• Published 2nd Sep 2015
  • 20,091 Views, 1,687 Comments

The Last of My Kind - Immortan Joe

In the near future mankind was driven into a biochemical war against an unidentifiable contagion created by an asteroid that struck the planet. Without no cure or any form of escape, mankind buried themselves and awaited their extinction.

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Chapter 20: A History Lesson

“After school.”

I sat there in Reynolds’ quarters, taking a breath I rested back in his swivel chair, feet kicked up onto his desk. I bit my lower lip and thought about his heated warning back in the dining room. “These walls have ears that do not wish to hear specific things.” Talk about ominous. Letting off a sigh I scratched my chest and adjusted my bra straps before I slid my feet off the table and sat up with perfect timing due to the door opening behind me.

The faint sounds of grumbled frustration caused me to turn my head with a raised eyebrow. “Something wrong?” I asked as I saw the heated old man toss his belongings onto his bed, the door slid shut behind him and he cast me an irritated glance.

“Yes,” he said bluntly, his voice rasp. “There is something wrong; something very wrong.” My teeth jammed down on my tongue and I gulped. Reynolds let off a deep breath and waddled over to his closet. Opening it, I saw he had a water dispenser inside.

What an odd place to store your water. I started to walk towards him, my hand naturally rubbing the back of my neck. “I take it you’re mad because of me?”

Reynolds straightened himself out and turned towards me before shaking his head. “No, I’m not angry at you directly...” he sighed. “More or less, I’m frustrated with myself.” Reynolds took a small, metal cup and filled it with water before turning to me and holding it out. “Want a drink?”

I nodded and reached over to take the cup. “What are you angry about?” I asked him nervously as I took a sip of the rather cold water.

“Past events. It’s a long story,” Reynolds grumbled as he filled his own cup and took a large drink.

“Man, I have all the time in the world,” I told him as I took a large drink myself. I went over to his bed and sat down, my eyes widening. It was memory foam.

Reynolds sighed. “I guess we do,” he said softly as he finished his cup and immediately poured himself a second one. Taking a smaller sip he went over to his desk, under which was a locked cupboard. Fishing into his pocket, Reynolds produced a small key and unlocked the door to the small compartment. Moments later, he would come out with a faded, brown leather journal, which he turned and tossed at me.

I caught the journal, which I quickly noticed was bound shut, with ease and looked at it. “It’s your diary, I remember you writing in this all the time.” I looked up at him. “I’m surprised you hadn’t filled it completely by now.”

Reynolds chuckled. “Aside from me writing tiny, I took many breaks, mainly between my times in the cocoons.” He breathed deeply and slowly walked over to me. “Neither Celestia nor Luna know of my possession of this book, and on many occasions, I had to take various amounts of sleeping pills and set up barriers around my room to keep Luna from entering my head.”

I straightened myself out and blinked, Reynolds could see the shocked look on my face when I turned to look up at him. “You really don’t want them knowing about the book,” I said.

Reynolds nodded. “Or any of my other plans...” He took a seat beside me on the bed.

“What do you mean?” I turned to look at him and also scooted away a bit.

“Ponies aren’t really ones to respect privacy, especially the sisters,” Reynolds mumbled quietly. “To be honest with you, Chloe...” He trailed off and looked at me, his face icy. “I despise those two.”

My eyes widened and I leaned back a bit. “Wh-why?” I asked in a tiny voice.

Reynolds turned and leaned a bit, his wrinkly arms resting on his knees. “They forced my hand, believe it or not. I’m practically their prisoner. I don’t want to go too deep into my past with these wretched clods...” Reynolds shook his head. “Aside from you, they took everything from me. From us.” He gazed up at the ceiling before looking at me.

I blinked slowly and looked Reynolds in the eyes. “Took what?” I asked.

Reynolds shook his head and tapped on his journal. “Read it,” he said. “Start on page two hundred and read on from there.”

“But what about The Remnants?” I leaned towards Reynolds, my arm gesturing outwards. “Why did you hit me when I brought them up?”

The old man cringed and closed his eyes. “Page 252...February 17th 15045 0600,” Reynolds said softly. “It was the start of the Equestrian Expansion.” Reynolds took a deep breath. “Everything had gone to utter shit just as it seemed to be going well...” he sniffed. “I thought I was in control, we had everything we needed I thought... I thought Jamestown was the sign of a new beginning.”

I blinked and shook my head. “What? You started a town?”

Reynolds nodded and got up. “Come here, I have pictures.” I sat the journal aside and stood up and followed him towards his desk, and opened the locked cupboard and took out an envelope. He opened it and dumped dozens of pictures onto the desk, my eyes widening and tearing up at the sight of them.

“I started Jamestown thirty years before the Equestrian equivalent of Manifest Destiny,” he said quietly as I reached down picked up an image of a middle aged Reynolds standing beside two young men who seemed to be in their really late teens or early twenties in the middle of an amateur looking wheat field.

“How come in the logs you sent me you never mentioned anything of Jamestown?” I asked as I picked up another image of Reynolds standing with a few burly men in military camouflage, my eyes locking onto a familiar face on the far right. He was a tall, dark skinned man with a graying beard, in his hand was American assault rifle. I couldn’t make out the model, though, I was never great with firearms to begin with.

“Most of the logs I sent was before Jamestown was even a thought in my mind. Half of the people in these photos were still inside the artificial wombs in most of these images,” Reynolds sighed. “And uh...afterwards...” he took a deep breath and turned away from the photos. “How much do you know of imperialism?”

I blinked and turned to look at Reynolds. “Uh...” My eyes shifted a bit. “I know it’s not a good thing?”

Reynolds nodded. “For the most part yes, it isn’t. For the one committing the act, it's usually good, as for the victims, it's godawful,” Reynolds explained at sat down.

“I take it you were a victim?” I asked shifting my eyebrow upward.

“Like hell we all were!” Reynolds gritted his teeth. “When the Equestrians started advancing eastward, we were caught within the expansion radius. You see, Chloe, they may preach peace and harmony, but back then, it was nothing but xenophobia and control.” I blinked and Reynolds continued. “They saw me and my science as some kind of fucking dark magic; the technology we were using to reproduce ourselves; the population bombs and my cloning experiments Fuck, even our water pumps, generators, everything! It was unnatural to them, therefore they dubbed it dark magic.”

“What happened?” I asked, still with a tiny voice.

Reynolds leaned towards me. “Purification. They rode in on their flying chariots and charged in at us from every angle, they surrounded the whole fucking town without us realizing it. We hardly had any weapons, most of the guns eroded away over the years; we had some but not many. Most of us had to fight tooth and nail… Lets just say we didn’t stand a chance...”

“What’d they do to you guys?”

“Purified...” Reynolds repeated softly. “We were all exposed to vast amounts of magic...” He glared up at me and then clarified; “The SOL Virus.”

My eyes widened. “They’re all...”

“Not all of them died, surprisingly,” Reynolds said. “A good chunk of us actually survived the ‘cleansing’.” I bit my lip and sat down on the swivel chair. “After they were done, they destroyed everything; the embryos, our homes, weapons and technology. They wiped Jamestown off the map and forced the survivors into wagons and we were shipped off to the capital to be trialed.” Reynolds took another large breath and let it out in a drawn out sigh. “I was made prisoner, the others... I don’t know...” He gazed up at me. “Chloe, if you’re saying that this pony of yours said he knows of the Remnants, then that means that the others made it out, or perhaps may still be alive.” Reynolds got up onto his feet and slowly began to walk towards me, a wide smile on his face, his eyes glistening. As he approached me, he reached out and placed an arm on my left shoulder, our eyes locking. “I want you to go, Chloe, if you find them, we just might be able to have the comeback we deserve.”

I blinked a few times and shook my head, Reynolds frowned. “This doesn’t make sense,” I said softly.

“What?” Reynolds said sounding shocked, his hand letting go of my shoulder.

“You’re a prisoner, right?” I looked at him. “And the Equestrians saw cloning as dark magic... Th-then how come you’re roaming freely and cloning me?!”

“I explained to them the fundamental of magic, and showed them my research. I’m not Celestia’s head scientist, but I’m also stuck within the confines of the castle,” Reynolds said. “I told you already I believe that I cannot leave here. Young Chloe was also born in secret and when Luna found out about her, she was nearly killed but I threatened to commit suicide if they did.” I blinked.

“How were you able to come to McKinley vault?” I asked.

“I came here a few thousand years before Equestria existed, the original capital a few hundred miles south of here. After the fall of Jamestown and Luna’s failed coup, the capital was conveniently relocated here,” Reynolds sighed. “Look, Chloe, I know this sounds weird or that I may even be lying, but seriously, read the journal, all the information you’ll ever want to know is in there.”

I took a breath. “I just...this is a lot to take in...like seriously, this sounds like a whole other fucking story.” I stepped around Reynolds and flopped onto his bed. “I don’t even know what to think anymore… Everyone we knew is dead, you tried rebuilding civilization and apparently the ponies are fucking Nazis all of a sudden, you’re really a prisoner, and me... What about me?” I looked at Reynolds. “If the ponies are really anti-human, why am I the only exception?” I shook my head and curled up on Reynolds bed. “Ugh... My fucking brain hurts.”

“I know this is a lot to take in, Chloe. For all we know, they could be trying to change, that’s why they haven’t done anything to you. Perhaps you are an exception. Just like Little Chloe.” Reynolds sat on the bed again.

I groaned and rolled onto my back. “I think I need a few drinks,” I said sarcastically and Reynolds chuckled.

“I have some whiskey in the recreation room. If you want, we can discuss more in there.”

I took a deep breath. “I’ll take the whiskey, but hold off on the history lesson for now.”

Reynolds chuckled. “As you wish, Chloe. I apologize for hitting you earlier.”

I laughed quietly. “You can apologize by getting me shit faced.” I glanced up at the old man and saw him blushing heavily. I snorted. “If I wake up naked next to you, I sure as hell will need to be purified.” Reynolds cringed and looked away, my eyes widened. “Oh, shit, too soon?”

“Just by a handful of millennia,” Reynolds smiled at me.

I grinned. “Ah, nothing a few drinks won’t solve.”