• Published 12th Sep 2015
  • 3,683 Views, 430 Comments

I'm Famous? WHAT! - One of the Crowd

When you are asked to appear at a convention; you think it's a normal one. Not me however because my invitation took me to magical horse land! Now I've got to deal with crazed fans and people that hate me for no reason. This isn't going to be fun.

  • ...

We're just gonna go now...

Chapter 15: We're just gonna go now...

"Yes, James?" Discord said as he crawled out of one of the vents that are all over the ship. I would of freaked out since only one limb came out at a time but I don't think he surprises me anymore.

"What part of no don't you understand? Is it the N or the O or maybe how far I'm going to shove that cactus up your ass?" I said while going to my bag that still laid in the blimps main room. Discord just kept on grinning while I rummaged around for my prickly weapon but it quickly vanished when I pulled out said cactus.

"This is the thanks I get? I get your airship working and get you some help, and you want to rape me with a cactus, How unprofessional." He said while reattaching the various limbs he sent through the vent. I swear he would make a great horror movie monster if you just throw some blood on him.

"You messed with the engine first of all so you should have fixed it, and I already told you we don't need anymore help!" I started raising my voice towards Discord. Bon Bon was still standing nearby with a frown across her face. I don't want to be an asshole towards her but for the love of god, I can't deal with getting trapped here.

"I was just doing what I was told to; I'm help you get what you need to get home." Discord reasoned while I just gave him the finger before walking over to Bon Bon to finally clear things up.

"Listen Bon Bon, I don't have anything against you, but we don't have anything we need you for. If we did then I'd gladly take you along," Hopefully by saying that then she would leave without a problem. At that moment I started to hear a small voice coming from Bon Bon's mane.

"Why would you want to get rid of this piece of ass?" At that moment Seabreeze untangled himself from Bon Bon's hair and I facepalmed hard enough to crush a fly ten feet away.

"Wh-what? " Bon Bon said while trying to find where the voice came from. Why do I have a feeling that Seabreeze is going to be more trouble then he's worth in the end?

"We're not keeping Bon Bon here so you can undress her with your eyes," I said while still holding my head in my hands.

"I'm already undressed though," Bon Bon quickly said.

"Take it as an expression," I stated flatly. She did have a point though, everybody was naked except for me, Ruby, and Seabreeze. Speaking of Ruby I heard her walk up behind me. I turned to greet her, but quickly shut my mouth because...SHE WAS SHIRTLESS! I quickly covered up my eyes before asking her "Why aren't you wearing anything?"

"Why would I be..." I couldn't see her face but by the fact she trailed off I believe she's embarrassed. "SORRY, I forgot that not wearing clothes is weird for you and-" She just went on and on about how she was sorry and how she was only wearing those shirts for the convention . I was doing my best to not look directly at her...blessings, god this is embarrassing.

"It's fine. You just look like an extremely attractive woman with scales...and a tail," I said trying to defuse the situation. That was when I realized what I said and quickly tried to correct myself. "I don't mean that I find you attractive...I mean not that you're not but...I'm going to shut up before I screw this up even more."

Ruby wasn't saying anything and I thought that she might of been getting ready to smack the shit out of me. She never did though and instead I heard Seabreeze semi screaming at her.


"You tried doing what? Also it's a problem because?" I asked. You can't really blame me for not knowing why it was such a problem since I've literally only been in this world for about 3 days.

"I'm a breezy so being submerged in water is essentially a death sentence. We float with the wind and water destroys our wings so she almost killed me!" Seabreeze cried out in frustration.

"You insulted me and it wasn't like I was actually going to drop you!" Ruby said as she started to raise her voice towards him.

"BOTH OF YOU CHILL! You shouldn't have insulted her, and you shouldn't have played with his life! I thought you were above that Ruby," I sopped both of them before this argument could continue further. I am going to have a really long conversation with Ruby about all this, especially since she could of killed Seabreeze like that.

"I know you want me to leave but maybe I could help keep these two from killing each other." Bon Bon chimed in, I had completely forgot she was there being as silent as she was.

"I don't even see why you're angry with me! When I threw you across the room you still tried flirting with me!" Ruby continued with Seabreeze who was floating next to her face.

"I like my women dangerous," Was his simple reply. I just threw my hands up into the air and started walking towards those bedrooms I saw when first exploring the ship.

"I'm not dealing with anymore of this shit today, good night,"I passed multiple bedrooms till I found what appeared to be the captains room which I commandeered as my own.

It looked like a luxury suite from a hotel with a large queen sized bed and a nice painting hanging over it. The painting was of a simple lake but in the background I could see something obscured. It didn't matter though as I turned to see a mini fridge and I immediately opened it to find the largest stockpile of soda I've ever seen.

I didn't see much else worth mentioning unless you count the walls being a kind of golden orange color. I just walked up to the bed and plopped myself down on it before passing out. I'll figure out where to go first tomorrow.


"What are we going to do now?" Healing complained to me while I paced around the front of the airship. James had hidden back in there to decide his feelings for us obviously, but how could we keep him interested if he was locked up like that? It's obvious Stockholm syndrome didn't work out to well so...

"How about we sneak on board and help him get what he needs to get home," I suggested.

"But we don't want him to get home," Healing whinned.

"Exactly, when we have everything we'll toss it out of the airship so he wont have enough time to replace everything and he'll have to stay!" My plan was brilliant, but we couldn't let James see us.

"Alright, how are we going to get in?" Healing asked.

"I'm pinkie's cousin, remember? HEY, CROWD, GET US ON THE AIRSHIP!" I yelled toward the sky while Healing looked at me like I was insane.

That next moment we were inside the airship's cargo hold without so much as a scratch.

"I'm not going to question this," Healing said with a flat expression.