• Published 2nd Sep 2015
  • 20,091 Views, 1,687 Comments

The Last of My Kind - Immortan Joe

In the near future mankind was driven into a biochemical war against an unidentifiable contagion created by an asteroid that struck the planet. Without no cure or any form of escape, mankind buried themselves and awaited their extinction.

  • ...

Chapter 17: Eva

I don’t know when I fell asleep last night. All I could recall during the night was fighting off my urge to stick my fingers down below, or possibly mount the adorable pony next to me. The idea alone of coming onto Quartz was extremely fucked up; the thought nearly seemed impossible. Me, Chloe Cooper, a horse fucker—it was absurd! Yet last night it seemed completely logical. Half of me expected Quartz knew what I was thinking as well—like hell—she smelt it last night!

But...Something about it just didn’t seem right. Like, seriously, I’m one of the last humans on this godforsaken planet and the first thing on my mind is shagging the horse that was lying next to me. For real, I knew the thought was disgusting, but the only person I should’ve been thinking of shagging is, like, Reynolds, or something. Y’know preserve the human race and whatnot?

All those thoughts were bone chilling to think about. However, these thoughts would be quickly erased when I woke up the next morning to something abnormally soft rubbing against my chest and belly. The rubbing feeling sent tingles of excitement through me, I cooed softly and began to open my eyes. As my blurry vision regained its clarity, my eyes widened when I found Quartz spooning with me in bed. “WHAT THE?!” I couldn’t help but freak out, the exciting tingling that was tickling my chest vanished as I forced myself away from the pony. Nearly falling off the bed, I caught myself with my shoulder and took a few breaths.

Despite my random outburst, Quartz remained fast asleep. I blinked a few times before shivering when I felt a cold draft drift over my chest. I glanced down and gasped when I noticed my shirt had been pushed up and over to expose breasts. Reaching up, I quickly yanked my white T-shirt down and over them. Rubbing my legs together nervously, I also noticed my pants were off too, yet my panties were still on. ‘Thank God for that.’

I gulped. “When did I... when did I undress?” I muttered quietly to myself. I shifted a bit as I glanced around for my pants and jacket, my eyes caught them neatly folded and stored away on the desk. I frowned a little and glanced at the innocent, sleeping pony. “Did you undress me?” I asked out loud.

Quartz shuffled a bit on the bed, my head tilted as I heard her mumbling something quietly. Her ear flicked and I felt her tail beneath the blankets flick my leg gently. A small smile formed on my face as the sudden urge to touch her came to mind. Raising my hand slowly, I reached over and gently placed my palm on her extremely soft coat on the side of her belly. Her warm body sent its heat through my hand, making me feel more at ease, I smiled as my hand slowly rose and fell with her breathing. I blinked. “Wait a second...” I hissed and pulled my hand back. “The hell am I doing?” I took a deep breath and wiped my brow before looking back over the sleeping pony, I shook my head. ‘Why the hell did I touch her like that?’ I sighed and pushed myself out of bed.

Going over to the desk, I grabbed my clothes and slowly began to put them on. Behind me I heard some minor rustling on the bed, then a small, adorable voice caught my ear. “G-good morning, smelly...” The pony giggled lightly.

I blushed. ‘Is she referring to last night?’ I gulped. “Uh... g-good morning?” I said with a bit of embarrassment as I pulled a clean shirt over my chest and smoothed out any wrinkles.

Quartz chuckled lightly. “Don’t worry...” She gave off a high pitched, and squeaky yawn. “It’s a nice smell,” she said.

My blush only darkened and I froze for a second. ‘Remember, Chloe, she’s just a pony. Don’t take it personally.’ I gulped once more and nodded. “Th-that’s good. I should take a shower anyways.”

Quartz giggled and I looked over in time to see her pull the covers off with her magic. “Sorry for undressing you, I hope I didn’t freak you out,” she said with a small frown. “It’s just last night you looked very hot and you were starting to sweat with all those layers on.”

My face by this point felt like it was on fire; reaching back, I ran a hand through my hair. “O-oh! I-it was nothing, th-thanks!” I stammered.

The answer I gave Quartz made her smile. “Oh, that’s good!” She climbed up onto her hooves and hopped off the bed. “Say, were you having a nightmare last night?” she asked me.

I frowned. “A nightmare? I-I don’t think so... at least I don’t recall.” ‘Actually that is weird... almost every night since I came out of cryo I had been plagued with nightmares...’

Quartz gave me the equivalent of a shrug. “Well, it’s just that you kept calling out somepony’s name in your sleep, and next thing I knew you were snuggling all up into my back and holding me tight.”

I blinked a few more times. My eyes widening a bit, I turned and began walking to the small bathroom that was tucked away in the corner of the room. “Oh uh... who-who was I calling out to?”

Quartz tilted her head a bit as I opened the bathroom door. “I think you were saying Ever? N-no, E-Eva!”

I froze just before stepping into the bathroom. My heart running cold, I, for some reason, felt as if a part of me died. “Th-that wasn’t a nightmare...” I muttered quietly and went into the bathroom. Just as I heard Quartz start to say something, I closed the bathroom door and rested my weight against it.

“E-Eva...” I muttered quietly, bringing my fingertips to my lips just before curling them into a fist. I closed my eyes and took in a sharp breath before letting it out with a shudder. When I opened my eyes, my vision was blurry with tears.


After I had finished my business in the bathroom, Quartz and I started on a little trek around the vault. Having forgotten about the fact the vault had a V.I. today, I spent a good five or so minutes facepalming when we had first stepped out into the corridor.

“Greetings, Miss Cooper, Quartz.” The V.I. Stephanie gave what almost sounded like a cheerful greeting.

“Good morning,” we both said, Quartz sounding rather pleased. My voice, however, was still a little under the weather after the minor breakdown in the bathroom.

“Would you like me to inform you on the news and or weather?”

I blinked. “News? Like uh... reports?”

“Yes. Would you like to know?”

‘What the hell kind of news would Stephanie know about?' I thought, There’s no more internet, all the satellites probably don’t work, and fuck... there’s no one available to even document the news.’ I shrugged. “Hit me.”

“I’m afraid I am unable to perform such an action, Madam.”

Quartz chuckled and I rolled my eyes. “Please inform me,” I said as I motioned for Quartz to follow me down the hall.

“Certainly. Last Update: March 12th, 2037.” I stopped in my tracks and glanced up at the ceiling just as Stephanie’s voice opted over to what sounding like an actual woman.

“Good morning everyone, My name is Diane Marson. Because of the havoc created by the SOL Virus, experts are proclaiming that it’ll be a potential cause of World War III. Due to the crisis happening across the globe, multiple United Nations members have dropped out due to the recent controversies involving the pandemic spreading across the globe. With the situation deteriorating and NATO now nothing but broken pieces, the Middle East has spiraled into all-out conflict. With Israel suffering heavy losses from the SOL Virus among their military and infrastructure, the remaining Iranian forces have launched an all-out military invasion this morning at roughly ten a.m. Greenwich Mean Time...”

Quartz blinked and looked at me. “Who’s talking and uh... what’s she talking about?”

I took a deep breath, ‘Just when I thought I couldn’t get even more depressed.’ “She’s a news anchor... and well... she’s talking about the beginning of the end of my species...”

The news anchor continued jabbering on, mainly about how the United States got further involved in the Middle East, along with Russia. She then went on about how the Chinese started to perform Nazi levels of genocide on its own infected populous, as well as performing the naval invasion of the Philippines. Basically, just rambling on about how the whole world literally went to shit in the span of one year.

Quartz blinked. “Dear Celestia... di-did all of this really happen?”

I glanced back at Quartz and gave her a look that sorta suggested she was dumb. Though I couldn’t blame the pony, from what I have gathered from them, this culture of theirs doesn’t really seem to view violence as a choice in anything. I sighed and nodded my head. “Yes... all of this did happen, the disease isn’t really what wiped out my species. It was the panic and greed caused by it that initially pulled the trigger.” I took a deep breath. “Just thank God the chaos ended before the point of nuclear weapons.”

“As for the weather, today should be partly cloudy with a thirty percent chance of precipitation and a high of forty-five degrees Fahrenheit or seven point two degrees Celsius.” Stephanie finished up.

“What? That’s not the forecast I read in the Cloudsdale Breeze,” Quartz frowned.

“That’s the forecast ten thousand years ago... Stephanie was never updated.” I took a deep breath. “Nor will she ever be,” I said quietly as I jammed my hands into my pocket, my stomach growling a little I sighed. “Let's go get something to eat.”


Quartz and I stepped into the small kitchen and dining room. Unsurprisingly the Kenway recreation room was hardly any different from the McKinley vault. On the far end, there was the small preparation area consisting of a fridge, a few cabinets, and counters that connected to a stove and oven, only to be separated by the island counter that acted as the buffer zone for the dining room/game area.

“Do you think there’ll be anything for me to eat?” Quartz asked me as I walked over to the fridge.

I shrugged. “Maybe.”

Quartz didn’t reply to my answer. Standing in front of the fridge, I reached out and pulled it open. Inside, I was confronted with a whole lot of produce such as apples, carrots, heads of lettuce, celery stalks and so on. There was virtually no meat or any MRE packs inside. “Well lucky for you—” I reached in and pulled out a couple apples. “—you can have an apple.” I turned and tossed Quartz the red treat to which she caught with no problem.

“Thanks!” Quartz levitated the apple to her mouth and bit a chunk out of it.

I gave her a small, barely noticeable smile, before closing the door and taking a bite out of my own apple. I leaned against the fridge and chewed my food before swallowing. “Well, it’s just that you kept calling out someone's name... I think you were saying Ever? N-no, Eva!” I swallowed my bite and sighed, the apple just a few inches from my face.

“Is something wrong?” Quartz asked she was already halfway done with her treat.

“That was a forecast from over ten thousand years ago... Stephanie was never updated.”

I shrugged and took another bite.

Quartz titled her head a bit, her mouth opening to say something only to be cut off by the door to the rec room opening. “Well let me phrase it in the way of Arthur C. Clarke,” Reynold’s said to Twilight as the two of them stepped into the room. The duo stopped and turn to face each other. “‘Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.’

Twilight pursed her lips. “So, what you’re saying is that these nanites run on such a scale so advanced that it seems like magic, but isn’t really?” she asked for clarification.

Reynolds nodded his head. “In theory, yes. Though, without any further research, I’m having trouble trying to figure out how exactly these machines are powered and/or where they come from. May I offer you anything to eat?” Twilight nodded and the two of them started to make their way over to me. Pushing myself off the fridge, I moved around the island and went over to the table. “Not only that, I am curious as to how these machines recreate themselves, it’s almost as if they conjure themselves into existence.”

“Perhaps it is beyond your realm of thinking?” Twilight suggested and Reynolds scoffed as he grabbed her a carrot.

“Oh, no, no. I have been around for longer than any man should be, I have learned countless things that partners within my community would kill to know.” Reynolds chuckled. “It just all comes with time.” Reynolds took a piece of celery out of the fridge and bit a chunk off, he chewed for a moment then swallowed. “Patience is the key to advancement.”

“Is that the same ideology you used in last night’s game?” I asked the old man as I took another bite out of my apple.

Reynold’s chuckled. “Well, certainly, I won didn’t I?” He turned to me and smiled.

I snorted and rolled my eyes. “Sitting in a corner with a GR-8 isn’t a victory.”

The man snorted and laughed. “Perhaps to you it isn’t, but what can I say? The GR-8 coil rifle is a great weapon.” He came around the island slowly, his other hand balancing himself on the counter before taking a seat across from me.

Twilight took the spot next to him, she seemed to have a pleasant smile on her face. Quartz, however, seemed rather confused. “What are you guys talking about?”

Twilight beamed and decided to answer before any of us could say anything. “They’re talking about this amazing... uhh... virtual reality gaming device that is able to teleport you to some other inter-dimension that allows you to—” Reynolds silenced Twilight with a raised hand.

“We’re talking about the game of pretend,” Reynolds said with a smile, “I’m afraid it’s a little difficult to explain. If you still happen to be around when I’m on my break, I’ll show you what it’s all about.”

“I take it you have a job?” I couldn’t help but ask.

Reynolds smiled. “Well, of course, I have more research, experiments, and little Chloe to take care of. Speaking of which—” Reynolds reached into his lab coat and pulled out a small, golden watch. “—she should be returning home shortly.”

“Did she spend the day with Celestia?” I asked as I recalled the two were going on a flight around town.

Reynolds shook his head. “No. She spent the night with Princess Luna.” He smiled. “The poor Night Princess gets lonely due to everything slowing down around that time of day. She asked me last night if it would be possible that Chlo would be able to assist her.”

I smiled. “Oh well, that’s nice.” I took another bite of my apple and looked at Quartz. “So what do you have planned for today?” I asked the little unicorn, she seemed to have finished her apple and was now nibbling on the core.

Quartz blinked a couple times and placed the core on the table. “Well, uh... I just planned to maybe walk around town a bit,” she said. “It’s been a while since I’ve been here in Canterlot.” Quartz pursed her lips and then tilted her head. “I may even stop into a couple bars for an early morning drink.”

The last bit made me cock an eyebrow. “Bar?” I smiled. ‘Y’know a drink might not be too bad,’ I thought as I shifted my body around so that I was fully facing the unicorn. “Can I come?”

Quartz smiled largely. “Sure! I don’t see why not.” Her tail wagged a bit like a dog’s.

“Uh...” I heard Twilight on my right. “Chloe, are you sure that’s a good idea?”

I frowned a little and looked over at Twilight. Besides her, even Reynolds shared a look of concern. “What do you mean?”

“Well uh... concerning your mental condition—”

I felt something twinge in my chest and my frowned deepened. “What condition?” I said, sounding defensive all of a sudden.

Reynolds gulped and folded his hands. “Chloe, what I think Twilight is trying to say is that with everything you’ve gone through recently... right now is probably not a good time to drink. Believe me, I know.”

“Wait a second... are you trying to say I shouldn’t go out and have fun?” I snapped at them, to which they responded with a shocked and confused look. “Uh.” I backpedaled a bit. ‘Why am I so hostile all of a sudden?’ “I mean... I appreciate the concern and all. But believe me, I’m fine.”

Quartz rubbed her neck with a hoof. “Don’t worry, guys. I’ll make sure neither of us goes overboard.”

Twilight and Reynolds shared a smile. “I hope so,” Twilight said.

“Yeah, I better not hear about any bar fights.” Reynolds chuckled.

I snorted. “No promises.” That awarded me a slug in the arm from Quartz, and coming from a creature that has hooves instead of fleshy hands, it kinda hurt. “Hey!” I pouted and rubbed my arm.

“Oh, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to hurt you,” Quartz said, suddenly sounding guilty.

I blinked. “Oh, now, I’m just teasing, it stung, but nothing major.” I smiled, and that seemed to put the mare at ease.

“Don’t scare me like that,” she said, blowing some of her bangs out from in front of her eyes.

Both Twilight and Reynolds chuckled lightly. “Well, it seems you two will be having fun.” Twilight smiled. “I’ll make sure to send word to the Princess before your departure.”

“What for?” I asked, curious as to what Twilight meant.

She smiled at me and adjusted her posture. “Well, the townsfolk are going to need to know that a creature such as you will be roaming around and that there should be no need for any... panic, per se.”

I blinked. “Are you sure the Princess’ words can stop ponies from freaking out?” I asked them.

Twilight only shrugged.

“Like, my dog disguise seemed to work just fine.” I looked between the two.

Twilight nodded. “Yes but that was because we were constantly moving,” she explained. “Ponies never really got the chance to stop and look at you. Well, if you’re going to be out milling with the crowds, having the populous know that you are friendly and mean no harm would probably be a good idea.”

I pursed my lips then shrugged. “Alright, I guess a State of the Union address is a little more than needed, but if it’s what’cha gotta do, it’s what’cha gotta do.” Reynolds chuckled and smiled when he glanced over at Twilight.

Reynolds straightened himself out. “And seeing that I’ve been living here in Canterlot for a thousand years or so,” he cleared his throat. “It wouldn’t be the first time they have gotten this address. So, most likely, nothing terrible should come out of this.”

Quartz bit her lower lip. “This sounds like more work than I thought it was going to be...is this really even worth a few drinks?”

Twilight shook her head. “Oh, no; we’ll be having to do this at some point, and starting today would probably be a better than never.”

I grinned and stood up. Gazing across the table at the two, I rested my palms down. “Alrighty, then! Let's go get shit faced!” My excitement for the fact that I’ll get to drink once more coursed through me, giving me the quick energy to hop out from behind my chair and push it in. Twilight nodded along with Reynolds and stood up. Without wasting time, she told us she was going to send word to Celestia, and suddenly, after a blinding flash, she was gone. Reynolds glanced over at me and gave me a small look.

“Be careful when you go out there, Chloe,” the old man told me as he slowly got up from his chair. I swore as I watched him I could hear his bones creaking as he got up and glanced at me. “Though these ponies preach peace and harmony, it doesn’t mean those streets are one hundred percent safe.”

“What do you mean?” I asked, but I received no reply. Reynolds simply shook his head and started to slowly inch his way towards the exit. I blinked a few times and glanced at Quartz who just shrugged. Biting my lower lip, I couldn’t help but feel a little put off by Reynolds’ ominous statement. I took a deep breath. “Well, I guess it’s time we go get drunk.”

“Yeah!” Quartz smiled. “Maybe if we’re lucky, we can find Crystal and see if she has any free time for some fun.” She hopped off her chair and came very close by my side.

“Oh yeah?” I chuckled and patted the pony on the head, her mane still as soft as ever. In doing so, I noticed that Quartz seemed to enjoy my touch; her head pressed against my hand in a way that reminded me of an affectionate dog. This made me snicker, and I motioned for Quartz.

The trip to the surface took a little longer than expected. Having taken one too many wrong turns, we found ourselves exploring most of the crystalline caverns that made up the bulk of the caves beneath Canterlot. After a while, I had begun to panic, as I thought we would never make it out of there alive. However, due to Quartz’s expertise in being trapped underground, the pony was able to easily guide the two of us back up to the surface where the Princesses had led us down.

Upon arriving at the surface, Quartz and I had just exited the spire leading down when I was nearly scared out of my skin when I suddenly came face to face with Princess Celestia. “MOMMY!” came the childlike shrill from little Chlo.

The young girl leaped off of Celestia’s back and came scampering towards me. The girl glanced up at me with her wide, blue eyes, her resemblance to me still rather hard to get used to. I gave a light chuckle at how she seemed to be so comfortable around me already, though I couldn’t really say the same about myself. I gulped and gave her a small smile.

“H-hey there...Sport. What have you been up to?” I asked as I hesitantly placed a hand on her head and ruffled her hair. ‘Even her hair feels exactly like mine,’ I thought as I pulled my hand away after she giggled happily.

“Celestia and I have been playing hide and seek!” Little Chloe giggled and glanced back at the Princess.

Celestia took a deep breath, the small, tired wrinkles lined the edges of her eyes and she gave me a small smile that I barely even noticed. “She’s been up all night and I couldn’t find her,” she said in worn out voice. She turned her head and tried not to yawn in order to remain polite.

Quartz and I both chuckled. “All night?” I glanced at Chloe, the little girl stopped bouncing happily and rubbed her hands nervously together.

“Y-yeah...it was really fun and I didn’t want to stop playing.” My heart nearly exploded when she took her gaze to the floor and started rubbing the tip of her right foot into the marble flooring. “I’m sorry...was that not smart?” she asked me quietly, sounding as if she was afraid I’d be angry.

I chuckled once more and rubbed the top of her head. “You’re fine, just as long as the Princess isn’t bothered, you’re fine.”

Celestia tried to stifle a yawn and failed. “Don’t worry, Little one. After I have a couple cups of coffee, I’ll be alright.” She draped a wing over Chloe and pulled her close, she then turned her tired attention over to me. “So, I have received word from Princess Twilight that you’ll be venturing off into town.”

I blinked before briskly nodding my head. “Yes, that is correct.” I, for some reason, found myself standing straight, almost like a soldier before their commanding officer. It was probably just the tone of Celestia’s voice; she suddenly had, like, a professional vibe to it.

The Princess took a quick breath and nodded her head. “Alright, then. Would you be able to give me time to prepare myself for the morning? I wish to make a quick appeal to the public about your presence.” Celestia fidgeted a bit when Chloe suddenly started nuzzling into her side, humming as she started running her fingers through her coat. The alicorn bit her lip, almost as if she was trying to contain her giggles.

I cracked a smile at that; Quartz did as well, and I nodded my head. “Certainly, Princess, and thank you.” I gave slight bow out of respect along with Quartz.

“Wh-where are you going?” Little Chloe asked with a hesitant tone in her voice. I blinked and glanced down at the younger girl, who was huddled up against Celestia’s left foreleg.

I gave her a soft smile. “My friend and I are just going out for uh...” I stopped myself from almost saying drinks, though she most likely wouldn’t have understood I thought it’d best be safe. “We’re going out to play.” I clarified.

Chloe smiled. “Oh, can I come?” She said with a large smile, Celestia gave me a look as she waited for my response, Quartz beside me giggled.

“This is more of an adult pony’s game,” the miner replied with a smile. Chloe's face fell a bit, and she scuffed her shoe on the floor. “But don’t worry, though.” Quartz stepped towards Chloe and for once I got to fully notice the height of these creatures. Quartz and Little Chloe were about the same height, covering my mouth slightly I couldn’t help but chuckle at the sight. “Your Mother and I won’t be gone long, and when we come back we can play all night.”

Little Chloe smiled at this but then tilted her head. “Who are you?” she asked bluntly.

Quartz blinked and leaned back before shaking her head and smiling. “I’m your Mother’s friend,” she replied.

Celestia glanced between all of us, patiently waiting for us to finish our little conversation. “Well, if you all could excuse us. It’s about time for Chloe’s tutoring and for me to make the address; if you could wait in the throne room until then, I would greatly appreciate it,” she told us.

I glanced at Quartz, who nodded respectfully at the princess. Rubbing the back of my head I nodded myself. “Sure thing,” I replied and looked at Chloe. Something about what Celestia said made me a little curious, ‘tutoring?’ I pursed my lip. “Hey, Chloe...what are you learning about in school?” I asked her.

The young girl immediately perked up and Celestia kinda gave me a look that sorta said, “I thought I told you we’re leaving.” I ignored the look and focused on the kid. “I’m learning about the history of the Equestrian Empire and the Fundamentals of Magic!” she said with a giggle. Her response struck me as weird, and I blinked. A child that actively enjoyed learning? Who’d a thought that a...clone of me would actually enjoy learning.

“No, Chloe, I didn’t create you, I created someone who looks like you,” I recalled Reynolds’ words and I cracked a grin. ‘Guess he’s right. This girl is nothing like me...hell, history was my worst subject.’ I reached out and patted the girl on the head which elicited a surprised gasp.

“Stay in school, kid. Don’t be like me.” I told her before glancing at Celestia. “Sorry for wasting your time,” I said, which made the Princess shake her head.

“You’re fine. Head to the throne room and I’ll be back shortly,” Celestia said before looking down at little Chloe and motioning for her to follow. The younger girl nodded with a smile and began to follow behind the large pony. Smiling at the two, I looked back at Quartz and did the same by gesturing with my hand for her to stick to me. The two of us made our way to what was supposedly a throne room. To be perfectly honest, I had no idea where I was going, neither did Quartz.

As we walked down the corridor, I silently chided myself for not asking the Princess for directions when I had the chance. Upon rounding a corner, Quartz and I saw a maid cleaning up what looked to be a mess on the floor. The mare had an adorable tan coat with a dark brown muzzle which matched her wavy mane, her bright blue eyes were squinted as she focused on the stain on the floor, and to top it off, she was wearing what looked like a french maid outfit.

I snorted at the sight and covered my mouth, Quartz looked at me confused. The maid’s ears twitched when she heard my snort. “I swear, Tumble, if you make a joke one more time...” She shook her head and straightened herself out, turning her head she continued saying, “I’m going to take my dustpan and—” She halted when her eyes laid on me, I looked back into her rather gorgeous blue eyes. I gave her a small smile.

“No please, continue—” Suddenly I was cut off by the mare screaming bloody murder. Before I knew it, she was halfway down the hall and banking left down another. Wincing from the scream, I rubbed my ears.

“Hell...despite being a girl, I can’t even get my voice that high.” I grumbled and continued to rub my left ear. Glancing at Quartz, I saw she was doing the same. Assuming correct, ponies most likely have better hearing, so she probably had it worse off than me.

“I know right?” she grumbled and looked up at me. “I take it she didn’t like what she saw.”

“You calling me ugly?” I half joked; Quartz blinked and shook her head.

“Oh, no; I didn’t mean it like that,” she said as a deep blush burned through her coat.

I laughed and walked over to her. Wrapping an arm around my pony friend, I started to walk along side her. “I’m just teasing.” I chuckled and patted her back.

“Well, there goes asking for directions,” Quartz muttered. “Our best bet now, I guess, is to just walk aimlessly.” I nodded my head slowly as the two of us continued down the walkway.

After about thirty minutes of aimlessly walking, and asking around blindly. I only managed to terrify at least four castle staff members; luckily none of them gave of banshee-like screams, thus saving our ears. Not only that; we actually managed to find the throne room ourselves. Turns out that massive double doors with a red carpet leading to it stuck out pretty much like a sore thumb.

“How did we not see this earlier?” I asked as I glanced at Quartz, who shrugged.

“Well, seeing how you got excited over shocking other ponies and started focusing your attention on doing just that... I think I can see why we never saw this,” Quartz deadpanned.

I blinked for a brief moment and chuckled. “Oh, yeah okay... uh...” I blushed lightly. “Well, let’s not keep the Princess waiting.” I walked over to the door and knocked, for a few moments nothing happened. Frowning, I turned to look at Quartz who had gone to shrug, but stopped when we both heard a loud deadbolt come loose. Flinching in surprise, I looked back at the door and awed as the massive, double door swung open before us.

My jaw then dropped even further when my eyes laid upon the massive room before us. The room stretched on for what looked like half a football field. A red carpet ran up the center of the length to the throne, large pillars evenly spaced to either side. Depicting stories I had no context for, were beautiful stained glass windows that rose almost to the ceiling. On the far end of the room, standing before the throne was Celestia, who was all alone. “Ah, Chloe, it is wonderful to see that you’ve made it.” Celestia hummed as she stepped down from the throne and started walking towards us.

Quartz and I went to meet the mare halfway, stopping at the center of the room just a few feet from each other. I blushed and ran a hand through my hair. ‘God, I need a haircut.’ My mind wandered as I tried not to think about how I foolishly got us lost. “Yeah, we uh...decided to take a little detour.” I tried to cover up my embarrassment.

Celestia chuckled. “Why yes, I figured, many of my subjects came to me screaming about it.” She shook her head and smiled brightly at me.

My blush darkened even more. I folded my hands behind my back and averted my eyes to the floor. “I’m sorry.”

The celestial pony took hold of my chin her in magic, the feeling similar to someone’s fingers taking hold, and she forced me to look up at her. “It is fine, nothing to be ashamed of. You actually made my job a bit easier by making it so that I wouldn’t have to call all the staff into a meeting.” She chuckled. “There is no need to be ashamed.”

I gulped and nodded my head. Though what she was saying was nice, it did little to quell the gut feeling I had. Yet, I took a deep breath and tried to make myself seem more lively. “So...were you able to tell the town about us?”

Celestia hummed and nodded her head. “Yes, I did, though the crowd I had drawn was only a fraction of what I originally intended for. However, ponies are known to be quite the gossipers, I wouldn’t be surprised now if everyone knew who you were, or have at least made some form of connection.” Celestia smiled. “Though, I’d still give it a bit if I were you, just to make sure that my words have traveled.”

Quartz bowed, and I quickly did the same. “Thank you, Your Majesty, we’re truly grateful,” the miner said.

Celestia smiled and gave a nod to us. “You’re welcome, you two. Now go and enjoy yourselves,” she said before turning to head back to her throne.

Lifting my head, I watched as she perched herself upon what looked like a marble throne. Smiling at us, she gestured with a hoof towards the door. “Though I must say,” she said, stopping us before we could even go. “if the two of you plan on drinking, please refrain from coming to the castle. I do not wish to deal with an intoxicated pony and human who may or may not make a mess.” She giggled once more.

“Oh, it’s fine.” I chuckled myself. “I didn’t really plan on drinking much, anyways.”

“Same here,” Quartz looked at me and smiled. “Thank you again, Princess.” She once again gave a brief bow before turning to me and motioning with her head towards the door. “C’mon, Chlo, let’s go burn off some steam.”


“Ya want ta kno...wha’s fuckin’ stupid?” I slurred after slamming my whatever numbered glass down on the bar counter. My eyes sluggishly glanced over the small crowd of ponies around me. “I dun even eat pasta!” Suddenly the entire crowd erupted into a fit of laughter. Ponies dragged their tongues over their salt lick while others clanged their drinks together.

Snorting and wiping my nose, I slowly turned to glance over at Quartz, who was also a bit tipsy. The little pony’s face had a red blush burning through her coat, and her eyes a were a bit dilated. Her snout scrunched a little as she giggled along with the rest of the crowd, tail swishing happily like a dog. Soon, her large, adorable eyes glanced up at me. “That’s really what happened?”

I nodded my head, which kinda made my vision blur, and I stopped to rest a hand on my forehead before saying. “Ye girl...” I took another swig of my drink. It tasted like apple juice—just with... ninety percent more alcohol added. My throat burned as it went down, and my stomach found it difficult to take in. Normally, a drink like this would make me choke up or vomit, and yet... I didn’t feel like my normal self as of recently, and now it was as if I could drink an entire liquor store. Believe it or not... that didn’t sound like a bad idea.

I sat the drink back down. “Eva...she was... she was a good girl...” I snorted once more and wiped my nose on my sleeve. I waved the bartender down and handed him my glass, without question he filled it for me.

Quartz took a small sip of her own drink and sat it on the counter. “Forgive me if I forgot but...she was one of the two you buried yesterday, right?”

That question made me take another large gulp and I nodded. “Yes...yes she and Adam.” For some reason, I didn’t just feel warm in my stomach anymore. As a matter of fact, I felt a bit sick, with a heavy sinking feeling. I took another drink. “Both of them were good people... people I let down.”

Quartz’s face drained and she shook her head and leaned towards me. “No, that can’t be true,” she said to me as I started to feel tears forming around my eyes. My vision blurring as my mind began to wander through old memories, around me I could feel my consciousness fading. Yet, it wasn’t the alcohol’s doing. No. The world faded as I suddenly found myself back inside the McKinley vault. In front of me were Eva and Adam, both of them glaring at me.

“You thought just because you buried us, all of your problems would just up and vanish?” Adam said, his voice dark and heavily distorted, like a DJ rubbing a record player.

I blinked and shook my head. “N-no, I didn’t! Reynolds said the machine broke!” My voice cracked and choked up.

Eva shook her head. Her mouth opened, and out from it came her chilling, distorted tone, “You could’ve saved us, Chloe. You and I could’ve still been together.”

I trembled. “N-no, I couldn’t have!” I stepped back and dropped to my knees, my eyes fogging with tears as I looked up at them.

“You could’ve come out with the truth and given us more time to find a cure, time to save everything.” I started to sob as both of them spoke simultaneously. “But no, you locked yourself away from everyone—hid while the world died.”

“No. No. NO!” I cried as suddenly I was ripped back into reality.

“Chloe!” Quartz shook me as my groggy eyes opened and I saw that everyone in the bar was looking at me. Everything was silent, which I then quickly caught on that my hands were over my ears. Removing them didn’t make a difference; the entire bar was utterly silent. Sniffing I looked at Quartz, her eyes worried and as wide as dinner plates.

Sniffing and blushing with embarrassment, I said, “I-I saw them..."

Quartz took a deep breath and pulled out a coin purse. “C’mon, Chloe, you had too much to drink.” Sniffling and sobbing quietly, my heart felt as if it was falling into a bottomless pit and I couldn’t help but feel totally alone. The world around me darkened and the only other pony I could see was Quartz. All I could see was her glancing up, her lips moving, but I couldn't hear any words, she nodded her head and levitated out a handful of gold coins.

Rubbing my eyes, I could feel the tears coating them. Shaking my head, I thought I could faintly hear the garbled words from my dead friends filling my ears and head with guilt filled words and self-deprecation. I covered my ears and started muttering to myself over and over. “Shut up, shut up, shut the fuck up!” My fingers clenched and unclenched repeatedly until I felt something grip my left hand.

Suddenly the words vanished and my surrounding returned to me along with all its music and other sounds. Blinking confusedly, I saw that the bar had returned to its original state and in front of me was Eva smiling at me. “C’mon, Chlo, I just got the keys to one of the rooms upstairs.”

Blinking, I smiled. “Oh?” I sniffed and wiped my eyes.

Eva nodded her head, her hand already holding mine. “Hey,” she said softly. “Everything’s alright, okay?”

I sniffed and nodded my head. “Yeah...” my eyes glanced downwards but were stopped when her hand pushed me back up to look at her.

“If you ever need to talk, I’m here for you, Chlo,” she said and gave me a wide smile. A smile that I had fallen in love with the day I saw her arrive at the vault. The same smile that was always so fucking contagious that I couldn’t help but smile back whenever she made some cheesy joke, or for teasing me relentlessly.

“I...I feel lonely...” I said, my heart suddenly starting to open up, my tear ducts flowing once more as my vision blurred. “Everything...everyone I knew...they’re gone...”

Eva shook her head and placed the gold coins on the counter, her other hand taking mine, the two of us stood up. “But you’re not alone, Chlo, you have me, Reynolds, and now Little—”

I shook my head. “Th-that’s not what I mean!” I sniffed and suddenly regretted lashing out. However, Eva didn’t flinch. Smiling that same smile, she started to walk me towards the back of the bar. “M-my Mom...D-Dad...Amy, fuck even my ex...” I wiped my face as Eva nodded along as she carefully helped me up the steps. “They’re all fucking gone... b-because of how fucking weak and pathetic I am.” We stopped beside a door, to which Eva took the keys out and opened it.

“You’re not weak, Chloe; you’re far from that.” She pushed open the door and took my hand again. “You’re possibly one of the strongest mares I know.”

I bit my lip and shook my head as she kicked the door closed and took me to the bed. “But... you don’t know what happened before I came out with the truth.”

“I don’t need to know, Hon.” Eva sat me down on the bed, to which she then laid back on and stretched her limbs. “All I need to know is that you went through all of these hardships, yet you have the audacity to call yourself weak? I’d hate to see what strong’s like.” I snorted and lain down beside Eva, my arm absently wrapping around her as I snuggled close to her.

“You... you really think I’m strong?” I asked, my voice small; I hate to admit it, but it almost sounded childish.

Eva blushed lightly when she saw my arm and turned her head to look at me, our eyes meeting. “Well, of course I do,” she said softly, breath smelling a bit like cider. “As I said you’re one of the strongest I know, everyone else would’ve given up far before where you’re at now.”

My eyes widened as my heart began to thump against my rib cage. My cheeks suddenly lit on fire as my eyes watered and I looked away, yet once again, I was stopped by Eva taking my chin. Looking back at her gorgeous sky blue eyes, she said to me, “Never lose hope, Chloe. No matter how low you may feel, or how dark this world may seem to you. I will always be there for you along with everyone else.”

Lips quivering, and eyes watering, my voice came out in a small whimper as everything began to fail on me. Without any way to say thank you, I leaned in and pulled Eva into a deep, and passionate kiss. Immediately I felt the girl stiffen, but then immediately melt and push back into me, her arm coming up my side. Humming softly, I placed my hand on her chest and pushed her over, my legs swinging over her as I straddled her.

Breaking the kiss briefly, I gazed down at my lover with lidded eyes and breathed out, “I love you, Eva.” Before she could speak, I locked my lips with hers once more.

Author's Note:

Thanks to: Seven Fates, this chapter would've come out waaay later, and probably wouldn't be super good.

Also thanks to Neko Majin C, for being super quick and spot on!