest in my room would make that near impossible.

I bit my lower lip and stepped into the room. The automated light coming on, I stepped aside so that Quartz could trot inside. Unlike the Mckinley vault, the living quarter was very home like. The room was a little larger, the floor was a nice red carpet, the walls were painted to match the floor and there was a closet beside a study desk. The bed was coincidentally a queen size and seemed to be outfitted with very comfy looking pillows and blankets. Not only that, it had two beautiful, dark wood night stands on either side with lamps. Having come into this room, I no longer felt like I was in the vault, but instead some rich person’s house!

“Whoa...” Quartz muttered as she walked up behind me, causing me to jump a little due to having been distracted. I took a deep breath and looked at her.

“Y-yeah... wh-what side do you want?” I asked her, Quartz shrugged, I sighed and rubbed my thighs together, my panties were ruined now and just wearing them was making me feel uncomfortable.

Quartz seemed to have noticed my shifting, by now she just had to know what was going on. Like, she had already smelt me earlier. “Chloe, am I making you feel uncomfortable?”

My blood ran cold. “Extremely.” Is what I wanted to say! Instead, I shook my head. “N-no, it’s fine.” I told her. “I’ll sleep on the right side.” My voice was strained and I hummed softly when I clenched my legs a bit together.

“Maybe when you two get settled, if you’re quiet enough and wait for her to sleep, you can maybe get yourself off silent—” Once again I stomped out Dark Chloe’s voice.

Quartz nodded and hopped onto the bed and moved over to the left side, she cutely burrowed under the large blankets and formed some kind of pony cocoon. Her head popped out the top and she looked at me with her large, cute eyes. I couldn’t help but giggle softly as I climbed onto the bed beside her. Quartz let off an adorable yawn and blinked at me, I smiled at her. “Uh...” I blinked, another issue arose... normally I slept in nothing but my underwear, maybe even naked. Yet with my aroused state of mind, getting naked, or even just my underwear is no longer an option, and sleeping clothed was always a pain in my ass.

I let off a quiet groan as I lain beside Quartz, making sure to give her a smile as to let her know I’m fine. I turned my gaze to the ceiling, preparing myself for a possibly restless night.

Author's Note:

I apologize for the short chapter. Things have been crazy with work and all, too much Berserk reading time, and just overall lack of motivation. I decided to keep this chapter more light and silly, rather then having it be overly plot driven due to me just coming off of a hiatus.

Overall though things are getting a tad saucy, Chloe is starting to go nuts due to her being sexually restricted. Then again... the girl is kinda schizophrentic as it is. So she probably is already crazy... maybe she isn't talking to ponies at all but is instead processing all of this in her head? Who knows!