• Published 12th Sep 2015
  • 3,683 Views, 430 Comments

I'm Famous? WHAT! - One of the Crowd

When you are asked to appear at a convention; you think it's a normal one. Not me however because my invitation took me to magical horse land! Now I've got to deal with crazed fans and people that hate me for no reason. This isn't going to be fun.

  • ...

So it Begins

Chapter 17: So it Begins

"Are we there yet?" Bon Bon complained while lifting her head from her chair's armrest.

"You didn't have to come, Bonny. We're going to be flying for awhile just to get one of these things." I said while getting up from my own chair to stretch. "Anything going on, Gretch?"

"If you look to your left you'll see clouds, and to your right, guess what, more clouds." Gretch replied with a sarcastic tone. For the last two days she's been like that; she must really despise these diamond dog people for her to hate them so deeply. Maybe it'd be a good idea to talk with her about it at some point.

"Well, I'm going to see if there's anything we missed on the ship, see ya." I said while walking up to the ladder that's at in the middle of the room. I grabbed a hold of it and began to climb when the blimp jerked a bit, but Gretch wasn't worried so why should I be. Taking a deep breath I continued climbing the rather lopsided ladder until I reached the next floor. This place isn't exactly friendly to anyone that needs help, is it?

Without anyone screaming in my ear or distracting me I was finally able to get a good look at what was up here. The room was very spacious with wooden crates everywhere. When I looked up I could see multiple hot air balloons being filled up to keep the thing floating...I don't think that's how blimps work. In the corner was that computer that Ruby showed me those 'unique' fanfictions about my life which still creep the hell out of me. I do not want to see anymore tentacles in my lifetime.

I began to make my way towards the back of the blimp passing all those crates that seemed to form a maze up here. Did we always have that couch? The more of these crates I passed the more curious I became until I finally couldn't stand it anymore and picked one to open. The crate I walked up to had a strange insignia on it with what looked like a ponified yin-yang symbol on it. The top of it was nailed down, but the nails were rusty and jutting out in various directions so I grabbed one and yanked it out. This was a horrible idea.

"Gah, owowowow." I said as I pulled my hand away from the crate and looked at it. I had a splinter the size of a tree jutting out of my finger! Most people say to use tweezers for something like this, but I'm a real man and tried to pull it out with my teeth! When I bit on to it and started pulling my head flew back and I gave a successful huzzah! I looked towards where my former wooden enemy was and...it broke in half. FUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCKKKKKKKKKKKKK!!!!!!

I looked around for anything to help me pull the little nuisance out of my finger, but I couldn't find anything! There was nothing here except for more of those fucking crates! I looked down at my finger and sighed as I knew my only option right now was to dig out the splinter with my nails. This wasn't going to be fun.

***Behind the craters***

"What is he doing?" Healing asked as she peered through a small crack between the crates. Unlike James she was not too keen on touching the crates that were clearly splintering and barely holding together as it was.

"I think he's trying to pull out that splinter," Surprise said as she stuck part of her head through the opening. Healing just stared at her for a minute before speaking back up.

"He can't grab it. He bit off the part that he could pull it out with"

"*Gasp* He's clawing it out!" Surprise semi-screamed as she saw James digging his nails under the splinter in order to remove it. A magical aura surrounded Healing's horn as she prepared to cast a spell. but Surprise quickly smacked it. "We can't let him know we're here yet."

"You don't dig out a splinter though! It's unsanitary and would hurt worse then the splinter itself," Healing reasoned.

***Back to James***

'Fuckfuckfuckfuck! I hate those damn splinters!' I thought to myself as I finally clawed out the stupid piece of wood from my skin. I was bleeding a little from where the little bugger was, but I was free from its torment and could move on with my life. I though I heard something hit the floor from behind the crates, but I couldn't find a way around them to see what had caused it so I just moved on back towards the ladder. Before I reached it however I saw that cannon again

"Seriously, this thing is useless," I said as I kicked the side of it which I deeply regretted as I started bouncing around on one foot.

"Hahahahaha, I simply love how I don't even have to do anything to you for a laugh, James!" Discords voice said somewhere nearby.

"Oh great, the goat snake." I said to myself as I walked over to the ladder which was only a few feet away. "How about you go annoy Bonny instead of me."

"I would but you are a unique brand of chaos! You're that chaos that tries to create order! It's simply brilliant." He said while his weird yellow eyes appeared on the side of a crate. "I tried something similar, but I couldn't quite disguise the chaos as well as your people could, James"

I grabbed onto the ladder and began to slide down while keeping my middle finger just in discord's view until I was back at the bottom. Fuck that guy.

Author's Note:

I decided to use this chapter to practice with my imagery and details. Basically, I'm wondering if I did better or worse then usual.

Also, we're nearing 100 likes. Let's do this!