• Published 12th Sep 2015
  • 3,682 Views, 430 Comments

I'm Famous? WHAT! - One of the Crowd

When you are asked to appear at a convention; you think it's a normal one. Not me however because my invitation took me to magical horse land! Now I've got to deal with crazed fans and people that hate me for no reason. This isn't going to be fun.

  • ...

Who wants to fly?

Chapter 6: Who wants to fly?

"You are sure you want to join me?" I asked Ruby which she gave a firm nod to.

"You're going into the dragon kingdoms. I'm a dragon who actually knows what you're looking for," Well, I can't argue with that logic so I extended my hand toward her. She grabbed onto my hand and gave it a firm shake before asking, "Anyone else joining us?"

"Discord, but that's it. Everyone else here I'm pretty sure would sabotage my efforts." I said while looking over the crowd of ponies that looked pissed. "Don't even act like none of you wouldn't!"

After I yelled that a certain white alicorn started to wade through the crowd. As she passed each one of the ponies bowed until she was finally standing in front of me and Ruby.

"Are you ready to leave?" She asked. I nodded before she walked back toward the doorway. When she was about to exit she motioned for me to follow her out. Why she didn't just tell me to follow her to begin with, I don't know. I do know however that she was going to give me something to help with my 'quest'.

Jumping off the panel's stage I made my way towards the exit. The mares didn't latch on to me this time like they normally do because I made discord a deal.


"YOU BETTER PRAY TO YOUR GODS BECAUSE YOU'RE ABOUT TO MEET THEM!" I shouted as I readied my cactus. Discord was stuck in a wall which gave me ample time to shove said cactus up his ass.

"WAIT! I'LL DO ANYTHING!" He pleaded from the other side of the wall.


"I CAN"T DO THAT!" I pocked his tail with the cactus."I REALLY CAN'T! HOW ABOUT I GIVE YOU A TEMPORARY CHARM?" He asked. I stopped messing with him and went to the other side of the wall to speak,

"What kind of charm?"


Bon Bon walked in a moment later. When she spotted me she started sprinting toward me until she got a few feet away where she jumped toward me. A bright light bubble surrounded me which Bon Bon flew into before sliding off of it.

"Nice try." I said while continuing on my way out. This charm only lasts for about a day and only works on ponies because it would require to much power to do anything more. I'm pretty sure Discord was bullshitting when he said that, but It's not like I can use magic so I'll take what I can get.

What could she possibly want me to-BLRGLERLBLE!

"Do you like your present?" Celesitia asked while standing in front of a blimp. I don't mean one of those ordinary blimps either I mean one of those kinds you use when exploring the world.

"Blimp...my...uh-" I passed out from the sheer epicness that was the blimp. You can't really blame me; I mean I always loved the idea of flying around and blimps were just plain cool.

***30 minutes later***

"Is he alright?" A voice asked to my side.

"He loves blimps. I think he was so excited that he passed out." Ruby said from my other side. I slowly opened my eyes to see a light red pony and Ruby standing over me.

"I had a dream like this once, but you two were human," I said which resulted in Ruby rolling her eyes before giving me a hand up. When I finally got to my feet Ruby punched my shoulder just like Jason would. I returned the gesture and smiled at her.

"So...We've got an airship," Ruby said motioning toward the glorious thing known as a blimp.

"It's a blimp and yes we do. Let's take it for a joy ride!" I said excitedly as I started running toward the blimps door. After ten minutes I realized I was getting no closer to the door. Looking behind me I saw that Ruby was holding the back of my shirt while I was tiring myself out.

"We'll fly it later, but right now we're going to need a crew to fly it."

"Like I said me, you, and discord,"

"I doubt any of us know how to fly that thing," She said pointing toward the beautiful machine. She had a point, but ti's not like there would be anyone willing to help us. This was when I felt a tap on my ass.

"I know how to fly that," I turned around to see a griffin standing there. Why did she tap my ass?

"It's alright we don't need-"

"Yeah you do. My names Gretch," She said while extending a claw toward me. I took it and shook even though I had no idea what was going on. Well at least it solves the problem of flying the Blimp, but We still needed a few more people on our crew,

"So how are we going to get the rest of the people we need?" I asked Ruby who motioned toward the Crowd of ponies. "Of course you'd point to them." I face palmed before walking out in front of the crowd and shouting, "WHO WANTS TO GO ON AN ADVENTURE!"

Over a hundred hooves shot up in an instant, and more than one pony was thrown up into the air as well. One pony in particular was rushing over towards us, and her name was Bon Bon. This mare is definitely rabid fan girl status so I knew she would smack into the barrier again because of her fan girlness. This was going to be a long day.

Author's Note:

This chapter was a pain to write, but at least I can finally get to writing the really fun parts. Thanks for reading. :twilightsmile: