• Published 12th Sep 2015
  • 3,683 Views, 430 Comments

I'm Famous? WHAT! - One of the Crowd

When you are asked to appear at a convention; you think it's a normal one. Not me however because my invitation took me to magical horse land! Now I've got to deal with crazed fans and people that hate me for no reason. This isn't going to be fun.

  • ...


Chapter 19: Eh

The door opened after a long, long, long journey into god knows where, but I was finally free! Free to run around and climb a tree and...and...

"THERE'S NOTHING BUT DUST OUT HERE!" I shouted upon realizing we were in a grey desert. There was nothing for miles except dirt, dirt, and guess what? MORE FUCKING DIRT!

"Well, Diamond dogs do live in the ground so it's not surprising that they'd pick a barren wasteland." Ruby said while looking around the desert herself. After a few moments, she decided to fly up and get a better view of everything while Gretch walked out of the blimp thing to have a look around herself.

"This is as far as I'm taking you guys." She said with a sorta fearful tone for some odd reason. Gretch never really struck me as the scared sort considering her rather...brash? Yeah, her brash personality. I don't know what happened to her with these dog things, but It definitely was not something that she wants to deal with.

"That's cool, but can I ask you exactly where we're going?" I said

"Down." That was the most simple and unhelpful reply the Gretch could have told me at the moment.

"Down? Down where?! Down on the dance floor? Down the street?! Down in the abyss?! Because if it's that abyss thing, I ain't dealing with no four warrior kings!"

"Just down." She repeated before pointing at the dirt below my feet.

"That is down, but it's not being helpful now is it?"

"Oh my God, shut up and start digging!" Gretch had finally snapped at me.

It was probably not in my best interest to keep on bothering her so I just got on my knees and started digging in the ground. After about a full minute of digging, Gretch hit me in the head with a shovel.

"OW! What was that for?" I asked

"Being a dumbass."

"You said dig, so I was digging!"

"I meant with a shovel, not your hands." When you think about it rationally, she was talking some sense. I however, do not care to look for those easier solutions when I can clearly solve the problem in my own way.

Regardless, I picked up the shovel and started digging in the small hole I had already started on. How far down could they possibly be anyway? I mean, they're dogs so they can dig anyway but the holes are typically pretty shallow in terms of how far they dig. They do have diamond in their name though don't they? Diamonds aren't exactly close to the surface of dirt so maybe they are pretty far in the ground and I'm just wasting my time here instead of looking for a cave to find them in.

"Having fun down there?" Seabreeze asked as he floated down and landed on my shoulder.

"Well I don't know. Am I having fun down here Mr. Shovel? No? Well there's you're answer bug boy." I replied in the most sarcastic tone possible.

"Oh come now, it's not like you're digging for miles or anything, just a quarter mile at most." What?

"And I'm the only one digging this god forsaken hole because?"

"Because Gretchen is flying away as we speak and Ruby is flying around in hopes of finding a hole the dog's didn't already cover up."

"And Bonny?" I asked

"Up here." That familiar voice said from above me. "You need anything?"

"I need a lot of things. A million dollars, a plasma screen, maybe go home in one piece but all that doesn't seem likely to happen." I may have come off a little too annoyed towards her, but digging is hard!

"Maybe I could help?" She said in an incredibly nice and soft manner. Why do I keep acting like an ass to her again?


"You don't get help until you put your back into it!" Seabreeze interjected with his ever so helpful taskmaster voice. He made a pretty unique shaped hole in the ground from where I flicked him off my shoulder.

"Careful when climbing down though." I said while helping Bonny down so she wouldn't trip and land on me...it didn't go like that though as she did trip, land on me, and had me in a very awkward position. "Bonny, can you please get off me?"

She didn't answer me...DID THAT TINY ASS FALL KNOCK HER OUT? Fan-fucking-tastic, now I get to lay in this hole until she wakes up or seabreeze stops laughing his ass off.


Until she wakes up it is!

That's what it seemed like it was going to be anyway until a large shadow was cast upon the hole that me and Bonny were in and it started to rain. Though last I checked, Rain wasn't warm or kinda sticky and came down more consistently. In fact, this rain felt a lot more like slobber...wait a minute. Looking up, I saw a grey face peering down at me.

"Hello!" I said while looking up at the thing before more of the slobber fell on my face. "Rude!"

"Pony and James make nice show." It said as it lifted the two of us out of the hole. Now before I could even question how the hell the thing knew my name it started using it's other claw to continue digging where we were until it broke into a cave system literally two feet further down!

"Oi! Where you taking me asshole?!" I shouted as it dropped down.

"Meet with alpha, figure out what to do." It said back before it realized something. "Probably best to knock out James."

"Like hell you're going to knock me-"


"And that's why you don't do drugs kids." I said while watching the starts fly around my head before taking a nap.


"Well that isn't good." I thought as I saw the diamond dog drag BonBon and James down into the ground with it. Without Ruby or Gretchen around either means that I can't get any help until they come back...or I could just fly down there and kick some ass!

Yeah, I'll just swoop in like a spy and find that mangy mutt before taking out it's knees! It's a brilliant plan! Well it was until the dust kicked up from off the ground.

"Damn it!" I shouted as I was carried off by the wind. Curse my inability to fight the wind!

Author's Note:

Before anyone gets onto me about saying I'd get back into writing and then skipping a week. I have had a very stressful and annoying two weeks so for the love of everything I hold dear. Do not say a word about it.

ps. ignore the chapter title, wasn't sure what to call it.