• Published 13th Sep 2015
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Atonement for a Wayward Dragoon - Belligerent Bindlestiff

Kain's trial at Mt. Ordeals will lead him down a particular path towards redemtion. Final Fantasy IV Crossover

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A Long Way to Go

A Long Way to Go

Kain returned to Ponyville with the captives without further incident. Rainbow had quickly sent word to Luna as there was a contingency of bat pony guards waiting to escort the prisoners to Canterlot, or wherever else the Princess of the Night placed captured enemies.

Twilight Sparkle was also waiting with the guardsponies. “Kain, you’re back!” she said. “Rainbow Dash told me that the two of you discovered who’d been causing all of the magical problems for Ponyville. So it was a group of unicorns?”

“The Unicultists, they called themselves. A rogue group who harbored a grudge against earth and pegasus ponies. Rainbow Dash and I captured their leader as well as his followers, so I believe things will be returning to normal soon enough.” Kain said.

“Mr. Highwind, you’ve done Ponyville a great service. “Twilight began. “We owe you a debt of gratitude.”

“And by that, she means you’re due for a party! “ Pinkie Pie interrupted as she seemingly materialized from out of nowhere.

Twilight chuckled. “Yes, Pinkie. I’m certain one of your parties is in order. But really, thanks for helping us Kain.”

“I appreciate the sentiment, but right now I need to find Spike so that I may deliver a full report.” Kain said.

“Oh he’s probably still at the library. I’m sure he can send a message for you to Princess Luna.” Twilight replied.

“I look forward to you festivities Pinkie. Now, if I may leave ladies.” The dragoon said, bowing and setting off for the library.

He found the baby dragon and relayed his synopsis of the past events to which Spike wrote on his scroll.

“To Her Majesty Princess Luna,

With the help of Rainbow Dash, citizen of Ponyville, I was able to venture into the Everfree and apprehend the cultist leader known as Magus Prime. The cultists had gathered a small group of followers and were plotting to harass the earth pony and pegaus populations. Their means of accomplishing this was tied to the transformation magic that was used on the citizen from the earlier incident that occurred in Ponyville. Rainbow Dash and I were able to thwart their schemes on another victim and were able to free her before any harm could befall her. I went after the leader while my accomplice was able to subdue the remaining cultists. I would like to make the following known. First, during the events of this mission, Rainbow Dash was magically cursed by the cultists, but is now freed from the affliction. In fact, she demonstrated great skill and courage despite the condition she was in. She did not falter one bit while cursed and even proved her own when we needed to engage in combat with the local wildlife of the Everfree. Second, is that the target of the mission, as well as some his followers, displayed some remorse for their actions. Princess Luna, I understand that your voice takes precedence on this matter, so I only speak of this as a summarization of noteworthy events and for your consideration on the matter of the Unicultists. I have returned to Ponyville and am relaying this message to you just as your guard has taken the captured cultists into custody.

Your emissary,

Kain Highwind”

“Wow, that sure was a lot that happened Mr. Highwind.” Spike said.

“Indeed.” said Kain. “Now just I must be going. Thank you for your assistance once more.”

“It’s what I do!” Spike said.

Just as Kain was about to leave, the baby dragon coughed out a scroll at the end of his sentence. Kain recognized the seal on the document as Luna’s and promptly read the correspondence.

“To our emissary Kain Highwind,

We congratulate thou on a successful mission and thine prevention of casualties. We are most satisfied that the choice to appoint thou as Lunar Emissary was not in error. In the matter regarding thine unexpected ally, Rainbow Dash, we shall see to it that she gets the recognition she serves for bravery. Concerning the Unicultists and Magus Prime, their trials have been set, and we shall take into consideration thine testimony while deciding their castigation. Sir Highwind, thou hast proven yourself to be quite the ally for Equestria’s night guard. Following the writing of this letter we shall personally visit Ponyville to congratulate everypony who helped bring this situation to an end.

Luna, Princess of the Night”

“It would seem that we’ll be having company in the immediate future.” Kain said.

“What do you mean? Spike asked.

“Princess Luna will be paying a visit to Ponyvlille to commemorate a job well done in resolving the prior situation.” The dragoon said while opening the door.

“Wow!” Spike said. “Do you think-“

But he was cut off by an eavesdropper who came racing from the far side of the road to abruptly exclaim, “Oh my gosh! Princess Luna is coming, and it’s to actually have a party?! I need to get everything ready: bake the sweets, hire the music, and send the invitations! Bye!” And before anyone could have interrupted the pink concentration of energy, the mare sped off leaving a cloud of dust.

Kain returned once again to the inn to rest from his latest mission. He greeted the innkeeper and went upstairs to his room. After a rare, uneventful, dreamless night Kain awoke to have found that it was well into the next morning. He dressed in his cloak and made his way towards the center of town. All around him were elated faces, far from the fearful expressions he’d first gotten when he came to Ponyville. Though he was wearing his armor then.

Pinkie Pie’s voice then boomed from somewhere in the city, magnified by some means. “Attention Ponyville! This afternoon only, we have a Pinkie Party in honor of narrowly avoiding magical mayhem! Come celebrate our guests of honor and hometown heroes: Rainbow Dash and Kain Highwind! WITH special daytime appearance by Princess Luna!”

A cart with a large sound device on top of it passed by the dragoon. It was being pulled by the pink mare who’d been proclaiming the afternoon celebration. Pinkie then trotted backwards with the cart to align herself with Kain. “Don’t be late Kain! Otherwise you’re gonna miss out on all the desserts that I baked!” She then made a U-turn and continued her celebrating advisory down the road, still trotting backwards.

The dragoon decided not to dwell on what he just saw and instead focused on the celebration.


Considering the last time Kain was at a party, it was a surprise; he’d actually have the leisure of arriving and departing when he chose. Though he’d once again be a guest of honor, at least he wasn’t the only person to be the object of focus. His superior, Princess Luna, would no doubt draw in a lot of the attention, not to mention Rainbow Dash would be ecstatic at all the attention as well. Hopefully that would be enough to let Kain keep a low profile.

Just as the party was coming into full swing outside of the Sugar Cube Corner, Rarity was the first pony to greet Kain as he made his way toward the crowd of ponies. The unicorn was dressed in an over the top sundress ensemble, complete with large sunglasses and a hat. “Oh hello Kain! How good of you to come!” Rarity said.

“There certainly is quite a turn out.” Kain said. “You’d think less of Ponyville’s citizens would show up to celebrate the end of a threat they hardly knew existed.”

“Well darling, I don’t think all the hush we kept on the matter helped it seems. Ponies will gossip. Not to mention the fact that Pinkie Pie pretty much announced to the whole town that a Canterlot Princess would show up. Nothing like name dropping to get a crown formed, and I mean that will all due respect to Princess Twilight. And besides, you are a hero. You deserve some recognition for your part.” Rarity said.

“It was only my duty.” Kain said.

“Oh hush! Relax for once! Go mingle with the ponies; you can’t’ let Rainbow Dash get all the attention.” Rarity said, chiding Kain. “I wonder where that mare is anyways.”

The dragoon scanned the area for the cyan pegasus. He finally caught sight of the Rainbow maned menace by a keg of apple cider. She didn’t seem at all interested at the small group of ponies congregated around her.

“C’mon Rainbow Dash! Aren’t you going to tell everypony about your adventures and your feats of daring and do?” asked a random stallion.

Rainbow Dash just stared down her mug of cider. “Look, we went in and fought off the cultists and came back.”

“That’s it?” a mare from the group asked.

“Yeah, what about the details? You always talk about all your best moves when you come back adventures.” The first stallion said.

It was a bit depressing to see such a change in demeanor from Rainbow. Although Kain didn’t enjoy gloating, seen her in this state seemed much worse than when she was a braggart. “Oh, it certainly was quite the battle. “Kain said. “Rainbow Dash was able to confound and capture a dozen cultists on her own.”

The cyan pegasus looked at Kain inquisitively. Kain continued, “She pulled each and every one of them into a net she fashioned herself. And then…” Rainbow Dash looked Kain with apprehension. “I took off after their leader. After a short engagement, the both of us brought them back to Ponyville so that Luna’s guards could take them into custody. But not before we were cornered by some massive reptilian monsters. I had my spear to defend myself, but Rainbow Dash fended them off with her hooves alone.”

“Wow! That was so amazing!” the mare in the crown said. “You really do go on the best adventures!”

The group began to move off and talk amongst themselves. Rainbow Dash looked at Kain, surprised. “You didn’t mention the whole pig thing?” She said.

“Why? I don’t think they needed to hear that.” Kain said. “I’m pretty sure we know who needs to remember that embarrassing detail. And this isn’t some ploy to have you owe me for withholding a secret. I understand your desire to appear heroic. Many who aspire to be dragoons have done it for the glory, but I knew that they still wanted to aid those who couldn’t defend themselves.”

The dragoon grabbed a mug, filled it with cider, and moved off.

“Thanks Kain.” Rainbow said.

The dragoon bowed his head and left the table. As he made his way, the sky grew dark and a dark sphere manifested on the stage that was set up for the party. The aura dispelled, revealing Princess Luna at the podium.

“Greetings, my little ponies.” Luna began. “We have come to your town to recognize the heroics of its citizens in preventing a crisis” All of the citizens had stopped their conversations and were all focused on the princess of the night. “It makes us glad to know that the ponies of this town are no longer in danger thanks to the efforts of various individuals including Applejack, Rarity, Princess Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, and Kain Highwind for facing many dangers. If it were not for them, we would not even want to fathom what may have befallen this wonderful town. We especially would like to thank the heroics of Rainbow Dash and Kain Highwind for apprehending sought out criminals.”

By this time, Twilight had already found the two ponies in question and ushered them onto the stage. Rainbow and Kain bowed their heads to Luna and the crowd applauded.

Pinkie Pie took to the podium after Luna had stepped away. “Alright everypony, gather around! We’re going to have a celebratory exhibition of our newest addition to Ponyville’s heroes! Kain Highwind of Princess Luna’s dragoons will show us the unique ability to jump, up, up, and way into the air and land unharmed! But wait, there’s more! He will land on, and destroy the conveniently created piñata I made which is packed to the brim with candies made by the one and only Bon Bon!” the Pink mare turned and looked to Kain. “Well, do ya think you’re up to it?” she asked.

The dragoon thought it no harm in destroying the construct and obliged the party planner. “It would be my pleasure.” Kain hopped off the stage and noted some ponies wheeling in a giant pink piñata that looked like a grotesque version of Pinkie Pie with a large, exaggerated head. He prepared himself; even without his spear he was certain that his hooves would be able to destroy the piñata. “What is it made of?” Kain asked.

“Paper machete!” Pinkie replied.

With no other reservations about the act to follow, Kain got a running start and leapt four feet into the air, which would have been very impressive if he weren’t a dragoon. Not expecting the lack of height in the jump, Kain crashed into the ground. He got up and wondered at what had happened.

“Is everything alright?” Twilight Sparkle asked.

The dragoon waved a hoof in the air and made another attempt; it too was lacking, but at least this time he had been able to correct his landing, frustrated and being unable to perform what should have been a simple dragoon vault into the air, Kain broke into a full gallop and jumped into the air with all his might. That time, he’d truly expected he’d be airborne, but his misjudgment of the outcome left him face planting into the ground.

Twilight gasped, figuring that something was not right, and made a mad dash along with the rest of the mane six over to Kain.

“What the hay was that all about?” asked Rainbow Dash.

“Ya took quite a nasty spill, what’s goin on with ya Kain?” Applejack asked.

“I’m not sure.” Kain replied.

Princess Luna had descended amongst the group shortly after the initial questions. “Kain, it looks as if we should attend to this matter out of the public eye.” The princes said, noting the looks of confusion and concern on the other ponies’ gathered for the party.

“Let’s go to the library.” Twilight said. “We’ll figure things out over there.”

“Alright everypony, nothing to see here! Just some technical difficulties.” Pinkie Pie said. She produce many sticks and placed them before the giant piñata. “We now return you to your regularly scheduled Pinkie Party. You know the drill, enjoy the treats and retire to your homes when they run out. The custodial pink mare will be around later to clean the premises and clear out the stragglers.”


Back at the library, the group assembled and resumed their query. “What gives?” Twilight asked. “Why couldn’t you jump? Were you tired or something?”

The dragoon had been mulling over what could have caused his jumping prowess to diminish. The one possibility he’d narrowed it down to was not going to be easy to explain.

Luna had just entered the library and addressed Kain. “Sir Highwind, we wish to speak you in private.”

“You two can speak upstairs Princess.” Twilight said.

Kain nodded and he and Luna went to speak about his loss of his power. “Kain, we do not understand the nature of dragoons, but from what we saw earlier it came as a surprise to thou as well to not have been able to leap into the air.” Luna said.

“Indeed, this sort of thing has never happened before. But there is one explanation for these circumstances. I believe that it is because I am now in your world that my ties to the origins of my abilities have diminished.” Kain said. “I made an oath to have the ability to take to the air like a dragon. But since that dragon is not in this realm, I fear that power is now gone.”

“Would there be another way to restore it?” Luna asked.

“Perhaps if I were to take an oath to a dragon in this realm, my abilities could be restored.” Kain said.

“However if you are unable to find a means to restore your abilities, then we will not hold you to being a dragoon under the service of the Lunar Guard.” Luna said. “Thou hast already proven yourself with the deeds thou hast accomplished. And of course, it’s to thy discretion what thou wish to tell the others.”

“Thank you, Your Majesty.” Kain said.

When the two of them came back downstairs, Kain led the conversation. “It’s come to this. As you are well aware of, my abilities have diminished, but it is through no fault of the present company. The ability to take to the skies is indeed one in relation to the dragoon’s namesake. However, there are no other dragoons whom I can fall back upon for help.”

“What do you mean?” asked Twilight. “Are you saying that you’re the last of your kind?”

“I’m not the last of my kind, but I am the only dragoon in this land. This does not mean there is not a way to restore my abilities.” Kain said. “Though reluctant to say it, I must now divulge the secret to a dragoon’s aerial prowess. We take to the skies because we share the abilities of the dragons themselves."

" After training for many years, a dragoon is finally told the secret as to how we gain our abilities and take to our keep’s pact dragon. Once we’ve proven ourselves worthy to the dragon, they impart a connection of their abilities upon us. Since we don’t naturally have wings, the ability we gain is a mastery of aerial combat without flight and we cannot be harmed when we land. It is the reason we can take to the air and return to the earth with great force.”

“Wait, what you mean by ‘not have wings’? Rainbow Dash said. “Dragoons have gotta have some pegasi amongst themselves. I mean if there weren’t any Wonderbolts, I’d sign up in a heartbeat.”

“That is because neither I nor the dragoons are from this world, and what’s more, I am not truly a pony as you are. I was brought here by forces beyond my control. It seems that my presence here has all but erased my bond that I had with my past dragon. Now, it seems that in order to regain my powers, I must make a pact with a new dragon.” Kain said.

“Well then, look no further because you got yourself someone to make a pact with!” Spike said, pointing his thumbs at himself.

“While I appreciate the sentiment Spike, I don’t believe you are at the sufficient level of power that an older dragon would have in order to bestow my old abilities.” Kain said.

“What kind of power level are we talking about Kain?” Twilight asked.

“A dragon of many years, more than a century’s worth of power accumulated.” Kain said.

“We suppose that would leave out the denizens of Dragontown.” Luna said. “Many of its residents have only lived there for a while and there is doubt any of them has been amassing power by hoarding. There usually is obvious evidence of its occurrence. Perhaps we should turn our attention to an elder dragon.”

“There was this one dragon nearby who had a pretty sizable hoard, but he didn’t look all that old.” Spike said, narrowing down the possibilities. “I remember him from an awkward encounter a while back.”

“What about a dragon like the one that was causing all the smoke problems?” Fluttershy asked, starting to quiver with fear. “It was so large, do you really need to go and find a dragon like that?”

“I remember that dragon.” Twilight said. “He did look pretty powerful. We were lucky he left when Fluttershy asked him to.”

“That sounds perhaps like the type of dragon I do need to meet. But this isn’t a matter you need to get yourselves involved in.” Kain said.

“Yeah we do!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed. “You’ve helped us all in some way. Now it’s our turn to lend you a hoof.”

“Ah reckon you can use all the help ya can get Kain, not every dragon is as agreeable as Spike is here.” Applejack said.

“Count me in too!” Pinkie Pie said, ecstatically raising a hoof.

Rarity turned to Kain. “And of course you know I’ll join you Kain, you’ve already done so much for my friends and my sister!”

“And you’re going to need somepony to have done her research on the matter.” Twilight said.

“And let’s not forget our first clawed experienced dragon to come along with the negotiations.” Spike said volunteering.

“I’ll go too.” Fluttershy said meekly, which drew the attention of everyone in the room. “You don’t need to come along Fluttershy.” Rainbow Dash said. “We all know how scared of dragons you are.”

“I’m scared, but I want to help Kain, and if I have the possibility of helping with the dragon, then Mr. Highwind deserves my help for being so brave and protecting me.” Fluttershy said.

Everyone was stunned by her revelation. “Well, that settles things. Looks like we’re all going to be helping you Kain.” Twilight said.

“We are sorry Sir Highwind, but we will be unable to assist as my royal duties do not allow me to be gone on leave for an extended period of time.” Luna said.

“I think the town will be safe without us for a few days, but on the side of caution I’ll ask the mayor to send word if there’s trouble while we’re gone.” Twilight said.

“You sound as if we’re going to leave this moment.” Kain said. “I take it you’ve got a clue as to where we can find an elder dragon. Not moments ago we were barely on the subject of figuring out where we could even find a powerful dragon.”

“Well, call it an educated guess, but the area to the east of the Unicorn Mountain range is known for being very difficult to gain access to; and taking into account that ancient civilizations may have been in there. Rich, civilizations. I think that if there was a dragon seeking to stat a horde, that’s where it’d be. Well, the closest place to us that is.” Twilight said. “I have plenty of maps detailing several archeological sites of areas around the mountain range. And just to add some weight to my theory, many of these expeditions into the mountain ranger were abandoned due to reported dragon attacks!” she finished saying with an excited intellectual smile on her face.

“Ya seem a bit too happy to admit that Twi” Applejack said.

“Regardless of my academic pursuits,” Twilight said, unfazed by Applejack. “We’re probably going to be out there for a while so we’d best get prepared.”

“Ah suppose Pinkie and I will take care of any food we’ll need.” Applejack said.

“Nopony will starve into a tiny old skeleton on our watch!” Pinkie said while wrapping a foreleg around Applejack.

“Right.” The Applejack replied.

“Fluttershy and I will be sure to bring any other supplies we may need, medicinal or material.” Rarity said.

“And you know you can count on me in a fight!” Rainbow Dash said.

“I’ve no doubt your party will succeed in is mission Sir Highwind.” Luna said. “These ponies have come through time and again.

“Yes your majesty, I trust your judgement. Very well, when you all are ready, we should leave on the morrow.” Kain said.

The party agreed and each sent their separate ways to prepare for the journey. Kain returned to the inn from the day of exhausting events readying to embark once more. It seemed that he wasn’t going to be catching much of a breather between missions. Perhaps it wasn’t nearly as fast paced as those times on his journey with Cecil, but definitely more faced paced than his normal life was in Baron. As the dragoon prepared to sleep, he wondered about his newest companions, they’d been so accepting of him and willing to help even after he admitted he wasn’t of their world. He’d essentially lied to them and they shrugged it off as he’d only mispronounced his name. Kain decided that he wouldn’t betray their trust, he’d have to relinquish the truth about the person he has in the past. Only then could they make the right decision.

~Belligerent Bindlestiff

Author's Note:

Musical Inspiration/Accompaniment: “Welcome to our Town” FFIV DS OST; “Return of the Warrior” FFIII DS OST; “Suspicion” FFIV OST; “A Long Way to Go” FFIV OST; “Hey Cid!” FFIV OST; “The Silent Beyond” FFV OST