• Published 2nd Sep 2015
  • 20,091 Views, 1,687 Comments

The Last of My Kind - Immortan Joe

In the near future mankind was driven into a biochemical war against an unidentifiable contagion created by an asteroid that struck the planet. Without no cure or any form of escape, mankind buried themselves and awaited their extinction.

  • ...

Chapter 22: Apology

I sat back against the metallic wall, my eyes wide and hands resting beside me on either end. The tears had stopped flowing, my cheeks were dry and covered in crust, Twilight looked to me from where she sat on the bed next to me. Her face masked with concern after I had finished my story about what had happened between Reynolds and I. The alicorn had nothing to say, what could she say? I had acted without thinking, struck the only other human in the world beside me and now he was unconscious in the castle clinic. It didn’t make me feel better knowing that he was going to make a full recovery, point was...I hit him. I attacked him without knowing the facts, yet on pure assumption. There’s no making up for that.

It’s all my fault.

“Tsk, tsk.” Came the voice of dark Chloe who stood at the other end of the spare bedroom Twilight and I sat in deep with the Kennedy Vault. “You truly are an idiot.”

“Shut up...” I simply muttered, causing Twilight’s ears to perk. The mare looked at me with a raised eyebrow and I turn looked away. Yet there was no stopping the next oncoming question:

“Who’re you talking to?” Twilight asked curiously and I shifted in my spot. I had not told the alicorn of the events that led up to me backhanding Reynolds, the visions of a darker half of myself. The fact that something within me, a subconscious that constantly berates me. My crippling depression that I know all too well that I’m experiencing. I didn’t want to rehash of what happened in the McKinley vault, the complete and utter breakdown I had in front of the ponies; Quartz and Crystal.

“N-no one...” I simply uttered. “I was just daydreaming.” For some reason I found myself unable to tell Twilight of the other half of me. Something inside me; that I couldn’t control, kept me from opening my mouth. Yet I didn’t have to, for the next words out of Twilight’s mouth stunned me.

“You’re still seeing her aren’t you?” Twilight asked me and I froze. I knew Twilight was recalling my mental breakdown in the library in McKinley. The moment when I snapped and went completely berserk and had a screaming match with myself. I didn’t reply to Twilight, at least, not verbally. Simply, I turned my head and gazed at the floor. I heard Twilight take a breath and shift her body to face me. “Chloe, I think you should go talk to Princess Luna about this...mare--er--person you’re seeing.”

“I don’t need her help,” I muttered softly something inside my chest twitched and I bit my lower lip. I could take care of this myself, I don’t need anyone or pony for that matter to pity me. That was the kind of thought process I had. Perhaps it was some kind of punishment, his constant berating from another version of myself a more logical one that perhaps could’ve stepped up sooner and maybe even prevented all of this. Yet the me now, the one sitting here after slapping the shit out of the only other human, sat beside a talking horse doing nothing. Pathetic.

Twilight took a breath. “Chloe, please, this isn’t healthy. At least not for ponies, you should really go talk to her. She knows everything relating to well...a pony’s conscious, but yours might not be too different. She could maybe help you by casting some kind of suppressing spell that’ll mask her,” Twilight said; referring to my Dark Chloe. Who by this point had vanished once again, yet I could feel her, the shadow tendrils on my shoulders, this choking darkness inside my conscious.

A few moments of silenced passed and I sighed softly. “Sure...I’ll go talk to her,” I said quietly but really had no intention on doing such a thing. As of now I just wanted to remain alone and just sit in self deprecation, maybe go for a walk once more. Perhaps even go back to that bar and use the money Quartz had given me to just get drunk again, which sounded like a good plan. Maybe talk to that Sonic bartender again.

I blinked and sat quietly on the bed, the only sound I could make out was mine and Twilight’s breathing. Another thought came to mind shortly after I wiped the edge of my eyes, the crust of my tears flaking away. Where had Quartz gone? Or even Crystal? The two ponies who had helped me left...the two I slightly considered to be genuine friends of mine despite only knowing them for two whole days, yet by the third they had gone.

Maybe the thought they weren’t needed anymore...or if by some chance; could I have driven them away? That thought only seemed to drag my mood down more and I finally shifted in my seat and got up, my legs having come close to falling asleep. I looked to Twilight and gave her small nod of thanks before saying, “I’m going to go check on Reynolds.” Twilight simply nodded in return and hopped off the bed.

“I should be getting packed anyways,” The mare said softly, “I need to return to Ponyville to check on Spike.”

I rubbed the back of my neck. “When do you plan on heading out, y’know, so I can say goodbye?” Twilight smiled at me warmly.

“Tomorrow afternoon, I’ll try and let you know when I’m heading out,” Twilight said to me and I nodded and turned to head out but Twilight stopped me. “Where have your two friends gone?” she asked and my shoulders sagged.

“The pegasus Crystal, she uh...” I gulped. “I said she could have some scraps from my vault so she could pay off some kind of like student loans or something. Quartz though...we went out for drinks and now she’s just gone.” I took a breath and Twilight shifted a bit out of the corner of my eye.

“Oh. So I take it you’ll just stay here with Reynolds then?” I glanced back to see she had cocked her head and I simply shrugged. Honestly, I had no idea where I was going to be staying. So much had happened over these past two days, I simply had no idea what to do or even if I comprehended anything I could do. In other words, I was just confused and lost. A scared, little girl all alone in an unknown world with no sense of direction.

Actually, now that I thought back on that. There was one thing, the bartender Sonic, the map and info about the Remnants Division and that brief lesson from Reynolds. His journal he gave me, everything I would possibly ever want to know was in that book. I gulped and shifted. “Honestly,” I said, “I think I might go traveling.”

Twilight blinked. “You’re going to travel? To where?”

I forced myself to smile after taking a deep breath. “I heard the Macintosh Mountains are nice this time of year.” Twilight smiled at this and nodded her head.

“Yes they are. Though it is pretty hot down there by Appleloosa as well,” The mare said and I shrugged it off.

“I’ll be fine, I always wanted to go see the mountains when I was kid.” I opened the door to the room and stepped out into the hall with Twilight behind me.


Shortly after Twilight and I parted ways, I returned to the upper floors of the castle. After a few questions and answers I finally found my destination. Opening the door I now stood outside of, I quietly stepped into Reynolds room, the older man laying on the bed head turned away from me as he seemed to be facing a young girl who resembled me to near perfection. Younger Chloe gazed down at Reynolds, whispering to him softly as she rubbed his hand. The old man seeming to be awake and talking softly to her in return.

“Yes. I’ve finished my studies,” The girl said softly and Reynolds smiled. “Princess Luna said that I’m learning quickly, much faster than any other foal she had taught.” She giggled softly.

Reynolds smiled and chuckled softly. “That’s good,” he said just loud enough for me to hear. “Remember now, your test is this Friday, so make sure you study once more before bed. But don’t over do it.” The girl nodded and smiled once more.

“I won’t, Dad,” Chloe hummed and glanced up, her eyes following on mine and she smiled. “Oh i-it’s Mom!” I felt my cheeks burn a little bit and I nodded my head and stepped forward.

“Yep, it’s me...just spying that’s all,” I said softly as I kicked the door closed behind me and glanced about the small bedroom I had just walked in. There was nothing special, a dresser with a desk and chair beside it along with a closet and bed. Rather plain, yet suitable. I heard Reynolds cackle softly.

“Typical ninja like skills of yours,” The man spoke a little louder now, “Always appearing and disappearing. I can’t even fathom how you do it.” I chuckled softly as I came to the edge of the bed and sat down on it gently as to not cause too much disturbance.

“What can I say? Trying to escape from city ruled by anarchy requires a specific set of skills,” I said softly, referring to the collapse of New York just before the government hauled me out. Reynolds snorted as he stifled a laugh. I took a breath after a few moments and said, “I’m sorry for what I did, James.” I looked to Reynolds who took a small breath and nodded.

“You’re fine Chloe...” He turned to small Chloe and said, “Hon, could you please leave me and your Mother alone for a few minutes?” Without question the little girl nodded and shot to her feet before scampering out of the room, closing the door behind her. Reynolds took a breath. “Look...I fully understand your reaction...and I forgive you.” I glanced at Reynolds and shook my head.

“No. It still wasn’t right, I just...I assumed that...” I rubbed my face as I contemplated for a second on how to say what I was about say. “I thought you took advantage of me and uh...” I fell quiet as I muttered. “Had sex with me.” Reynolds just barely caught this and looked at me for a second before smiling warmly.

“Actually dear, it was the other way around,” Reynolds said with a shit eating grin and I blinked now utterly confused. “I never thought I could ever see a girl like you drink so much whiskey. The last of my whiskey,” he clarified. “You were so drunk that you said, quote; ‘I don’t care if you’re a man, an old one at that, I won’t even remember this,’ and then proceeded to pounce on me.” I could feel my cheeks lighting up like a Christmas tree and quickly looked away, my arms crossing beneath my chest as I felt my heart tingle with embarrassment.

“Y-you’re bullshitting me,” I said with disbelief and Reynolds simply shook his head and chuckled.

“I can show you the security feed,” Reynolds said honestly. “I would never take advantage of you Chloe. You, the little one, and I are possible...the last human beings, and ruining any hope of friendship with one another could be devastating.” Listening to him I could hear the truth behind his words and I felt myself deflate a little more, now feeling terrible at overreacting about something that was really my fault. “Chloe...what you told me the other day, about Remnant group in the Kennedy vault,” Reynolds voice was quiet and serious sounding and I shifted to look at him. “If you plan on going...I want you to take Chlo with you.”

I cocked my head. “Wh-why?” I asked softly turning to face him and Reynolds shifted in his bed, sitting up slowly and I swore I could hear his old bones creaking.

“That young girl...has never seen anything outside of this very city on the mountain,” Reynolds said softly, “She doesn’t know what lies beyond the base and to top it off, she hardly knows you; her mother. All he knows is what I told her and well...” Reynolds took a breath and shifted. “I told you already I do not have much time left in this world––”

“Shut up,” I said firmly the second her brought up time. “Don’t mention anything relating to you fading away on me, Doc.” Reynolds smiled and simply nodded and I took a breath and sunk back before rubbing the back of my head. “I-I understand why you want me to take her for a while but...I’ll be honest, James...I know jack shit about kids. Even if she is...looks like me, I don’t think she’ll be into the sorta things i was into as a kid and well. I only ever babysitted twice in my life.” Reynolds chuckled softly and smiled.

“Yeah. I apologize for this being all sudden but...I’m not asking you to be her parent, Chloe...well...yes I am but uh...fuck...” Reynolds snorted and shook his head. “I don’t know how to say this, but uh, just keep herself and well...treat her as if she was the most sacred thing in the world. The girl is old enough and smart enough to mainly watch for herself, hell I trust her to navigate those crystal caves on her own.” I nod my head gently.

“O-Okay...” I took a breath once more. “I plan on heading out Friday which is...a couple days from now?” Reynolds nodded his head. “So uh, yeah...yeah okay, she can come with me.” I smiled as confidence began to descend on me.

Reynolds grinned himself. “Alright...anything else you want to talk about?” he glanced at me and I shifted before nodding.

“Yeah...your journal...Is it okay to assume everything in there is...true?” I asked outright and Reynolds blinked before snorting.

“If I was lying, Chloe, y’know I’d just say yes either way,” he said looking at me with a straight face and blushed before nodding, damn that was stupid to ask. James sighed. “Yes, I can assure you, Chloe. As friend, everything in that book is one hundred percent true. Dating to our time in the vault, till now. All of my research, equations, formulas, to the very thing I ate; is written in that book.” I nodded and ran a hand through my dark hair.

I took a breath and shifted. “I take it...I’ll find all that hot stuff you wrote about me too?” I joke and the old man blushed and shook his head. I giggled softly and leaned back. “Alrighty then man.” I pushed myself off the bed and stood up. “I apologize for uh...doing stuff to you...last night,” I felt my blush burn once more and Reynolds was fiery red as well. “I think I’m just gonna go for a walk for now. Clear my head.”

“I need to sleep anyways,” Reynolds said to me with a nod and slight yawn, his wrinkled body sinking back into the pillows. “I wish aspirin was still a thing.” I heard him mutter and blushed even harder as I thought he was referring to the good whack I gave him.

“I-I can check,” I said softly and he waved a hand at me.

“No need. I took the last pill forty years ago.” He hummed and I simply nodded my head. With that, I wished the man farewell and stepped out into the castle hall. Noticing little Chloe wasn’t around, I sunk my back against the closed door and covered my face before sighing deeply.

My two companions had vanished, my subconscious is trying to drive me to suicide, I’m now met with the responsibility of a younger version of myself, and the possibility of other human beings now loom over my head.

Confound this time, I need a fucking drink.

Author's Note:

I know it isn't much, but this mainly outlines the road map to what's coming up!

Sorry for the long break, I've been rather busy with work and just overall lack of motivation. Now that I'm one year past graduation and just recently turned twenty, I've reached the point in life where I most start taking in my own responsibilities such as paying bills and doing all the shitty adult stuff. It's a rather bumpy ride though I'm usually quick to adapt even this is a bit much for me, but so far I'm doing fine and just a bit stressed. But not to the point where I'm snapping, nope.

Don't expect the next chapter to come flying out, I just happened to have the time and motivation for this one. It was nice writing it, but its not often I have this much free time. But hopefully the wait won't be six months like the last one.