• Published 2nd Sep 2015
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The Last of My Kind - Immortan Joe

In the near future mankind was driven into a biochemical war against an unidentifiable contagion created by an asteroid that struck the planet. Without no cure or any form of escape, mankind buried themselves and awaited their extinction.

  • ...

Chapter 19: Directions

“S-sorry!” I called out as I stumbled past another pony, my eyes glued to the directions Quartz had given me to take back to the castle. My eyes squinted as I tried to read the hoof–magic, writing. To my dismay, the plan I had originally thought of, which required me using the castle as a landmark, hand not worked. One dead end after another, I had ended up becoming more frustrated then I had originally intended.

So instead I just decided to read the directions...which also didn’t really work.

As it turned out, the directions were written in a way which required me to start from the bar. Yet there was a catch… I lost the bar. So I was stuck there, standing in the middle of the road, scratching my head like the idiot I was while also being stared at by various, if not all, the ponies in the entire blasted city.

Which brought me to my next issue, asking for directions. Something I was never good at. Though in times such as the one I had put myself in, I had to suck it up. Taking a breath, I ran a hand through my hair and brushed my bangs from my eyes. I bit my lower lip and glanced around at the ponies. As I searched for my potential helper, my gaze slowly fell upon a small, blue unicorn mare a with a darker shade of blue and white for her mane and tail.

The pony quickly noticed me gazing at her and her eyes widened a bit, eyebrows curling upwards, she quickly looked away from me. Her tail even tucked between her legs and she started to slink away, I couldn’t help but chuckle softly at the adorable sight.

“Excuse me!” I started to walk towards her, to which she continued walking away from me. “Could you please help me?”

“I-I’m sorry, I’m pretty busy,” The blue mare replied to me as she began heading up the road, towards the opposite direction of the castle.

I frowned, how rude. “I just need some directions, please, I’ll be out of your hair in a moment.” The pony stopped and took a deep breath, she then nervously turned back towards me.

“Okay, where do you need to go?” Her voice was a little wavy and nervous sounding.

I smiled softly. “I just need to get to the castle,” I said softly, trying to calm her a little despite being a little aggravated myself. “I have a list of directions here, but...I can’t seem to find the actual roads that’ll help me get to there.” I held out the piece of parchment to the pony.

The mare took the paper in magic and read Quartz’s writing, she tilted her head a little as she skimmed over the words. “Galloping Road is literally right behind you,” The unicorn said in a deadpanned tone, I felt my cheeks burn with a blush, “if you just follow west and pay attention to the street signs, you should reach the castle in about ten minutes.”

“O-oh, thank you!” I said, my face burning as I chuckled nervously and ran a hand through my messy hair.

The unicorn nodded and levitated the directions over to me. I took the paper out of the air and looked at her, she seemed a little less on edge. Instead of worry though, she seemed to be examining me from head to toe, which just made me feel a little uncomfortable. “C-curious about something?” I asked her.

“Uh...I’m just wondering what species you are...you don’t mind me asking, do you?” She looked up at me.

I bit my lip, how many ponies am I going to have to explain this to? “I-I’m a human, you probably never heard of my kind, nowadays we’re pretty rare.”

“Human, eh?” I half expected her to say, ‘oh I heard of your kind’ like the bartender, Sonic, but she just cocked an eyebrow. “That’s pretty neat, I’ve never met anything called that before, guess that’s why I got nervous when you approached me.” The mare chuckled and kicked her hoof. “Mind if I ask what you have going on at the castle?”

“Oh.” I shifted my weight to one foot and flashed the pony a smile, sticking a hand in my pocket I took a breath. “For the meantime, I’m staying there with a friend of mine.”

The mare’s eyes widened, but not like in the freaked out way like earlier. “You have a friend who lives in the castle?!”

I snorted and nodded my head, a few heads glanced towards us and I straightened myself out. “You could say so, though, I might not be sticking around much longer. Well, I can’t make that choice just yet, but from what it seems like, I may traveling down south sometime next week.”

“Are you like an ambassador or something?” The pony seemed to be very curious in me now.

I shook my head, to which she pouted a little. “No. I’m a...” Would refugee be a proper word? “A friend.” I opted instead. “I thought I’d just visit and see how everything is doing.”

The pony pursed her lip and nodded before gasping. “Oh where my manners? I’m Minuette.” She stook a hoof out to me, to which I responded with a casual fist bump with the fist holding the directions.

“I’m Chloe Cooper,” I said smiling at the pony. “Thanks for helping me out, I’d like to chit chat a little more, but I got to get some news back to my colleague.” I rolled my shoulders back, which prompted a small pop from my back which made me hum softly.

Minuette nodded. “You’re welcome, sorry for kinda panicking a bit earlier...you’re pretty nice.”

I snorted and smiled. “Pretty nice, eh? Thanks,” I said before ruffling the pony’s mane with my hand as if she was dog. Minuette’s face scrunched cutely before stepping back and shooting me an awkward look, to which I blushed and stepped back myself. “S-sorry, th-that’s a way of expressing thanks,” I said pulling the excuse out my ass, which thankfully worked and the unicorn smiled.

“You’re fine, just startled me.” She giggled and straightened herself out. “Well, I hope everything goes well for you. Have nice day,” she smiled and turned away from me.

I chuckled lightly and waved at her before taking a breath and gazing back down at the directions. Turning around, I saw the diverging road with a sign above it saying: Galloping Road.

“She wasn’t kidding,” I muttered and shook my head. “Well, oki-doki, let’s go.”


I done fucked up.

I don’t know how.

But I was lost.

I covered my face and leaned back against a wall in the alleyway. “How the fuck did I...?” I sighed and shook my head and gazed down at the directions, the evening sun casting its yellow glow on the page in my hand. I took another deep breath and glanced at the image. “Alright, Chloe, it ain’t that hard, maybe we can just ask for...”

I blinked once more when I noticed a blue pony walk past the alleyway entrance. Turning, I stood there a little confused before shaking my head and running back out to the road. I gasped when I saw Minuette walking with another light green unicorn. “Ahha! I’m saved!” I fist pumped the air and ran towards the pony, in the process I nearly got ran over by three speeding ponies who were pulling carriages.

Letting off a yip I just lurched out of the way of nearly being hit by a pony who had swerved out of the way. I stood there and blinked for a moment, shaking my head I looked to the now distant Minuette and ran towards her. “Hey, excuse me!” I called.

Minuette stopped and blinked, the mint colored unicorn continuing only to stop and glance back when she noticed Minuette wasn’t beside her. “Something wro—waaah!” The pony nearly flew into the air when I came up beside Minuette.

The blue unicorn blinked and turned. “Oh, Chloe...” She blinked and cocked her head. “I thought you were going to the castle?” I chuckled quietly and rubbed the back of my head.

“Y-yeah, about that...” I chuckled and looked away.

“You’re lost.” Minuette gave me a dead look.

My eyes widened a bit and my cheeks burned brightly. “That obvious, huh?”

Minuette’s face softened a bit and she smiled. “My mare, Berry Punch, makes a very similar face when she’s lost on something.” That only seemed to make my blush even darker.

“S-sorry, I tried to follow the directions, a-and I was doing good for a li-little bit,” I said feeling all flustered and small inside. I took a breath and handed her the parchment. “I can’t find Mane St.”

“Wh-who are you?” the mint colored pony finally spoke up. Glancing up at her, I blushed a little and smiled.

“Th-the name is Chloe, Chloe Cooper.” The unicorn tilted her head and before she could ask, I said, “I’m a human.” I raised my hand in a calming gesture before the pony could freak out or anything.

The mint one’s eyes widened at the sight of my hand, growing to the size of dinner plates as he looks at it in awe. I blinked and looked down at Minuette. “Is something wrong?” I whispered.

Minuette looked at my hand and then back at minty. “Oh uh...Lyra has uh...a fetish.” My eyes widened a bit and a lowered my hand. “She’s infatuated with hands,” she giggled.

I took in a sharp breath and stepped back. “Okay then,” I muttered just as the mint colored pony named Lyra shook her head.

“S-sorry, my name is Lyra Heartstrings!” Minty straightened herself out and smiled widely.

I chuckled softly. “Nice to meet you...”

Minuette grinned. “So, I take it you need directions again?” I nodded, she giggled lightly and levitated the paper with written directions up to her face, she frowned. “Mane St. is literally right there.” She pointed with a hoof over towards a road right next to the alleyway I was just in, my eyes widened and my lips curved down into a deep frown.

“Fuck!” I cursed and scuffed my foot on the ground.

Minuette and Lyra both giggled cutely. “Eh, it’s not that bad, I was the same way when I first came Canterlot,” she said. “If you just keep your eyes open and focus on what’s at hoof you’ll get back in no time.” She levitated the directions towards me and took them out of the air and nodded slowly.

“Yeah, I guess… my mind has been elsewhere recently,” I chuckled softly and rubbed the back of my neck. “I’ll try and focus more, thanks again.” I gave the pony a small wave before turning and heading back towards the castle.


It took a bit, but I finally made it.

After I had been stopped by at least five guards and clarified who I was, I was finally able to step foot back inside Canterlot castle. “Yaaaay...” I cheered weakly and let my arms fall back down to my side. I took a deep breath and glanced about the great hall, appreciating the mighty fine pony architecture, while also thinking to myself that if wasn’t for their magic, none of this would be here.

“Why, greetings, Miss Cooper.” I jolted a bit at the sound of a pony’s voice, turning around I smiled when I saw that it was just Luna.

“Oh, h-hey.” I felt my cheeks burning due to the embarrassment of being startled. “What’s up uh...Princess...L-Luna?”

The Princess smiled. “Please, dear, a friend of Doctor James Reynolds, is a friend of mine. You can just call me Luna.” I blushed even more at that.

“Why, thank you, Luna, I guess I can think the same way about you.” I rubbed the back of my neck, suddenly my eyes widened as my memory came rushing back. “Oh shit!” I blurted out before covering my mouth, giggling softly at Luna’s shocked expression.

“What is it?” Luna asked as she tilted her head.

“S-sorry, I just remembered something great! Where’s Reynolds, I need to talk to him immediately!” I giggled all giddy like, I was literally bouncing where I stood.

Luna giggled and smiled. “What has you all so excited?” she asked, sounding a little bit surprised.

I smiled widely and went up to Luna, just a few inches away from her I said in a excited, but hushed tone, “I met a pony in a bar saying his great grandpa knows a group of other humans living in the Kennedy vault!” I literally squealed at the last bit.

Luna cocked an eyebrow at me, her face taking on a skeptical look as she pulled back. “Really, now?” she asked, her tone not as excited as mine...why wasn’t she happy like I was?

“Well, yeah, it’s fantastic! Reynolds, Chlo, and I might not be the only people left that are scraping by!” I said trying to sound excited once more, but something about Luna’s expression wasn’t so pumping.

The mare took a deep breath. “Chloe, I know things are tough as of now and that you’re...going through some hardships—”

“Wh-what are you trying to say?” I cut Luna off as I suddenly became defensive. “That Sonic was lying to me?”

Luna rolled her eyes and sighed. “I’m not saying it’s impossible that he wouldn’t be, Chloe, you did say you met this pony in a ba—”

“But he said the name! He said they were they were The Remnants!” I raised my voice slightly but quickly silenced myself and took a breath, I started back up but in a quieter, more calmer tone, “Please, Luna...don’t do this to me.”

Luna blinked a took a breath. “Not all ponies are good, Chloe, I’m just trying to help you understand that...it’s possible this one could perhaps, take advantage of your current mental state.”

I glared at Luna and cocked an eyebrow. “What about my ‘mental state’ has you so concerned? I feel perfectly fine, hell this had been the happiest I’ve been since I learned James was still alive!”

Luna bit her lip. “Chloe, I’ve been checking in on your dreams ever since I’ve learned of your existence. You even met me a few times in them, you’re troubled...and I want to help you. The thought of something possibly happening which could devastate you troubles me.”

I shook my head. “No! Just stop, okay! Just...leave me alone!” I turned away from Luna and stormed off to go and find Reynolds myself.


“Mommy!” Little Chloe squealed happily when I entered the castle dining room, the little girl hopped off her dining chair and ran towards me.

“Hey!” I beamed happily and knelt down, the girl jumped at me and latched her arms around my neck.

I chuckled and wrapped my arms around the girl, I hadn’t expected to be forced into a hug like this. Hell, I can’t even remember the last time I hugged a kid, and even then, I had never expected that I would hug a kid who was supposedly my “daughter”. This whole being a “mother” bit was going to take a long time getting used to, let alone getting to know my apparent daughter. Things in this world just keep turning up when I least expect them, anymore of this and I’m just going to be driven crazy.

‘Aren’t you already?’ The voice in the back of my head said before I quickly stomped it out, I smiled at Little Chlo and released her from my embrace.

“Glad to see you two are getting along.” Reynolds coughed out from over in his chair.

I ruffled Chloe’s hair and was awarded with a cute squeak and a pout from the girl before smiling and standing back up before I straightened myself out. “Well, I just can’t help it,” I giggled while stretching my arms. “She’s just too adorable!” The little girl blushed and smiled up at me.

“Daddy’s teaching me about a man named Isaac Newton and the basic Laws of Physics!” Little Chloe chirped and I blinked.

“Isn’t that a bit much for a girl who’s only eight?” I asked jokingly as I looked over at Reynolds with a smile, pretty soon this girl’s going to be a lot smarter than I’ll ever be.

“I like learning!” Chloe giggled and hugged my leg.

I blinked, yep...this girl is definitely not me.

I shook my head and laughed quietly. “That’s great, hun. Can I ask what you want to do when you grow up?” I asked in a soft and playful sounding voice.

“I wanna bring back all the humans!” Chloe said in a very chirpy, but also confident voice which struck a chord deep in my chest, rendering me speechless. I looked down at Chloe and blinked a few times before finally smiling softly, I reached down and stroked her hair back.

“Well, I’m rooting for you, kiddo.”

Reynolds coughed and I glanced over at him. “Is there anything I can help you with, Chloe?” he asked as he shakily got up from his chair, hand clutching his cane tightly.

I gently pushed Chloe off my leg and turned to face Reynolds. “Yeah, I need to talk to you...” I looked back at Chloe. “Though I think we should do it privately.”

Chloe caught onto what I said and puffed her cheeks. “But I wanna hear!”

Reynolds cackled as he came around the table. “Sorry, hun, mommy wants to have a grown up talk with me, just wait outside, okay, we can pick up with school in a moment.” Chloe pouted more and turned, obediently she went to the door and exited the room as requested and waited. “She’s just perfect, isn’t she?” Reynolds smiled at me.

“I won’t lie, Doc...” I bit my lip. “It’s going to take a long time for me to get used to not seeing myself in her.” I looked at James who nodded in agreement.

“I can understand that, Chloe, but keep in mind she is one hundred percent human...” he turned and gestured to a pitcher of water. “May I offer you a drink?”

I rubbed my throat, which was actually very dry. “Yes please,” I said and walked over to the pitcher, took it in hand along with a spare cup that was off to the side and poured myself a cup of cold water. “Though...is that your plan?” I alluded to Chloe. “To just recreate humanity with clones of ourselves?”

Reynolds waddled over to me and rested himself against the table. “I guess it’s my turn to not lie,” he laughed softly, “It was one of my old plans, but...” he fell silent.

“But what?” I glanced over at him with a raised eyebrow, but he dismissed me with a wave of a hand.

“It was an ambition that was just too far for me,” Reynolds mumbled softly.

“You made her though,” I gestured towards the door. “Why couldn’t you make others? Get like...some kind of—”

“If this is what you came to talk to me about, Cooper,” I flinched at the use of my last name, “I’ll have you know I’d rather not discuss this.” Reynolds glared at me with his single eye.

I bit my lower lip and shook my head, the hell was that all about? “No. I came to actual bring good news,” I said softly and looked at Reynolds, giving him a small smile to help lighten the mood, it seemed to work because James immediately smiled back and relaxed.

“And what should this good news be?” He asked in a much calmer voice.

I took a long drink of my water and sat the cup aside. “I met a pony at a bar.” Before I continued I took a breath, yet before I could continue Reynolds gasped.

“Don’t tell me—”

“NOT like that!” I quickly sliced his sentence in half. “No, I’m not in any form of relationship, just let me finish,” I said as the old man fell into a fit of laughter. “Perv,” I huffed but also chuckled lightly. “What I meant to say, is I found a pony who knows of...The Remnants...” Reynolds silence ended abruptly, so much so it was as if he’d just died. Slowly, his head turned to look at me, his gaze stern and cold.

“He said his great grandfather stumbled upon humans, a few of them living where the Kennedy—GGGAAA–OUCH!” I let off a sharp cry when Reynold’s cane suddenly connected with my shin and let off a loud thwack.

“Silence that mouth, this instant!” Reynolds hissed as I let off a whimper and leaned over to clutch my surely bruised shin. “You do not know what you speak of!” Reynolds gritted his teeth and knelt down, gazing up at him I blinked away a few tears. “These walls have ears that do not wish to hear specific things,” he hissed softly. “After school, come to my room and we shall continue this discussion further.”

Utterly confused and filled with pain, I blinked once more and nodded. “O-okay...y-you didn’t have to...h-hit me though,” I whimpered.

“We both know, Chloe, that the only way to silence you is a good, light smack,” Reynolds snickered. “Believe me, Eva told me.”

I blushed softly and nodded my head. “Luna knows...” I muttered and winced when I felt Reynolds cane lightly touched my back.

“After school,” he repeated.

Author's Note:
