• Published 2nd Sep 2015
  • 20,091 Views, 1,687 Comments

The Last of My Kind - Immortan Joe

In the near future mankind was driven into a biochemical war against an unidentifiable contagion created by an asteroid that struck the planet. Without no cure or any form of escape, mankind buried themselves and awaited their extinction.

  • ...

Chapter 6: Alien

The wagon shook and rattled over the poorly maintained road as the two wooden wolves pulled us towards a town just over the hill. My stomach churned and groaned with each bump we went over, so I was forced to place a hand over my gut to try and keep down whatever was trying to come up my throat.

‘And I thought my old bus route to school was bad.’ I groaned and reached for a nearby bag just to be safe.

“Got a weak stomach?” Quartz took her eyes off the road and smiled at me.

“You could say so–” We struck a bump and my stomach lurched, placing a hand over my mouth, my head went over the side of the wagon and I hurled.

“Whoa!” Crystal exclaimed as she watched me blow a few chunks.

I moaned sadly. ‘So much for the bag,’ I thought as I reached up and wiped a bit of saliva off my chin.

After a few moments of dangling off the side of the moving wagon, I began to feel a bit better and decided it’d be safe to lay back against the pile of supplies behind me. The second my back touched the bag of barley. the timber wolves ran over another large pothole and I was once again forced to fling my head over the edge and blow chunks again.

The entire time Crystal was having a field day while she watched me suffer. “Man, if you’re this bad on a wagon, I can only imagine being with you when we’re flying.”

I spat on the ground to clear the taste of bile and brought myself back inside. My cheeks burned with embarrassment as I brought a hand up to cover my face. I breathed heavily into my palm and gritted my teeth, suppressing an uncomfortable groan I replied, “Don’t even get me started with planes.”

“Planes?” both ponies said in unison.

I felt the bile in my gut start to churn again. “Y’know, big flying machines. Metal tubes with wings powered by liquefied dinosaurs.” We struck large a rock and the wagon bucked me a few centimeters into the air, I landed back onto it with a slight oof, my stomach flopping all about inside me. I moaned and rolled onto my side, I brought my knees close to my chest and hugged them. “Are we there yet?” I asked in a whiney voice.

“Just a couple more minutes.” Quartz looked at me from behind her seat. “We can stop if you’d like?”

“No need...” I cringed. “Keep going.”

The pony raised a concerned eyebrow towards her friend and Crystal simply shrugged and relaxed in her spot. “So where you from, Chloe?” she asked me out of nowhere.

A twinge of pain in my heart made itself known. The question completely threw me off balance. Immediately the queasy feeling in my gut was replaced by the oh-so not needed homesickness. It had been hard leaving the place I had lived my entire life, Manhattan; The Big Apple; or The City that Never Sleeps. At least it seemed like that before the “Plague” hit.

My eyes began to water as the memories of being walked out to a humvee that had parked itself outside my apartment emerged from the darkest part of my brain. It was the same day my test results were revealed to the public and were openly announcing my immunity in the hospital where my sister had been signed into. I knew from the first week the outbreak happened that I wasn’t being affected by the “disease”, however, my sister was. So as a way to help her I thought that if I could get some men in white suits to look at me they could create a cure.

"And look how that turned out."


The voice snapped me out my trance, blinking, I brought a hand to wipe the dampness out from under my eyes. “Wh-what?” My voice was rasp. “Did I say that out loud?”

“You sure did, ” Quartz called back, not taking her eyes off the road.

I looked at Crystal and our eyes met. It was more like my eyes and her single one met, she still hasn’t taken the bandages off. She frowned. “Were you crying?”

My eyes widened and my heart rate kicked up. “N-no!” I turned away my face flushing. ‘I really need to find someplace to be alone for a little while.’

“Whoa, what’s with the sudden denial?” Crystal chuckled. “Don’t worry, I won’t judge if you were...” She grew quiet, I glanced over my shoulder and saw she had a more serious look. “After that movie we saw back in the temple with the old stallion, after I heard him say that sickness took out 99% of his species. He... was referring to yours, right?” she said questioningly.

I turned back towards her and pulled my knees in close. “Yes,” I said dryly. “My race; the human race, was exterminated by that ‘disease’ called the SOL Virus.” The pain in my heart began to resurface.

I felt the wagon level itself out as we pulled over the top of a hill. As that happened we waited in a brief moment of silence, one that Quartz broke. “And your friends?” she asked hesitantly, “Were they k-killed by the–”

“Not by the virus, no,” I answered quickly, tears had formed around the edges of my eyes.

‘God, I don’t want to talk about this!’

“They died of dehydration due to a malfunction in the main VIs system!” A sudden irritation rose out of me. “Weren’t you guys paying attention to the video?!”

“Chloe,” Quartz said looking back at me, “You have to realize that we have no idea about half the things you’re saying. Everything down in that whatchamacallit was like something out of a sci-fi novel,” she said then pointed at me with a hoof. “You are like something out of a sci-fi novel!” She sighed. “What I’m trying to say is that... in other words, we know absolutely nothing about you or what you are.”

My lip quivered and I broke eye contact with the pony as my head went directly onto my knees. I gently cried. “Everyone I’ve known is dead! My mom, sister, and friends they’re all gone, okay! You happy?! If what you’re trying to get at is what I think it is, I’m practically the last one of my entire species! Now leave me alone!” I barked. I rolled back over and hugged my knees against my chest.

Quartz looked at me worried. “C-chloe, I’m–”

“Let her be, Quartz,” Crystal said, “clearly she doesn’t want to talk about it.”


The wagon slowly came to a stop, a green light flashed, the sound of howling wolves and splintering wood reached my ears. A darkness loomed over me and I felt something like a blanket wrap itself around me.

‘Great,’ I internally moaned, ‘as if it wasn’t warm enough out as it is.’

“Chloe, we’re here.” I felt Quartz’s breath on the back of my neck as she whispered into my ear.

I was still a little frustrated over the earlier Q&A session. All I wanted was to be left alone for some time; to sit and gather my thoughts. ‘I knew I shouldn’t of let them tag along,’ I thought to myself.

“Chloooe...” Quartz slurred my name and poked me in the back with the tip of her hoof. “You awake?”

I groaned and pulled the blanket tighter around me. “Go do what you want,” I muttered, “I’ll just sleep in here.”

A moment of silence past.

“I can’t do that,” Quartz finally said.

“Why not?” I practically whined.

“If I leave you here somepony will spot you–also put these on.” I felt her drop something on my back. Popping one eye I open, I winced when the vibrant rooftops that surrounded us blinded me.

“What is it?” I grumbled and slowly reached over to grab whatever was on my back. I grabbed whatever it was and felt that it was rather soft. Bringing it around to the front of my face I saw that it was actually two items. They looked like two oddly shaped gloves that were made for someone with four thick fingers.

“It’s going to be part of your disguise,” Quartz whispered, “now wrap the cloak around you and lets go.”

I yawned, rolled onto my back and on top the cloak, I looked up at the pony. Quartz towered over me her head shining with an almost white aura due to it blocking the sun. Bangs from her mane dangled loosely off her head partially blocking one eye, our eyes locked together, I didn’t move a muscle.

“H-hi,” I muttered, shocked by how close she was.

The pony blew her bangs away from her eyes and raised an eyebrow. “You gonna put it on?”

I blinked the tiredness out of my eyes. “Put what on?”

Quartz bopped her forehead with a hoof. “The disguise, quickly before somepony sees you.” I went to push myself up into a sitting position but was quickly forced down by an invisible force. “Don’t be stupid!” The pony bent over and hissed into my ear. “Right now we’re surrounded by locals. The second they see you we’re going to be in trouble.”

I looked at Quartz with wide eyes. ‘Well someone is in a bad mood.’

“What kind of trouble?” I whispered.

Quartz gave me a dead look. “The kind that gets you locked away in some lab or petting zoo.”

I bit my bottom lip. “Okay.” I nodded and reached under myself to grab the cloak. “So I just put it on?” The pony nodded, I shrugged. “Alright, doesn’t sound too bad.”


“This is worst thing ever,” I said in a very poor Russian accent as Quartz and I slowly pushed our way through a small shopping district towards a crystalline castle. The castle vibrantly reflected the light from the sun which blinded me every time I tried to steal a glance at it. Luckily with the cloak that covered my entire body it didn’t affect me as badly as anyone else, that is if it bothered them. Half the time Quartz looked as if she was staring at it without a single problem.

However, what this cloak and gloves did bother me with was the damn heat! It feels like a it's over a hundred degrees out. I could already feel my clothes beneath my cloak sticking to my body. It was fucking gross, not to mention that I felt like I was going to die of heat exhaustion!

‘If I stick out here long enough I’m gonna pass out, and then I’ll really sound like a fucking Russian.”

I took a deep breath and glanced around the district. It was relatively busy out, and by God was it the strangest thing I’ve ever seen. Ponies of all kinds; winged, horned, ones with nothing special about them all pranced around us. Not only that, they all had different colors, so much so that I couldn’t even count all the different kinds. Another thing I noticed was that they all had tattoos on their asses, none that could be compared to mine, but I did find it weird. I stole a quick glance at Quartz’s ass and sure enough she had one too; one that represented her name rather well. It was a pick-axe striking a vein of crystals.

‘Speaking of Crystal,’ I thought, ‘Where is she?’

I decided to ask Quartz. “Horn pony,” I said trying to get her attention, Quartz glanced back at me. “Where is flying horse?” At first speaking in the stupid accent was slightly entertaining, but now it was just getting annoying. Apparently in Quartz’s eyes I was supposed to pretend to be some kind of ambassador for some gang called “The Diamond Dogs”, something about because I was a woman it’d be more believable.

“Crystal’s out running a few errands,” she said lowering her voice, “and keep it down will ya, you’re drawing attention.” As if I wasn’t doing that enough already, the entire time we were receiving awkward stares from every direction. In mid conversations and store transactions, they would stop what they were doing and stare. Again, I’m thankful for the cloak I was wearing, it covered up most of my features and the shadow it cast over my face made walking through the crowd even easier.

For Quartz that is. In terms of myself, I was a bit freaked out. There were horses here, there, everywhere! I was utterly surrounded by them, not only that I swore I saw a talking fucking cow that was being milked in a nearby concession stand, and the look on its face while being milked was far beyond disturbing. I take back what I said, I was terrified of this place. I’d rather have been left out in the woods, or in the vault with Glenn then be in this town. That raised another question: how the hell was this place built? It looks kind of like a small American suburb, except a lot more... colorful.

Even the doors looked as if they were made for people, just very little people. Like kids. It didn’t make a lick of sense to me, none of this felt real, none of it felt like it was actually happening. The only thing that kept me from believing that fact was the throbbing pain coming from my right thigh where I was injured. The amount of walking we were doing was finally taking its toll on it.

However, that didn’t keep my feeling of doubt from fading completely.

“What kind of errands?” I asked, my walk now becoming a pathetic limp.

“A bit of bartering and selling. We scrounged up a bit of junk you were tossing aside earlier–”

I stopped dead in my tracks while Quartz continued on a little further. A sudden rage billowed out of my chest. “What?!” I broke character.

Quartz stopped and spun around. She ran towards me with a tip of a hoof to her lips “Ah! Shhh! Shh!” she hissed. “We didn’t take anything big or import–”

“You stole from my home?!” I growled.

The pony’s ears flattened and her pupils grew wide. “Just a bit of gold and some tools... I’m sorry Chloe but we need the bits!”

“Fuck your bits!” I raised my voice again, ponies all around us stopped and turned their attention towards us. “Those are my things! You hear me?” Quartz quickly nodded her head. “And I want them back.” I leaned close enough to the pony so that she could see the rage in my eyes. “Find Crystal and have her return the items to the wagon now!”

“Wh-what about you?” Quartz whispered her eyes drifting towards the confused locals. “Any second now and you’ll blow your cover!”

“Like I give a shit about that.” I leaned back, sighed and flopped back over to my hideous accent. “I’ll go ahead, you find her.”

Quartz fumbled. “Wait... what? You can’t go the castle on your own! You don’t even know the basics of pony ethics or how to communicate properly with royalty.”

“I’ll manage.” I turned away from Quartz and faced the blinding castle. “Besides, I am foreigner, they will understand. Now go.”


I stood in a open field on a dirt path which lead to a golden staircase and a door that towered at least about ten feet. The castle itself was much bigger than I thought it was back when I was in that make believe town. Quite frankly, this castle takes the words make believe to whole knew level. Like my dreams I used to have back when I was in preschool kind of level.

Despite its prissy charm I’ll admit that it was rather intimidating. Standing alone at the stairway to a massive castle, it’s nothing I’d ever imagine doing–in real life that is. Quartz explained to me earlier while I was getting dressed on why we were coming here, we needed to talk to someone named “Twilight Sparkle”, who apparently was recently crowned a Princess.

‘I thought all that stuff related to blood lines and what not?’ I thought.

Originally the plan was supposed to go along with me pretending to be some ambassador like I said, who was very bad at speaking... equine-ish? I couldn’t remember what she said it was called. So therefore she’d do most of the talking for me, but it just so turned out I scared her off.

So now it was time to do things my way, and what way was that?

I had not a fucking clue. All I needed was answers and that’s what I knew I was going to get. So I proceeded up the golden stairs up to the door, when I reached the top I held out my hand and pressed it against its surface. It opened without a hitch.

“No lock?” I said to myself with a raised eyebrow. “Robbery might not be a worry around here.” I nervously stepped into a large, dim lobby. I walked onto a red rug as the door closed abruptly behind me, I jumped at the loud bang it made. I chuckled and straightened myself out, glancing around the room the walls and floor was made out grey-ish black marble. Ahead of me was a white staircase that broke off into two separate directions halfway up. On either side of the stairs were two thick pillars made of amethyst.

“Hello?” I called out in my Russian voice, I began to follow the rug towards the stairs. ‘Where is everyone?’ I thought, ‘Why aren’t there any guards here? Do horse princesses even have guards?’

I placed a foot on the first step to the stairwell and began to make my way up. “Is anyone here?” I yelled out.

“Be with you in a minute!” replied a young male voice. I stopped halfway up the steps when I heard the reply. ‘That was a boy who just spoke.’ I smiled, I never thought I’d hear the voice of a male who wasn’t a programmed robot ever again.

From my left at the top of the diverging stairwell came the sound of light steps, like bare feet on kitchen tiles. I looked in the direction and nearly choked on my spit. Hopping down the steps was a small dinosaur looking thing with purple scales and green spines, like the ponies it had a set of dinner plate sized eyes. The creature looked as if it hadn’t noticed me yet as it came bounding down the steps, upon reaching the landing where stairwell diverged it stopped.

“Hello?” the creature called out. It sounded almost like a young boy, presumably pre-teens? “Is anypony... there...?” The young creature trailed off when its eyes fell on me and the two of us were locked into a brief staring contest.

‘Yep,’ I thought, losing the staring contest. ‘I’m officially crazy.’

Like the young dinosaur in front of me, I was at a loss for words. I hadn’t expected there to be a prehistoric creature living inside this castle, and I could only assume the same for the creature. It possibly wasn’t expecting an alien to walk into the castle. After a few moments of silence I finally chalked up enough courage to say something. “H-hi,” I mumbled.

The dinosaur blinked. “Eh, hi?” He said questioningly, he then cleared his throat and began to slowly back up the stairs. “Is there... uhm... anything I can help you with?” I noticed his eyes flickering back and forth nervously.

I swallowed a lump in my throat. ‘Come on, Chloe, you’re making it nervous!’

‘Funny because I’m probably just as nervous as it is.’

‘For fuck sake, girl, grow some ovaries!’

“Ye-yeah.” I nodded my head, to make things easier on the lizard I reached up and pulled the hood of the cloak off my head. Upon seeing my face the dinosaur’s eyes widened, and I saw his body loosen a small bit. “I’m... uh–fuck what was I–” I fumbled over my words “–oh right, I’m here to see a princess!” I blurted out as the thought suddenly came to me.

The creature jolted at my outburst, then relaxed again. “Phew...” The creature wiped his forehead. “I almost thought you were a diamond dog,” he mumbled, then looked back at me with a more curious look. “Speaking of which, who are you?” He asked then quickly added, “That is if you don’t mind me asking.”

I raised an eyebrow, ‘I think this thing really is a kid.’ I smirked, ‘It’s kind of cute really.’

With that thought in mind I immediately lightened up a bit. “My name is Chloe,” I said softly, like the way I’d talk to most kids. I leaned towards the dinosaur with my hands resting on my knees. “What’s yours?”

Instantly I regretted speaking to the creature like a four year old when I saw the lizard cross its arm and raise an eyebrow at me. I could tell by just looking into his eyes that he was thinking, ‘Seriously? You’re going to talk to me like this?’ I curled my lips and straightened myself out, reaching up I tugged on the cloak's collar.

‘Is it just me or did it just get really hot in here?’

The lizard shrugged and said, “The name’s, Spike, I’m Princess Twilight’s assistant.” He smiled, “And right now Twilight’s a little busy with something.”

I looked at the lizard. ‘Spike, huh, how fitting.’

“She’s busy right now?” I clarified, “Any idea when she won’t be?”

The lizard frowned and looked at his wrist as if there was some watch there. “A couple hours,” He said and looked at me with a smug smile. “She’s been working throughout most the night anyways, so she might go to bed when she’s finished.”

I frowned. “Is there some way we can squeeze time in for me to talk to her. It’s really important.”

Spike tapped his chin with a claw. “Possibly. Let me go check.” He turned and scampered back up the stairs.

I rolled my eyes and sighed turning so that I was facing down the steps I sat down at the top the stairwell. I reached up and undid my cloak and flung it off, the cool air freezing my damp body. I gazed down at myself, I had been sweating like a pig under that thing the entire time I was outside. To make things worse my white tank top was soaked completely through and I had left my denim jacket back in the wagon.

I blew hot air out my nose and frowned. ‘Might as well just go nude now.’

“Alright!” I heard Spike call down from the stairs, I looked over and saw him skipping steps just to get to me. “I have some good news and bad news.”

“Oh boy, I can’t wait,” I muttered, slightly aggravated about my clothes.

“Good news is Twilight will be happy to talk with you.” I nodded my head, ‘Alright we’re getting places.’ “Bad news is she really needs to take a nap; it's so bad she’s speaking gibberish again.”

“Any idea how long this’ll take?” I took the cloak, wrapped it around my hand and began trying to dab the sweat out my shirt.

Spike shrugged. “A few hours at most.”

A small sire of irritation sprouted in my chest but I quickly doused the flame and nodded. “Okay...” I took my makeshift towel and began to wipe off my chest. “I can wait.”

Spike looked at me, entranced by the sight of me drying myself off. “Wait what? You mean here?”

I stopped just above my breasts and sighed. ‘This is pointless, I’m just going to need a new shirt. If I knew ahead of time that I’d be walking around in a black cloak I would’ve brought a spare.’

“Yep,” I replied to the dragon and tossed the cloak aside. I stretched my legs out and left them to dangle over a few steps. “It’s much cooler in here then it is out there anyways.”

A brief silence passed over us. My body finally adjusted to the cooler temperature, and the sweat that soaked my body evaporated off of me, leaving me with a damp, sticky see through shirt. I was less than pleased, thankfully the dim lighting made it so that you could barely notice the fact I wasn’t wearing a bra. It was just too hot to wear one.

I glanced over at Spike, he had taken position on the second flight of stairs that led to the left side of the castle. The lizard was sitting on the steps with what looked like a comic in his claws. Seeing the creature act casual around me was kind of off putting, almost unnatural. When I first came into this place I almost expected the first horse to see me would freak the fuck out, or approach me with curiosity like how Quartz and Crystal did.

But that lizard Spike!

No fucks given, none at all!

‘Like what the fuck?’ I thought and raised an eyebrow towards the lizard. ‘It’s like he’s ignoring my very existence now’. I’ll admit it, I was a little disappointed.

Spike glanced up from his comic book. “Can I help you?” He asked a tinge of annoyance in his voice.

I leaned back and blinked. “Oh um... Sorry.” I gulped. “I was just a bit curious.”

Spiked closed his comic book and set it aside. “I might be able to help you with that.”

“Why aren’t you scared of me, or curious for that matter?” I asked with slight hesitance.

The lizard replied to my question with one of his own, “Am I supposed to be scared or curious?”

Both my eyebrows raised and a frowned carved its way deep into my face. “Uh...” I shook my head. “So you aren’t even the slightest bit curious in an alien, like me, who just happens to walk in here?”

Spike cocked an eyebrow. “Well...” he started. “No.” He shook his head.

“Is there a reason for that?”

He lifted his comic book back up and turned the page. “It isn’t the first time I encountered one of your kind.”

My heart skipped a beat and the temperature of the room rocketed to what felt like a scorching 100ºF. “You mean you’ve seen the others?” I quickly asked him while I got onto my knees and crawled over to him.

Spike’s eyes widened when I towered above him, he dropped his comic and shoved his claws into my chest. “Whoa now!” His claws squished against my body, his attempt to push me off him doing little to nothing.

I glanced down and watched his feeble effort to move me. I giggled nervously as my cheeks began to burn. “Uh... sorry.” I pushed myself back out of his personal space. “I just... a spur of the moment thing....” My hand brushed against the spot the Lizard’s claws dug into, a slight sting started to make itself known. “S-sorry,” I said again.

Spike shook his head and sighed. “I don’t even want to know what just happened.”

I pushed myself back onto the landing so that my knees could fold themselves against my chest. Wrapping my arms around them I hugged them tightly. “I’m sorry,” I continued to say.

Spike looked at me and I swore I could a see a tad bit of annoyance on his face. “Don’t worry about it, I’m pretty use to getting smothered by ponies.” He breathed deeply. “You can thank Pinkie for that.”

I didn’t bother asking who this Pinkie pony was. Instead I said, “It’s just been a bit since I’ve seen anyone else.” My chin rested on the top of my knees.

“What do you mean?” Spike asked, the dragon once again placed his book aside. “You’re in Ponyville, you’re surrounded by ponies!”

I rolled my eyes. “That’s not what I meant.” I stretched one leg out and kept the other against my chest. My eyes flickered towards the lizard. “I’m talking about other humans.” I said.

The dinosaur leapt up from his spot and onto his feet. “So why not just go back through the portal?” He asked me.

I looked at the lizard stupidly. “What?”

Spike’s face fell. “Well... isn’t that where you came from?”

“No not at–what do you mean portal?” For some reason I could no longer think straight.

Spike gave me a confused look. “Well it’s just that in the Crystal Empire there’s this magic mirror. When you go through it there’s a whole world full of ponies–I mean people who look like you... except... their eyes are bigger, they're a bit smaller, they also don’t have pale tan skin, and when they come through the mirror... they’re turned into... ponies... Oh my.” His eyes widened as I saw the gears finally start to turn in his head. “Oh Celestia you are an alien!” He pointed an accusing claw at me. I continued to look at him with a face of ‘Oh gee now you get it.’

The lizard began to breathe heavily and began to back his way towards the step. “Oh please don’t suck my brains!”

“WHAT?!” I straightened myself out. “A second ago you were perfectly fine and now you’re afraid of... what?!” I stood up.

“Stay back!” Spike snatched his comic book and rolled it up. “Or you’ll get a taste of my issue nine of the Power Ponies!”

I gave the smaller lizard a monotonous look. “I’m not even gonna ask.”

We stood there for at least a couple minutes before the lizard lowered his sad excuse of weapon and asked, “Aren’t you going to do anything?”

I crossed my arms. “I don’t even know why you’re freaking out.”

“Because you’re an alien, isn’t it your job to like try and take over Equestria.” His eyes widened. “Maybe that’s why you came to meet Twilight! You’re going to brainwash her the second you two are alone!”

My eyes blinked and I looked at the lizard with a frown. Suddenly I could no longer keep a straight face and I laughed out loud, stumbling back I sat on the floor and cradled my head in my hand while struggling to breath. “Wh-what the fuck... I can’t even!”

“So it is true!” Spike ran over to me.

“No it isn’t!” I laughed and rolled out of the way of his comic book swipe.

‘God he really is a child.’

“Don’t lie to me.” He swatted me in the head of the comic book, of course it didn’t hurt.

The dinosaur swung at me again and I easily caught the book in mid-air. “Let me clear something up for you.” I got up. “I’m not really an alien, I lived here my entire life.”

Spike’s face looked conflicted. “Wait... you lived here in Ponyville?”

“The planet.” I clarified and took a deep breath, my hand released the comic. “I’ve lived on this planet in a home built underground. Recently I got a message from an old friend inviting me over, however, I don’t know where he is.” Of course I was semi-telling the truth, no way I was going to tell a kid my entire species was brutally murdered by little robots. “Last I heard he spoke to the princesses.”

“Wait.. what... I don’t understand,” Spike said his voice told me his brain was having trouble processing the information. “Why did you tell me you’re an alien then.”

I looked back at him and smiled. “I just wanted to see your reaction, that’s all.” The lizards face burned red with embarrassment and I laughed. I pushed myself onto my feet when I stood up I caught a whiff of something horrid, almost rancid. I cringed. “Do you smell that?” I asked.

The lizard looked at me then sniffed deeply, his reaction was immediate. “Whoa!” I clenched his flaws over his nose and stumbled away from me.

“What?” I asked startled by his reaction.

“Uh... no offense but...”

“I stink don’t I?” I asked feeling a bit embarrassed, the lizard nodded. I curled my lips back. “Not to be rude... but do you guys have a shower I could use then?”

“Depends?” Spike said. “Do you promise not to brainwash anypony?”

“I told you I’m not an alien!”

“And that’s exactly what an alien would say!”

I groaned and rolled my eyes. “I’m not even going to bother, can I use it or not?”

The lizard shrugged. “Alright, but under one condition.”

“And what’s that?”

“I have to watch you.”

Author's Note:

I'll admit not much happened in this chapter aside from us learning a bit about Chloe, but only a bit. Not only that Quartz and Crystal are thieves (that's to be expected from a pair Tomb Raiders). Now like Chloe, we must wait a bit to hear her Conversation with Twilight.

I hoped you enjoyed this comedic chapter, I'm using it as a slow down before the emotional trauma returns.

Also Spike pervert now and he doesn't even know it