• Published 13th Sep 2015
  • 3,887 Views, 158 Comments

Atonement for a Wayward Dragoon - Belligerent Bindlestiff

Kain's trial at Mt. Ordeals will lead him down a particular path towards redemtion. Final Fantasy IV Crossover

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Half Empty

Half Empty

Somehow, it was as if he was going through the motions in a dream like state. Kain had recognized that he was in danger and had pulled himself out of a body of water after crash landing. Still dazed from the impact, the dragoon passed out after dragging himself many meters away from the pond in a listless state.

Eventually he awoke and checked himself for injury. He wandered in the pouring rain with his spear and satchel, which was missing some of his supplies including his cloak. Worst of all he had lost Canterburn in the fall.

But by some miracle he’d survived. Now all that was left to do was to return to civilization and he’d be able to let Rar---.

The dragoon stopped in his tracks. Where was he going with this? Did he really want to go back to a pony? The totality of what occurred over the past few days had settled upon Kain. What was it? Settling for someone else, and a mare no less? How could he have let it come to him showing interest to anyone other than Rosa? Why had he settled? Was it because he had no other choice? Because he was stuck in Equestria?

Princess Luna knew that he wasn’t from this world, yet she invited him to be in her guard, supported him to form friendships with these ponies. She’d been the one to have brought him here, how else could she have known so much about him?

Worst of all, he’d been introduced to Rarity, and had his priorities diverted.

Kain then remembered the one night he’d spent repairing Fluttershy’s cottage. The mares told stories how they were the ‘Bearers of the Elements of Harmony’. They were something akin to VIP’s in this land, protectors of ancient relics.

He then noted the glow of a familiar town during a lull in the rain, and then a sound. It was faint, but Kain heard the sound of an airship. It was descending towards the ground. It seemed the Intrepid had survived the storm and was making a landing near Ponyville.

Then curtains of rain resumed falling, and the dragoon conceived a plan. Kain knew it was a risky move, but if he was going to ever get home, he needed to play his cards right. He then picked up his pace towards Ponyville.


The storm had passed and dawn had just begun. Kain wanted to see if there was any activity from the Intrepid.

Given last night’s storm it was unlikely that any of the ponies had left the airship. Sure enough, the mares were the first ones to leave the vessel.

Each one went their separate way, most likely to gather supplies and search for him.

The dragoon made his gambit and jumped aboard the Intrepid. Not surprisingly, he was met by the crew.

“Kain!” said Midnight Oil. “You survived the fall!” You just missed the others. They went back into town to prepare a search party. Rarity is worried sick about you and---“

Before the engineer could finish, Kain had pounced upon Cosine and Codex, knocking them out cold.

“What the hay are you doing?!” Midnight asked angrily.

Before anything else happened, Kain gave him a swift strike with a forehoof.

“Ensuring an escape plan.” Kain replied.


Rarity had just entered the parlor of her boutique to search for items in aid for a rescue. Sweetie Belle had thankfully stayed the night at the Apples’ farm, but the whole store was eerily calm. She managed to put together a sufficient amount of supplies in her saddle bags before deciding to depart. When she made her way downstairs, she saw Kain standing at the door.

“Kain, you’re okay!” Rarity exclaimed while making a break for the dragoon.

She grasped him in a hug with both forelegs around his neck. All the while, Kain remained still.

“How did you ever make it out of the fall? Why you hardly look like you have a scratch on you!” Rarity said. “I was so worried that I’d never see you again.” The unicorn sniffled.

Kain scolded himself once more. How could he have feelings for this…pony?

If anyone should be sobbing because he’d gone missing, it should be Rosa.

Rarity released him. “Oh my.” She said, coming to a realization. “We must tell the others before they depart without knowing you’re safe.” Rarity turned around to the door, but stopped, noting Kain’s continued silence since he’d arrived.

Before she could turn around and say anything, Kain struck and knocked her out. The dragoon then picked her up and carried her on his back out the rear entrance. Kain used the avenues and alleys away from the main road to get to the Intrepid.

Once there, he tied Rarity to the mast of the Intrepid along with Midnight Oil. He then brought out a pair of miniature shackles from his satchel and placed them on both unicorns’ heads. Kain then looked satisfied at the leverage he’d acquired.

He went below deck to prime the engines. Kain then passed by the two bound earth ponies. After starting the airship’s power source, the dragoon then got to work on securing the engine room. He brought out many red and yellow crystals from his satchel and placed them along the walls of the room.

When he returned to the surface, the airship was beginning to come to life with its propellers whirling at a slow speed. Kain looked up to the skies, his hooves at the controls of the airship ready for lift off.

An audible crack broke the rhythmic sounds of the airship and Kain was knocked away from the controls.

“Alright buddy,” a raspy voice spoke. “fool us twice and we’re angry, but a third time? Seriously, what is it with you changelings? Just leave everypony here and I won’t pulverize you for trying to kidnap them.”

Rainbow Dash was hovering; forelegs crossed wearing a look of disdain.

“I was not expecting you so soon.” Kain said, coughing and getting up. “No matter, you’ve just moved things along faster.”

“Alright, where’s your queen?” Rainbow Dash said, taunting the dragoon.

“What makes you think I’m one of those shapeshifters?” Kain asked.

“Quit trying already.” Rainbow Dash said flatly. “Look, we busted you all before, now it's just sad.”

“I see.” Kain said.

The dragoon shot up in the air, to the bewilderment of the pegasus. He then came racing down towards her. Rainbow Dash barely had enough time to move out of the dragoon’s attack, and was still grazed by the hit.

“No…” the cyan pony said in disbelief.

“I hope it's clear to you now that I am who I say I am.”

“But why? Rainbow Dash asked.

Kain remained unsettlingly still and said, “It's become clear to me now, I donot belong here and whatever I thought I was working towards here was for naught. I allowed myself to be used as someone’s pawn.”

Kain turned his head to Rarity, tied to the mast and still unconscious. “And I almost let her take my eyes away from what was really important.”

“But you said you were over that Rosa mare, Rarity said you liked her now!” Rainbow Dash yelled indignantly.

“Rosa is a woman, not some pony!” Kain adamantly stated. “I will get back to her and take her for myself. Do not stand in my way.”

“Like hay I won’t!” Rainbow Dash yelled and then charged the dragoon.

Kain dodged the aerial tackle and turned to face the Pegasus’ follow up attack.

Blinded by rage, Rainbow Dash turned around and spoke with disdain. “ Traitor…” and then began another fly by.

“Not the first time I’ve been called such.” Kain said venomously.

Just as Rainbow Dash neared Kain, he ducked low and jumped with an uppercut, taking Rainbow Dash into the air with him. The pegasus gasped as she was winded by the strike, but managed to buck the dragon knight away and stabilize herself.

Kain was able to re-orient himself as well and took aim to land on the deck of the Intrepid. As he re-aligned his form and prepared for a dive, Rainbow Dash crashed into him, but before she could disengage Kain grabbed and held onto her. He then swung the Pegasus around and kicked her down to the deck.

After Rainbow Dash crashed, Kain landed. “What poor form.” Kain said.

Rainbow Dash struggled to stand, and spat out blood. “I’m not going to let you take her.” She said grimacing from pain.

“Stay down.” Kain said and then leapt towards the pegasus, and punched her, knocking her out, to which she fell over the railing of the Intrepid to the ground where a shocked Twilight was approaching.

“Rainbow Dash!” she screamed after seeing her friend fall.

The alicorn rushed over to her friend and began casting healing magic.

“Oh no, oh no! Who could have done this to you?” Twilight asked.

“Kain…” the pegasus weakly said.

Twilight looked up at the Intrepid from where Rainbow Dash had fallen. She wore a look of confusion from that last statement. After stabilizing her friend, Twilight then awkwardly took to the air. The princess was then shocked to see Kain holding Rarity and Midnight Oil hostage.

“That’s close enough your majesty.” Kain said.

“What are you doing Kain?!” Twilight questioned angrily.

“It has become apparent that I do not belong here and am being held against my wishes.” Kain said.

“What?” Twilight asked. “Nopony is holding you hostage.”

“It would seem that one of your fellow royalty has conscripted my services.” Kain said. “Princess Luna has taken advantage of my situation and my services long enough. She’s even tried to pass along a decoy for my emotions to prevent me from seeing the truth.”

“What’s gotten into you Kain.” Twilight continued asking, upset. “Why are you hurting my friends? Your friends?”

“I’m only going to say this once,” Kain began. ‘Tell your fellow princesses that it is in their best interest to send me home. However, if I see anyone try to interfere, the hostages’ lives are forfeit. You’ve half a day to bring me what I desire, a way out of this world. Otherwise, I take collateral payment for abuse of my skills and I’ll destroy this airship. If at any moment there is a move made for this vessel prior to the time I’ve put forth, the ship will be destroyed.”

Rarity had just awoken to listen in on the conversation before she saw Twilight retreat from the Intrepid. Kain then made his way over to the controls and proceeded to put the airship into an ascent.

“How could you?” the unicorn drearily asked. “What good will all of this do? Why are you going to kill us all?” she screamed.

“I tire of these games I’ve always been involved in.” Kain said. “Only one thing has ever mattered, and that is my love for Rosa.”

“You can’t be serious?!” exclaimed Rarity.

“The only things that have changed have been the obstacles that I have faced.” Kain said. “Twice I’ve been used for some ulterior motive. Regardless of who my actions have benefited, I have always been cast aside”

“So that’s it then?” Rarity asked. “You’re just going to let it come to life or death”

“It should not come to that.” Kain said. “I doubt your princesses would allow harm to befall one as important as you. I’ve seen the lengths some would go to make sure someone was safe. Now they will give me what I desire and I’ll finally be rid of this place.”

The intrepid was then put into a route high above Ponyville in a large circle.

“Of course, I’ve no quarry with the alternative.”

~Belligerent Bindlestiff

Author's Note:

Musical Inspiration/Accompaniment: “Somewhere in the World” FFIV OST, “Suspicion” FFIV OST, “Suspicion” Dissidia Duodecim DS OST

Edit: 5/5/16 at 5:35 cdt
Made a correction with a double negative and an issue with the opening paragraph.