• Published 13th Sep 2015
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Atonement for a Wayward Dragoon - Belligerent Bindlestiff

Kain's trial at Mt. Ordeals will lead him down a particular path towards redemtion. Final Fantasy IV Crossover

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A Lead

A Lead

The battle with the hydra had seemed to have taken a lot out of Kain as he slept like a rock for the entirety of the night. He left the inn in his “civilian” clothes Rarity had made for him. The town looked quite peaceful, the dragoon couldn’t help but muse at the fact that Ponyville was situated so close to a forest containing so many threats. He decided to pay a visit to Rarity, she’d seemed quite perturbed at the end of the encounter with the hydra. He knocked at the door of the Carousel Boutique, and moments later the unicorn in question answered.

“Oh, hello Kain.” She said. “What brings you here this morning?”

“I’ve come to speak with you regarding yesterday’s events.” Kain said. It was hard to believe he was having words with someone about this subject. The dragoon usually didn’t have to explain what his job entailed back in Baron, but violence was something these ponies didn’t seem familiar with.

“It was rather disconcerting to see you take its life Kain; though we were in mortal danger, I thought that perhaps there would have been a better way.” Rarity said. “I don’t think the gravity of what’s happened has fully dawned on the crusaders yet. When you first saved them from the cockatrice, I think they were more grateful than anything else. But now that you’ve also…killed the hydra, in front of them no less, I worry that they might begin to become accustomed to how you handle things. It already may have started, Sweetie Belle didn’t seem nearly as bothered as I was with what we did; I helped kill something Kain, that’s something I’ll have to live with for the rest of my life.”

“I am sorry Rarity.” Kain apologized. “For the greater part of my life, I’ve accepted this as part of my occupation that I may need to take a life so that I can save others. It’s fair to assume that you and many others abhor killing. I’m sorry to have forced you into these actions.”

“Perhaps not at this moment, but I would like you to speak with Sweetie Belle and the other crusaders on the matter.” Rarity said.

“Certainly.” Kain replied. “This is something that isn’t easy to speak to children about, but it must be done. “What about you Rarity,” Are you going to be alright?”

“It won’t be easy, but I’ll manage with time I suppose. Thank you for being a gentlecolt about the matter.” Rarity said.

“If that is all, I must take my leave Rarity.” Kain said. “I must relay news of these recent events to Princess Luna.” The dragoon left the boutique and made his way to the library.


Spike once again answered the door. “Hi Kain!” the dragon said.

“I need you to write and send another letter to Princess Luna.” Kain said.

“Of course! Just let me get out the old quill and parchment. Heh, it’s been a while since I’ve had to send letters on a regular basis, not since Twilight and her friends sent those friendship reports.” Spike said.

Spike had run into another room to retrieve the stationary while continuing to ramble about his occupation. He returned, with the writing utensils in hand. “Okay, I’m ready Kain.”

Princess Luna,

Amidst the search for a cause of the transformation culprit, there was a complication. Three youngsters had overheard mine and the elements’ plans to investigate; unfortunately they embarked on their own to help us. Which complicated matters in that we had to help the youngsters who became lost in the Everfree Forest. We ran into a hydra and were forced to confront it. The situation grew dire and I was forced to slay it. I take it my solution was not the norm and I apologize if it upsets you or your subjects. Afterwards the youngsters explained that they were using an unpracticed tracking spell that had inadvertently pulled them into the woods. I am unsure if this had to do with the nature of the Everfree, but I suspect that if it isn’t, it may be related to the strange happenings as of late. I will continue my investigation into finding anything that will point us in the right direction.

Your loyal emissary,

Kain Highwind

“Wow, a lot sure did happen.” Spike said, lacking his usual excitement. “But did you really have to…kill the hydra?”

“That I did.” Kain replied. “Know that I had to in order to save the others. That decision doesn’t come lightly.” The dragoon had decided to take a more explanatory approach in dealing with the subject matter. Indeed this world was much different from the blue planet. In the company of Cecil, Rosa, Rydia, and Edge, many a monsters were killed. Kain wondered if it was all necessary for a brief moment, but decided that the war didn’t allow for him to give the benefit of the doubt to every adversary. But things were different now.

A groggy alicorn mad her way down the stairs of the library. “I don’t agree with Kain’s actions, but I understand why he took them.” She said. “I don’t believe having to kill anypony is a good solution. If only I hadn’t been so exhausted before we set out, I might have been able to put a more peaceful plan into action.” Twilight said.

“What’s done is done your majesty.” Kain said. “I chose my actions so that we’d still all be here right now. I apologize that my choice has offended you.” He finished, bowing his head to the princess.

“Look Kain, let’s try to always look for a less harmful solution in the future.” Twilight said. “Everfree monster or no, we can always find another way.”

“Noted, Princess Twilight.” Kain said. “If that is all I will leave you to your research.” With that, the dragoon departed the library.


Kain returned to the center of town, searching for a place to acquire breakfast. After a bit of wandering, he found himself in front of the business where the mare, Pinkie Pie, worked. Sweets weren’t exactly his thing, but when Kain noted the blonde and gray pegasus happily munching on a muffin she’d procured from the shop, he’d figured it wasn’t such a bad option. The bell jingled as he entered the Sugar Cube Corner and was instantaneously greeted by Pinkie Pie, just inches from his face.

“Hiyah Kain!” Pinkie said. “What brings you over to the Sugar Cube Corner? In the mood for some breakfast? Oh, of course you are! What can I interest you in: flapjacks, muffins, doughnuts? I mean, we’re no Pony Joe’s but our doughnuts are some of the most scrumptious around these parts!”

After the mare finally stopped, Kain stated what he wanted before he was beset by another barrage of options. “I’ll take two muffins please.”

“Alrighty then!” What kind do you want? We’ve got blueberry, banana nut, chocolate chip, lemon surprise…oh wait, I think that pegasus walked out with the last one. Or maybe…”

“Two blueberry muffins and a glass of water with do. “Kain said, clarified.

“Okie dokie! I’ll get right on it!” the Pinkie Pie said as she sped off.

Kain pondered a bit about the amount of leisure he’d been granted. He hadn’t much time for respite until he’d come to Equestria. Even though he’d been doing more than a fair share of fighting in recent days. The times he’d been able to relax were definitely calmer than the lows of his adventures on the blue planet. Here he was, actually having breakfast in a real establishment not a day after facing a voracious hydra. His old party would have been lucky to get a good night’s sleep after a series of death defying encounters.

Before he could muse any further, Pinkie returned with his order. “Here you go. Two blueberry muffins and a glass of water!” she declared. “Odd, I always thought guard ponies preferred doughnuts, oh well I’ve never seen them around these parts, so I guess I wouldn’t know then.”

Kain was taken by surprise by the mare’s words. He’d only initially surmised that there was barely a presence of guards in Ponyville, but to not have a single soldier about the perimeter was a whole other matter. The dragoon regained his mental composure. "Pinkie, I believe that the lack of guards may be the reason these strange occurrences have gone unnoticed.” He said.


After he’d eaten, Kain set out to check on the perimeter of Ponyville. He might have had more time to ponder the significance of his findings with every part he’d surveyed, if Pinkie Pie hadn’t interrupted his train of thought every five minutes.

“What do you think Kain?” It looks normal here, but you know anypony could have dug a tunnel to sneak in and out of Ponyville. “The mare enthusiastically theorized.

“Yes, that is a possibility.” Kain said. “They could have dug a tunnel here, near Fluttershy’s cottage, near Sweet Apple Acres, or near the train station.”

“You forgot about the entrance to Ponyville!” Pinkie said. “You almost never see anypony use it!”

Suffice it to say, there weren’t many signs of any other strange happenings or foul play around the town, sans the destruction at the cottage and Sweet Apple Acres. This entire trip seemed to do was cement the opinion that the town was pretty much unprotected. Perhaps it was Kain; mindset that proved to be for the battle oriented.

“I think it’s about time we head back.” The dragoon said.

“Ok!” Pinkie said in agreement. “I gotta stop by to visit Fluttershy and drop off some get well cupcakes!” Having spent the majority of the day in essence patrolling the city, the dragoon decided to accompany Pinkie to the hospital.


“Well, how are you doing Fluttershy?” Pinkie asked.

“Oh, I’m doing quite well Pinkie.” Fluttershy replied. “I’m actually going to be released this afternoon.”

“Oh, that’s great! I brought you some get well cupcakes!” The Pinkie said as she closed in towards Fluttershy. “Because you know you boring how boring the hospital food can get.” She said in a whisper. “But now they’re your ‘Welcome Home’ cupcakes!”

“Oh dear! My home. I completely forgot I left it in such bad shape. I hope nothing’s happened to my animals!” the Fluttershy said.

“Don’t worry about a thing!” Pinkie said. “Me, the girls, and Kain here helped put your front door back together again. All your animals looked fine too. Angel seems to have really liked becoming their tiny leader. He made sure every last one of them was fine.”

“Thank you all so much!” Fluttershy said, almost breaking down. “You all are all the best friends a pony could ever wish for.” She got up from her bed and gave Pinkie a full embrace, to which the earth pony giggled in gratitude.

Fluttershy then came up to Kain. “You’re such a nice pony to have done all that.” She said, and then gave Kain a peck on the cheek. The dragoon was taken aback by the gratitude the mare had given him. No one had ever seen him in such a light for a long time; however, he didn’t quite know what to feel.


After leaving the hospital, Kain decided to head back to his room at the inn to figure out what to do next. Just before reaching home, he heard a voice cry out. “Kain! Hold up!”

It was the dragon assistant, Spike, who came running down the path towards Kain holding a scroll. Kain had stopped to allow the diminutive dragon catch up with him. “Whew! I’ve been looking for you all day!” Spike said. “This scroll was sent just a few hours after you left. Looks like you’re the only pony that can open it just like the last time.”

“Thank you.” Kain said after receiving the message.

“You’re welcome.” Spike said proudly. “I wish I could stay and talk for a while, but I need to go back to the library. Twilight’s running more experiments and as the library’s appointed fire marshal, I can’t let anything happen to those books! Bye!”

Kain walked into the inn, greeted Flipside and returned to his room to read the letter.

To our Lunar Emissary, Kain Highwind;

It is good to learn that despite all that had happened in recent times, thou and the residents of Ponyville are well. Please continue thine investigation but remember that thine priority is the safety of the citizens of Ponyville. We understand that our subjects were in peril, but we must advise thou to not take such extreme actions in the future, at least while our subjects are around. Today’s ponies are not well acquainted with the extreme measures that must be taken in order to preserve peace.

Which leads us to our next point. Our intelligence gatherers have given us news that there may be signs that a dangerous group may be in the vicinity. This separatist group is known as the Unicultists. Our concern with this group is their adamant belief that all other groups of ponies, aside from unicorns, are inferior. The Unicultists are also a brazen organization that seems to target pegasi and earth ponies by sabotaging their industries and agriculture.

Magus Prime is this groups charismatic leader, who has been able to acquire many followers. As of late we have not heard much of their activities, but there is evidence to suggest that they may be based in the Everfree Forest. We are not certain what their plans are, so that is why we need thou to search the area for traces of this group.

We have enclosed some items for thine use that should manifest themselves momentarily for use in this mission. The first is a necklace with a gem of magic detection. As this entire renegade group is unicorns, this gem should help you locate a large gathering of magic users. Next is a magical auto-cartographic map. As thou journey into the woods, the map will draw in more information; thou can also mark in important landmarks, or locations of important individuals. Lastly, as a precaution, included are numerous sets of horavian unichains. They’re restraints that have been used against unicorns to prevent magic use. They are all attuned to the same key, and only that key will open the locks.

This mission may prove to be hazardous, so we do not advise thou to take anypony into the Everfree. Stay safe and report thy findings to me as soon as possible.

Princess of the Night, Luna

Kain took note of the items that plopped down onto his bed. Indeed they were the ones that Luna had described. The dragoon decided to retire for the evening and search for the cultists in the morning.


The dragoon set out early to the area Luna had indicated in her letter. The entrance to the woods was just outside the perimeter of Sweet Apple Acres. Kain looked over his gear, armor and weapon. There really wasn’t much that he’d left back at the inn since he arrived with so little. The dragoon considered requesting g a sword from the princess to supplement his arsenal. He looked over the items that the princess had provided him, including the chains to be used should there be problems with magic users.

Kain didn’t’ want to involve the others in this mission just as Luna did. The mission would require a bit of stealth, and while he was no ninja, a larger group would have definitely drawn more attention. Also compounding the situation would have been the combat prowess of the others. Certainly the mares could defend themselves, but only one of them looked as if they could carry the offensive. Kain wasn’t about to bring her along as she seemed to be more of a risk.

“Where do you think you’re going?” said a scratchy voice came from above, much to the dragoon’s dismay.

“Just going for a walk.” Kain lied.

“Yah, sure you are.” Rainbow Dash replied. “You’re all suited up for battle. By the looks of it, you’re on a mission! Remember what I said the last time? If you were heading out somewhere, I’d cover your back.”

“Are you even the slightest bit prepared?” Kain asked.

The pegasus turned to show the saddlebags she was wearing. “All packed and ready to go! I saw you get that letter from Spike yesterday and rush back into the inn. And now here you are, armored up and at the edge of the Everfree, it gave me plenty of time to get my stuff together.”

“What did you bring?” The dragoon asked skeptically.

“Snacks, rope, bedroll, and a book.” The pegasus replied.

“This isn’t some sort of vacation you know.” Kain said dryly.

“Hey, I said I brought rope!” Rainbow Dash replied.

“Rainbow Dash,” Kain began. “This mission has the potential to turn perilous. Are you willing to accompany me and accept the risks?”

“Of course!” Rainbow Dash replied.

Kain could sense that Rainbow Dash had a good heart and was committed to this endeavor, but he wondered if she was ready for any real fights. “Rainbow Dash, I’m letting you know that this mission is different from what we experienced with the hydra, we were able to defeat it, but sometimes we aren’t always so lucky.”

“Hey, I’m ready for anything!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed.

“Then you should always be prepared for the worst.” Kain said.

The two made their way to the Everfree. Rainbow Dash continued the conversation feeling only slightly unsettled by Kain’s last statement.

“What did you mean by ‘the worst’?” she asked.

“I meant exactly what it sounded like. One must take into account the matter of not returning. They must also consider the possibility that not everyone may return.” Kain said, his tone becoming serious.

“Huh, I never really thought about that all those times I went off on adventures with the others. And all those Daring Do books all seemed to end well.”

“Not everypony’s story ends well Rainbow.” Kain said, warning her.

“Alright, I understand what you mean now.” The pegasus said.

“Good, then take these.” The dragoon said as he gave her a small pouch that sounded like it contained marbles.

“What are these?” Rainbow Dash asked.

They’re smoke bombs.” Kain clarified. “Should things not turn in our favor, throw one against the ground and make an escape. In addition, they also let either of us know that the other is still up and trying to escape.”

“Oh.” Rainbow Dash said. “But we probably won’t need these?”

“Probably.” Kain reiterated as a response.

“You’ve got gold needles and smoke bombs. What else do you have in your bag of tricks?” the pegasus asked.

“A good deal more.” The dragoon replied.

“Where did you get all that stuff anyways?” Rainbow continued.

“I’ve procured it thought my journeys, some ore mementos from my old comrades.” Kain replied with a smirk. The smoke bombs were just a few of the things he’d managed to relieve the ninja of while he was pre occupied with fraternizing with Rydia. The dragoon thought it to be a rather good lesson on hubris.

“Well, I don’t think you’ll have to worry about me. I’d like to see somepony that could catch me.” Rainbow Dash said, bragging.

“Also, this mission is about gathering intelligence, so we’re going to be avoiding direct confrontation for the most part.” Kain said.

“Aww.” Rainbow Dash said in frustration. “And here I was thinking that we were going to kick some tail!”

“We’re here to find out if what Princess Luna believes to be true. She’s concerned that a group calling themselves the Unicultists has situated themselves in the forest. So from here on out, we’re going to make our presence as little known as possible.” Kain said.

“Got it.” Rainbow said with a tinge of disappointment. The two made their way past the entrance of the forest, and the dragoon brought out the gem on his necklace to see if it began to respond. There was a faint pulse of light from the gem. He decided to venture a bit further to see if it hadn’t just detected other unicorns’ magic near Ponyville.


It was just another hour of trekking into the forest when Kain noted that the dowsing gem began to emit a brighter light. He decided that he and Rainbow Dash should proceed a bit further. Not moments later did he eye an equinoid figure, draped in robes, looking away from their direction. It hadn’t noticed them, to which Rainbow Dash put on a smirk and was about ready to spring into action until Kain put a hoof on her shoulder. He shook his head and motioned in a direction away from the presumed cultist.

When they were a good deal away, Kain whispered. “That was probably just a look out. I don’t want to spook them and have them become suspicious, and leaving the area. Let’s see if we can’t find the main encampment.”

“Okay.” Rainbow Dash said, agitated from having done nothing all throughout this adventure.

The gem continued to aid the dragoon in his search, growing ever brighter. Scouting and tracking weren’t exactly Kain’s forte. He trained during his younger days, but airships made them almost a moot point when you had people above you relaying information. He as thankful now that he had the map Luna provided, the piece of parchment filled itself in when he unfurled it. Content with having marked it with its newest information, the two ponies pressed on.

They happened upon some sounds emanating not far off. The both of them carefully moved closer to the source to find a clearing and a bonfire built into the center. There were many hooded figures in the area, gathered in an arc around the only un-hooded pony amongst them. He was a black stallion with a white mane and had a staff in his grey aura colored magical grip.

“Brothers and sisters!” the leader shouted. “Thank you for being here, your presence and devotion prove resilience and self-sufficiency. We are not long from our break from the weaker tribes. While they insist that we must work together, I scoff at the very notion. Who was been able to live off the land without the work of earth pony hooves?”

“We have!” said the crowd.

“And who has been able to live without manipulating the weather?” the leader asked.

“We have, Magus Prime!” replied the crowd.

“Indeed.” The cultist said. “We have our magic and our wits. We do not need the weak and incompetent to survive. When all of our brethren join us, we know who will survive the winter and who will destroy the wendigoes. We! The true tribe of Equestria! But understand that we need not only make our numbers grow, but theirs wane. Bring forth the candidate for balance!”

Not moments later did four unicorns wheel in a cage with a pegasus mare with orange coat and blue mane. She was unconscious by the looks of things, but the subordinates soon roused her to wakefulness. The caged pegasus looked up in horror at the Unicultist leader as he glared at her. His expression changed to that of a smile.

“Sisters and brothers, I give you one of those that aren’t fit for our new world, and fear not young lady; we shall return you to the earth so you can best serve us in the new future!” The bliss in his tone and deranged look he gave the mare were the tipping point. The captive’s eyes grew as wide as dinner plates. She flapped her wings and flew about in what little space she could in the cage.

From the shadows, Rainbow Dash was in shock of what she was seeing. She gave one look at Kain, and before he could say anything, she shot out into the opening. She’d now made her move and things were about to get complicated.

“Fear not my little pony.” said Magus Prime in a listless tone. “This won’t hurt, I promise.” He raised his staff up and began to magically charge a spell into it.

Rainbow Dash came speeding towards the cage. “Yeah right you creep!” she yelled. The multicolored pegasus crashed into the cage, taking with her the prisoner.

The cult leader loosed his spell into the empty space before him and having only pink magic dissipate there. He glared at the interloper. “Get them!” he yelled. The cultists removed their hoods and began firing magic at the pegasi.

“Get out of here!” Rainbow Dash yelled at the other mare. “I won’t let any of them get you!” She popped her neck and sped back to the unicorns. “Alright, it’s time for some action!” she elegantly dodged and weaved past the magical blasts of the cultists, until she met with one of them, and he met an uppercut from her right front hoof. The cultist went sailing past the bonfire. A couple of others charged their horns, ready to deliver a mighty blast of energy.

That’s when an armored earth pony crashed through them along the ground, kicking up dirt and debris. “Argh!” the leader yelled. “Do not allow yourselves to be bested by these inferior specimen!” he shot a blast of magic at Kain from his horn. The dragoon barely had enough time to react. The shield on his right front hoof deflected the energy away from him and deep into the forest. It made Kain glad that aside from shape, his gear retained its properties, and the shield he’d found on the Lunarian moon still repelled magic.

The dragoon leapt at the leader, challenging him to single combat. Meanwhile, Rainbow Dash dealt with roughly a dozen of the cultists, though they weren’t proving to be much of a problem for her. The magic they were firing was slow and easily avoided. One by one, she knocked out a cultist. During the skirmish, she’d noticed that there was a large, canvas tent where no doubt they were sheltered. She sped by it and unfastened the tent from the bindings to the ground. She then hung it from the trees like a sack. After having dealt with about half of the peons, she began tying them up, lifting them into the air and dropping them into her ‘trap’. Of those Unicultists that remained, looked on in horror or anger at the pegasus’s brazen stunt.

Kain was busy fighting their leader, who was deceptively more agile than he looked, and more skilled in close combat than he let on. He was parrying Kain’s attacks with his staff, and with no small degree of difficulty. Every now and then, he would back off and attempt to us his staff’s magic on the dragoon, to which Kain would block it with his shield. Kain didn’t want to try an aerial maneuver since he might lose sight of the leader while airborne. He pressed the one on one battle.

“Ha!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed.” So much for your cronies! Looks like you have no choice but to give up.” She continued in taunting Magus.

“Wrong!” the leader said a she turned his staff to the pegasus with charged energy. “You’ll have the decision to make!” the implement shot another sickly pink blast of energy at the mare. Rainbow Dash yelped and was launched out of the clearing.

~Belligerent Bindlestiff

Author's Note:

Musical Inspiration/Accompaniment: “Town Theme” from Final Fantasy V, “Final Fantasy II Main Theme” Good Knight Productions, “Phantom Forest” from Final Fantasy VI, and “Battle in the Dungeon” from Final Fantasy XI

And now for some reason, I can only hear Draken/Brother Blood's voice for Magus Prime...