• Published 12th Sep 2015
  • 3,683 Views, 430 Comments

I'm Famous? WHAT! - One of the Crowd

When you are asked to appear at a convention; you think it's a normal one. Not me however because my invitation took me to magical horse land! Now I've got to deal with crazed fans and people that hate me for no reason. This isn't going to be fun.

  • ...

Setting Out

Chapter 7: Setting Out

"You aren't lying to me, are you?" I asked the purple mare in front of me. We were recruiting people to join us on our adventure and more than a few tried to sign up. This mare in particular says that she is an engineer that can maintain the blimp so we wouldn't have to.

"Nooooo," She said with her eyes shifting from left to right. Why do all these ponies have the exact same tell when lying?

"We'll keep you in mind. NEXT!" I shouted out to the group that was waiting to sign up. So far literally none of them have given me an actual reason to let them join us aside from Gretch who Celestia hired for us. That's why she showed up randomly and offered to fly the blimp for us.

"I'm ready!"

"What was that?" I asked looking around. I swear I thought I heard something.

"I said I'm ready!"

"There it is again," I looked toward where the sound was coming from, but I couldn't see anything.

"I'M DOWN HERE, JACKASS!" yep someone is quietly yelling. Looking down toward where the voice was coming from I spotted a small blue pony that looked a bit like a bug. She was looking up at me with a very annoyed expression on her face before she spoke up. "I said I was ready."

I couldn't help, but laugh until I fell back in the chair I was sitting it. This tiny thing was trying to join us on this possibly deadly adventure! Oh man, I should probably let her off slow.

"Listen, I don't think you want to go with us ms..."

"I'm a guy, jackass!" Wow, I really pissed him off didn't I. "Also you could use me,"

"I don't see how you could possibly help,"

"Do you know how to fight?"

"Sure, but I don't see how-" OH SHIT! The small horse thing grabbed my hand and broke the table using me as a makeshift hammer. Once my head stopped spinning I looked up at the bug horse thing. "Welcome aboard,"

"Thank you, I'm Seabreeze by the way" I just waved to acknowledge I heard her, I mean him! Jesus, that isn't going to be fun keeping track off. At this point Ruby walked over to looked down at me.

"You got your ass handed to you by a breezy. That has to hurt," She said while offering me a hand up. I grabbed a hold of her hand before she pulled me back to my feet and I looked back toward a crowd of giggling ponies. Looks like we have a full crew.

"Thank you all for coming along, but sadly we are now full." I said to the crowd which immediately killed the giggling. I don't need their bullshit on the trip, and we already have someone that knows how to pilot the thing so that should be enough. Besides it's not like we're going to need anyone else.

A sad sigh resonated throughout the crowd as it slowly dispersed. Only a few of the ponies remained and each of them ran up to me to ask if I was sure that we didn't need anyone else.

"I make amazing daisy sandwiches!"

"I know how to teleport!"

"I'm a great lay!"

I just face palmed and waved the ponies off while I made my way towards the blimp. These ponies called it an airship for some reason, but that's just fucking ridiculous. As I drew closer to the ship I caught sight of Gretch chatting with Celestia.

"I am not flying into Diamond Dog territory!" Gretch semi yelled at Celestia.

"We need an alpha's fangs," Celestia retorted in a calm voice.

"Is there a problem here?" I asked as I walked over to the two.

"Not at all. We were just-"

"She wants us to fly into Diamond Dog territory. I'll go almost anywhere, but not there." Gretch interrupted Celeestia. I'm not sure how smart it is to interrupt a queen or whatever she is. Celestia didn't seem to react and just let out a low sigh.

"I need for him to get all these ingredients or he's trapped. Can't you go this one time?"

"*Groan* Fine! I want my pay doubled though," Gretch said before walking into the airship. She turned to me and said "You coming or what?"

"I'm coming, hold your horses." I said as I followed her into the blimp. I guess she really hates dogs if she is doubling her price for coming along. There might of been a pilot in the crowd of rabid fans for all we know so why bring someone that obviously doesn't want to go.

When I stepped in Ruby soon followed and walked past me towards the front. She just stood beside one of the front windows before she spoke up.

"Why do I get the feeling this isn't going to be easy?"

***Bon Bon***

He isn't taking anypony else? Why did everypony have to laugh when that breezy flipped him into the table? Okay I was laughing to but he still overreacted,and now I wont be able to join him.

"You alright Bonny?" Lyra asked me as I was staring at their airship.

"I'm fine Lyra. I'm just thinking,"

"About what?"

"Follow me," I said as I started to make my way towards the flying fortress. Lyra reluctantly did as I asked which was all I needed from her. Once we reached the back end of the blimp I started looking for any way in.

"What are we doing, Bonny?"

"We're going on an adventure ," I said when I finally found a small hatch a few hooves above us. I motioned for her to come over to me so I could get on her back.

"I don't think this is a good idea," Lyra said while moving a little bit away from the hatch which almost caused me to fall.

"This might be my only chance to be with James, and you think it's a bad idea?" I retorted. I'll stowaway on his ship, and he'll end up being in trouble. Then I will jump in and save the day and he will be so amazed by me he wont want to leave! It's a perfect plan.

"Sort of, what if he kicks us off the ship?"

"Don't worry about it so much Lyra," I said as I finally opened the hatch and crawled in. "Besides, I can handle myself," I said cheerfully as I went to explore the ship. This is going to be just like the fanfictions!