• Published 12th Sep 2015
  • 3,683 Views, 430 Comments

I'm Famous? WHAT! - One of the Crowd

When you are asked to appear at a convention; you think it's a normal one. Not me however because my invitation took me to magical horse land! Now I've got to deal with crazed fans and people that hate me for no reason. This isn't going to be fun.

  • ...

Why not?

Author's Note:

I'm going to be honest with all of you. I have no idea what I was planning when I returned to this so... get ready for things to be a little sporadic and weird.

Chapter 9: Why not?

"So you snuck aboard because you wanted to help me. You have no ulterior motive?" I asked Bon Bon who had decided that being a stowaway was a good idea.

"No, I don't! I just wanted to help you. Can you untie me now?" She asked. Oh, did I forget to mention we tied her to a chair when we found her? Well we did because we had to make sure she would hide anywhere in the ship again.

"You wont jump on me if we do?" I asked as I made my way over to the chair she was tied in. She just nodded which was good enough for me so I untied the rope. I made a horrible miscalculation because she grabbed onto my arm the instant the ropes came loose. "You said you wouldn't jump me!"

"I didn't. I'm just snuggling your arm." Fucking loopholes man! I didn't think she would take jumping on me this literally.

"You knew what he meant. Now we're going to that village over there to drop you off." Ruby said with a very agitated expression on her face. I know hwy I was annoyed, but what's her problem? Bon Bon begrudgingly let go of my arm before sticking her tongue out at Ruby. I thought these people were adults, NOT CHILDREN!

"I don't think dropping her off is a good idea," A voice resounded behind me. Turning around I saw that lunatic that brought me here in the first place.

"I still have that cactus," I threatened him. He put up his claw and paw defensively before speaking.

"All I'm saying is that you shouldn't turn away potential help is all. She's clearly obsessed with you so why not let her help?"

"That obsession is why she's going. I don't want her preventing me from going home. Also, HOW THE HELL DID YOU GET IN HERE!" I yelled when I realized he wasn't on the blimp when we set off. He just snapped his fingers and he appeared beside me with a glass of chocolate milk.

"Spirit of chaos my good man," He said before drinking the glass because fuck logic with this guy.

"As long as you don't cause something to-" He threw the milk away and it exploded nearby, "- blow up... fuck you,"

"Relax, Milk only fixes things," He said while pointing to where the explosion occurred. Instead of a broken pile of junk like I originally thought there was now computer desk.

"Again, we don't need half this shit!" I said rather annoyed at the amount of useless junk that we seem to have a limitless supply of. What would we even use a computer for anyway?

"When did we get the computer?" Ruby asked as she made her way over to the desk. She started pressing random buttons until the screen came to life. A picture of Discord giving a thumbs up appeared before the screen began booting up the actual computer.

"Why did you..."When I turned to Discord I realized that he was once again gone. Seriously I need to bolt that guy to the floor or something so he can stop fucking around. "whatever, Anything interesting on there, Ruby?"

"No, but we have the internet so that a win in my book,"

"Can you look up how annoyed the average person can get before they lose it?" She just looked at me with a blank expression before turning back to the computer and typing something up.

"No, but I figured you'd like to see your show," That has crossed my mind a few times since I arrived here, but I never really had the chance. I just nodded my head while she pulled up a weird version of youtube and typed in my shows title.

***On the screen***

"And I should care because?" James asked Jason who was having a problem with his girlfriend...again.

"Come on man! I just need your help this one time," He begged as he got on his knees.

"Yeah, well too fucking bad. Your girlfriend is a bitch,"

***off screen***

"I am not that much of an asshole!" I yelled at the screen. I mean it was exactly how it went down, but it didn't show that he would bring it up every two minutes. I would have helped him if he wasn't such a cry baby about the damn thing. At least he had a girlfriend at the time.

"I know that. Haven't you read those fanfics?" Ruby said while typing in another website in the search bar.

"I am not reading about tentacles anymore!" I said while I started to walk away from the screen.

"I'm not pulling up a fap fiction though!" She called out to me. I had a choice here, either go to another part of the blimp or read a fanfic about me that probably would make me seem like an asshole.

"*sigh*FINE! I swear if there is even a hint of things going weird I leave," I said as I walked back towards Ruby who had a grin plastered across her face.

"My personal favorite is..."

***1 hour later***

"I said no weird things!" I yelled as I slid down the ladder into the main part of the blimp.

"It was only a shipfic!" Ruby called out as she followed me down.

"I would not confess an undying love to Jason. He's an asshole on 8 different levels!" I yelled back at her. At first those fics were kind of okay, but then she starts going into the weird ones. I am not okay with being made into muffins!

"It wasn't that bad. At least it didn't involve fap!" Jesus that is getting annoying. I was about to say more when Gretch tapped me on the side to get my attention.

"We're here. Let's drop her off and get going." she said while Bon Bon stood beside her with a frown on her face. Yeah, fuck discord's advice; she's going.